The American Scripture

Chapter 812: free space

Sasha stood there blankly. This time she did not refute, because she had no way to refute. Only she and Sia knew about this matter. Because of such a private matter, no one would tell anyone, she wouldn't, Sia. Not even so, so she stood there in a daze, looking at the face of the 19-year-old boy in front of her, and suddenly had an urge to cry. Yes, she wants to cry now!

"You never believed in God—" Unexpectedly, Sasha was stunned for a long time, but this was the last sentence, which immediately made Miles a little stunned. He didn't know what was wrong with him.

"I know you are Presskin, but..."

Miles could not help but nodded: "Yes, I don't believe in God, but as long as God can make you recognize me, I would rather believe him, but... now it seems... I'm sorry, I'm a little messy, or I Feeling a little guilty, before... you were just a tool I used to kill people. Even though I knew you didn’t want to do it in your heart, you still did it. I know you once wanted to steal the formula and let me take a step Please take the blood-sucking habit one step further, so... I feel very guilty of you, and you are the only one I can't let go of!" He was emotional, and as he spoke, his eyes were a little red.

"No, Miles, I... I love you, I can't do it that way, but... I still do some evil things, I just want to see you, but... You can make me adapt again Is it such a face?" Sasha looked at the face of the nineteen-year-old, and suddenly she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

Such a face can't let her express anything, nor can she make her think of Miles as Preskin calmly. So she can only say this, because now it seems that she is a completely mature woman.

"Well, let her come over, it seems that I still have to make another face. Since you have done those evil things, why can't you change your identity like Miles? Waiting for you to be a human being At that time, then... change your identity, just like Miles, an identity suitable for your age!" Zhen Fan suddenly spoke in the car, and he said to Miles, "Let her come in. We can give her a free ride."

"Hitchhiking?" Miles was the first to react, and said in surprise, "Master, you... did you promise to accept her? Let her be an apprentice too?"

"No, I don't plan to do this. She has to let you teach her. I won't intervene!" Zhen Fan said with a smile. "However, I can keep her by your side at any time and also be able to Enjoy the fruits of your cultivation, come By the way, don't call me master in the future, I don't like being so formal, call me Zhen!"

"Well, I won't have any opinion on the title, but... how do you do all that you say?" Miles looked at Zhen Fan, "I want her to stay by my side, like her If there is no one to protect her, she will soon be used or destroyed by a more powerful force than her. In front of those evil people, an energy person like her is simply the most delicious food."

"I know, so...I will give you a gift...Where? Damn, I obviously put a few in the car..." Zhen Fan said, turning his head around in the car. Obviously he was looking for something.

Both Miles and Sasha didn't understand what he was looking for. Sasha just looked at him in surprise, then turned her head, looked at Miles and said, "Are you...sure that you worship him as a teacher?"

Miles smiled embarrassingly on his face, and then lowered his shoulders and said, "Besides this... he is also a very good master, and his ability can save me, and you, trust me... he He will find it, he just forgot where he put it for a while, and there are times when people forget... he is no exception."

"Oh, shit, I can't find it. Let's go home. After we get home, I will make another one!" Zhen Fan suddenly cursed in the car, and then waved at Miles, "Let's go back! Come together!" "

"Well, let's go home!" Miles said to Sasha, "not counting this time, he will definitely find his stuff, but I don't know what it is, but it's important, you know Can I feel that way of being a real person? It's amazing, it feels that all people in this world have different living things!"

Miles tried to divert her attention, but Sasha smiled and said, "I know what it feels like to be a human being. It is very nostalgic for me. But... I also knew yours a long time ago. Kind of wish. But you never told me, is it because you have made changes?"

"Perhaps so!" They were at the side of the car before they were talking. Miles still sat in the back row and said to Zhen Fan, "Master... Zhen, we can go home now!"

"Okay, but... you take this first!" Zhen Fan passed a ring back, and Miles took a look at it. It was jade, and he couldn't help but looked at Zhen Fan in confusion, "This is... Jade ring?"

"Yes, Sasha Elba!" Zhen Fan suddenly yelled, and Sasha Elba who was sitting in the back row involuntarily agreed, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared, and Miles was in his hands. Suddenly, his jade ring gleamed and then returned to its original shape.

"This...what's going on? Sasha...Sasha...?" Miles couldn't help looking around, but didn't find anything. Sasha Elba seemed to have disappeared. . Miles picked up the ring again and looked at it, but nothing else came out.

"Master--" Miles looked at Zhen Fan. He knew that only Zhen Fan could have such an ability to inadvertently make a soul with a certain energy like Sasha disappear.

"In this ring, this is yours, I gave it to you, and it's connected to Miss Sasha Elba inside. This is a buy one get one free, no... you didn't buy it, it's all I sent it." Zhen Fan said with a grin, "Uh...By the way, you can also control this ring, but it only needs my Taoist spell. I can teach it to you!"

"Okay, but now... can you let her out?" In Miles's imagination, to confine a soul in such a small ring, the soul will definitely be uncomfortable, so he imagined Sasha Elba must be very, very uncomfortable, and want to release her now.

"Of course, there is no problem!" Zhen Fan suddenly flicked his finger towards the ring, and then saw the ring gleam slightly. A person was already sitting next to Miles, and Miles opened. Open your mouth, then look at Sasha, without grabbing her hand, " have nothing to do, right?"

"I'm fine, but... it's really comfortable in there. Maybe this is the most comfortable place for me. Is this this ring?" Sasha looked very surprised. After a while, she felt that she was all over. Comfortable, and full of power, "has a very magical power."

"It is full of my Taoist vitality. For the soul, it is the best place to nourish." Zhen Fan looked at them and smiled, "So you don't have to worry about her not having a good place to go, it is also the safest place. , As long as you say a spell, you can control her in and out."

"Thank you Mr. Zhen!" Sasha Elba suddenly owed Zhen Fan slightly. She knew that the reason Zhen Fan did this was because of Miles, so she turned slightly. Said to Miles, "I'm sorry, I...I've caused you trouble again!"

"Don't say that, you have been helping me. This is what you deserve. Even if Master doesn't do it, I will ask Master to find a safe place for you that can make you comfortable. From today, I I wear it all day long and I won't take it off, will always be here!" Miles looked at Zhen Fan and blinked at him.

"Well, I will, don't blink!" Zhen Fan shrugged and smiled.

"Pump!" Sasha Elba couldn't help but smile, stretched out her hand, placed it gently on Miles's hand, and said softly, "I know, you would do this, and... I won't leave the inside!" As he said, suddenly Sasha Elba flashed and disappeared. The ring also gleamed.

"When I get home, I will tell you the spells that open and close the ring space!" Zhen Fan started the car and headed towards the villa. "Starting tomorrow, I will rent you a good house. Uh...Are you going to go to high school or university? Is it a community college? I think you should go to a prestigious school. I heard that you were also a scientist before? Or a PhD? Very good foundation, such as the University of Los Angeles. For example, what about California State University in Los Angeles?"

"Actually... there is no problem in any The main reason is that I can live here and study with you!" Miles smiled and said, "Master...I might as well go to medical school!" He seemed to have found a new road and smiled at Zhen Fan, "I can learn Chinese medicine while learning Taoism while following Mia!"

"Of course, this is okay, the key is...there are no Chinese medicine in those universities!" Zhen Fan shook his head, then looked at Miles and smiled, " can study Western medicine, and then you can take a look. What can be integrated between the two, you can learn from each other!"

"I know, I know how to choose!" Miles nodded, and then touched the ring in his hand. He had worn it on his finger, only the **** of his left hand.

When I returned home, it was already very deep, and there were still lights in the corridors and swimming pools in the villa. Miles got out of the car, then looked at Zhen Fan, then looked at the villa and said, "Master, can I live here too? It really makes me feel very good here. It's like...I can't tell. Anyway, it's very comfortable! And... I just thought about it, I don't want to know the spell, I want to give her a room to go in and out freely!" R1152


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