The American Scripture

Chapter 1422: Sensible child

Qing Yuzi's TCM skills are very high, so Zhen Fan will know it when he mentions it. ~, and then Zhen Fanyou taught Qing Yuzi how to use vitality to regulate the body's Yin and Yang. Qing Yuzi has already cultivated some vitality himself, and since Zhen Fan taught him some methods for cultivating vitality, he is full of vitality and has a posture of rejuvenation. It's not uncommon to treat people with vitality, but it's not as good as Zhen Fan's. Therefore, under Zhen Fan's advice, he immediately felt a bit transparent and smiled immediately.

Yin and Yang reconciliation, naturally, is to maintain the entire human body in a very healthy state. If such a state can be achieved, then all diseases and pain can be avoided. So in this respect, this method is right. Because Zhen Fan has already felt that Pan Zhang's body has been seriously imbalanced between Yin and Yang.

Qing Yuzi was a little eager to try now. Zhen Fan looked at Pan Wei and said, "If you are willing to start treatment now, we can start now. What is your opinion?"

Pan Wei almost didn't even think about it, and even nodded and said: "I am willing, I am willing to treat my brother right now." After she said that she fell to her knees with a "poof", she was going to give Zhen Fan and Qing Yuzi Kowtowing, but being held by Zhen Fan, Zhen Fan nodded to Qing Yuzi.

Qing Yuzi said: "Okay, we can now, I will go in now, you are waiting outside." He patted Pan Wei's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I entered the room. , And then closed the door.

"He... does he perform the operation alone, or is he acupuncture? Should he take medicine? I can go to boil water... Do you want me to buy medicine in the pharmacy? I mean... Chinese medicine." Pan Wei was obviously nervous. Holding Zhen Fan's arm tightly with both hands, he kept nagging. Eyes kept looking at the closed door.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zhen Fan patted her hand holding her arm. Shaking his head, comforting her, a warm current spread from her palm to her body and heart, and the heart that was beating a little flustered suddenly calmed down. Then he helped Pan Wei to sit on a chair beside him.

Pan Wei sat down, and her heart throbbed fast. She always felt that this time, it might be a little different, but she didn't know whether it was good or bad. If it's bad, maybe it's goodbye this time, right? She thought of this. Suddenly, my stable heart became a little uneasy again. So she looked at Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan moved one of the only three wooden chairs in the living room and handed it to Pan Wei and said: "Sit down first, don't worry, this Taoist Qing Yuzi is a doctor dedicated to many senior leaders of the country. , So you should be able to rest assured. It is not visible in ordinary hospitals. According to ancient sayings, he is the chief physician in the palace."

"The chief doctor?!" Pan Wei couldn't help but "ha" when Zhen Fan said so, then nodded. Said to Zhen Fan, "I...I have confidence in you." Yes, Zhen Fan said that just now, she did have some confidence. After all, a world-class super rich man like Zhen Fan. It is impossible to lie to her. Even if they are imperial physicians, they can often see them, right? Thinking of this, her heart gradually calmed down again.

"You don’t have to sit down. If you want to do it, then make some porridge. Cook it there first, and later if your brother is hungry. You can feed him. Don’t eat too much at a time, just half a bowl, and feed more. Several times." Zhen Fan nodded to her, "Everything will be fine, go, I'll wait here!"

Pan Wei nodded hurriedly. It is better to let her do something at this time, so that she can sit here and think about it. So Pan Wei went to cook the porridge, but the kitchen was in the living room, with a liquid gas tank and a single gas stove in the living room. So she started cooking the porridge in a small pot. Zhen Fan told her that she could add some vegetable leaves, but the vegetable leaves should be finely chopped and added. If you can add some salt, don't add too much, a little bit is enough.

After more than an hour, the porridge was almost cooked, and Zhen Fan asked Pan Wei to sit down. Let the porridge stay cold, and when the time comes, you can eat it naturally. After this tossing, Pan Wei's heart was also settled, and Zhen Fan sat quietly on the chair, looked at the door over there, and fell silent.

About three hours later, the door inside had not yet opened, and the porridge began to warm again when it was cold, and it was hot and cold. See if it's already more than five o'clock in the afternoon. Zhen Fan looked at his watch and said to Pan Wei: "You didn't have lunch, so you can't have dinner or it's too late. Or we can eat out, and then when we come back, maybe they will be done?" Zhen Fan He smiled at Pan Wei, "It's okay, how can I lie to you? I know what Qing Yuzi is. I know how strong he is, so don't worry, let's go!" Without being divided, he pulled Pan Wei out.

Pan Wei also couldn't help Zhen Fan. Although he was still worried, he went to dinner with Zhen Fan. The restaurants outside are all relatively simple fast food restaurants, with heavier fumes and blackened everywhere, but they don’t know Zhen Fan. Even if they look familiar, they won’t think there is a world super rich or Hollywood star. Would come to eat a bowl of noodles in this slum.

Yes, it is a bowl of beef noodles. Zhen Fan eats beef noodles, while Pan Wei eats a bowl of shredded pork noodles, which is a dollar cheaper than beef noodles. So Pan Wei chose to eat pork noodles. After that, she wanted to rush to check out, but the boss smiled and said, "He gave it all, what do you give back!"

After leaving the noodle shop, Pan Wei was a little embarrassed and said to Zhen Fan: "You help my brother treat the illness, I can't buy you a bowl of beef noodles, but also let you invite me..."

"Forget it, why do you say this? You have to learn to accept other people's help, and then when you have spare capacity, you can also help those in need!" Zhen Fan said, squinting at her, "Okay. Now, let’s go back, maybe at this time, they have already come out, yes...make a bag, boss, beef noodles!" Zhen Fan suddenly turned around and said to the boss, "There are... Order beef, I'll give you two more dollars!"

"Hao Le!" The boss said with a smile, and then took another bowl of beef noodles, added a spoon of beef, packed the carton, and wrapped it in a plastic bag for Zhen Fan to carry, "Welcome to come again next time. , Xiao Pan is a frequent visitor here, and my taste here is first-rate, you can ask Xiao Pan if you don’t believe me!"

Zhen Fan agreed with a smile. It turns out that Pan Wei is a frequent visitor here. It seems that this girl has a relatively difficult life in her usual life. The two entered the rental house again in tandem. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Dao Master Qingyu sitting in the living room with his eyes closed slightly, and he looked very tired.

Seeing Zhen Fan coming in, Qing Yuzi wanted to stand up, but she saw Zhen Fan waved her hand at him and said, "Sit down, don't you feel tired this time? This is because the vitality has not accumulated much. After such a long period of time, it will not take longer than those doctors to perform an operation." As he reached out and put his hand on Qing Yuzi's hand, Qing Yuzi suddenly lifted up and said to Zhen Fan, "Thank you. Master."

It turned out that Zhen Fan gave Qing Yuzi some vitality in the past, and easily prevented the vitality that Qing Yuzi had lost. By the way, he also helped him get through some of the vitals in his body, making his cultivation level higher. realm. He is a person who has never absorbed the energy of a meteorite, just relying on his own cultivation base to accumulate vitality step by step, this vitality is even more pure.

"It’s okay, this time I’ve worked hard for you. I believe you will have more experience in treatment. This time is just an experiment for you. You will improve step by step in the future. After going back this time, I will give You can talk more about Taoism and medicine, well, let's go in and see him now!" Zhen Fan patted Qing Yuzi on the shoulder, and then walked into the room.

At this time Pan Wei had already entered the room, and she was very surprised to hold her brother Pan Zhang. Yes, Pan Zhang is already awake. Moreover, his face is ruddy and in good spirits. It makes no difference if he looks like a good person. It's just that the person is a little thinner. He is holding his sister Pan Wei, tears are streaming, and the two feel like they have experienced life and death. .

"Gulong", suddenly Pan Zhang's stomach rang, he couldn't help but said to Pan Wei embarrassed: "Sister, I'm a little hungry, is there anything else to eat at home? It's so uncomfortable!" Smile.

Pan Wei said quickly: "Yes, yes, you can lie down first." He helped his brother Pan to let him lean on the back of the bed, half-lying, and sit up with his upper body. I helped him cover the blanket, and as soon as I turned around I saw Zhen Fan and Qing Yuzi behind. I was embarrassed and said to Zhen Fan and Qing Yuzi: "I'll help my brother take a bowl of porridge." Then he went out quickly. Up.

Zhen Fan also smiled, and said to Qing Yuzi: "There is a bowl of beef noodles I packed for you outside. Go eat, I believe you are hungry after such a long time!" Zhen Fan patted. Then he walked to Pan Zhang's shoulder and said to him, "How do you feel?" He stretched out his hand on his wrist.

The breath is very stable and powerful, and then I explored his body, and the yin and yang have been directed to balance, which shows that as long as his body maintains balance, the cancer cells will definitely not be killed. Eventually restore the health of the body. Zhen Fan really believes this. This also shows that Qing Yuzi did a good job.

"Can I get better soon?" Pan Zhang looked at Zhen Fan and said, "My sister has been very hard in the past few years and owes a lot of money. I want to get better soon and help my sister pay off her debt!"

Being a sensible child, Zhen Fan nodded to Pan Zhang and said: "Yes, you will get better soon, don’t worry about your sister’s debt, everything will get better, okay? You still have to go to school and get well. Only by studying can I help my sister to pay off the debt, okay?" Zhen Fan held his hand and patted. (To be continued...) u

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