The American Scripture

Chapter 1453: arrangement

Zhen Fan went home from the clinic. When she left, Miles was extremely excited. Because of Zhen Fan’s teaching, he even tried it on the spot, but after all, he was in the clinic, so he had to hold back his excitement. When he got off work, he planned to try it after returning home. You can try it at home. However, the teleportation method that shrinks the ground to an inch can only be made out at night, otherwise it will be seen by people, it is absolutely shocking. In order to be unobtrusive, Zhen Fan urged that he can only try it at night. During the day, if it is not compelling, it cannot be used casually.

When Zhen Fan returned home, he saw a giant standing there at the door. He was taken aback, and then remembered Ramses II. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. This huge guy, with a grieved expression on his face, saw Zhen Fan immediately stepped forward and paid his respects to him. Creeping on the ground.

At this time, the family came back. Zhen Fan looked at the women at home. Christine shrugged her shoulders at Zhen Fan and spread her hands, indicating that she could do nothing about the big man. And Yi Fei pursed her lips and smiled, when Maria took Xiaopeng's hand and turned around Ramses II. Treat it as a joke.

As soon as Zhen Fan stretched out his hand, Ramses II couldn't help but stand up, admiring him to death, but he stammered about his grievances. It took a long time for Zhen Fan to figure out that Ramses II regarded himself as Zhen Fan’s ultimate servant, but this servant came over early the next morning after living in his residence unwillingly. I was going to follow Zhen Fan with me, but I didn't see Zhen Fan. I felt very sad when I thought that the owner would not bring himself when he went out, thinking that he had lost the trust of the owner. He stood at the door of the villa with a bitter melon-like face and stood at the door for a day without moving or eating, so I saw When Zhen Fan came back, it was as if the child had met his parents, and wanted to cry full of grievances. Zhen Fan was very helpless.

"Well, starting tomorrow, you come here early and follow me." Zhen Fan was very helpless. But he really had no good way to deal with this obsessive guy, and he couldn't hurt his heart any more, so he temporarily agreed. He beckoned to him, "Let's have dinner together. Let me send you back after eating!"

Ramses II was overjoyed immediately, and followed Zhen Fan into the hall. Zhen Fan sat down, and he stood respectfully next to him. Where Zhen Fan went, he must go wherever he went. Well, this is really speechless. Zhen Fan had to stop and said to him, "There is no need to follow me all the time. You can find a place to sit by yourself. Or you can rest. If I want you to do things, I will naturally call you, okay?"

"Yes, Master!" Ramses II replied respectfully, but he still only stepped back and followed Zhen Fan within ten meters. Ok. This is what this faithful servant does.

Zhen Fan was very helpless. He even wanted to throw this guy to the clinic and let Miles guide him to learn Chinese medicine. But after thinking about it, I still think it's over. Because this guy can't even speak English well now, let alone Chinese, and basically has no understanding of Tao, making it difficult to learn. Besides, Miles still has things to do. Will not stay in the clinic anymore. It would be great if Mia was still there. Zhen Fan missed Mia for the first time.

At dinner, Ramses II insisted not to go to the table, but went to the kitchen with a plate. The plate was steak and red wine. He still ate very enjoyable. But now Zhen Fan is really helpless when he thinks that he will follow such a tail in the future.

However, Zhen Fan was still able to find something to do for him. For example, let him learn a driver's license, he specifically asked him to go to a driving school to learn a driver's license. In the driving school in the United States, let him experience the famous roaring teaching of the American driving school coach, and at the same time be able to ask him to follow him all the time. Even if he comes out of the driving school, he can be regarded as a full-time driver. It's also very good, it is a good solution to the way out of this giant.

After dinner, Zhen Fan drove Ramses back. Surprisingly, Xiaopeng and Maria both liked Ramses II very much, and when he was about to leave, they took his hand. Ramses II also liked these two little guys very much. He stretched out his hand and touched their faces before getting into the car and leaving with Zhen Fan.

When Zhen Fan sent Ramses II to the rented place, she unexpectedly discovered that Janice was also in Ramses II’s house, eating at the table, and saw Zhen Fan and Ramses II coming over , He smiled and greeted him and said, "It’s unexpected, isn’t it? I plan to move over to live with Ramses II. I live upstairs, he can live downstairs, and the house I rented can be sold. You can save money."

Zhen Fan widened his eyes and smiled and said, "Did you figure it out clearly? You are facing a big guy three thousand years ago. Are you sure you are safe to live here?" He walked in with a smile. Then sitting on the sofa in the living room, Janice made him a cup of coffee, "Instant coffee, I don’t have coffee beans here, and I don’t want to waste time grinding or cooking." She said she put the coffee cup. put it down.

"It's okay, do you really plan to live here?" Zhen Fan asked again, "You have to think carefully, and you know what kind of person Ramses II is. He has more than 100 children. People, this also shows what kind of man he is, or do you like him? Because you study him and like him?"

"Go to hell!" Janice raised her **** to Zhen Fan, and went to the restaurant to bring the plate with disdain. She went to the coffee table next to Zhen Fan and cut the steak with a knife and delivered it to her mouth. "I won't like him, and he is much better than what you said. He is very nice and treats women very well. It really doesn’t have the faults you mentioned. Although only two days of getting along, I think it’s more Understand him."

"Well, I have no problem!" Zhen Fan raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, then turned to look at Ramses II and said, "What do you think of this woman? I mean how you feel about her, you can directly Speak out."

"Do you need to tell the truth in front of her? Master!" Ramses II bowed to Zhen Fan and said.

"Of course, I like to listen to the truth. By the way, tell the truth, so that your cheap master will be ashamed. Look at how he treats women." Janice blinked at Zhen Fan, and then gave her a hand. Akimbo, "Don't care if he is your master, just excuse him, he said, let you tell the truth!"

"Yes, I must tell my true thoughts." Ramses II thought for a while, then said with a bitter melon face, "Flies, like's very annoying. Is this OK? This is what it is. My true thoughts." These few words stammered, even with gestures, but the meaning was very clear.

Zhen Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laughed with a "pounce". Then Janice's face was shocked, and she clenched her fist and said, "You are helping your master to speak, this is not your truth."

"It's my duty to help the master speak, so what I say is true." Ramses II shook his head in distress. "You talk about those things over and over every day. I have told you many times. And... I don’t want to recall those things before. You know that memories are the most tormented in three thousand years."

"Well, I respect your choice!" Janice shrugged her shoulders, cut a piece of beef fiercely, and put it in her mouth. Then she twisted her waist and walked into the kitchen. It seems that she is really angry, too lazy to talk to Zhen Fan and Ramses II.

Zhen Fan didn't care, and talked to Ramses II about learning a driver's license. Ramses II was very interested in this kind of car. After riding a few times, he also wanted to learn how to drive. In this way, he could drive Zhen Fan to where Zhen Fan went. So the two of them talked more happily.

While she was talking, Janice came out. When she heard this topic, she volunteered and said to Zhen Fan: "You don’t have to go to the driving school to be so troublesome. I am qualified to be a coach. Why don’t I teach him how to drive? Learn about what I’m interested in through him. It’s a win-win, isn’t it?"

Zhen Fan shrugged and said to her: "Don't ask me about this, you can ask Monip? Setis, he is the decision maker."

So Janice looked at Ramses II and blinked at him. Ramses II wanted to refuse, but looking at Zhen Fan, it seemed that there was no objection, and no expression of discomfort, so he nodded and said: "Okay, okay, I agree, but... When teaching me, ask me questions."

"Deal!" Janice jumped up immediately, she was so happy, stretched out her hand, and said to Ramses II, "Don't worry, I am definitely a good coach, definitely not the annoying joke in your mouth. Quirky woman. I promise, I will make you the most experienced novice driver."

So this time, Ramses II followed Janice to learn to drive. And Zhen Fan also vacated his life and began to summarize the wealth he had taken from the underground palace and the underwater palace. Therefore, he stayed in the basement exclusively and took out all the gold jewels. Obviously, the basement couldn't be piled up, so he took out only a part at a time and sorted out a part. His idea is to smelt these gold into gold nuggets, and then store them as reserve funds. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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