The American Scripture

Chapter 811: Sasha Elba's obsession

The car stopped on the shaded road, and Miles got out of the car. Zhen Fan sat in the car and did not come out. He just smiled and said, "I am here. She will not come out. You and her Let's talk. But... it's still a problem if she knows you." This is indeed a problem.

"Come out, I know you are here!" Myers suddenly locked his gaze on the top of a big tree, where the green trees were shady, among the dense leaves, the faintly transmitted energy breath made Miles. He caught it accurately. He looked there and said, "I know it's you, Sasha Elba."

The leaves shook slightly, and there was a woman on the ground. She wore a short white skirt and frowned at Miles. This person made her feel familiar, but his face was different. Is completely unfamiliar. So she hesitated and said to Miles: "I...I want to see Mr. Zhen, I want him to help me."

"Let's talk, I know you, what do you want to ask, maybe I can answer it for you!" Miles sighed from the bottom of his heart, but he held back what he wanted to say, and looked at the woman blankly.

"Okay—" Sasha Elba stretched her neck and looked at Zhen Fan sitting in the car. She still wanted to go over and say something to him, but she felt an invisible {resistance blocking herself. She was here, so she also knew that the Miles in front of her was definitely a powerful place that could make herself invisible.

"I...I want to know the whereabouts of Shia Presskin!" Sasha Elba looked at Miles, looking at him with some hope. "Tell me his whereabouts? He said he would come out to find Mr. Zhen, but...I have never seen him, I...I really want to know his whereabouts. Please!"

"Sorry, we don’t know the whereabouts of Shia? Presskin recently. Maybe it was dead. Soon he and Beasley had a battle. Some people said that he and Beasley died together. Who knows, maybe. Really! Go ahead. He is not with us. If a person dies, his name will disappear. So...forget the name and start over by yourself!" Miles said, turning to the car Go.

"Sir—" Sasha suddenly rushed towards Miles, but was pushed away by a force. She couldn't walk into the car at all. She could only watch Miles pull the car door, and then got into the back seat of the car. Her heart was almost broken when she heard the sound of closing the car door with a "bang".

The hope and attachment that had made this woman almost wilted. She couldn't shed tears, but she made a heartbreaking wailing sound, not loud. But it was the kind of desperate, unbearable wailing. It seems to have lost all the lonely hopeless women.

"Do you treat him like this?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head, turned his head and looked back, "You sit in the back instead of the co-pilot, it means you are not at peace in your heart. This is not the result you want, is it? "

Miles was silent. He didn't speak for a while, but he could still see the shadow of Sasha Elba in front of him through the glass. He wanted to say something, but he just sighed and said in a daze: " Master, I'm learning from you now, how can I still get entangled with her? The separation is only a matter of time, and my feeling for her is far from what she feels for me. How do you let me face it?"

"Not at all?" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled. He sat in the cab, but never started the car. "She dares to do anything for you, and even if she wants to die in front of me for you To keep you safe, do you have the heart to let her wander outside alone?"

"Yes, we are already people in two worlds, I can't harm her!" Miles said firmly.

Zhen Fan looked at him, then kept nodding his head and said: "If this is the case, then I have an idea. It's better to destroy her now, so that you don't have to worry about her existence, even if you don't miss her. , But... will always make some intentional or unintentional harmful actions, she is simply not suitable for survival in this world."

"What do you want to say?" Miles felt a little flustered. It sounded as if Zhen Fan was about to kill her. He immediately sat upright, staring at Zhen Fan in a daze, "Master, I can guarantee her nature She is still relatively kind. I don’t know if I can let her go. I don’t know...I’m sorry, my mind is a little confused, I promise, she will not harm people, I can tell her."

"You still don't care?" Zhen Fan joked.

"I'm sorry...I do care!" Miles smiled bitterly and shook his head. "If it was before, I really don't care. Who cares about the life and death of a small person? But... My physique is constantly changing At that time, I will find that my feelings are also changing, and I care about more and more things."

"This is a necessity. If you want to become a complete person, then your feelings will develop more and more towards the human side. If you truly have a human heart, then you will be complete. It’s a complete person.” Zhen Fan nodded and said, “So not only you are changing, but Sasha is also changing. This is probably because of my h?c?d. I guess she didn’t drink less. Your wine. So... the more she drinks, the more humanity she will become, and her attachment and affection for you will become deeper and deeper, so deep that she can follow her life and death!"

"God—" Miles patted his head, it was obvious that he knew what was going on, indeed... he liked to have a drink with Sasha, and even so, he thought it was nothing. Unexpectedly, things developed in this direction, which made him feel surprised.

"Go talk to her, if she wants, I might think of a good way for her and you!" Zhen Fan said to Miles, "Tell her the actual situation, I hope he can accept you like this. With an age-old face, maybe her feelings will change, and she feels like she wants to be a mother!"

Miles felt speechless at Zhen Fan's words. Is this what the master said to his apprentice? But he doesn't have much anger. He is an American and doesn't take this seriously. So after hearing what Zhen Fan said, he reopened the car door and walked towards the front. Sure enough, the woman was still there, just squatting on the side of the road, shivering.

"Sasha--" Miles considered her language, and then said to her, "You may not believe it, but I still want to tell you, I know the whereabouts of Shia Presskin, he... He did not die, and he is still alive, alive and well, and may become a real person."

"This?" Sasha Elba stood up excitedly, then stared at Miles in a daze, "Where is he? Can I see him? God, this...this is really great. , I don’t know how to put it, I want to see him, can I? He must be with Mr. Zhen, this is his wish, he will definitely go for this wish, even if he has exhausted his entire life Achieved. I knew it!"

Sasha Elba almost tugged at Miles's clothes. The expression on her face was very rich, with surprises, enthusiasm and some faint sorrow. These things changed in her eyes, making her emotions too. In the constant fluctuations, the muscles on his face are changing differently, and I don't know how to express myself.

"'t you really bear it?" Looking at Sasha Elba's surprised expression, Miles was in a mixed mood. He finally shook his hands and stretched forward slowly. Gently stroking her hair, this move made Sasha Elba looked at her with a little surprise.

"Mr...Mr...What's the matter with you?" She was afraid to remove his hand, because she was afraid that as soon as she removed his hand, he would go away in anger, not talking about Shia Presskin. The news told her that this kind of mood was both scared and uneasy, but also with a high hope, which was more complicated than the mood just now.

"It's me, I'm Shia? Presskin!" Miles finally couldn't help but said what he wanted to say, and then relaxed for a while, "I am, I just changed my own Appearance, this is Mr. Zhen... No, my master wanted me to appear as a new identity, so... I am Shia Presskin."

As soon as this sentence was said, Sasha Elba did not surprise him, nor did he say that he was a liar in anger, but looked at him with some confused eyes, and then shook his head: "If you Let me take a look at your body, and I will know if you are headquarters will even change your body, right?"

"No... I know that you have my mark on your body and my teeth are bitten out. Every time I want to **** blood, you let me bite you. I know it hurts, but... I can’t control myself, so... on your shoulder, there are four tooth marks on the left, three on the right, and also on your hands. There are seven of your two hands!" Myers suddenly got excited, he Keep talking.

"This... anyone who can see me will notice my tooth marks, of course... you are no exception!" Sasha Elba was still a little confused, "I'm sorry... if you just say it because of this. You are Sia, I don’t believe it. Even though I believe Mr. Zhen can change a person’s appearance..."

"There is another tooth mark on your hip..." Hearing this, Miles couldn't help but said, "That was after I overturned all the dishes you bought, sucking blood. When my* was soaring, despite your objections, I threw you to the ground. When the two of us twisted together, I bit you."

"I couldn't control myself, but I still bite it, and I bite it through your clothes, and then you fainted in pain. I know all this is my fault, and I am willing to do it for you. Make up, God...Tell me, you believe me, believe that I am Shia." (To be continued...)

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