The American Scripture

Chapter 1307: bullet

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The process of the case seems to be a bit unsettling, and the local prosecutor Arden Sebbins is a bit annoyed. He is the local prosecutor in charge of Zhen Fan's case. The hot case was thrown to him above. This put him under a lot of pressure. The public opinion is very bad now, but he can't shrink back. If he shrinks, his reputation will be greatly damaged. Even if he loses the lawsuit, he must let Zhen Fan go to court.

So the case has entered the judicial process. The indictment of the District Attorney Arden Sabins has been submitted to the District Court. Then he began to wait for the final result of the court, whether to support the trial. The fermentation of this matter on the Internet has put Arden Cybbins under unprecedented pressure. Because there is already one-sided support on the Internet for Zhen Fan's cultivation of children. They think this is a kind of cultivation of children. And children can complete such a difficult and dangerous rock climbing, due to the children's genius ability. Especially when the footage of Maria's interview was broadcast without editing, it was even more explosive on the Internet.

"Is this a crime or the cultivation of the child's genius? We will leave this to the judge to judge!" The voice on the TV made the local prosecutor Arden Sabins upset. The teenage boy watching TV in the living room said: "Turn off the TV, God, will you let me be quiet for a while?" Then he went to the dining table and took a sip of milk and ate a piece of bread to his wife. He said, "My dear, I'm leaving first, no no, don't send it, I'm in a hurry..." He is going to the court today to hear the final result.

Seeing Cybbins walk out, his ten-year-old son said to his mother: "Look, now he feels very annoyed. He doesn't watch TV at all, and he doesn't let me watch TV. Fair. He should not sue Zhen. I think Maria is cool. I hope my dad is like Zhen. I like such a father!"

This was heard by Arden Sabins, who had just walked out the door. He couldn't help but smile. It was impossible to get angry, so he opened the door and walked out on the street outside the lawn. He saw a group of people, and when he saw himself walking out, he immediately raised various signs, all of which were in protest. Some have written protest slogans such as "Killing Children's Nature Murderer", "The Worst Prosecutor", "Let Children Continue Rock Climbing" and so on.

Fortunately, the protesters did not shout slogans, but stood there quietly in protest. It's just that there are reporters in it, which annoys the District Attorney Arden Sabins. He squeezes out the protesting crowd and reporters and walks toward his car. Then get in the car and try to drive out.

"Mr. Sabines, do you still want to sue Mr. Zhen? People now sympathize with him. And from this case, Mr. Zhen does not seem to have any obvious illegal status..." A reporter raised loudly The microphone asked Sybbins, "Are you going to court now?"

"Yes, yes, I hope that you will not be around my home. I have a ten-year-old child. This is not very good for his growth. Please let me go? Don’t delay my business. ." As he said, he was ready to drive.

"Yes, you have a ten-year-old child. You don't want him to face such a scene, but now Mr. Zhen's two children have to face the innocent prosecution of their father. Do you really think so? Really think this is not good for the growth of the child, does it?" the reporter shouted again.

Sabingston was stunned, then silent, no longer answering his own questions. He looked at the door of his house and saw his children and his wife standing by the door, looking worried. By yourself. So he took a deep breath, drove the car and left. Such a scene. It made him feel very heavy.

After the court arrived, there were a lot of reporters here. He felt as if he was caught tightly by a layer of nets and bound. Everything seems to be staring. But he can't get rid of this bondage. I parked the car and walked toward the court to the courtroom. After a while, I heard someone let him come in.

This is a fast court. The judge is his old acquaintance, a black man about fifty with a beard, very fat. He saw Sabines come in. He smiled and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. It's great that you made us famous again. I haven't felt this way for a long time."

"Well, Judge Russby, tell me about your final decision." Sabins shrugged at the judge and said, "Your decision is my verdict. To be honest... I don't know who it is. It’s so nice and easy to fix me, let me accept such cases, and make me famous. Every prosecutor wants to be famous, but it will never be such a famous one. I want to be Craig Waugh. Turkins (Dallas County District Attorney responsible for the assassination of US President Kennedy) is a world-famous district attorney, but what's bad is that no one killed the Chocolate President within my responsibility..."

"Pay attention to your wording, Cybbins." Judge Russby said to Cybbins, pointing to his face and said, "I'm chocolate too, buddy, it's less racially prone to language. it is good."

"Well, I have absolutely no malice, just a joke between the two of us. Okay... Russby, tell me your final decision, I don’t know if I did it right, no matter what your final decision, I will respect you." Cybbins sighed, "Well...I'm ready."

"Well, in that case, then...this is my decision!" Rusby handed over a piece of paper, "Let’s take a look. Okay, let me give you five minutes and listen to what you have about this decision. Opinion!" As the judge said, he leaned comfortably on his chair and said to Sabines, "You can never win this case. So I advise you to give up. Unless you have new and more favorable evidence, But I think it will be difficult!"

Cybbins opened the piece of paper and looked at it. It clearly said that it was disapproved. He could not help but sighed and said, "I have no opinion. I will listen to you and give up the prosecution. This may be a wise choice. To be honest. I have no new evidence, and no evidence of turning defeat into victory, unless the two children have convulsions and help me correct their father. But I think...unless God comes out to help me!"

"Well, now that's the way to go, I still have the case to be heard." Judge Russby waved to Sabins and said, "You made a wise decision, man, stop tossing, good luck. Lucky!"

Cybbins stretched out his hand and shook hands with Judge Rusby and said, "Thank you very much. This decision may be the best for me. No matter what you make this decision out of, it is a relief for me. Bye. Goodbye, man." Said and pointed at Judge Rusby, then turned and walked towards the door.

The reporters at the door were still waiting. When they saw Cybbins coming out, they all swarmed and surrounded him. So, without waiting for the reporters to ask questions, Cybbins raised the final result, and then the reporters all understood it. I nodded, and asked him: "Excuse me, what is your mood for not prosecuting the case?"

What's my mood? Cybbins was about to scold someone, but tolerated, frowned and said: "This is the decision of the court. I am the local attorney. I respect the decision of the court." He hurriedly squeezed the crowd and left. Up. But after getting away from the reporter, his mood suddenly relaxed.

Yes, this event is finally over, and Sebbins is relieved, no matter what the result is, it is over anyway, and he can get rid of all this. After thinking about it, he returned to his office. As soon as he entered, many people looked at him in surprise. He looked at them inexplicably, and then asked his assistant, "What's the matter?"

The assistant closed the door of the office and said: "That's it, Mr. Cybbins, this case about you... it's Mr. Zhen's case. Your name has become a hot search."

"What's the matter?" Sabins shook his head indifferently, "Well, even if it's a popular search? Does it make any sense?" Sabins shrugged.

The assistant looked at Sebbins and took a look outside, and then carefully said, "Someone delivered something to your office. It's a bullet. I think you are in trouble? It is related to Zhen's case, probably Fanatic Zhen’s fans or his supporters."

"Have you found someone?" Sabins felt nervous, and then quickly asked his assistant, "Who sent it?"

"I can't find out. The people who came and went were sent by a child, but the child couldn't tell what that person looked said he was wearing a Spiderman mask. But the bullet is real. . Do you need to talk to Mr. Zhen? Let him appeal and keep his supporters calm.” The assistant said to him sincerely.

Cybbins frowned, looked at his assistant and said, "Did you call the police?"

"No, waiting for you to make a decision after you come back!" the assistant said to him, "I don't think that this matter may be able to work if it is reported to the police.

Cybbins couldn't help but sneered: "What is there? This is threatening the prosecutor. This may be the most shameful thing in our district. Sorry, I won't bear it. Call me to call the police. God, this world is crazy." He gritted his teeth and felt aggrieved.

The assistant shook his head helplessly, and then called the police. After a short while, the police arrived, and after a brief questioning of Cybbins, they took the bullets sent. When the police left, Cybbins locked himself in the office alone, and finally tasted the feeling of powerlessness.

Since it is a report, the normal investigation still has to be carried out. When Zhen Fan faced the police again, she couldn't help but opened her mouth in surprise. Who is this to support herself so hard? It's totally unhelpful! (To be continued.)

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