The American Scripture

Chapter 1421: treatment solutions

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That night, Zhen Fan lived in Taoist temple and did not rush back to the capital overnight. It's just that a dozen Taoist priests in the Taoist temple heard that it was Zhen Fan, and they had to come to see it, but they were a little scared and crowded outside. So Zhen Fan went out and met the Taoist priests in the yard, and the Taoist priest took out his mobile phone to take pictures and asked to take a photo with Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was not too troublesome. After meeting the requirements one by one, a big group photo took place, and these Taoist priests were satisfied and dispersed.

Talking to Ning Xiangzi in the evening, this Ning Xiangzi still has a set of ideas and some insights of his own. Zhen Fan's inquiries from time to time gave Ning Xiangzi a feeling of rush. It has been talking about the blindness of the sky, and he is still interested. If it hadn't been for Zhen Fan to remind him, he would have forgotten the time. Seeing the sky, he couldn't help but screamed and rushed to Zhen Fan. At this time, he almost had to treat Zhen Fan as a teacher. It's not that Zhen Fan is resolutely unwilling, because she will bow down at this time. After Zhen Fan made this point, it turned out that there was no way to enter the Dao, but now the Dao door is opened, and I only wait for myself to practice in the future and step in with one foot. Where can I not be surprised? In Ning Xiangzi's mind, even if the teacher treats him with courtesy, he is taking advantage.

Early the next morning, Zhen Fan received a call from Pan Wei. It is said that his brother Pan Zhang's disease has committed again. Starting at four or five o'clock in the morning today, the pain was unbearable. After taking painkillers, he couldn't control much. I asked Zhen Fan if he could help her and let her brother go. Hospitals, even if they die, can suffer less. At this time, people basically have no choice but to ask for help. Zhen Fan particularly understands Pan Wei's thoughts.

"Wait, I will be there in about two or three hours. If it hurts, just endure it and don't take too much painkiller. If you can't help it, bite a towel or a wooden stick. Let me talk about everything when I arrive. Let my apprentice come over and watch your brother first." Zhen Fan called while excluding the monastery. Ready to go back soon.

Ning Xiangzi came to ask Zhen Fan for breakfast. Zhen Fan said: "If it's too late, I won't eat. I have to rush back to save a patient, so I'll leave first, and call me if I have anything to do. This is my business card." Zhen Fan started from the wallet. Pull out a business card to Ning Xiangzi. Then he called Qing Yuzi again and told him the situation. Then he called Pan Wei and told Qing Yuzi's phone number and asked her to tell Qing Yuzi's address.

After all this was done, Zhen Fan was facing Ning Xiangzi's chief. After leaving the Taoist Temple, Ning Xiangzi went to the parking lot until Zhen Fan left, still standing there, looking in Zhen Fan's direction. The disciple next to him didn't understand, so he said: "Guardian, that person is gone, why are you standing here?"

Ning Xiangzi sighed and said, "If your master succeeds in cultivating the Tao in the future, it will be his accomplishment to me. The ancients have stories of seeking the Tao and asking the immortals, and my experience. It's almost like them!" Go towards the Taoist temple. When these disciples were left muttering unconsciously, are they mad, and how can the cultivation really show up?

Pan Wei was almost confused. After calling Zhen Fan and learning that it would take him about three hours to feel, I was already a little desperate. The younger brother Pan Wei is already skinny. After chemotherapy, his hair has fallen out, leaving only a bald head. The middle and late stages of leukemia are basically incurable. But seeing my brother in such pain and suffering. She felt her heart was breaking. There was also a deep feeling of helplessness and exhaustion.

Three hours is as long as a century. Only when Zhen Fan comes can she have the money to send her brother to the hospital. Listening to my brother's painful hiss. She kept hitting the door with her head. She just leaned at the door and looked outside, hoping that Zhen Fan would appear at the door. This was almost her spiritual sustenance.

At this time, a high-end sedan drove in, and she was immediately overjoyed. If it weren't for her brother, she would almost rush over. Only the car door opened. An old man with a long beard came down inside. He walked over here quickly. Looking at Pan Wei, he said, "Are you the girl who called my master just now and then called me?"

"Yes, yes, do you know Mr. Zhen?" Pan Wei said hurriedly, "I called Mr. Zhen and wanted him to help me. I have no money to send my brother to the hospital. I hope he can help me. , Is it okay?" She said timidly, for fear that the old man would reject her. In this case, she would really despair.

"Go to the hospital?" Qing Yuzi couldn't help laughing when he heard it, "You made a mistake, I didn't come to take your brother to the hospital, I came to help him see a doctor." He said to Pan Wei, " Take me in. The later, the more your brother will suffer. Stop talking nonsense here." He waved his hand as he said.

When Pan Wei heard this, he couldn't help being stunned. Is this the doctor? Looking at Qing Yuzi's appearance, she didn't bring anything. What's wrong with this? Are you kidding me? I couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied. Even if you have money, you can't fool yourself like this. Why don't you go to the hospital for treatment? My heart gradually became cold. But the younger brother was so painful that he had to walk towards the house and take Qing Yuzi in.

As soon as Qing Yuzi entered the door, she saw the very simple place in this house. The room was rented, not big, with one bedroom and one living room, one bed in the room, and one bed on the floor. Pan Zhang was lying on the bed, looking at the exposed arms and legs, he was already too thin. The eyes are full of sluggish expressions, and the mouth is standing, only knowing the cry of pain.

Qing Yuzi went over, squeezed his wrist, frowned, took out a long box from his pocket, and took out a row of silver needles from the box. Seeing the silver needle, Pan Weixin had hope again. It turned out that this old man was a Chinese medicine doctor. He used to be treated by Western medicine. Maybe Chinese medicine would be different. Hope was aroused in her heart.

Qing Yuzi held down Pan Zhang, who was constantly tumbling on the bed, and unexpectedly held down a desperately struggling person, and then began to put the needles and stick him up. At first, Pan Zhang yelled "hehe" in his mouth, but then his emotions slowly stabilized and his screams slowly eased. Not that kind of painful cry. In the end, after the silver needle was pierced, Pan Zhang stopped calling, but lay on the bed and fell asleep deeply.

"Ah—this...Is it all right?" Pan Wei cried out in surprise, and then looked at Qing Yuzi, tears streaming down her brother, her brother calmed down, and she seemed to be sleeping relatively smoothly. This kind of relief, after a long period of staying up all night, the whole person’s spirit collapses. It is supported by a single breath. Once the support in the heart is gone, the whole person can’t support it, and it falls softly. Down.

Qing Yuzi sighed, so Pan Wei helped her to lie down on the floor and pierced her with a silver needle to soothe the nerves. He was sitting here, waiting for Zhen Fan’s arrival. Since the master handed over the matter to him, he always You can't just leave by yourself. So after waiting for more than two hours, Zhen Fan finally rushed over.

Seeing Zhen Fan coming, Qing Yuzi hurriedly greeted her and briefly explained the situation. Zhen Fan said to Qing Yuzi: "Wake up this girl first, and you will treat this child this time. I will give you some pointers." He shook his head towards Qing Yuzi.

Qing Yuzi hurriedly pierced Pan Wei with a silver needle. As soon as he finished the piercing, Pan Wei opened his eyes and then looked around. Especially when he saw Zhen Fan, he couldn't help but cried out in surprise. Struggling to get up. He bowed to Zhen Fan repeatedly and said, "Mr. Zhen, you can save my brother!" Perhaps it was because of the effect of Qing Yuzi's silver needle that she saw hope.

Zhen Fan nodded and said, "This is okay. Since I have promised you, I should be responsible for your affairs to the end. Just now my apprentice Qing Yuzi gave your brother acupuncture and moxibustion. He slept very securely, so don't worry about him for the time being. We You can sit down and have a chat. After all, he is your brother, and we need to discuss his treatment plan."

"Yes, it should!" Pan Wei nodded again and again, and even teardrops came out with this nod. After looking around, they didn't have a stool for them to sit on, so they went to the living room, looked at his brother, then walked into the living room, bowed to Zhen Fan and Qing Yuzi, and then sat down.

Zhen Fan didn’t talk nonsense, and said to Pan Wei: “Because your brother is now in the advanced stage of leukemia, we should formulate a plan. This time my apprentice Qing Yuzi will be treating me. If you don’t rest assured, I can also do it myself. Your brother is treated. How do you choose?"

Perhaps seeing the magic of Qingyuzi’s acupuncture, coupled with Qingyuzi’s large beard, gave people a very experienced impression, so Pan Wei ignored the fact that Zhen Fan is Qingyuzi’s master, and quickly nodded in agreement. : "I'm sorry to trouble you, both of you." He knelt down as his knees softened.

Zhen Fan quickly helped her up and said: "Don't thank you first, let's talk about it if you are cured!" So he said to Qing Yuzi: "Let me talk about his condition first, you have just diagnosed believe it. You already have the result."

"Yes, Master, the result is obvious!" Qing Yuzi nodded. At this time, Pan Wei suddenly cut in and said, "We have a medical certificate from the hospital and a CT scan. I'll show it to you." He said he was going into the room.

"Forget it, don't take it, we know it in our own minds." Qing Yuzi stopped Pan Wei's actions and said to her, "As long as I cooperate well." So he told Zhen Fan his own judgment. Pan Zhang’s leukemia was caused by an ionizing radiation, but he didn’t know what the radioactive substance was. Therefore, treatment is more difficult than viral and chemical.

"There are cases of stem cell autotransplantation in Western medicine. We can use this to treat it. But we can’t use Western medicine. We have to use the advantages of Chinese medicine to solve this problem. Let him recover the human body by himself. The function of'.' Qing Yuzi continued.

"It's a good idea, but why not use our Taoist Yin-Yang adjustment to deal with it?" Zhen Fan shook his head and said, "In fact, you can do this with Western medicine, but let's not talk about the effect. High, but the Taoist Yin and Yang regulation can balance the body and restore a healthy body. Why don’t you work **** this? You’re a little bit upside down.” (To be continued.)

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