The American Scripture

Chapter 1426: look forward to

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Hashimoto's chat with Zhen Fan mainly talked about some things in the Japanese entertainment circle, and also told Zhen Fan about the development plan of his family-hosted entertainment company. After speaking, she asked Zhen Fanman whether she was satisfied. What rhythm is this? Zhen Fan felt that this cheap husband might be planning to hand over the company to him in the future.

Sure enough, after talking about these plans, Hashimoto Jinyi said with emotion: "I only have this daughter, so the future career will be inherited by Yuanzi and his grandson. Yuanzi is also getting older. She I am also a little anxious, so..." He looked at Zhen Fan, and suddenly stopped talking.

Zhen Fan was speechless, so he looked at the red-faced Hashimoto Garden next to him, and nodded towards Hashimoto a little closer and said, "I will give the garden an explanation, please rest assured." As he said, he faced the bridge. Honkinichi Kecha said that he also recognized his cheap husband, which means that Zhen Fan will also support the Hashimoto family's career in the future.

Hashimoto Kinichi, who got Zhen Fan's promise, was very happy and asked the servant to prepare a family dinner. Hashimoto Garden is not qualified to eat at the table, that is, he and Zhen Fan both drink Japanese sake. Because of a worry, Hashimoto drank so much. After three drinks, he actually made a request to Zhen Fan.

"Zhen Jun, I hope Yuanzi can give birth to two boys. Of course, if I can give birth to more boys, can I let one child inherit our family name?" Hashimoto suddenly said this to Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was stunned. Then he stopped his chopsticks and looked at Hashimoto Keiichi.

"Father!" Hashimotoen was anxious and bowed to Hashimoto. A little sweat came out of his fair forehead. She looked at Zhen Fan in a panic, bowed again and again to Zhen Fan, anxiously defending, "Dad must have missed the word, sorry, sorry. Please forgive me!"

Nearly Hashimoto was engaged in this way by Hashimoto Garden, and suddenly he understood something. He lowered his head to Zhen Fan and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have made such a presumptuous request." He also understood some rules of the Chinese family. That is, children must follow their father's surname and inherit the family business. So he knew it made Zhen Fan feel embarrassed.

Zhen Fan was stunned for a moment and then quickly shook his head and said: "No... you are wrong. I think this is a good proposal. The Hashimoto family's business needs someone to inherit, so there is no problem in choosing a child to inherit the family business. I personally have no opinion. And... it doesn't matter who the child has the last name, it's all my child."

"Thank you so much." Hashimoto was almost overjoyed and wanted to stretch out his hand to shake Zhen Fan's hand. And Hashimoto Garden is even more secretly happy, which obviously shows Zhen Fan's attitude towards himself. What she didn't predict was that this child who inherited the Hashimoto family would one day participate in politics, and even decades later, he would become the prime minister who ruled Japan for ten years. This is also what Zhen Fan didn't expect.

This night, Hashimoto Garden was crazy. Zhen Fan knew that she wanted a child, so she tried her best to cooperate, and both of them felt hearty. Zhen Fan did not want Hashimoto Garden to be a child-bearing machine, and decided to let her be pregnant with a twin boy at once. It can be regarded as their own wish.

This woman really has no regrets about Zhen Fan and is willing to give everything. Earlier, I said it was to open up the Hollywood market and to make a deal, but since Hashimoto Park risked his life to the small town of Lecce where the plague is in the midst of it, he reconciled desperately with Zhen Fan. She never considered the issue of interest. Treated Zhen Fan as his only man. Thinking of this, Zhen Fan really felt a little guilty towards this woman. Because the feelings between them are not equal. Zhen Fan's contribution to her. It used to be more of a physical relationship. Even after the incident in the town of Lecce, there was no such desperate liking for each other like Hashimoto Garden.

Caress her smooth skin with a little pity. Zhen Fan was very emotional. Therefore, the gentleness that he showed made Hashimoto Garden feel flattered. Serve Zhen Fan harder and harder. So the spring breeze was one night, and when he woke up the next day, Hashimoto-en touched the people around him, only to find that there was no one.

The whole person was immediately plunged into great loss and emptiness. She quickly adjusted her emotions to prevent this negative emotion from affecting herself. Slowly put on his pajamas, and when he was about to get up, he suddenly saw the door opened. Zhen Fan appeared at the door with a tray in his hand with a cup of milk and a few slices of bread. He walked over, then took a stand, put it on the bed, put the tray on the stand, and said to Hashimoto Garden: "Why don't you sleep a little longer? I think you sleep soundly, so I went to the kitchen to make it for you. Order something to eat. You must be exhausted last night!" He said and blinked at Hashimoto Garden.

Hashimoto Garden suddenly covered her mouth with one hand, a rush of heat in her heart continued to rush, and then burst into her entire body and tears, but she covered her mouth with her hand, and she could only emit a very dull voice. And a slight cry of "oooo", she was knocked down by this sudden happiness.

"What's the matter? Okay, why are you crying?" Zhen Fan held her hand and said, "Don't cry, drink milk first. Yesterday...what your father said, you also heard, we will have Your own child. And... If you want, you can follow me to Los Angeles and we can live together."

Hashimoto Garden cried "Woo", then desperately shook his head, raised his head, and looked at Zhen Fan with tearful eyes: "Zhen, I...I can't leave my father, but...I and the child will wait You, no matter when you come back, we are always waiting for you, and please don't forget me and our children!" He actually sat on the bed and bowed to Zhen Fan.

This woman is really hopeless. Zhen Fan didn't plan on her respectful attitude, as long as they didn't suddenly bow to you when they were doing that. Just follow him. Zhen Fan put the milk in her hand. Hashimoto Garden looked at Zhen Fan with gratitude, and then slowly drank the milk, not knowing whether it was the hot milk, or the woman felt the inexplicable happiness, and her face slowly climbed into rouge. rosy.

Hashimoto Garden is truly Japan's No. 1 innocent girl, and the No. 1 female star among national idols. Such a posture is really beautiful. Zhen Fan was accustomed to seeing all kinds of beauties, and those who had a strong immunity to beauties couldn't help but be stunned, then stretched out her index finger and thumb, and gently pinched the soft and greasy mess. Snow-white chin, and then kissed. So before the milk was finished, a big battle began.

Throughout the morning, even after getting up and sitting in the living room, Hashimoto Garden kept his head down, afraid to look at Zhen Fan. When Zhen Fan finished her breakfast, she came forward to clean up. Zhen Fan sat on the sofa and Hashimoto Garden made coffee for him. After a whole morning, Hashimoto Garden personally cooked and prepared a sumptuous Chinese meal for Zhen Fan. What if those Japanese otakus knew the pure goddess in their hearts, not only warmed up the bed at night, but also used spoons to cook for Zhen Fan, not beat their chests and feet, crying, and chanting injustice? Zhen Fanla's hatred is too deep.

After the Chinese meal was finished, Hashimoto Garden said to Zhen Fan: "Jun Jun, you should go and see Miss Juzi now. You are very important to her. I have visited her too. In her mind, you are Everything about her. I talked to her, and she would love to have your baby too. If it is convenient for you..."

Zhen Fan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, this himself has completely turned into a humanoid planter. But to be honest, Miike Kikuko and Hashimoto Garden are the same type of people. She would not change what she identified as a man. Although Zhen Fan could not come to Japan several times a year, and could not meet her once or twice, she never changed her original intention. Have been waiting. I may wait in the future. Miike Kikuko is a woman Zhen Fan left behind unconsciously in Japan. It was a fruit that was born after an overnight romance, and now this fruit is ripening.

"You mean... you talked to Miike Kikuko? How did you know Miike Kikuko?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but his eyes widened. He always thought that Hashimoto Garden didn't know Miike Kikuko, even if he knew it, he wouldn't. What's the connection with her to drink. But now it seems that this is a mistake. Even the most docile woman can do everything for her own man, and she can do it all.

When Hashimoto Garden heard Zhen Fan's question, he was a little flustered and wanted to explain, but he was a little at a loss. He said late: "I...I just feel...until one and She just met on the street, because she looked at one of your posters for a long, long time, and made me think...whether she has a story with I asked her to have a cup of coffee...what happened later ...That's it!"

As soon as Zhen Fan asked, Hashimotoen said everything honestly, and bowed and apologized. This made Zhen Fan a little bit dumbfounded. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, this is my problem, not yours. I'll go out for a while, come back at night, and later... Forget it, you can meet if you want, I will not restrain Yours."

"Thank you very much Jun Jun for your understanding." Hashimoto Garden bowed to Zhen Fan again, then moved gently to Zhen Fan's side, and whispered in Zhen Fan's ear, "Jun Zhen, if you allow... , Please bring Miss Juzi, today...tonight, I can... entertain you with Miss Juzi!"

When he said this, Hashimoto Yuan's snow-white face was as bright as blood with a rouge rosy color. But this kind of words with infinite reverie also made Zhen Fan stunned, as if he was still a little expectant. (To be continued)

The latest chapter of 5201 novel high-speed first published in Dao Zang America, this chapter is the first thousand four hundred and twenty-six. Looking forward to the address is if you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ group and Weibo!

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