The American Scripture

Chapter 1306: Interview with gifted children

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"Goodbye, Mr. Zhen, this is my business card, can we keep in touch at any time... Uh... I'm talking about work." The policewoman said goodbye to Zhen Fan and blinked at Zhen Fan. He took out a business card with a temperature on his chest, then stuffed it into Zhen Fan's hand, twisted his hips and went out.

Zhen Fan just shook his head and smiled at this policewoman's behavior. His identity and age may become the sweet pastry in the eyes of these women, and he is only engaged, so there may be women who have illusions, but this is definitely Few, but there may be more of them.

After the transcript was finished, Zhen Fan’s lawyer Charles Carter came over. He did not come alone, but with several people, like a team of lawyers. This is also the lawyer team of Zhen Fan's h?c?d group. The person who specializes in helping Zhen Fan handle legal affairs is led by Charles Carter. In this way, Charles Carter is planning to come to demonstrate.

"I want to see my client, and... while making the transcript, I need to be present during the whole process." Charles said to the Arnold Sergeant in the police station, "and I intend to bail my client, I hope you Do it as soon as possible. I will take my client home now. At the same time, I will protest to the court. This does not constitute a crime at all. I will submit information to the court. Where is my client?"

Sheriff Arnold smiled bitterly, and quickly said: "Mr. Zhen is resting in my office. Don't worry, we know that Mr. Zhen is a person of identity, so we respect Mr. Zhen's own wishes throughout the process. I will take it now. You go over!" After speaking, he made a gesture of please. The one who should come is still coming. It is serious to ask this person away quickly.

Charles Carter saw Zhen Fan sitting in a comfortable office chair drinking coffee in the sheriff’s office. His face immediately sterned up and he immediately laughed and said to Zhen Fan: "Come on, Mr. Zhen, I heard I rushed over as soon as I said. Don’t worry, and make a transcript. I’ll be here for the whole process, and I’ll remind you of any inquiries that are unfavorable to you. In the eyes.

But Sheriff Arnold didn't care at all, and went on the matter. He didn't worry about getting angry with the other party, just nodded repeatedly and said, "You are right, should we go on bail now?"

Charles Carter was taken aback, then looked at Zhen Fan: "Boss, the transcript is finished?" He gaped. I didn't expect that the transcript was done so quickly, and I rushed fast enough, I did not expect Zhen Fan to make the transcript without the slightest resistance. He stammered, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I just asked a policeman to the way, I made a cup of coffee for Mr. Zhen!" Arnold shrugged and spread his hands, indicating that he did not know. I laughed secretly in my heart. Fortunately, I was smart and arranged for a beautiful police officer to come over. It really worked. This trick is really unsatisfactory against rich men.

Charles Carter shrugged helplessly at Zhen Fan, which was really unexpected, so he could only regret Zhen Fan's way of doing things.

"Okay, man, don't look like it, go help me out on bail, and then I'm going to leave here." Zhen Fan shook his head and looked at Charles amusedly, letting the beautiful policeman come to give a confession to himself. Unexpectedly, in order to please herself, the beautiful policeman did not ask any questions at all, but what Zhen Fan said. She just writes.

About ten minutes later, Charles finished the bail formalities. Zhen Fan shook hands with Chief Arnold and said goodbye. Then when Zhen Fan came out, the police station was already full of reporters. This makes Zhen Fan frown. It is estimated that Claire and Maria had been harassed by reporters at this time.

But it doesn't matter, none of this can change the final result. A team brought by lawyer Charles Carter cleared the way for Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan got into his car and drove away personally. Charles made their way in front of them. Went directly to the villa. No one risked tracking along the way.

When I returned to the villa, I realized that when Annie was going back, reporters had already interviewed them on the way. It's just that this kind of interview was deliberately done by Annie, because only by having an impact on public opinion can Zhen Fan be exonerated and the negative impact can be eliminated.

The two girls didn’t need to be taught by Annie, so they were very clever and furious in front of reporters, saying that this was the training they requested because they both wanted to become good climbers when they grew up. They had to train from an early age, just like sports training. , It's the same, it's all from childhood.

Well, facing such a shrewd little guy, the reporters can only sigh helplessly. Because digging out Zhen Fan’s positive news is far from unearthing the sensation of Zhen Fan’s scandal, they all want to hear complaints about Zhen Fan, even a very slight sentence. This is the buying point, so there is The reporter asked: "Maria, are you really sure that you went to rock climbing voluntarily? Mr. Zhen didn't persuade you to go? Or is there a compulsion in language?"

"Oh my God, are your ears deaf? I said, I asked to go, because I want to be the best rock climber in the world, so I must start training from a young age, if he doesn’t support me , I’m going to sue him for abusing me. This is abuse, mental abuse. My God, I really served you, what do you want to lead me to say?"

The reporter who asked the question was choked, and the other reporters laughed. However, this result has led to no reporters asking this question again. However, some reporters still did not give up and said to Maria: "Do you think you are qualified for a sport like rock climbing? You are so young and doing such a dangerous sport should be supervised by your parents."

"Yes, yes, so what you see is that I still have my sister and my dad. My dad is our supervisor. He can guarantee our safety and everything is very good. Is it possible that such a conscientious father Still have to be charged by the local prosecutor and sent to the court for trial? My God, we are a society ruled by law. The local prosecutor ignores everything my father does and does not consider our own ideas. Their so-called legal consciousness imposed on us and made our originally happy family torn apart. Is this still the United States? I thought it was Somalia!" Maria snorted, shaking her head and shook her head.

Is this what a few-year-old kid said? The reporters couldn’t help but stared at each other. They were speechless. At this time, Annie had arranged for the children to get in the car, and then drove away. After watching Annie leave, the reporters suddenly realized that, someone said loudly, “Hey, record it. Is it? The cameraman... has it been recorded? My God, this is the focus, this is the focus we need to find. God, how old is this kid?"

"Of course, yes, yes, I can guarantee that she is just a few years old, but her IQ is definitely not a few years old, which really shocked me." A reporter nodded excitedly and said, "Great. That’s great, okay, I found the focus..." He got into his car with excitement and started writing.

After listening to Anne’s explanation, Zhen Fan couldn’t help but smile: “Very good, I didn’t expect our Maria to have this wit.” Then he touched Maria’s head. The two children are really smart. .

"Is there a problem?" Annie asked Zhen Fan with some worry, "If the local attorney does not withdraw the lawsuit, you really have to go to court? This is bad for your reputation." Annie's worry is not useless.

"No, the local attorney will not prosecute. Now this matter is a big mess, if you are not careful, the local attorney will fall into a very embarrassing position. They will also face pressure." Zhen Fan laughed She smiled, comforted Annie and said, "I haven't considered this matter enough, I am too self-righteous..."

Claire and Maria pouted and hummed at Zhen Fan with a little dissatisfaction. Claire said to Zhen Fan coquettishly, "But... Dad, I still want to climb, I'm very excited. , And it can also cultivate our courage. What you said to us during rock climbing is correct. After one time, I feel that the courage to conquer difficulties will increase by one point. I like this kind of sports. I am not a sweet flower at home. Tender grass."

"Me too, I also like rock climbing, I like the feeling of standing on the top of the mountain." Maria also jumped up and said with her arms akimbo, "Are we really going to give up this kind of sport? Oh-still Is there any exercise that allows us to challenge? It's really nerve-wracking—" He dragged his chin, looking embarrassed.

"Did I say to give up?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, and squeezed Maria's face. "Of course we have to continue, but... we just don't let them know. But as long as we are not prosecuted. , We can also go rock climbing in an open manner."

"We will win!" Maria clenched her fist and waved, then stretched out her hand to Claire and Sister, let's cheer together, we will win. "The little hand stretched out in front of Claire and looked up at Claire, looking very much looking forward to it. He looked serious and cute.

"Oh, come on, Maria, you are always so naive, of course we will win, stop this, let's go swimming together. I think I'm dirty." He stood up and walked towards the pool. Passed over there.

Annie watched the two children go swimming and couldn't help laughing. Now Claire is really growing up healthy, which makes the mother feel relieved, even she feels that she doesn't have to worry about Claire at all, because She is very assertive. This is a quality she doesn't possess. Perhaps this is because of the influence of Zhen Fan.

Thinking about it, she looked at Zhen Fan who was smiling and watching the two children walking to the pool, and then Kuan Kuan walked over, sat beside Zhen Fan, leaned her head on his shoulder, and said: "Zhen, thank you. I...I don't know how to thank you. You have given Claire too much. If... you want... we can have a child of our own, me and yours ......" Annie feels a little owed in this respect, of course she also wants to have a child with Zhen Fan.

"What you said is true?" Zhen Fan looked at Annie with a smile, and then kissed her lips. "Of course, why not?" (To be continued.)

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