The American Scripture

Chapter 801: Battle of Iron Man

I'm really sorry, it's late today, it seems the first time the first chapter was posted so late. ? ? ? ..Because I got together with a few buddies and drank, I couldn't find the status. The first chapter is delivered, and the second chapter I will continue to code. Forgive me brothers, wait a moment!

A huge frightening shadow fell from the sky against the background of the moon, as if it were an ancient behemoth, with a big mouth in the blood basin, and the sharp claws glowed brightly under the moonlight. It seemed as if a series of cold light shone into the eyes of the soldiers.

"Fire, fire!"

Lieutenant Colonel Martin gave a loud order. All the weapons expelled flames for the first time and shot at the huge figure that swooped over. Almost no one thought that this behemoth would avoid bullets, but in reality It didn't intend to avoid the bullets, but instead rushed to the soldiers in response to the bullet rain.

"Puff--" With a sound, a huge furry hand passed through a soldier's chest. When it was pulled out, a **** heart was added and it was thrown into the middle of the soldiers, causing a burst of pain. After the commotion, the soldiers soon discovered that bullets could not be shot into this werewolf's body, only a slight "poof" sound could be heard, and the bullets fell one after another, and his fur was no longer afraid of bullet shooting. Up.

"Retreat, retreat!" Sergeant George immediately issued an order to retreat to his soldiers, because another soldier was lifted by the werewolf's hands and tore in half directly, and the internal organs and blood were sprinkled hotly. The bodies or faces of some soldiers made everyone back in horror.

If it is facing an enemy with a gun. Maybe they weren't so panicked, but now they are facing an invulnerable monster, and they dig their hearts and tear them in half at every turn. The soldiers were terrified and fled, but their military qualities made it impossible for them to run away. Instead, they seized favorable terrain and shot at the monsters.

But obviously, their resistance had no effect, and a few werewolves rushed. Just caught a few unlucky ones, pinched them to death easily, or fell to the ground to death. At this time, he saw a helicopter hovering in the sky, and then the lights locked on the huge werewolf. The bullets on the helicopter began to spit fire and hit the werewolf. Make a louder "pupu" sound.

Although not shot into the body. But this kind of blow finally made the werewolf feel the pain. He suddenly squatted up to the sky and screamed, then squatted on the ground, and then leaped into the air. The whole figure leaped high under the irradiation of the helicopter, and the huge palm of his hand turned towards He climbed over with the helicopter.

"Shoot, shoot. Shoot him down!" The machine gun turned and swept at the werewolf, although it had a certain blocking effect. But the werewolf still grabbed the helicopter with one hand, grabbed the soldier operating the helicopter with one hand, and threw it out. He heard a scream from the air.

"God!" When the werewolf's huge wolf head appeared at the door of the helicopter, he roared suddenly, his mouth full of teeth was dripping with blood, and the other two soldiers interrupted and suddenly jumped toward the helicopter. Going down, they have ropes on their bodies, so they don’t have to worry about falling to death, but the helicopter pilot can’t escape. Don’t the werewolf pulled open the cabin door, and then stretched out his long arm to pull the pilot out with both hands. As soon as it was twisted, a head suddenly fell off, and the helicopter made a "whoop" sound, hovering and falling to the ground.

When the helicopter was about to fall, the werewolf sprinted again and rushed towards the other helicopter. When climbing the helicopter with one hand, several people on the plane jumped down in exclamation. They saw with their own eyes how the helicopter in front was scrapped, and instead of letting him twist his head, they might as well jump down by themselves, perhaps they could still get a life.

Two helicopters fell to the ground one after another, hitting the ground, one of the fuel was ignited, and a huge explosion sounded. The fireball brightened the surrounding area. The soldiers on the ground were not going to round up the werewolf now. , But to stop them from letting the werewolves rush into the town.

At the same time, the police and some soldiers rushed to the town. They wanted to evacuate the residents of the town urgently. Otherwise, when the soldiers could not withstand the impact of the werewolves, the town would suffer a greater massacre. Blood flows into a river. The vocation of a soldier is here.

"Block them, Lei, set ambush here, I'll go there!" Sergeant George gestured to Lei, and then kept bending forward, and after reaching the predetermined place, he started shooting at the werewolf.

"General, our people have suffered a heavy loss!" At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Martin had been hiding in a ditch with several soldiers. He asked the communicator to contact the headquarters. "We could not stop him at all and lost two helicopters. There are more than a dozen soldiers killed. We need to wait until the battle is over before we can count them and ask for support!"

At this time, the camera transmitted the scene of the battle to the Pentagon through the cameras on the scene. Everyone was watching the scene of the battle with their mouths open. Obviously, Lieutenant Colonel Martin said they had already seen it.

"My God!" General von Casser also felt the Pentagon. He wanted to see the battle for himself, but seeing the one-sided battle scene, he could only open his mouth, and then said something like this .

The highest rank in it was a lieutenant general, who was the commander of this operation. At this time, there was another call from Lieutenant Colonel Martin on the screen, as well as his nervous and anxious face: "General Krakow, we need to leave early. Decision." Obviously, if you don't make a decision early, you will probably be wiped out.

"God—help me, save me—" The picture turned, a soldier with a broken leg screamed helplessly, then a huge shadow covered him, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"General!" General von Kasser was also anxious, and he stared at the lieutenant general named Krakow.

"Execute the 17 plan. Release Albert Banks." Lieutenant General Krakow looked at the big screen and gave a big order. At this time, the operators in the Pentagon immediately began to connect to the other side of the battlefield via satellite. The huge truck creaked.

All the soldiers did not notice the changes in the carriage. Only Lieutenant Colonel Martin saw it. The entire carriage suddenly opened to the surroundings. A soldier surrounded by armors stood in the middle of the carriage. The carriage in the carriage was loaded with such a guy. Although Lieutenant Colonel Martin expressed doubts about the contents of the carriage, he did not ask because of the discipline of the military.

Suddenly the werewolf who was chasing the soldiers stopped suddenly. He seemed to be aware of the danger. He slowly turned around and slapped a soldier who was firing at him into the air. It was called falling to the ground with a tragic name. . This man in armor is dangerous. He smelled a familiar smell of energy from this person.

It is the energy from the meteorite at that moment, so Beasley is very familiar with this kind of thing, it exudes so strongly, and he can feel the hardness of the armor on his body, it should be a very rare alloy. The alloy is likely to hurt yourself. So he slowly faced the man in the carriage.

Suddenly the man moved, and rushed towards Beasley like a cannonball. Beasley dodged suddenly and avoided, but the metal man suddenly drew an arc in the air, holding A tight fist suddenly punched Beasley’s left ear, and he heard a loud “bang”. Beasley’s face was hit, and a mouthful of blood spurted out with one tooth, and his whole body was also hit. He flew up after being hit by a fist, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Okay-beat this **** to death!" A soldier lay on the ground, and suddenly raised his fist to applaud, and cheers from the soldiers came from the ground.

"Fuck it, **** this bastard! Let him go to hell!"

Beasley was very angry. He wanted to get up, but only halfway through the climb, the guy wrapped in steel came again. This time, a pair of fists slammed his body and knocked him back into the air. More than a dozen meters away, I hit a large stone in my back, and the stone was suddenly split apart, which shows the strength of this time.

"Is this our Iron Man?" At this time, some soldiers began to ask questions. Even Lieutenant Colonel Martin didn't know that such a thing existed. Naturally, the soldiers didn't even know that such a thing existed. So they will unfold their imagination.

"I guess yes. It's probably something that Stark Technology made. Who knows, but at least I know that this thing belongs to our side. I don't know who is there? Robert? Downey?"

"Perhaps it is. This thing is very popular. If you have money, you should buy a suit!" At this time, Lei said to George from the side, "Is this the thing from our 51st district?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it anyway!" George shook his head and looked nervously at the fighting side. At this time everyone stopped shooting, for fear of accidentally hurting the fighting to take advantage. The Iron Man of.

"Boom—" There was another muffled sound, and Beasley was punched to the ground again by the iron man, struggling as if he was about to get up, and it seemed that he was exhausted.

"Great! Beat him back to find his mother!" Lei shouted loudly.

"I don't want another mother to come out!" A soldier murmured beside him. His words made the nervous people all around laughter. The atmosphere was a little relaxed. It seemed that Iron Man was the winner now.

The Pentagon, the combat command room, everyone saw Beasley being beaten to the ground by the Iron Man again and couldn't help cheering. Some even slapped their hands, some clenched fists and waved in the air. Obviously, this time the secret The display of weapons has had a very good effect.

"I want to catch alive!" Lieutenant General Krakow thought suddenly.

"What?" Everyone looked back at Lieutenant General Krakow, somewhat puzzled.

"I'm going to catch him alive!" General Krakow said again, "Enter the instructions, let this battle end early!" (To be continued...)

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