The American Scripture

Chapter 1415: Nothing to do

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"Every time I enter the door, I see this person saluting me, I feel a little swollen, I feel that I am a hugely successful person. Actually... Without you, I'm just a trace." Li Xingguo couldn't help but sigh, facing Zhen Zhen. As Fan said, the car made a few turns in the community and then stopped in a garage.

"Silk has also become tall, rich and handsome." Zhen Fan smiled, pushed the door and got out of the car, "Go and see your new house. You don't greet me when you buy a new house, at least you seal a big red envelope!"

"Okay, let's go and have a look. There is nothing to entertain you. Basically, there is no fire in my house for cooking. I usually eat in the company and eat in the cafeteria with the employees. By the way... I'm about to tell you about this, I A small canteen was built behind the specialty store, one master, one purchaser, and one waiter. Three people, the master’s salary is a little more, 30,000 yuan a month, the top master, I heard that he has done a state banquet . The rest are cheaper, but there are seven or eight thousand, a little less than the staff of the outside specialty store." Li Xingguo explained to Zhen Fan, "What I mean is to let the employees treat this place as a home and take care of them. , That is, take good care of the company! "H?C?D staff now have an average salary of nearly 20,000 a month, and they are still relatively basic service jobs, which makes many white-collar workers in foreign companies very envious. This year, it is more than two hundred thousand. Now in Beijing, even if the salary of foreign companies can reach this level, there are really many.

"Yes, I really admire your approach. It's not bad. I think it is quite thoughtful." Zhen Fan patted Li Xingguo on the shoulder and laughed loudly, "Well, good, good, do these things as you do. No, there is no need to report to me. I am only responsible for your profits. This is the key. You have to find ways to make money for me. I am a capitalist and I want to exploit you!"

"Come on, exploit me to your heart's content!" Li Xingguo laughed, then opened his hand. The appearance of being slaughtered by others made Zhen Fan amused, and the two of them said they had a chat, and they arrived at Li Xingguo's residence. As soon as I walked in, I felt more comfortable and the layout was pretty good. It seemed to be a feng shui setting.

"Let me guess, did you find someone to help you look at Feng Shui?" Zhen Fan looked around. Nodded and said, "I guess it is the old fellow Qing Yuzi, he is the only one who is so idle. Yes, yes, I feel very good. He has studied the Feng Shui formation of the house quite deeply."

Li Xingguo smiled and nodded: "Originally, after finishing the decoration, I just twisted the bag and moved in by myself. Who knew Qing Yuzi went to my store to get wine, and knew the news, so I had to come over. But thank him very much. Yes, I did a good job before and after. I asked them to have a meal."

"Yes, yes, I'll celebrate for you another day." Zhen Fan said, nodding his head, and turned around. Because it was on the twenty-eighth floor, he had a very broad vision and was very satisfied, so he turned around. Ready to leave, "I drove away first, and I will call you when I have time, and then come out for a drink. Bring you some beautiful female stars?"

"You just forgive me. I'm really not interested in this. I'll do it myself!" Li Xingguo hurriedly waved his hand and delivered Zhen Fan to the door, "I won't send you down, you drive away by yourself."

Zhen Fan nodded. He opened the door and waved his hand, "Goodbye, then go." Without talking nonsense, he just pushed the elevator and went downstairs. I found a parking place below. I don't know if it occupied someone else's parking space. A sanitary napkin was posted on the front windshield. Zhen Fan was taken aback and couldn't help being funny. This parking space seemed to be occupied by someone else, so I took off the two sanitary napkins and threw them into the trash can next to them. Reopen the door and prepare to leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the car door, a person was suddenly stopped in front of the car. To be honest, it should be a sturdy chick with her hips akimbo. The chick is pure and white, but she has some color. He stared at Zhen Fan madly.

"Hey, give way, okay? If I take your place, I will apologize to you, and I will drive away immediately. Besides, didn't you take revenge too? That stuff is stuck on it, enough for me to be unlucky. It's a month old." Zhen Fan said to the little girl with a smile, he didn't have to make an angry with a little girl yet.

The little girl was furious and was about to argue with Zhen Fan, but suddenly she saw that Zhen Fan's face seemed a bit familiar, and when she thought about it, she remembered something, and suddenly jumped away, her face turned red. Shaking his hand at Zhen Fan repeatedly. Motioned him to leave quickly. This is far from the previous performance.

Zhen Fan looked at the little girl suspiciously, and couldn't help but said, "Uh, did you accept my apology? Then I'll leave. Don't put any stickers on my car next time. Fortunately, I haven't used it. It’s only been unlucky for a few months, and I’m going to use it. Isn’t I unlucky for a lifetime?

When Zhen Fan was about to drive away, she saw the little girl walking towards his car window and gesturing desperately to him. So Zhen Fan lowered the car window again and said to her: "What...what's wrong?"

"Can you sign me?" The girl blushed, a little embarrassed.

It turned out to be recognized by others, no wonder the girl gave way. As a big star, Zhen Fan still has a unique advantage, so he nodded and said, "Okay, you can sign it, but where can I sign it for you? I don't have a pen or a book, do you have it? I see you as a person. Dress up, this pen and notebook must be hidden."

"Then... what should I do?" The girl was a little anxious, and she didn't care. She just lay down at the window of the car and refused to move. Zhen Fan had no choice but to say, "You go to the gate of the community, I see The store, maybe there is one, you get in the car, I drive you there, and then you buy, I will sign for you, OK?"

"You still have a way!" The girl was happy, she was not polite, opened the door, and sat in the co-pilot position. The two drove to the small shop opposite the door. She really had paper and pen, so the girl went down and bought the best Yes, ran over and asked Zhen Fan to sign. Zhen Fan picked up the paper and pen, looked at the girl and said, "What's your name? What is it called!"

"Han Qiaohua, South Korea's Han, dexterous dexterity, flowers." The girl was a little embarrassed, "the last name can't be changed, the silly character in front is okay, but I don't understand why Dad named "Hua" How tacky, but...thank you anyway!" After saying that, get out of the car, put away the notebook, and wave goodbye to Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan drove away. After a while, he returned to his home. Looked at the sky is already dark. So he went straight upstairs and entered the house. When I entered the house, I felt that there was nothing to do. I turned on the TV, and some entertainment programs were flooded. After watching for half an hour, I felt boring, and I was ready to go to bed.

There was a laptop in the room, I sat on the bed to surf the Internet and played games for a while, and then I received a call from Chenghu: "You are back? Why don't you tell me? So I can pick you up at the airport, uh, tomorrow... I will pick you up tomorrow, where Order as you like, and... I'll make an appointment with Feng Daran and Laohou. Let's talk while eating."

"Old monkey? You are not allowed to curse!" Zhen Fan said.

"I won't tell you, who is cursing, goodbye!" Chenghu was speechless and hung up the phone, fearing that Zhen Fan would say something else. How could this guy become so humorous? After thinking for a long time, shook his head, and then continued K song with the girl beside him. This guy has never been a Kenan.

Early the next morning, Zhen Fan wanted to cook a bowl of noodles for herself. After thinking about it, she was too lazy to do it, so she went straight downstairs and went to a place not far from the gate of the community to eat ramen. As soon as he came downstairs, old ladies saw him, so they gathered around. An old lady said: "Are you the big star? How often will you never come back? How about your blond foreign daughter-in-law? Are you together? We also have some choreography here. I want to talk to her and see if she can help us. Not to mention, your foreign daughter-in-law is really capable, and the choreography is excellent, and she doesn't have any pretensions."

"Well...she's in the United States, she can't follow me all day long." Zhen Fan said with a smile, "she will come another day, let's talk about it? You save it first." Saying hurriedly, bid farewell to the old ladies. This group of old ladies became so sophisticated and danced in the community all day long. They had several conflicts with others, and each time they won a big victory. Zhen Fan didn't dare to let Kristen mix in anymore. What and what? too messy!

I went to eat ramen in a restaurant, and some people knew it. It’s also said that there is a big celebrity living in the community now, but I can’t see anyone for so it’s usually okay. Now when Zhen Fan appears, someone will come to get close, chat, and Someone respected Yan, and Zhen Fan hurriedly declined. It was too enthusiastic.

So, the owner of the noodle shop doesn't charge Zhen Fan's money, just take pictures with Zhen Fan. Okay, then take a picture. This started, so the people who ate all came over to take a photo with Zhen Fan. Then he ate noodles contentedly or left. This has to be a conversation, and I took photos with the most powerful celebrities.

It took Zhen Fan an hour to eat a bowl of noodles. After leaving the noodle restaurant, I began to sigh. It's not as good as cooking a bowl of noodles at home. After eating, Chenghu called Zhen Fan again. So he hurriedly cleaned up, then changed his clothes and went out, drove the BMW and left.

The location is Aobako's place to eat, drink and play. Qing Yuzi was waiting there early in the morning. When Zhen Fan's car drove in, he saw Zhen Fan from the window. He hurried forward and trot over to open the door for Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was a little dazed by him, so he said: "No matter what you do, you will steal if you are rape. Let's talk, what is required of me?"

"No, really not, the master is here, the apprentice naturally has to wait, this is the duty of an apprentice!" Qing Yuzi's beard trembled with a smile, but his eyes were a little erratic. Zhen Fan knew at a glance that there must be something wrong with this old guy. (To be continued.)

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