The American Scripture

Chapter 1416: Drinking for reasons

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Qing Yuzi's building has been upgraded again. In recent years, it has changed a lot. The leisure and eating places are still reserved, but it is definitely going to the high end. It is no longer the kind of antique thing, it is quite modern. The lounge that Zhen Fan received was super luxuriously decorated. It had a large wall TV, an automated massage chair, and an automatic light. As soon as a person entered the room, the light would automatically turn on. When someone leaves, the light goes out automatically.

"I'll enjoy it!" Zhen Fan sat on the automatic massage chair, closing his eyes and enjoying. Qing Yuzi didn't sit down, and stood by, looking at Zhen Fan with his eyes slanting, making Zhen Fan want to laugh, but he had to hold back, otherwise this guy would have an inch.

"Okay, don't worry about it, I know what's going on with you. Really don't have to pinch, maybe someone you can't refuse, let you pass the message, right? Speak, I can't guess Who it is, but you can guess what's going on. But it is probably the first two or three characters." Zhen Fan shook his head and said, "Although you are not in officialdom, but you are not in the officialdom. I don’t know if it’s good or bad."

"The disciple must be cautious in the future and try to keep a low profile!" Qing Yuzi said quickly. At this time, he didn't dare to smile, his face rarely became serious in front of Zhen Fan, "Master, you are really right. It’s not a big deal, just that several leaders have to have regular physical examinations. Someone has notified me to see if you can participate in it. Time is uncertain. I watched you come and wondered whether to take advantage of this time to come back and get things done. It’s a thing."

"That's it, you can arrange it. I will meet them." Zhen Fan nodded and waved his hand. "In the future, it is better to definitely refuse this kind of thing... Let me tell them. It's a mess."

"Master is wise!" Qing Yuzi quickly flattered and said.

"Wise shit. Hurry up and remind Feng Daran and Chenghu, and Guo Xian, isn't it our mix-and-match style? Hurry up, I think Feng Daran made a script. Let us three completely different people together. , I'm not afraid of smashing his own sign...Hey, he is here, hurry down." Zhen Fan urged Qing Yuzi.

Qing Yuzi didn't dare to neglect, he knew the master's ability. Saying that Feng Daran is here, it is definitely here, so I hurried downstairs, and as expected, Feng Daran has already reached the door, and when we met, he bowed his hands to Qing Yuzi and flattered: "Old god, hello, hello, this time I want to disturb You are. Uh... where is your master?"

"Fuck a god, when the master is not here, I am an old god. Now that the master is here, I don't dare to call me a god. Don't call me that, or you don't know how to ridicule me. Just go up quickly. In the lounge of this, I prepared it specially for my master. Where's Chenghu? Why haven't you seen the monkey cub?" Qing Yuzi hurriedly shook his hand and said, then looked out the door again.

"Immediately, the problem with the front and rear feet!" Feng Daran said. I saw Chenghu walking in from the alley, and when he reached the door, when he saw Qingyuzi, he uttered a hum. With a Tai Chi gesture, Qing Yuzi couldn't help but cursed with a smile, "Sure enough, he is still a monkey cub. He is so old and so skinny."

Cheng Hu couldn't help laughing: "Old god, how old I am. I am also a monkey cub in front of you, no way. Seeing you is like posing. I know you are a master. You must teach me someday. This is Tai Chi, I am just a fist embroidering leg, I have to learn Qi practice with you to make this Tai Chi better."

"Okay, hurry up, is Guo Xian here?" Qing Yuzi waved to Chenghu. Chenghu is a frequent visitor to Qing Yuzi for consumption. As long as he comes to Beijing, he will come to Qing Yuzi. I am also used to it and often joke.

"Just behind me." Cheng Hu looked back at the outside of the alley, and Guo Xian had also walked over. None of them drove the car in, because there were few parking spaces and parking was inconvenient. The second is that people who come here usually take the initiative to park their car outside or ask the driver to drive away. After all, Qing Yuzi is not an ordinary person. In the capital, Qing Yuzi's position is relatively detached. Generally, no one dared to offend him casually, even the bosses.

"Old god, hello, hello, sorry, I'm too late!" Guo Xian's posture was much lower than Cheng Hu's. But there is no way, his status among these people is indeed lower, not as good as Feng Daran and Chenghu's influence at the film festival, and even more so than with big stars like Hou Zhongjun. And Zhen Fan is no longer a question of grade. Now that even Hou Zhongjun saw Zhen Fan, he could only lower his posture.

Yes, Hou Zhongjun is indeed rich, and he is also a big figure in the domestic entertainment industry. He controls almost one-third of the domestic theaters, but compared to Zhen Fan, what is his wealth? And Zhen Fan's influence is all-round, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in politics, but also has a certain status, although it is American politics.

The last one was Hou Zhongjun. As soon as the people arrived, Qing Yuzi hurriedly led them upstairs. As soon as he entered the lounge, Zhen Fan started working on the massage chair, bowed his hands to everyone, and smiled: "My apprentice is getting more and more enjoyable. There are so many massage chairs here. Come and try."

So under the excitement, everyone experienced an automatic massage chair. It was really more comfortable, and then Qing Yuzi told Zhen Fan that the banquet was ready and when the banquet would start. Zhen Fan didn't talk nonsense, and said, "Then let's open the table. They are not outsiders, they are all good brothers. Let's go, let's go!"

So the group went out, but Qing Yuzi whispered: "I am an apprentice, not a brother." Zhen Fan glared at him and didn't dare to speak, and hurriedly took someone to the private room. The banquet was filled with various dishes, and Aohanko proudly introduced to everyone, "These are all vegetables I personally grow, and the meat is pure green. I raised it myself, including pigs, cattle and sheep. I did it in the suburbs. A pure green production base uses natural fertilizers. The dishes are not delicacies of mountains and seas, but the taste is definitely not bad. The great chef in the capital gave the boss a state banquet."

Hearing Qing Yuzi say this, Zhen Fan couldn't help but wink at him: "I heard that there is a chef in my specialty store, who is also a good hand at state banquets. Is it such a coincidence?"

Qing Yuzi's face remained unchanged, but the immortal appearance immediately became like a hippie smiling face: "Master, that person is also I know, mainly because he likes your wine, but it is too expensive. Drink it with me. After one time, I felt like I was possessed by a demon. I wanted to come to me to cheat and drink. As for me, I gave him an idea and said, if you want to drink this kind of wine every day, Then there is only one way, to be a master in the specialty store opened by my master. So he ran over immediately, really going to be your chef."

"No wonder, I said that the salary was a bit low, and he was willing to come, so it turned out to be the case. I really said that, my specialty store will open a bottle of H?C?D every week for free to the employees. Of course. , This decision is in Xingguo's hands. He decides. I'll just say, how can he invite the chef who has hosted the state banquet for a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile at Qing Yuzi. You can talk to Xingguo the next day, and just say what kind of salary you should pay."

"Thank you, I thank you for this friend of mine." Qing Yuzi quickly smiled at Zhen Fan, "Master, you are wise, and my friend is also a drunkard."

"Yes, let's eat. Eating and drinking is the theme of today." Zhen Fan said with a smile, picked up the chopsticks, and said "please", so everyone started eating together. The taste is really good. Although they are common vegetables and meats such as pork, cattle and sheep, the taste is really good. After eating and drinking were almost done, Qing Yuzi went out. Everyone looked a little surprised, but Zhen Fan shook his head and said to them: "Don't pay attention to him, he is going to invite someone over."

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Qing Yuzi led a person in and changed his clothes. Qing Yuzi quickly introduced: "This is the chef I told you, Master. This is what I borrowed from the specialty store today. Or It's free. Is the food just delicious? Hurry up, introduce yourself!" Qing Yuzi said to his friend.

The chef hurriedly said: "My last name is Niu, called Niu Ben. When it is opened, it means four cows. Originally, the parents named me because they wanted me to be as powerful as four ~Able to work more in the field. I learned how to cook, but fortunately, I didn't insult my parents."

Zhen Fan laughed. This guy, feeling the same as applying for a job, seemed a little nervous. So he beckoned to sit down. Niu Ben didn't do it, but asked Qingyuzi to take a cup, pour the wine, and pour it down at the people on the table, light up the cup and said: "I don't speak very much, and friendship is always drinking. It's in."

So Feng Daran and others hurriedly picked up the cups and drank them all. At this time, Niu Ben arrived at the second cup of wine and said to Zhen Fan, “I’m really lucky to be able to see the master today. To be able to drink such a delicious wine in this life, death is also worthwhile. Master Jingzhen." He drank it as he spoke.

Zhen Fan picked up the wine glass and laughed: "Don't call me a master, especially on the street, or someone will ask me for fortune-telling." Everyone laughed, and Zhen Fan took the wine glass and drank it. He lit up the cup while sitting down. Let Niu Ben sit down again.

Niu Ben still didn't sit down, and poured a third glass of wine, and then said to Qing Yuzi: "I thank my older brother Qing Yuzi for this glass. Without him, I wouldn't be able to drink such a delicious drink. I can’t go to work in such a good place, so this cup is for my older brother.” Without a word, he drank it. (To be continued.)

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