The American Scripture

Chapter 1279: Entering water

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Although Zhen Fan could not laugh or cry, he still let the two girls stay. Nina felt disappointed. Although the living habits and ways of the people in the small town are closer to the West, and even the buildings are Westernized, the girls in the small town still have a strong sense of chastity.

Without saying much to these two girls, Zhen Fan went straight to his room. He felt as if he had encountered a great challenge. The so-called Gate of Heaven here, from Zhen Fan’s intuition, may be stronger than that in the water pool in Cancun. The lake from here can remain unchanged for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, so it has been maintained. Looking at the state of the oasis, it is obvious that it is already a huge miracle, and the energy that creates this miracle must be the energy brought by the gate of heaven to accomplish this. If the so-called gate of heaven here also has strong suction, Zhen Fan must use his own ability to resist.

See Zhen Fan returned to his room. The two girls didn't know what to do, and looked at each other. Zhen Fan did not let them go in and wait, nor did she tell them what to do. But the doubts turned to doubts, they still settled down, looked at the time, and decided to make a dinner for Zhen Fan themselves.

Zhen Fan is adjusting his breath in his room. Tomorrow he must explore the secrets under the lake in his best state. I don’t know how long after that. When I opened my eyes, the room was dark and I looked out the window. You can see the light in the small town house. So he stood up, remembered that there were two girls, and walked out of the room. The lights were on in the living room, and the two girls fell asleep leaning on the sofa. Zhen Fan checked the time, and it was already more than two o'clock in the morning. Look at the big dining table next to the living room. On top are prepared steak, salad, grilled fish and a few slices of bread. It seems that these two girls made dinner for themselves. But there were three servings on the table, and it seemed that they hadn't eaten them either, waiting for them to come out.

Zhen Fan apologized, and then coughed dryly, and the two girls woke up immediately. Seeing Zhen Fan standing in the living room looking at them, she couldn't help but stand up immediately, salute Zhen Fan, and said in a panic, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Master, we just... accidentally fell asleep... That's right... And's so bad, maybe it's cold!" Lisa jumped up, jumping with annoyed expression, very cute.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but comforted them and said, "It's okay. You didn't eat it. Let's heat it up first, and then we will eat something together. It seems that you are already starving!" It seems to prove that what Zhen Fan said is correct Yes, Lisa and Nina's stomachs made a "gumming" sound of bowel sounds at the same time, and the two of them hurriedly covered their stomachs, their faces were red, very embarrassed and embarrassed. Zhen Fan looked at it, couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand. "Not going yet?"

So the two girls quickly slipped away, took the food on the table to the kitchen again, heated it up, and brought it out again. Zhen Fan greeted the two to eat together, and after eating, Lisa was responsible for cleaning the dishes. Zhen Fan sat on the sofa and chatted with Nina. From Nina's mouth, she learned some of the people here.

It turns out that the people here have immigrated from Europe. To live and multiply here is to protect this holy place. It is said that the holy beast brought these people here. Then occupied this place. They do not believe in religion, but only believe in the holy beast and their mission-to guard the gates of heaven. But things like mission can be passed down, but no one knows what the gate of heaven is. It is said that when I was here, there were no people here, not even walking monkeys. As for how many years have been here, no one can figure it out, so Nina is also hazy.

After a while, Lisa also came out, and the three of them chatted without a word. The two girls were more cautious at first, but Zhen Fan's randomness affected them, so in the end they slowly let go and chatted very happily. It's not so rigid anymore. But even so, he maintained a respectful attitude towards Zhen Fan. It is impossible for them not to chat casually like friends, after all, they still remember their duty.

Zhen Fan checked his watch. After more than an hour, he saw that the two girls were tired, so he asked them to find a room to sleep, while he continued to sit in the living room. It's just that the two girls have some expectation and didn't move in the living room. Just like Nina, even if she didn't want to, she still remembered that she was here to serve Zhen Fan, including sleeping with her. Although she didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that they came to do this.

Seeing the two girls did not move, Zhen Fan couldn't help but frowned and said, "Why don't you go to bed? Do you want to chat with me until dawn? I am not sleepy at all now. You must be the one who suffers. Look, your eyelids are all Can't afford it." Finally, Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing.

Lisa was silent, and suddenly went to unbutton her skirt with the button on her waist. Zhen Fan saw her movements at a glance, she couldn't help but laughed, "You are willing to be like me. Don’t be afraid...I won’t do anything to you, I just want to say, if I’m not the master, but your friend, would you be willing to do this in front of me?”

Lisa was stunned, and then put her hand on her waist, neither did she release it, nor did she release it, her expression was extremely embarrassing, but she did not speak, but looked at Zhen Fan a little bit eagerly. The man looked at himself with a smile, a little bit ashamed, and more at a loss.

Nina originally wanted to untie her clothes, but she was stunned when she heard what Zhen Fan said. She also cast her eyes on Zhen Fan, trying to see from his expression that his attitude was how is it like.

"Don't worry, to you, I am just a stranger. I don't like this kind of dedication under the threat of power. It doesn't make any sense. For me, I hope it is love between the two, rather than this. This kind of submissiveness, even the relationship between the sexes under the exchange of interests, I am willing, but this coercive type is not what I want. Don't untie your clothes, go to bed, remember to make delicious breakfast tomorrow morning." Zhen Fan said and waved at them, motioning them to go to bed quickly.

Nina and Lisa looked at each other, feeling a little weird, but at the same time they saw the relief in each other’s eyes, nodded to each other, and then said "thank you" to Zhen Fan, the rabbit who hurryed. They all fled and went to sleep in their respective rooms.

Seeing them escape, Zhen Fan felt that this was a ridiculous drama, and also felt that his life was so bizarre that he could become the master of everyone in a small town even in the desert. Of course... There is a certain reason for such a wonderful encounter-the gate of heaven may not only appear in Europe, in the Americas, in Africa, and may even appear in Asia. In fact, the gate of heaven is a gate of energy.

Zhen Fan faintly felt that these energy gates had inextricably linked relationships with him, or in other words, had a vital connection with the Taoism he practiced, as if they were related to relatives with blood. It's just hard to say what kind of results this relationship will lead to. Everything can only be revealed when one has cultivated to the highest level. At that time, I might be able to pass through the gate of heaven calmly and see if the world behind the gate is heaven or hell.

The highest realm of Taoism is also the highest realm defined by Zhen Fan himself, which is to become nature. No matter what kind of gate with huge energy, it can't resist the power of nature. Because the power of nature is the power of the universe, it can control everything, so nature is not afraid of that small energy gate.

Early the next morning, Zhen Fan woke up from the sofa. He slept on the sofa in the living room last night. After I got up, I saw that the two girls were already busy. They stayed in the kitchen together, and then heard Zhen Fan's voice when she got up, they came over and asked Zhen Fan to come over for breakfast. Or a typical western breakfast, bread and milk.

After breakfast, the two girls gestured, and Aziz came to ask Zhen Fan for instructions. Now the whole lake is full of people, but it is natural that they are some distance away from the water, and no one dares to take a step forward. If they accidentally fall into the lake, it means that life is over.

People want to see if this new owner of his own, if he enters the lake, will he be like a person in the small town, and then he will die in the lake. Of course, they even more hope that Zhen Fan can explore whether the lake underground is the gate of heaven. If it is, then it is the most important thing for every inhabitant of the town. There is no one, which means that they have fulfilled the mission of their ancestors and are more likely to make themselves the ones who step into heaven alive.

Zhen Fan decided to go to the The two girls also rushed over after cleaning up. They followed closely behind Zhen Fan. This is their mission. They are Zhen Fan's maids now, so they should stay with Zhen Fan.

When Zhen Fan and Aziz arrived at the lake, everyone standing by the lake knelt down, croaking and shouting loudly: "Master--" Zhen Fan felt this feeling great, as if it were ancient times. The emperor is like King's Landing, very imposing, but he knows that such power will make him lost. Therefore, he always remained awake and calm, so that Aziz, who was full of blood on the side, couldn't help but admire him. After all, the owner of the holy beast, so elegant and calm, is really impressive. He couldn't be so calm and calm, it was a little far behind.

When Zhen Fan arrived at the lake, he didn't say any nice scenes like slogans. I just found a place where I fell into the water, and then began to undress. At the end, only briefs were left. The perfect figure was enviable, and even Lisa and Nina's eyes were shining behind them. This is something they did not expect.

Zhen Fan did not speak, and walked to the diving point. Then he stretched his body and waved his hands at the people surrounding the lake. He made a leap forward. With a soft "pouch", his body dived into the water, and moved forward like a fish. After swimming, reaching the center of the lake, Zhen Fan plunged into the water suddenly, only to see a small swan on the water in the center of the lake, and the calm was restored. (To be continued)

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