The American Scripture

Chapter 810: Troubleshoot

Gilaro didn’t know Presskin anymore. This was normal, so he looked at Zhen Fan in confusion. Because Zhen Fan brought him here, his identity would certainly not be very simple, or he wanted to know each other or with himself There is also Milk related. () So he looked at Zhen Fan with questioning eyes, and then at Miles Simon.

"Jicaro Polk, I know you, Steve Runa, I also know you, you two have been mutated because of the impact of the energy meteorite, and you also have special abilities. At the same time, you are employed by Dan. ?Mr. Milk, am I right?" Miles showed white teeth at Gicaro and Steve, and smiled. His smile looked a little innocent and pure. He was a teenager. Boy, really an enviable age.

" did you know us?" Gicaro was frightened by this big young boy. Yeah, such a big young boy knows so many secret things, even the U.S. government. It will not be decrypted. This man named Miles Simon is too young.

"Don't tease them, tell them what you really want, Preskin!" Zhen Fan called the name again, and then said to him, "You tell them yourself. After so many years, I hope your grievances can end. !" He looked at Miles Simon, and at Gicaro and Steve.

"What...Pleskin? Sia? Presskin?" Gicaro sat up abruptly. He looked at the big boy in front of him, this man and the Preskin he had seen before. It doesn't matter at all. In addition to his body shape, he can also be associated with Presskin, and this face is another person.

"Yes. I am Presskin. This is my master’s Taoism, which has changed my appearance. It’s hard to believe that this is true? I know you and Beasley’s last stop, I’m very I admire you, but... please forgive me for not going to treat you in time, but... Beasley is dead, I buried him on a hillside where you can see the blue sky and white clouds. I hope his heart will be in the future. Can be purified!" Miles Simon said in a low tone.

"Also... My name will be Miles Simon. So please Mr. Tomilk to help me create a more complete identity. I will study and live in Los Angeles and help in my master's clinic." Miles Simon took a breath. He said with a serious face, "I want to live a normal life, and...I believe that I can quit the habit of sucking blood. I can change my life."

"God!" Steve exclaimed for the first time. This seems to be a turning point like a fantasy, but the fact is like this. He has already believed that this man is the former Presskin, the powerful but terrifying vampire, and now the vampire has quit the vampire, then This person should be his own friend.

Just like Steve, Gicaro was surprised and delighted. Obviously how happy it is to have a strong helping hand on my side, but also a little worried.

"Sia Presskin belongs to the past. I hope we all forget this person. He was your enemy, so this name shouldn't appear in friends. Your friend should be Miles Simon!" Mai Els nodded to them and said, "And...I will be very happy to be your friend!"

"Of course... so do we!" Milk also nodded, and Gicaro and Steve also nodded quickly, "Our grievances... Forget it, it's not your fault, that's Sid Fridge. You can’t blame you for your mistakes, you also acted on orders, and more importantly, you are back!" Milk said earnestly.

"Yes, so do we!" Gicaro nodded to Miles. "Pleskin is already in the past. He is dead in our hearts. We only know one named Miles Simon. This person, he is our friend, and...we also want to thank you for saving us!"

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for you, we would be dead!" Steve also interjected.

"Since I have forgotten Preskin, then I have never saved you. Since I chose to forget, then everything is over. There is nothing that can't be saved. Well, we have been talking for so long, don't you feel Is it uncomfortable?" Miles smiled at them.

"I've been waiting for a long time!" Zhen Fan also said with a smile on the side.

"Oh, it hurts!" Steve suddenly made a gesture of lying on the bed and pretending to be dead, causing everyone to smile. Zhen Fan said to Gicaro and Milk, "You go outside and wait, I will naturally let you come and visit after you wait!"

"Of course, Miles, let's go to taste Chinese Longjing tea. I like this very much." Milk shook his head at Miles, "By the way... we can discuss how we can transform it for you. Your identity, by the way, do you plan to be born and raised in Los Angeles, or do you plan to be a cowboy from the west..."

"This...I'm not sure, what kind of identity do you think is the most authentic, then just use my name. By the way... I also want to take the community college exam, I want to try Try your luck!" Miles smiled at Milk, "I haven't tried the taste of reading for a long time. I don't know what it will be like. The ages can't remind me of those years."

"These words shouldn't be coming out of your mouth. You should remember that you are a nineteen-year-old boy. You should be full of energy, not so dull, so that everyone will notice you. !" Milk shook his head and said, "Once you become the object of other people's attention, then... someone will investigate you. After all, the false identity is false!"

"You mean let me go drag racing or streaking with them?" Miles couldn't help laughing. "I can try it, or try the smell of marijuana with them. You know, this thing is for our bodies Function has no effect, we will not become addicted!"

"Don't play with fire!" Milk warned. Then took Miles into his study.

The two people discussed some details of Miles’ false identity. These things should be familiar to Miles himself, because he must be very familiar with his fake family and go back to his grandfather. With grandfather and so on, details are very important, there is no doubt about this.

Someone was knocking on the door.

The two people raised their heads unconsciously, then looked at the door, the door was open, and Zhen Fan was already standing there, smiling at the two people: "I'm done, you can go and see them both, but They are asleep, and this treatment has consumed too much energy."

"Are you going?" Milk looked at Miles.

"No, since the master said it's all right, it's all right, I believe it!" Miles smiled and looked at Zhen Fan, "Are we going to go home?"

"Of course...remember, Milk, you owe me again!" Zhen Fan smiled and clapped his hands, ready to leave. With Miles, he pointed to Milk and smiled, "I plan to build A Chinese medicine research center."

"Well, if you want to establish in California, I can provide you with some convenience!" Milk smiled helplessly, "Also...this time the military has suffered a huge setback, but they will definitely not stop that. The robot plan, because they still have meteorites hidden,'s not ruled out that they will build such a person again, but Gicaro and Steve are no longer opponents of that robot, I hope you can maintain sufficient vigilance. "

"Goodbye, Milk, the way you look are really old!" Zhen Fan walked out and waved his hand to Milk, "It is not the world of robots yet, they are also aliens in this world! It is not the natural process of human science and technology development. Since they want to take shortcuts, they will definitely pay the price for their willfulness! Go!"

Milk watched Zhen Fan and Miles leave together, then heard the sound of the car starting, and then the car drove away from his villa. Watching the car lights disappear, Milk slowly walked back, and then came to the basement, gently pushed open the door, he saw the room, two people are asleep, but from the electrocardiogram display They basically had no problems. Although he also wanted to know what method Zhen Fan used to treat them, he still couldn't ask, unless Zhen Fan took the initiative to tell him.

Milk closed the door gently and walked out of the basement. After Beasley, he almost understood the government's attitude, which is to replace them with more controllable robots. These are not very controllable. This is the only way for the extraordinary people of the United States to do what the U.S. government wants to do without worrying about their own opinions.

The car was driven by Miles. Along the way, it didn't take long to stop, beside the road. Then looking at Zhen Fan, he pondered his words and said: "Master, there is something. When your recipe was stolen, I knew who was behind the scenes. They were a group of French guys. Originally, I went to Bez. Li, I just want to go to France with him, and then find out the master behind the scenes, and then want him to worship you as a teacher.

"It's a pity that he refused!" Zhen Fan sighed and shook his head. "But Beasley knew that if you refused, you would kill him, so he fled, but he didn't expect to trigger a war on the border. What a pity, he could have lived a little better, but he didn't want to give up his kind of life!"

"I know, thank you, Master!" Miles said deeply, "but...I still want to get that thing done before returning to Los Angeles! Otherwise, I will always have a debt in my heart! "

"Forget it, let this matter take its course. They failed once, so they won't let it go, as long as our wines are selling better and better!" Zhen Fan shrugged indifferently, "Waiting for the next time they vote. Luo Internet Cafe, why should we take the initiative to find trouble? But... we must first solve the problem before we can go home!"

"I know, leave it to me, this is the trouble I have caused, and I will take care of it!" With that, Miles got out of the car. (To be continued...) u

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