The American Scripture

Chapter 1452: Survey

Colm Hardy died in the classroom. "≤, that was his class, he was explaining archeology, which involved the archaeology of Tulum Temple. When he was talking about it, he suddenly fell on the podium without warning, and suddenly the whole classroom There was a mess, with exclamations and cries for help one after another. After being sent to the hospital, the cause was quickly identified and the pacemaker stopped. The reason is very simple. At that time, there were a lot of abnormal magnetic fields in Long Beach, and this abnormal phenomenon spread to all of Los Angeles. It is said that people who used pacemakers had such problems that day. More than sixty people died, and Colm Hardy was one of them.

This incident does reveal a strange thing. It is certain that the magnetic field may change the effect of energy detection. But this is of no use to Zhen Fan. Because Zhen Fan's use of energy is operated by Taoist principles, not pure energy use. However, if the realm is not reached, it may be affected, which is also possible. In addition, Myers' sensing distance is not too far, so it is possible that he can't find Leidel Dumaz.

So Dumaz took advantage of this change in the magnetic field, then came to Los Angeles quietly, and then killed his old friend Professor Colm Hardy quietly and without a trace. Then he left quickly to avoid being besieged by Zhen Fan and others. So when Zhen Fan returned to Los Angeles, he had already lost track of Leder Dumaz.

For the purpose of tree-shading, the priest held a ceremony for the final burial of the coffin. Christina leaned on Zhen Fan's shoulder sadly, and she urgently needed a shoulder to lean on. And seeing the sad eyes and tears of the professor's relatives, her guilty heart deepened.

"It's all my fault, if... if I don't invite him to participate in that project, it will be fine. I did it!" Christina said sadly to Zhen Fan, her eyes red, "It's me too. It aroused the ambitions of Leidel Dumaz. All of this is my fault, God!" She said in love.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything will be fine!" Zhen Fan silently held her hand and said to her. "Even without you, he will become a careerist. Don't worry, I won't let Professor Dumaz die in vain. I promise!" Zhen Fan nodded. He can only comfort her like this.

Zhen Fan didn't expect Dumaz to come back and retaliate in this way. It is estimated that he will come back, because after taste the sweetness, he will not give up such an idea. As for the time he chose Zhen Fan to leave, he probably felt that he might not be Zhen Fan's opponent yet. This person is very smart. Also know how to use energy.

"Go back!" Zhen Fan watched Christina put a flower on the coffin, watched her hug and bid farewell to Colm Hardy's relatives, and said, holding her hand, "If you want to If you don’t let yourself be so guilty, then find the murderer. Now everyone knows that this matter has something to do with Leidel Dumas. It was also caused by the abnormal magnetic field. Let’s go to Long Beach to see. Maybe we There will be something to gain!"

Christina nodded, her heart was rather confused, and she obeyed Zhen Fanyan. After they got in the car. Zhen Fan drove directly towards Long Beach. The falling black rain is a vision in itself. Black rain is not absent, but it is generally acidic. It is a sequelae of industry, acid rain. But this black rain did not contain any acidity, only a strong magnetic field, which interfered with the earth's magnetic field in Los Angeles.

how did you do that? This is what Zhen Fan desperately wants to figure out. Although he is not afraid of the interference of this magnetic field, other people are afraid, and there are more people he cares about will be interfered by this magnetic field. So Zhen Fan decided to find out, so he drove straight to Long Beach, and Christina also hoped to find something.

Everything in Long Beach is relatively normal, and there are no sequelae. There are no traces of the black rain on the streets. It was cleaned up long ago. However, due to the change in the magnetic field on the street, many people's cars were damaged, and most of them were parked nearby. There are also several trailers that are towing cars that can no longer start.

"We can go to the suburbs to see, maybe there will be some things!" Christina said to Zhen Fan, "What rain can change the magnetic field?" She didn't understand this question.

So the two went to the suburbs again, not the beach. But under a deserted bridge. Zhen Fan saw the remnants of that black rain in a relatively deep pit. He squatted down, then stretched out his hand, dipped his finger in the water, it was a bit slippery, but it was no different from ordinary rain.

"Nothing!" Christina also touched the water with her hand, and couldn't help but shook her head, "This kind of thing needs to be tested together professionally. I collected some samples and sent them to our research room to see inside. What the **** is there." She took out a suitcase from the car, took out a small bottle from it, and filled it with some rainwater. Then put the small bottle in the suitcase again.

"Well, now we can't find anything of value here!" Zhen Fan felt the surroundings once again, and he couldn't feel anyone with abnormal energy to himself. So he said to Christina, "Let's go back, it seems that we need to strengthen prevention in the future."

Back in Los Angeles, Zhen Fan went directly to the clinic. He wanted to talk to Miles. How to strengthen prevention in the future. If this incident was really done by Leidel Dumaz, then he would have sacrificed dozens of lives to avenge Colm Hardy alone. It was really a cruel means of killing innocent people.

"Hey, Master!" Miles in a white coat looks like a serious doctor, not just him, even Eric Caso next to him is dressed like this, Miles is in the office As soon as I saw Zhen Fan coming in, I quickly walked over to say hello to Zhen Fan, and opened his arms to hug Zhen Fan.

"Forget it, don't come to this set!" Zhen Fan smiled and pushed his hand away and said, "It looks a bit like that. It's pretty good. Tell me about the situation?" Zhen Fan sat down. At the edge of the desk, looking at Miles.

"Uh, this guy is pretty good, he listened to my greetings, and he made rapid progress. He has been following me now, which is considered an internship stage. It is estimated that he will be able to diagnose and treat some of the more common diseases in a few months, such as For colds and gastroenteritis, my junior is not bad. I like him!" Miles hurriedly said to Zhen Fan.

"Thank you, Miles. For the first time, I think your words touched me. Are these qualities you usually hide in your heart? I like you like this, and don't like your crazy drinking in a bar Look, and... You always have to take away my women. This is something I can’t tolerate. You have a girlfriend, and there is more than one. Why do you fight with me in the bar for those women? They are for you It’s optional, but it’s very important to me. Do you know what I wanted to do the most? A punch to your nose. Although I know it’s impossible, I always go like this. Think. Did not pay the action, mainly because I am not your opponent!" Eric's answer is even more unreliable.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but his head grew bigger. He waved to the two guys and said angrily: "Stop, stop, damn, what are you talking about? I'm talking about the black rain in Long Beach, and Sudden magnetic interference. Okay, stop these **** controversies, Miles—" He opened his hand to him and motioned for him.

Miles nodded in embarrassment, then coughed twice and said, "I'm sorry, Master, this...this is my fault, it was my carelessness. I always thought that **** was an ordinary person, so I didn't pay enough attention to it. As a result, he has the opportunity to take advantage of it. I promise that this will never happen in the future."

Zhen Fan waved his hand and said, "This is really not to blame for you. If you can think of this, it really doesn't look like your usual personality traits, so let’s do things here for the time being by Christine. You are mainly Guard against that bastard. Now that we know very little about him, the key is to be guarded."

Miles thought for a while and said, "It's okay, but the range is too big. I'm a little overwhelmed. The **** played the cards according to the rules, so I think the best way is to find the bastard, and he didn't hurt us. Kill him when I am coming. I can't stand him a long time ago."

"Because of the large scope, I will teach you Taoist induction methods. With your current ability, it is not a problem to feel that half of Los Angeles is not a problem." Zhen Fan said to Miles. Smiled, "And I tell you, as long as you have this ability, as long as you are within the range, there are abnormal energy fluctuations, you can sense it. And I will also teach you the method of shrinking the ground. Walking against the wind, you will be able to reach the place you are sensing within a few minutes, no matter how far away."

Myerston grinned. With his current ability, learning these is a matter of course. Zhen Fan originally planned to teach him. Now not only teaches him, but also makes him feel like he has built a big deal, Zhen Fan can't help but feel funny. Eric on the side was gloomy.

"Master, are you too partial?" Eric said with a bitter face, "I am also your apprentice. Why is it that such a good thing is not my turn? Is it because I became your apprentice later than him?"

"So what?" Master wants to pass it to whomever he wants. Also, even if it is passed to you, can you learn it? It depends on strength." Miles smiled happily, watching triumphantly To Eric, "After you have the strength like me, think about these things again."

Zhen Fan also smiled at him and shrugged, indicating that what Miles said was indeed correct. (To be continued.)

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