The American Scripture

Chapter 813: hunt

In the clear blue sky, with the roar of propellers, a Bell 407 helicopter suddenly flew out of the treetops. After circling a few times in the air, it flew towards the sea. The plane flew very low, even You can see a shallow trace of the sea being blown out by the wind.

"Dad, are we going to find dinosaurs?" Maria, one of the two little girls sitting in the back row, couldn't help lying in front, talking to Zhen Fan, her little face flushed. This was the first time she took a helicopter, so she seemed very excited.

"Quiet, quiet!" Claire, who was sitting next to her, turned pale. She was also flying in a helicopter for the first time, so she held her own Zoe tightly with both hands, with a nervous expression on her face. Maria's noise was a little annoying, so she kept yelling at her.

"No, we are not looking for dinosaurs. We are going camping. Guess whether we will arrive first or Stuart's mother?" Zhen Fan said as she saw the shadow of a huge yacht in the distance, Maria also Seeing it, he clapped his hands and laughed loudly.

"Claire, we are going to catch up with them!" Maria exclaimed in surprise, her sharp voice made Claire a little unbearable. She glared at Maria, hummed, and pointed her nose towards Wrinkled.

"We were faster than them, okay?" Claire snorted, and then said to Maria in a threatening and terrifying tone, "You are still too young to be camped on the island. Danger, do you know what is on the island? What are dinosaurs? There are monsters ten times more terrible than dinosaurs, and fire-breathing dragons. They always appear in front of you when you fall asleep!"

"Dad will protect me!" Maria raised her little foot to the front, and pouted at Zhen Fan. "No monster is Dad's opponent. He will destroy them. I saw Dad's sword. It looks like that... Anyway, a very powerful sword. Have you seen it?" Maria couldn't describe it. . Just gesture with your hands.

At this time, the plane suddenly flew over the yacht, and then hovered, causing the people below to wave and scream at the plane continuously, making shouts of joy. From the helicopter, you could see a large group of women and six or seven men. . Zhen Fan drove the plane circling the sky, and hurriedly swung the plane from side to side.

This action not only attracted the cheers of the women on the yacht. It also made the two little girls in the plane scream, one because of the scared Claire and the other because of the excited Maria. Suddenly, the joyful atmosphere filled the helicopter and the yacht below.

"I hate it, really hate it, Uncle Zhen is a hate!" Claire exclaimed. He cursed regardless, "Let's fly, let's get ahead of them!"

"There is an island ahead, I saw it, I saw it!" Maria was clapping her hands again, giggling, "Let's land on it, I want a dinosaur to play with me!"

"There are no dinosaurs. Nothing. Dinosaurs are just ancient creatures. They won't exist in this world. If there are dinosaurs, they will also catch you. They all like to eat children. Children's meat is delicious! Claire wanted to frighten Maria, but as he spoke, she said that she had goose bumps on her body. The little girl frightened herself, but Maria smiled.

"They only catch older children!" Maria said. Makes a face at Claire.

"You're a nasty guy!" Claire wrinkled her nose again and hummed. Turning his head aside, looking at the sea below, he planned to ignore this little guy that he couldn't even speak of.

The yacht was chopping the waves on the sea, and the sky was so clear that it made my heart tickle, so the food, drink and fun group decided to have a good time in such a day. No matter the work, all things were thrown off and then set off. Riding on Zhen Fan’s "Helen" yacht was originally intended to go secretly, but the women's group in Zhen Fan's family learned about it, so it became a group outing.

"I should also buy a helicopter and keep it at home. I must go and see this year's air show. Where is it held? Have you been to the Miramar Air Show? It is said that it started in October. Let's go together at some time!" Robles below said to Johnny, watching the helicopter flying towards the island in front of him in wind, he said with some envy.

"Milama Air Show? I heard that you plan to buy an Apache longbow?" Johnny smiled, "Is that a military air show? For the sake of God, I don’t want to buy it. Helicopter, I would rather buy a yacht, but I already have one, Miami Yacht Expo, I think it’s very good! This yacht was bought in Miami, I like it very much.” He opened his arms and greeted Feng, his shirt was not buttoned, and was blown away by the wind, revealing a strong body inside, causing several waitresses to keep throwing at him.

"There is a charity event for residents in a remote area of ​​Mozambique in Africa, where people starved to death, and there is a relatively serious epidemic. The charity event is held in Los Angeles. If you are interested, you can participate. I It’s one of the organizers. By the way, it’s an auction. Do you have anything worth auctioning before? Of course... Except for your underwear, everything else is fine!” At this time, Bit came out with a glass of red wine, his With Gary beside him, he looked up at the shadow of the helicopter that was almost out of sight.

"I hate charity clubs. Those are all show people, including you, Bit. I told you not to interfere with those things. You just don't listen. We might as well set up a charity fund by ourselves." Robles said This one said dismissively, "Like Angelina Julie!"

"I like her, but unfortunately she only works as a director now!" Bit raised her glass and gestured to Robes, "Do you have a way to persuade the guy flying in the sky to join my movie? The third "The Hobbit" The production has been completed, and I now want a new plan that goes beyond the previous plan of "Island Rescue."

"You have to ask the birdman in the sky!" Robes smiled happily, and then walked to the third deck to enjoy the sun. There were many waitresses there, so he had to plunge into the arms of the beauties. , A group of big men here is really a little too bored.

"What else can we do on the island?" Zoe sat in the lobby on the second floor, slowly picking up a red cherry in the wine glass, and then curling his tongue into the red lips.

"We haven't been camping outside for a long time!" Annie smiled, "Did you forget the previous camping in the national park?" The smile on Annie's face is from the heart, and she is enjoying it more and more. This is a comfortable life, with work every day, as well as my own vacation, and living in the envy of everyone. More importantly, I can see him every day, and Claire also likes the environment there, which is of great benefit to her growth.

"Yeah, that was a long time ago, but it's a pity that Julia didn't come over, otherwise we can revisit it, and Thomas..." At this point, Zoe suddenly stopped. Obviously, What an unwise thing to mention Thomas at this time, it can be foreseen that Annie will be depressed.

But she was still wrong, because Annie's face did not change at all, she just smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I know what you are worried about. After so many years, I have put all this down a long time ago. Thomas has passed, and now... …I have Claire and I can still be with you. I'm very satisfied!"

This may be true, but Zoe also knew that it was inappropriate to bring up the topic of Thomas at this time, so he changed the subject and said to the opposite Christine: "Hey, Christine!"

"What?" Christine was chatting with Mia and others. Hearing Zoe's voice, she raised her head and looked at Zoe with a confused expression on her face, "Uh, what's the matter?"

Zoe thought for a while, originally she wanted to talk to Christine about the relationship between herself and Zhen Fan, but in such an environment, she felt it was not suitable, so she smiled and shook her head and said, "Forget it, Let's talk later, nothing!"

Of course, seeing Zoe’s expression, Kristen also knew what she wanted to talk to herself, so she shrugged her shoulders and didn’t care. Sooner or later, she had to face all this, and that **** could provoke a woman too much. Now, even with my own fiancee, it seems that many women have hooked up with them before.

This is an island without a name. The yacht sailed for a day, and only stopped near the island in the evening. The island is not too big, but it is still possible to find a relatively flat place to dock the helicopter. Zhen Fan is more than a yacht. Arrived on the island early, fixed the helicopter, and then took out the bows and arrows with the two little girls, ready to start hunting. They can hunt while not waiting for the yacht to arrive.

"Be The bow and arrow must be directed to the ground first, so that it will not be shot by mistake, and will not alarm the prey... If you hear it, we can determine the direction. At six o'clock in the front ...Shhh...squat down!" Zhen Fan waved, letting the two little girls squat down slowly.

They also have crossbow arrows in their hands, but they are very light, have a shorter range and less power. A pronghorn antelope is pacing slowly in the woods, raising its head arrogantly, as if to be wary of this.

"Slowly raise the crossbow arrow in your hand, yes...wind the string, put the arrow up, yes, that's it, aim lightly, don't shoot it out immediately, slowly, there is still a little wind now, You have to pay attention to your angle and wind direction..." Zhen Fan taught patiently.

There were beads of sweat on the tip of Claire's nose. She watched nervously, her eyes widened, and the crossbow arrows in her hand trembled. She was very excited, because it was the first time to hunt, so her heart was about to pop out.

Maria is much better than her. This little guy behaved very calmly, lying quietly beside Zhen Fan, with a pair of eyes looking straight ahead, calmly like a veteran hunter all year round. , This surprised Zhen Fan. Is this a four-year-old kid? (To be continued) R655


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