The American Scripture

Chapter 1263: Is it obvious?

The most spectacular En'ajar Plateau in the Sahara Desert is home to the world-famous cultural heritage designated by UNESCO for protection-the colorful murals. 『』In 1933, the French cavalry came to the Sahara Desert and accidentally found a group of mural paintings that were several kilometers long on the Tassili Terrace in the middle of the desert and on the Enajar Plateau. All paintings were formed by water erosion. On Yanyin, colorful, elegant and harmonious, depicting the life of ancient people. Of course, what is even more surprising is that some of the murals are also painted with strange biological patterns, most of which cannot be found on the earth. Moreover, the exact age of these murals is no longer available. It is only speculated that the first murals existed before about 15,000 BC. The most recent era is also around 700 BC. Whether they imagined the picture or really added those strange creatures, this has become a mystery.

What is even more amazing is that in this desert, fossils of huge ancient creatures such as dinosaurs have been discovered. What’s even more incredible is that the archaeological team found a fossil that looks a bit like a dinosaur, but not like a dinosaur. The fossils of this creature are like the dragons that Zhen Fan conquered—this is Christie One of the results of Na's archeological team's investigation, which is one of the reasons why Christina strongly requested to come.

So what kind of secrets are buried in this desert, people still can't fully answer them, and in modern society, it is basically impossible to give very reasonable answers to most of the secrets.

The location of Zhen Fan's filming this time is the En'adjer Plateau. The plane landed in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. And I want to stay here for two days to take a look at the location, and I want to shoot with an aircraft. So there is still some application process. But the air traffic control here is not as strict as the United States. So it can be done in two days, and the actor has no filming task for now. You can visit the scenery of Algiers in these two days.

The hotel is a hotel near the sea, and it is viewed from a height. It's very vast. This is a port city, and the urban construction is very beautiful. There is a difference between a new urban area and an old urban area. The new urban area is arranged along the coast and develops along the hillside. The streets are parallel to the coast, and there are many European-style buildings and street parks. The old city is located on the hill, retaining strong Arab national characteristics and full of ancient interest. Between the old and the new, people feel the vitality and quaint style of the city, which makes several women very excited.

Bit is still busy. Gary is a member of the main aerial photography, and they have to go through the procedures, so there is no time to do other things to visit. But a few women are different. From the moment I got off the plane to the hotel, I began to plan the route to travel around. And also bought a map of the city.

After arriving at the hotel, the three women gathered on the table, spread out the map, and then began to continuously plan the route. However, Zhen Fan is obviously not optimistic about their plans, because they can't speak or speak Arabic. Nor can I speak French. Because the communication languages ​​here are Arabic and French, and French is a more common language. But none of these three women can speak these two languages. And they all believe in Islam, which is the state religion of their country. I want to play happily in such a country and language environment. Zhen Fan felt a little suspicious.

Even though he thought so, he wouldn't do anything that would make them stop them. Go, you will know that you will not be happy wherever you go. but. To be on the safe side, Zhen Fan decided to let several crew members temporarily act as bodyguards. Only then did they feel relieved to let them go. In countries that believe in Islam, it is better to be careful. Zhen Fan thought at least that way.

Zhen Fan stayed in the room and did not go anywhere. But he still underestimated the women's adaptability. It was almost evening when the three women returned home with a huge tweet of souvenirs. All of them blushed and looked very excited. Looking at the staff behind them, they were so tired that they were sticking out their tongues and carrying large and small bags. They hurried forward and moved these things into the room. Give each staff member two hundred dollars for hard work.

The staff hurriedly thanked them, and after moving the things in, they smiled and thanked Zhen Fan and three other ladies. One of them smiled and said, "There is a remuneration of two hundred dollars, Mr. Zhen, if there is such a thing tomorrow , Remember to call me over to help!"

Zhen Fan smiled and said: "Definitely, definitely!" So the man went away with a smile, and two hundred dollars fell into the bag. Although it's a bit harder, it's worth it. It's just that Fei Bingbing couldn't help but let out a laugh. Then Yi Fei couldn't help laughing, and shook her head at Zhen Fan.

Christine glared at Zhen Fan and said, "Oh, you are really generous. Two hundred yuan per person. There are five people who followed us, which is one thousand dollars. Look at these things we bought. , They are all small things. In total, I don’t know if they are worth three hundred dollars.

Zhen Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Since it's a tourist, where can you not spend money? Just happy!"

Kristen shrugged at Zhen Fan: "Is this your idea? Well, you are rich now, much richer than me, and may even be richer in the future, said yes Reason, do what you do, just be happy. By the way...We will go shopping tomorrow, do you want to accompany us?"

Before Zhen Fan could speak, Yi Fei curled her lips and said, "Don't tell me, if you can let him go shopping with us, we admire you." Fei Bingbing on the side also followed up. But Kristen just didn't get fooled, snorted, and smiled at Yi Fei: "You are his former idol, let alone drooling at movies and TV screens, can you convince him? Be you Do it, don't hold me, I'm going to sleep, I'm really tired, I haven't got the jet lag yet." He yawned and went to his room. She didn't even take a look at the contents of this room, or even take it apart.

"Well, she's gone, how do we distribute these souvenirs?" Fei Bingbing worries as he sees these things pile up here. Speaking of expensive, it's really not expensive, but it's not as cheap as Christine said, at least there are two or three thousand dollars. Shaking his head, she looked at Yi Fei with some dumbfounding.

Yi Fei looked at these bags, thought for a while, and said, "Why don't we go shopping tomorrow, maybe we will buy things again, why don't we put them here first, then buy them, and pick a few ourselves. If you like it, then give each staff a small gift so that the problem can be solved?"

"That's fine!" Fei Bingbing looked up and saw Zhen Fan looking at them with a smile, and said to him, "Or...we give you a privilege and let you choose one first? I think this bracelet is pretty good. I heard it was made from antelope bones. It has the effect of warding off evil spirits."

Zhen Fan took it and looked at the bone bracelet. The workmanship is relatively exquisite, so he smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm not very picky about this. I think it's good. Let's count the number of workers tomorrow. , And then buy on demand, don’t buy too much and waste it, it’s a pity to throw it away."

"I'll do this!" Fei Bingbing smiled and nodded, then looked at the rest of the things, and had no choice. These three women are purely to vent their shopping. Now that you decide to buy something as a gift, you have to buy it on demand.

Yi Fei smiled at Zhen Fan and bit her lip, and then said: "It doesn't matter if you buy too much. Anyway, after going back, he still has someone to give it away." The old Zhen Fan blushed. Yi Fei also knows the "wild flowers" of Zhen Fan at home. What Rachel, Emma, ​​etc.

Fei Bingbing just smiled and watched the two in-laws whispering here. Zhen Fan quickly changed the subject and said, "Since they are all placed here, they can be placed here. If you buy them tomorrow, let's go and give them away together. So what... Christine went to jet lag, you two Don’t you need jet lag?"

"Do you think I need jet lag? Or does Christine need jet lag?" Yi Fei snorted softly, and then said to Fei Bingbing, "You have flown so far, and you have been walking the street with us for so long. Take a break It's good for the jet lag, and we will continue to struggle tomorrow!" Yi Fei took Fei Bingbing's waist and pinched her.

"Okay, I'm going to bed!" Fei Bingbing glared at Yi Fei, knocked off her wicked hand, and said to Zhen Fan, "Don't worry about distributing gifts, this is not your responsibility Just let the three of us do it.” This is correct. Now the three of them in the crew are the heroines, the absolute protagonists. If you distribute gifts to them, you will win the goodwill of the staff and the atmosphere of the crew will be much more harmonious.

Zhen Fan understood her meaning as soon as she heard it, and nodded and said, "Well, I won't intervene in this matter, you guys will do it. By the way, I will go and see how bit they are with the local officials." After speaking, he hurried out.

Yi Fei watched Zhen Fan leave, and then smiled at Fei Bingbing: "Look, eyes are still fixed on people's back. Did Chun's heart move? I still understand your little thoughts. Yes. But you are too obvious, right? Still in front of other people’s wives. So naked, alas, I don’t know what to say about you."

"Am I obvious?" Fei Bingbing was startled and subconsciously responded, and then immediately felt that something was wrong and was fooled by this cunning woman. She screamed out of anger and stretched out her hand to squeak Yifei. Suddenly the two women became a group. (To be continued...) u

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