The American Scripture

Chapter 802: It's you guys

The second chapter is delivered, it's a bit late, sorry again!

"Fighting over there!" Steve and Gicaro stood on a hillside by the side of the town, watching the gas fire and gunshots outside the town, "Are you sure we have to wait here, and Don't help them?" Steve looked at Gicaro in a strange way.

"Wait!" Gicaro nodded and said, "People in the military know that they are not Beasley's opponents, but there must be such a trap. There must be a reason. Don't worry, even if it is us. Going out will not be Beasley’s opponent, he is stronger than before, so... what we have to do is when he comes to the town, we block him and let the people in the town evacuate safely. That's it!"

"Where are those soldiers?" Steve looked over there with some worry, listening to the faintly screaming voice, "They will suffer heavy casualties, my god, I really don't know how this guy became so powerful. Perhaps only Zhen can defeat him in this world. If he were here, it would be fine, everything is over!"

"Perhaps he has already arranged something!" Gicaro took a breath, staring tightly at the battle over there and did not dare to relax for a moment. He was always on guard to prevent Beasley from moving towards. He rushed over here, "I believe that he will not ignore this! Ww. He is a good person!"

"I know, good people always come out last!" Steve shrugged, and he stared at the battlefield there. When he wanted to say something, he suddenly exclaimed, "Oh. God, what the **** is that?" Because at this time, the gunfire there suddenly stopped. It was as if a figure jumped up with a flash of light, rushed towards Beasley, and then heard Beasley's roar of anger.

"Sure enough, the military is here!" Gicaro said, expressionless, it was obvious that the military has a secret weapon against Beasley, if this secret weapon can defeat Beasley. So... what will happen to Milk and his group in the future?

"It's a robot, or a person in armor, very powerful. When did the military develop such a powerful weapon or armor?... Oh, **** him, that's it, give it another punch!" Steve Looked at the scene in the distance with surprise. Their eyesight is different from ordinary people. So I can see it more clearly. When the Iron Man group defeated Beasley, he couldn't help but exclaimed!

Gicaro looked at that side without saying a word, and he wanted to see how the final battle ended there. Did not respond to Steve's words. And Steve was also aware of Gicaro's strangeness, and couldn't help but glance at him and said, "What's the matter with you? Or... I said something wrong?"

"What do you think will happen to us if that robot or armored man defeats Beasley?" Gicaro said.

"Who knows? Does it happen from time to time?" Steve shrugged, spread his hands, and thought about it in confusion. I couldn't help but shed cold sweat, "Then... will they allow people like us to continue to exist?"

"Of course not. If the army wins this time, we will be the one who beats the iron gadget to the ground next time. Steve, remember, once we lose value, they won't allow us to do this. Special people already exist. We have to make early plans, even if we won't be this time, next time... what about next time? Technology is always improving, and we will face elimination one day!"

"Then... what shall we do?" Steve was a little confused, and he looked at Gicaro in a panic, "What should we do? Are we going to help that werewolf?"

"Haha, you are really funny. If you help the werewolf, you might die faster. Even if the army doesn't come out and pay you, Zhen will not let you go!" Gicaro was a little sad. He smiled, he did have a deep sadness in his heart.

Steve was in a daze, Gicaro ignored him, and continued to watch the battle ahead, his hands clenched into fists, and his knuckles turned white. Looking at Steve’s appearance, he couldn’t bear it, and he said: “Forget it, let’s talk about it when the time comes. If we get nowhere, we can still go to Zhen. Even if the Tin Man is more powerful, he is the A pile of scrap iron."

"Yeah, yeah!" Steve seemed to be awakened suddenly, nodding his head again and again, and the hesitation on his face slowly faded, and he also got a little bit of energy, watching the battle in the distance.

"Boom!" There was another muffled sound, and Beasley was knocked to the ground again by the Tin Man. He stood up a little wobbly, seemingly exhausted. The Iron Man didn't give another punch, he was very well executing the order from the Pentagon to get this guy back alive.

"Damn the tin man!" Beasley stood up, shook his head, made a "creak" noise around his neck, and moved his arm to look at the armored man floating in the air, "You only have Are these tricks? Want to knock me down? You are a little bit too close, buddy, you are a metal word, I know what you are made of, computer chips and iron sheets that will rust, don’t worry, I will beat Crush you!"

"This **** guy, he has been beaten so much. I think it's still a few times to get this guy to get down completely!" In the Pentagon, the head of the robot passed by is very clear, even Beasley's screaming expression can be seen. Clearly, under the light of the fire, General von Kaser said to Lieutenant General Krakow.

"Wait, I really hope to see how this guy will counterattack, look at his appearance, it seems that he is not very convinced, let him take a breath, and compete with our steel warriors!" Lieutenant General Krakow said with a smile , "Gentlemen, we have the winning ticket, don't worry about it!"

Suddenly there was another round of applause in the combat room. The atmosphere is very warm, even someone has already begun to prepare like playing an electric game, learning the way a robot punches, waving his arms, no one will doubt that the robot Albert Banks who beat Beasley into a mess. Will lose this battle.

"Okay, man, come here, I will teach you a good lesson, get rid of your iron skin, and then go to Washington with these broken bronze iron. Let them take a good look at what is the most powerful fighter. It’s not like that, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me Beasley!" Beasley is ready. One of his faces looks a bit hideous on the big screen, but it can be seen that he High morale.

"Do it, Albert!" Lieutenant General Krakow said, then put his hands on his chest.

As soon as the words fell, the steel warrior Albert, who was floating on the edge of the town, rushed towards Beasley, even with a sharp wind whistling sound like a high-speed brake. His speed was very fast, but this time, he did not do what he wanted. After a gust of wind passed, no one fell.

Beasley easily passed Albert’s attack. Albert took another sharp turn and rushed back, but this time he still failed to achieve his wish. Beasley leaped high, and at Albert When Te rushed over, he turned over and avoided, and his colleague suddenly stretched out one of his hands and patted Albert's back with a huge "pop" sound.

With a sound of "Boom—" Albert's speed control was still slow, and he got into a mound next to him, and then climbed out. He didn't have any embarrassed expressions because he was just a robot, crawling. After coming out, he rushed towards Beasley without stopping at all.

"Come on, I will turn you into a pile of scrap iron, and then appear in the recycling bin for scraps!" Beasley suddenly laughed, and jumped up to meet Albert. The fist slammed towards Beasley's belly.

Beasley jumped up suddenly, and when he turned over he rode on Albert's body. Albert wanted to turn over, but Beasley suddenly grabbed his head, and the two fell on the ground at the same time. , Albert has been riding by Beasley, even if it falls on the ground, except for splashing dust, Albert has been riding by Beasley.

"Oh, no—" In the war room of the Pentagon, many people covered their eyes and could see that although the camera was not aimed at Beasley, it could be seen that Albert was controlled by Beasley.

Lieutenant General Krakow looked pale. Obviously, if Albert failed this time, he would be able to subdue this man? If he continues to cause chaos in the United States, who can catch him? His heart suddenly became a little bit painful, and he faintly hoped that Albert could come and fight back.

Although he must face reality as a general, he will also have some illusions when he is desperate like ordinary people. Perhaps the general is also an ordinary person.

"Go to hell!" Suddenly, on the screen in the war room, the lens seemed to be tilted to the side, and then the screen suddenly became blank, with only snowflakes all over the screen. Obviously Albert was over, and everyone was ashamed. They sat there the same, motionless They were all waiting for Lieutenant General Krakow's order, they all looked at him, Lieutenant General Krakow turned pale, and finally faced with expressionlessly. Everyone said: "Let them withdraw, don't make unnecessary sacrifices." He left the war room with a sad expression, and the war room was silent.

General von Kasser also quickly followed, and said to Lieutenant General Krakow: "General, what about our plan?"

"I'll make it clear to the Secretary of Defense!" Lieutenant General Krakow paused, "Save that video, I need it." He said and left straight away.

At the same time, the soldiers who were still watching the applause saw the final outcome. Beasley pressed Albert's head with both hands, and then twisted hard, his entire head was torn off by him, and his neck broke. At the place, a "crackling" blue electric spark was emitted. Obviously, everyone knew that this guy who was also known as Iron Man was finished.

They were dumbfounded, and then a chill rushed into their foreheads.

"Guys, what you just saw was very enjoyable? Now it's your turn!" Beasley grinned grinningly, showing his sharp teeth. (To be continued...)

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