The American Scripture

Chapter 1425: About children

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The days of filming in the capital passed quickly. The advantage of this movie is that most of the scenes were filmed in Beijing, and then moved to Zhehai Film and Television City, but before leaving, Zhen Fan called sister An to get her back to Shanghai as soon as possible to set up a charity organization. Team. And also introduced Pan Wei to Sister An by the way. This also allows Sister An to have a helper, so that she will not be so tired by herself. After all, everything is in the initial stage, and there will be many things. Although the Shanghai Municipal Government has given the green light, all kinds of procedures must be in place. This is all work that requires a broken leg.

So before Zhen Fan left the capital, he left Sister An's phone number to Pan Wei. It is convenient for the two of them to communicate directly, and let Pan Wei familiarize himself with the business in advance, check the information on the Internet or in the library, and learn how charity organizations should do it. She must be prepared, she will be mainly responsible for some specific tasks.

But when Zhen Fan left, Pan Wei's hesitant expression made Zhen Fan feel very strange, but he didn't think much, so he hurriedly bid farewell to her, and the crew went to the film and television base in Zhejiang Province together. In the film and television base in Zhehai, the crew has spent some time remodeling some scenes, and then filming some popular scenes such as chases and blasting.

Yang Zhi is indeed an actor with a talent for acting. During this period of time, his performance has become more and more skillful and more engaged. This also makes the progress of filming faster and faster. Maybe it was Zhen Fan’s performance that put pressure on the girl, so every day she could see her after the filming was over, or when her role had not yet arrived, she recites her lines, figured out the role, and basically didn’t do anything else. Things are a bit obsessive.

In June, Zhen Fan's filming was basically finished. This was also because Feng Daran deliberately filmed his scenes in advance to take care of Zhen Fan. So after the last shot of Zhen Fan was successfully filmed, the crew held a farewell party for Zhen Fan. However, this farewell party was held in Zhehai City. The main members of the crew all went to Zhehai City.

First, the meal was paid by Zhen Fan. He felt that during this period, the crew had been very hardworking in order to catch up with their own scenes, so it was just this. You have to treat them to a meal. So first I ate seafood and sea food in the hotel, and then I went to the bar to drink. According to Zhen Fan, eat as much as possible. Drink as much as possible, not to mention saving money.

Feng Daran smiled and looked at the scene where everyone cheered and celebrated after Zhen Fan announced, and then motioned his group to go to another place to play. The main thing is to find a KTV to sing. Cheng Hu was very interested, and asked the manager of ktv to invite the Japanese geisha here to perform in the private room.

These Japanese geishas are not the top Japanese geishas, ​​but are introduced to China through some commercial channels, and earn money by performing in major KTVs and bars. However, according to the hearts of Chinese people, foreigners are good, and they can earn twice as much income as Japan. Life in China is not as depressing and difficult as Japan. So many of these geishas don't want to go back, or no one plans to go back in a short time. Cheng Hu often comes to film studios to film, and he is familiar with these for a long time, and Feng Daran knows it better.

But Zhen Fan is the first time. In fact, the geisha's dance is really nothing to see. When Zhen Fan looked at them, he suddenly remembered Hashimotoen and Miike Kikuko in Japan. It seems that I haven't contacted there for a long time, but Hashimoto Garden and Miike Kikuko occasionally made a phone call, but I didn't receive it. There was no call back later. So it's kind of silent now, I don't know how they are now.

After thinking about it, Zhen Fan said to Feng Daran. Then I went to call outside the box. The first call was to Hashimotoen. After answering the call, a surprise sound came from there, followed by a choking sound with sobbing. Hashimoto Garden cried with joy.

"Are you still... okay?" Hashimoto Garden's voice came, choking a little. She is also a little timid. She is always so polite to Zhen Fan, just like her elders in the family, but every time she gets in touch, she tries her best to cater to her, a combination of dignity and seductiveness.

"I'm fine... that... I just ask. If I have time, I will come to see you!" Zhen Fan himself was a little embarrassed to tell Hashimoto Garden about going to Los Angeles to see him, "Take care of your health. , If there is anything, just call me and I will try my best to solve it for you."

There was silence for a while, and then there was a hesitant voice from Hashimoto Garden: "Jun Jun, I...I want a child. If possible, I want a child for both of us, please!"

As soon as he said this, Zhen Fan was stunned. It was just a greeting, why did you suddenly jump to this topic? He hesitated for a moment and asked, "What happened?" Obviously, Hashimoto Garden is abnormal like this.

"Nothing happened." Hashimoto Garden's voice was a little expectant and trembling, "I...I just want a child. I know...Miss Kikuko also has this idea. If possible, we all want one. Child, as long as this child is yours. We will not involve the child in your family. But the child will definitely be your family name..."

Hashimoto Garden’s meaning Zhen Fan understands that she just wants to have a child, and will neither participate in the future distribution of Zhenfan’s property, nor cause Zhen Fan any trouble. Just to give Zhen Fan a baby, it's that simple. Zhen Fan couldn't help being stunned. What rhythm is this? And Hashimoto Garden also mentioned Miike Kikuko. Could it be that these two women have met and are able to exchange their thoughts with each other? This... is also absurd, right?

Thinking of this, Zhen Fan almost immediately dispelled his plan to return to Los Angeles immediately. This has to be a trip to Japan before, and the matter between Hashimoto Garden and Miike Kikuko has to be resolved, so that Zhen Fan can return to Los Angeles with peace of mind. The woman in Hashimoto Garden must have experienced something unusual.

After calling Hashimoto Garden, after thinking about it, I decided not to call Miike Kikuko anymore. I was going to Japan tomorrow, so I went back to the private room. The Japanese geisha in the private room has already left, and Guo Xian sings hilariously there, making the people cheer up.

Seeing that Zhen Fan was here, Guo Xian even booed and asked Zhen Fan and Yang Zhi to drink a cup of wine, and laughed and joked: "It's all boyfriends and girlfriends, drink a cup of wine to let us witness." So Chenghu also booed, and Feng Daran said. Applauding on the side, two supporting beauties cheered beside, so let's drink one.

Yang Zhi and Zhen Fan got acquainted, and they had a lot of understanding after filming, so they generously picked up the wine glass and took up Zhen Fan’s arm. The two drank at the same time, and Zhen Fan took the initiative to light up the glass. , Causing another round of applause. Then Yang Zhi took two more glasses of wine and walked towards Zhen Fan.

"Brother Zhen, don't say anything else. This time, Brother Zhen took me like my master. I am very grateful. I respect you for this glass of wine. I hope you don't dislike it!" Yang Zhi handed a glass of beer. After the past, I looked at Zhen Fan very much. Zhen Fan was not hypocritical, took it, and drank it.

Yang Zhi invited Zhen Fan to sing a love song and made the people in the box scream and cheer. It wasn't until the crowd became drunk that the party ended. However, at this gathering, Yang Zhi was a little too enthusiastic about Zhen Fan. Because as far as outsiders are concerned, it has surpassed the general cooperative relationship. Everyone saw it, but didn't dare to speak out. No one can offend Hou Zhongjun at the same time, let alone offend Zhen Fan.

But everyone didn't think about Yang Zhi thoroughly, thinking that Yang Zhi wanted to come next to a new and more powerful player like Zhen Fan. But Yang Zhi had other ideas in her heart. It would be impossible for her to get rid of Hou Zhongjun in China. She will invest in the international market only after she has gained a reputation in China, and it is impossible to test the waters in the international market without Zhen Fan's help, so tonight she can be considered as a good seller.

Zhen Fan didn't care what she thought, nor did he want to care what the girl thought. He greeted Cheng Hu, Feng Daran and Guo Xian early the next morning and flew directly to Japan. Because it was decided temporarily, the Japanese side did not know that Zhen Fan was here. Even in Japan, there are already a large number of fans of Zhen Fan, but they did not appear in the airport to chase and intercept. Two reporters who are often waiting at the airport found it out. When they saw Zhen Fan, they immediately took out the camera to take pictures~www.wuxiaspot. com~ and when she was about to come forward for an interview, Zhen Fan had already left by taxi.

Soon news appeared on the Internet that Zhen Fan had arrived in Japan. Nowadays, Zhen Fan is not only a celebrity in the entertainment industry, but also a predator in the business world, and one of the world's top richest people, so the Japanese government also cares whether Zhen Fan comes to Japan. They hope to cooperate with Zhen Fan in business.

However, Zhen Fan didn't give them a chance and went straight to Hashimoto Garden's home. Visited Hashimoto-en's father, Kinichi Hashimoto. Hashimoto was very polite to Zhen Fan, and even held a huge supportive attitude towards her daughter's unusual relationship with Zhen Fan. Because he understands that if he wants to make his career bigger, Zhen Fan's support is indispensable. If Hashimoto Garden can give birth to a child for Zhen Fan, then Zhen Fan will be the biggest help for the Hashimoto family, that is, the family.

Hashimoto and Zhen Fan had a hot chat. Hashimoto Garden personally served Zhen Fan tea. She was surprised by Zhen Fan's arrival, and she was immersed in a great joy. She knew that she must have told Zhen Fan to come over last night. She was full of expectation again. Is Zhen Fan trying to accomplish that thing with herself this time? A child, yes, she desperately wants a child of herself and Zhen Fan, this kind of thinking is overflowing uncontrollably. Especially when his father mentioned this matter to her, she felt that she and her father thought of going together. It's just that one wants to promote the family, and the other just wants children. (To be continued.)

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