The American Scripture

Chapter 1454: Realize your dream

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Under the basement, there are neatly arranged gold bricks, which are all carved with signs of Zhen Fan's characteristics. When Melissa pushed open the basement door, she was stunned by the sight in front of her. The basement is big enough, but here can only store less than one-twentieth of the treasure. Now it is absolutely no problem to say that Zhen Fan is rich in the enemy's country.

"Oh my god, boss, my god, this really makes me... I don't know what to say, how many are there? I have to estimate!" Melissa opened her mouth and started to count the gold, just for a while. , And forgot the previous one. At this time Maria suddenly got out and said to Melissa, "I'll count for you, Aunt Melissa."

Zhen Fan's secret is open to his family, so he didn't hide it from Maria. Of course, everyone except the tutor, the maid and the nanny knew it. Melissa opened her mouth in surprise, and then nodded to Maria and said, "Of course, of course...Your family is really democratic!" The following sentence was for Zhen Fan, meaning it was so huge The secret of his treasure is actually open to a child. It's really nervous, and I'm not afraid that this kid will tell this hidden gold spot, which will attract some people's coveting.

"My family has always been like this. Democracy is the first." Zhen Fan put his hand on the pile of gold and said with a smile, "Well, Maria, quickly help Aunt Melissa finish the count of this batch. Gold, I can tell you, it’s only one-twentieth, but I haven’t [have taken out everything.”

"My God--" Melissa felt a huge heartbeat despite a little psychological preparation. She now controls Zhen Fan's huge wealth. There are also more than 30 billion US dollars. If Zhen Fan said so, how much money should this guy have? I think I will control such a huge wealth. She felt that her face was burning. Obviously she felt that this would be the greatest honor in her life. No matter who it is, if you can manage such a huge wealth. It will be a lifetime glory, a lifetime worthy of pride, and praise for a lifetime.

Then Zhen Fan ignored Melissa's surprised expression and stood there watching Melissa count the gold here with Maria in the basement. Until the sun went down, Melissa came out of the basement in exhaustion. Although she was tired, she looked very excited.

"The gold in the basement, according to my estimation, should be about 10 billion U.S. dollars. If it is 20 such gold deposits, then it is worth 200 billion U.S. dollars, my God, you are definitely the richest person in the world. , Including any Saudi royal family may not be as good as you, my God—well, as usual, I won’t ask you the source of your funds. But I have a suggestion..." Melissa suddenly looked sincerely Zhen Fan's eyes are full of eager hope.

"Proposal? Speak up and listen?" Zhen Fan became a little interested in Melissa's words. She was sure she wanted to do something, so she nodded, "If you can move me." She waved her head and motioned for the two to walk and talk. Walk along the lawn to the artificial pool fountain aside and sit down.

"Would you like coffee?" At this moment, Claire floated over like a ghost, then blinked at Zhen Fan, and then at Monip Setis who was standing next to Zhen Fan. Suddenly. "Isn't he following the archaeological woman to learn to drive? Why did he come over?"

"Have you seen someone still learning to drive during dinner?" Zhen Fan smiled at Claire, "What are you going to do during this time? Although you have full freedom. But I hope I can control your news at any time."

"What I want to do, in fact, you should have known it a long time ago. Okay...I'm going over there. Goodbye, I'll give you coffee from Maria." He said, waving his hands grinning.

"I knew it a long time ago? I didn't even know, Claire—" Zhen Fan said loudly, spreading his hands to Claire's jumping back, but Claire raised his hands without looking back. Waved, and then walked to the front of the yard, "Uh, where did we just say? By the way... it's your plan, tell me?"

Melissa nodded to Zhen Fan, then sorted out her thoughts and cleared her throat. She felt this was her chance, so when she said it, her voice still trembled a little: "I think we It's time to set up a bank, or buy a bank. We now have this strength, and... this kind of gold reserves, this is an advantage that no bank can match. I promise, they are not like ours. Rich." He looked at Zhen Fan with bright eyes, a little nervous in his heart, and a little sweat in his palms.

Zhen Fan was stunned for a moment, he was completely unprepared, to put it bluntly, he was completely a novice in business. Although I have made so much money over the years, Sampson did all the wine sales, and Melissa took care of all the business later, and a very large group-the group was established.

But no matter what, such a huge wealth can support a huge bank. In fact, it is very mature. Zhen Fan thought for a while and said, "Leave this to you. Whether it's acquiring a bank or reapplying to establish a bank, your team will do it, I don't care. I just give the money."

Although knowing that Zhen Fan is very likely to agree, once she really heard Zhen Fan's own words, she immediately clenched her fists in excitement, and jumped up, leaned down, and hooked Zhen. Fan kissed on the neck. It was summer, and when Melissa leaned down, she could see the scenery inside.

"Don't even think about it, you are so many women!" The sensitive Melissa immediately felt Zhen Fan's scorching eyes. She hurriedly stood up straight and tidied her neckline. Although she said that, she was still He winked at Zhen Fan, and then sat down next to Zhen Fan.

"This woman is really unreliable!" Helena, who was far away, said to Christine with a grin. "Look at it. This is the charm of successful men. Women are dizzy animals. Men don't have any immunity, so... watch tight!" He twisted his waist into the kitchen like a fox.

"Have you heard?" Kristen turned his head and snorted at Yi Fei who was standing next to him. "Watch tight, your own man, don't let anyone **** him."

Yi Fei hadn't spoken yet. At this time, Zoe who was next to him winked and smiled and said, "You can't help it. Men are always interested in new things. They are such creatures. So... keep yourself fresh. This is what makes men not worry about women outside. This is the secret. Remember? Yi Fei!” The three women stood there, looking at Melissa and Zhen through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Where to speak.

These women have been standing here for a long time, and it is obvious that they see Zhen Fan and Melissa as scenery. And also added his own comments. Perhaps these women have found one thing in common, and that is to be consistent with the outside world.

Zhen Fan stayed with Melissa for dinner. At dinner, Melissa always felt something was wrong, either Christine toasted her, or Yi Fei, and then a few other women were added, even Maria came to join in the fun, which made her a little uncomfortable. Comfortable, she didn't feel this way when she was an assistant to Zhen Fan, but today she did, and it was very strong, so she had to leave after dinner in a hurry.

Okay, this is a housework. Zhen Fan shrugged at the women sitting in the hall looking at him with a smile, and then went upstairs dingy, winking at Maria. He can only chat with a little girl like Maria now, and Maria follows like a stalker, jumping up and down smilingly. She is happy to chat with Zhen Fan alone, and she can chat with Zhen Fan about some interesting things that happen to herself every day.

Monipel Setis, the tragic former king, also left with Melissa. He hadn't got his driver's license yet, so he couldn't drive yet. Melissa dropped him back. Melissa was very interested in this giant who came to Zhen Fan's house inexplicably. The two people stammered and chatted, finally let Melissa understand some basic information. But because of Zhen Fan's account, Monipu Setis only said that he came with Zhen Fan when he was in Egypt, but he did not say that he was the greatest pharaoh in Egypt more than three thousand years ago.

But it is really useless to say these because no one will give you the rule of Egypt just because you are a pharaoh more than three thousand years ago, and it is impossible to give you special treatment. If it's a little bit lighter, maybe those in power in Egypt will feel threatened, and they will send someone to kill you immediately, saying that they were captured by people from European and American countries, and they will be researched as a monster, no matter how capable they are now. Strong, always unable to fight against such a huge state apparatus. Because it doesn’t have to be ancient anymore, modern guns, missiles and even electromagnetic guns and laser weapons may harm him.

"Melissa gave me a suggestion that we would set up a bank. Our current gold is almost equivalent to the GDP of a country like Portugal in one year. So... we now have our own bank to do Everything becomes very convenient, and you can do things that we could not do before." Zhen Fan said to the women who did it again, "All of this... was created by you and me. I feel very much about this. pride!"

Silence, after a while. Christine stood up and said to Zhen Fan, "I don't know how to say it, but I still have to say to you, Zhen, will you let each of us realize our dreams?"

"Of course." Zhen Fan nodded solemnly and said, "I promise, I will let each of you achieve it." (To be continued...)

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