The American Scripture

Chapter 814: Own course

Zhen Fan watched Maria use her little bow, aiming slowly, narrowing her eyes, while Claire on the other side concentrated for a while, and then relaxed, as if she was playing a game, a little less focused , Looking around, smiled and fiddled with the hair on Maria's forehead, causing Maria's mouth to rise and she didn't concentrate.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Inside, Maria was not talking, her mouth bulged, her eyes staring motionless, learning the appearance of Zhen Fan, slowly raising the crossbow arrow, Claire was also nervous at this time, and one hand wanted to lift the crossbow arrow. , But the arm strength is not enough.

Seeing that the antelope is about to pace away slowly. This hapless guy didn't know that he had become a prey, and he was taking a leisurely walk, whether he stretched his neck to chew a few leaves. Even so, it did not feel dangerous. But with its footsteps, it really has to go further and further.

"Shoot—" Zhen Fan gave the order to the two little guys in a low voice. Maria shot the crossbow arrow out first. A "swish" sound hit the antelope's neck, but because the crossbow arrow was lighter, Moreover, the force was not very strong, and the shot was not very deep. The antelope ate pain and ran wildly. At this moment, Claire panicked and shot the crossbow arrow in his hand, but only heard the bowstring sound. , But the crossbow arrow did not know where it went, obviously. She never hit the target.

Seeing that the antelope was about to dive into the woods and couldn't see it, Zhen Fan raised his hand with an arrow. He is not using crossbow arrows. It was a bow and arrow, pulled away, and then fired. I heard a sharp whistling sound that broke through the air. Then I saw that the antelope with its front hoof was shot by an arrow. The arrow shot in from the back of the neck, and then from The top of the head in front showed through. The impact dragged the antelope forward for a certain distance, then stopped.

The antelope struggled on the ground, but soon stopped moving. Was shot in the head. It couldn't survive, and with such a serious injury, the blood flowed faster and faster in the struggle, so it died in less than two or three minutes. The belly is not ups and downs. Claire pouted. She felt sick when she wanted to go outside.

Maria followed Zhen Fan and watched him drag the antelope out of the woods, then tied the antelope with a rope and hung it on the branch. Zhen Fan took out a knife and prepared to peel the antelope.

Claire could not see, she ran away. Take Maria to the beach to pick up shells. Maria was reluctant, pouting her mouth and followed. But after a while, she slowly moved to Zhen Fan's side, watching Zhen Fan peeling and opening, watching the antelope's entrails taken out, she handed Zhen Fan the knife.

"Do you like hunting?" Zhen Fan asked Maria. He washed the stripped antelope with the clean water brought from the helicopter, and then went to the beach to wash his hands and said to Maria.

"I like it very much!" The little girl said her inner desire without concealing it, "I like this." She couldn't tell why she liked it, anyway, she just expressed her inner feelings directly. Why, perhaps it is something inherent in my heart.

"Uh, I will teach you hunting in the future, still need a better crossbow arrow." Zhen Fan said to her, then looked at the small crossbow arrow she was holding and smiled." But this one can shoot a bunny!"

"Then... can I shoot a little rabbit later?" Maria looked up at Zhen Fan, "I want to shoot a little rabbit!"

"Of course, I'll teach you how to load the crossbow arrow, and then aim!" Zhen Fan said, bringing her small crossbow arrow over, and then taught Maria how to wind it, and then how to aim and shoot the crossbow arrow. Maria learns very seriously, maybe she was born to do this, the first crossbow arrow hit the target, and it was in the center, the center of a circle that Zhen Fan drew on the tree.

Later, I shot a few more arrows. Although they didn't hit the center, they all shot into the circle. This surprised Zhen Fan very much. This little girl will definitely not be easy in the future. She is really talented. Zhen Fan decided to train her well in this regard, maybe she is a manufacturable.

"I found this, Maria, it's so beautiful!" Claire found a few beautiful colorful preparations on the beach, washed it, held it in the sun, and ran away Coming over, she stabbed her foot and ran comfortably on the beach, and then raised her trophy to Zhen Fan and Maria.

"Give you one!" Claire was willing to give her trophy to Maria, and she chose the most beautiful and colorful one.

"This is for you!" Maria couldn't think of anything good to give back to Claire. After thinking about it, she passed the small crossbow in her hand with great reluctance, "This...for you!"

"I have it myself. Take it. Anyway, you like hunting. If you like it, take my one." Claire said generously, ran to Zhen Fan again, and looked at Zhen Fan. The dismembered antelope's body, some people spit out their tongue in disgust, and then resisted, and handed a beautiful shell to Zhen Fan.

"This is very beautiful." Claire said, and then Feiya fled away. She was still not used to such a scene, but Maria watched it with gusto. This made Claire go to the beach by himself again.

"It's up to us now. I'll get the barbecue grill, Maria, you come to cut the meat, cut this lamb leg into pieces. Then we will grill the meat." Zhen Fan told Maria to start doing things. This little girl jumped in excitement, following the way of Zhen Fan, holding a small knife, and cutting the meat from the leg of lamb piece by piece. Although it was not very uniform, it still did things well.

Zhen Fan removed the barbecue grill from the helicopter, added carbon, and started to make a fire. He salted the meat of Maria’s cut so that when the charcoal fires, the meat will be almost marinated. . Zhen Fan's helicopter carried a full set of barbecue utensils. Forks, seasonings, etc., so don’t worry about not being delicious.

"Put it in with a fork, and then put it on the grill, or we can regenerate a fire and grill it on the beach!" Zhen Fan patiently taught Maria to do these things. With a soft spot, it seems that her ability is much better than Claire.

At this moment Claire suddenly stood by the water on the beach, jumped up, slapped her fingers and yelled in the distance, turned her head and said to Zhen Fan: "They are here, mom and they are here!"

Sure enough, in the distance is Zhen Fan's yacht. The yacht drove over, stopped not far away, and then put down two motorboats. Some people on the motorboat came over and then stopped by a rock. Everyone went to the sea and carried things, small round tables, and chairs. There are even plates, knives and forks. It seems that Bit and the others are carrying these things to the beach and are ready to enjoy them here.

Both boats were staff members on the yachts. After they carried their things to the beach, they began to sort out and then drove back. At this time, people like Bit and the others came over. Upon boarding the island, the women began their surprise journey, even a quiet person like Mia had a cheerful smile on his face.

But they immediately discovered what Zhen Fan was doing. Claire ran over, hugged Annie, and muttered something in her ear. It was obvious that the little girl was suing. Then Annie looked at Kristen with a weird look, then at Zhen Fan, and at Little Maria who was cutting the antelope with a knife.

"You teach two girls to hunt?" Annie looked at Zhen Fan, who was busy, with a helpless expression.

Hearing this, some women stopped, and looked at Zhen Fan with a strange look. Maria was only four years old, so she actually started asking her to hunt? Holding the crossbow next to Maria, the women said they were speechless.

"Yes, I shot this antelope. I shot it first!" Maria got excited when she heard this, gestured like she shot the antelope by herself, "And...I also learned How can I cut off the flesh of the antelope? If it weren't for Claire to take me to pick up those useless shells, I could still follow my father to learn to peel and open the mouth!" Maria proudly showed what she had just learned.

She completely ignored the weird expressions on the faces of several women. It was obvious that Maria's words made them a little overwhelmed, so she had to focus the fire on Zhen Fan. Christine first said: "How can she learn to hunt? She is only four years old, my God, I didn’t know what I was doing when I was four years old, maybe I was picking shells like Claire!"

"Mom!" Claire heard her name and jumped over and took Annie's hand. "Let’s go together. There are many more over there. They are beautiful. I plan to use them to make necklaces. It will look very good. Do you like this? Mom—"

"Of course, let's go!" Annie looked at Zhen Fan, then smiled and shook her head and said, "This is what a girl should do, Zhen...Sometimes education can't be too advanced, it will backfire!"

"I know!" Zhen Fan nodded, and went to an Annie, the firepower was reduced a lot. Then she looked at Mia, shrugged her shoulders and said, "What do you say?"

"I don't care. Following her nature, this is the best education. She likes to be a hunter, so... we will make her the best hunter. I want Claire. She wants to be on stage. The most dazzling star, then we will train her to be the most shining star." Mia smiled, "Maybe...a bit different, but that's how I think, sometimes... let's not let the children deviate from their direction. To clear their original waterway." (To be continued...) R1292


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