The American Scripture

Chapter 1280: Hydrosphere

Zhen Fan dived into the water like a fish. ∷∷, Except for the swirling lake, everything on the lake is peaceful. Everyone stared at the lake nervously. As if Zhen Fan would come out of it next moment. But Xuan'er gradually spread, spreading into a circle of waves, and finally the waves calmed down and the lake returned to its former calm, but the person who had just got into the bottom of the lake had not yet emerged.

Time seemed to pass slowly, everyone's breathing seemed to calm down with the lake water, and their eyes were fixed on the surface of the lake. They wanted to know if this person would come out of the lake. Whether their new owner can withstand the test of the lake, and then find the gate of heaven for everyone.

"Will he drown?" Lisa, who was a little nervous on the side, was facing Nina. She might be really worried, stirring with her hands and waiting for the lake surface with her eyes. It seemed to be waiting for the long sunshine to fall from the desert so that the dry self in the desert could get a respite of shade.

"No, he is the owner of the sacred beast, and he is destined to open the gate of heaven. He definitely won't..." In fact, Nina was also very nervous, but she could control her emotions and comforted her in a low voice. Looking at Lisa beside him, she couldn't help but ask, "Do him?"

"No, no, it's not!" Lisa was obviously flustered, but she shook her head and said, "I know it feels... either like or worried. I think...he deserves to be respected. That's it... ...Last know that he is different from others. So...I think that is respecting us, so I think he is worthy of respect!"

Nina knew what she was talking about last night. It is that Zhen Fan did not let the two of them go to sleep with him, which is obviously impressive. Although Nina has a lover herself, she still thinks that people like Zhen Fan are worthy of respect. A man with privileges and two beauties who recommend themselves can be restrained. This is commendable.

"He is a good person!" Nina said in a low voice, this is not to say that Zhen Fan is the master. It was from the respect of her heart. Just after she said this, her arm was torn suddenly, and she turned her head and looked at it. It is her lover Maxi Wyl. A very handsome man with black curly hair and a skin color between white and black, the color of wheat. This looks very muscular and healthy. indeed. This is a handsome, handsome guy with strong abilities.

"Maxi, what are you doing?" When Maxi Wyl pulled out of the crowd, even when Lisa looked at her in surprise, Nina said in a panic, "Everyone is watching the master in the lake. Looking for our door to heaven, what do you want to do?" Her voice was low, afraid that people would hear it. But in order not to attract attention, she still followed Maxi very obediently. Then he was pulled to a quiet place, in a thicker shade in the woods.

"Okay. Let go, if I don't let go, I'll scream!" Nina snorted coldly, and then shook her arm vigorously, and broke free of Maxi Wyler's palm. "Now you can say, here. No one can see you, and can see me. Let’s say, what’s the matter with you?” The voice was relatively cold, and it was obvious that Nina was a little annoyed by Maxi Wyl’s behavior.

"You slept with him, didn't you?" Maxi Whale stared at Nina coldly, "You slept with him? Are you not a virgin? How can you do this? How can you do this? "He repeated every sentence. But you can hear his heart full of anger and unwillingness.

"Shut up, Maxi, are you crazy?" Nina was angry at Maxi Wyl's words, and shouted at him very dissatisfied, "Are you suffering from paranoia now? Are you like this? Talk to me, what do you think I need to explain to you? are a bastard!" Nina's eyes were full of tears.

"Well, even if I'm a bastard, I still want to get you, whether you are a virgin or not, **** it!" Maxi Wyler suddenly hugged Nina, and then kissed her forcefully.

Nina was mad, struggling desperately, twisting her neck from side to side to prevent Maxi Whale from succeeding, but Maxi Whale’s strength was much greater than hers, and her mouth was just gnawing on her face. Trying to catch Nina's lips. Nina struggled, but she couldn't get rid of it. She couldn't help but feel desperate. Originally, she was also prepared to dedicate herself to Maxi, but it is definitely not now, nor is it now. In despair, she stopped struggling and stood upright, staring coldly at Maxie Whale who was trying to unzip her dress.

Obviously Maxi Wyler also felt the difference in Nina in his arms, and couldn't help but stop to take a look. His eyes met Nina's cold eyes, as well as those desperate eyes. My heart trembled and couldn't help but stop. When this stopped, Nina couldn't help but lift her knees and slammed into his crotch. Suddenly Maxi Whale screamed, her body hooked up and fell to the ground in pain, curling her body, covering her Rolling between the crotch.

"Go to hell, Wyle, you are a bastard, I was blinded to see you! Don't even think about seeing me again, don't think about me going out with you again, we're over, over, bastard! "Nina said, tidying up her group, and dashing towards the outside of the woods, tears streaming down her face while running. At this moment, she really gave up on this Maxi Whale. It wasn't because of Zhen Fan, what happened to Zhen Fan, she never cared. What she cared about was Maxi Wyl's attitude towards herself, but she didn't expect it to be like this. His eyes were too small and too narrow.

"You don't have to go back over there. He is dead. No one has ever survived from the lake. The same is true for him. Do you really believe that he is our master? Really believe that he is the master of the holy beast? Liar, the gate of heaven? Haha, that’s a joke, a reason for us to be enslaved. There is no savior, and there is no gate to heaven, Nina, you will regret it, he... that **** is just a movie , You will regret it..." Behind Nina, there was the roaring voice of Maxi Whale. He was extremely disappointed with Nina. Thus broke out a great heart of jealousy.

Nina quietly returned to the lake. In the crowd, she saw Lisa and squeezed to her side quietly, silently. But Lisa felt that Nina was different, she couldn't help but look at her, frowning and saying, "Whale bullied you? It must be, **** bastard! How could he do this?"

"Why can't he do this? It's just that I usually hide too well, so I was deceived by him. I kept saying that I love me, what happened? Isn't it disappointing?" Nina calmed down a little, "There is news Already? Why haven't they come out so far?" She is still in the mood to worry about Zhen Fan under the lake.

Yes, when she fled the place, she did hear Maxie Wyl's vicious curse. She was a little scared, afraid that what Max Wyler said would come true. She didn't know why she was so worried. This was a kind of worry that was inexplicably sudden, perhaps because of her disappointment with Maxi Whale. Because of his disappointment with Maxi Wyler, he couldn't help but take care of Zhen Fan. This seems easy to understand. After all, in name, they still belong to Zhen Fan.

"No, but Mr. Aziz said that if two more hours pass, if the owner does not come out, the expedition will be declared a failure." Lisa seemed to be a little worried, and said comfortingly. "In two hours, he will be back. He is the owner of the holy beast, who can open the gate of heaven. How can he be afraid to go to the gate of heaven? Wait, everything will go well."

Will everything go well? Nina couldn't help but feel a little in her heart. If Zhen Fan will not come back and die at the bottom of the lake, then how should her identity be positioned? Maxi Wyl... This bastard, I really don’t want to see him anymore. If his master Zhen Fan dies, Maxi, the **** will definitely pester himself, even... of. If it were before, having a relationship with him was a natural and natural thing, but now that it develops like this, everything is impossible.

No matter what Nina thinks in her heart, the lake has always been calm. People are staring at the surface of the lake with breathlessness, and there are many people who are constantly meditating in their hearts. They are both worried and looking forward to it. This kind of complicated heart is incomprehensible to people outside the town. A desire and yearning for miracles.

"Mr. Aziz, Mr. Aziz." Aziz was sitting cross-legged on the shore of the He stared at the lake without blinking, just like his eyes There is only this lake and nothing else exists like people. The expression was so focused, at this moment someone whispered his name next to him.

"What's the matter?" Aziz knew that it was Ibn Rashid without turning his head, frowned and said softly. At this time, his most annoying thing is that someone comes to bother him, because he is only focusing on one thing, that is, will Zhen Fan emerge from the lake, as long as he comes out, no matter what he sees, no matter what he says Someone would believe anything, just because he was the first person or came out of the lake.

"Mr. Zhen...will the master come back?" Ibn Rashid asked worriedly. He is indeed a little worried about Zhen Fan, because he thinks Zhen Fan is a good host and easy to get along with. Not a careerist, but also very friendly. So he didn't want Zhen Fan to be in trouble, so he squeezed over to ask Aziz.

"How do I know?" Aziz snorted uncomfortably. The last thing he wanted was that someone asked about this topic now. So I gave Ibn Rashid a dissatisfied look. When I was about to speak again, I heard someone whispered in exclamation: "Heaven, the lake...Look, the lake is moving!"

Yes, the lake is moving, and a slight circle of water is rippling in the center of the lake... (to be continued...) u

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