The American Scripture

Chapter 826: Finale

Recently, Diego Farrell’s life is not so easy. His mission has not been completed and he has been reprimanded by the French side. Although Diego Farrell thinks he has got rid of the fetters of the French side, sometimes he We still have to guard against them doing things like assassinations against themselves. He knew that there was a killer organization over there. Many of the killers ranked higher in the world were all crimes called "fallen angels" by the French. The group snooped in. ? ? He asked himself to be inferior to them, so he has strengthened his security work in the recent period.

"Returning to the entertainment industry? Shit, a Chinese, why?" Diego Farrell kicked a chair in front of him, then picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. The TV is reporting recent comparisons. In the limelight entertainment news, it is said that former Oscar winner Fan Zhen is planning to make a comeback in the entertainment industry, and also performed a very amazing magic at the largest and most famous Randerson Bar on Fifth Avenue in Los Angeles.

Yes, this news is very shocking in the entertainment industry. The video of Zhen Fan’s performance at the Randerson Bar on Fifth Avenue has also been reposted wildly on major websites. So far, the total number of clicks has exceeded 700 million, which is a shocking data. . It also shows that although Zhen Fan has left the entertainment industry for a few years,...the audience on this stage are still waiting for him. This is a manifestation of his eternal popularity.

No one can forget the crazy magic at the Randerson Bar on Fifth Avenue in Los Angeles. This is one of their most wonderful nights as long as they have seen it on the spot.

"Are you nervous?" Zhen Fan had already stayed in the background. He is not late because of his big cards, in fact he is one of the first to be there. But Jamie Brown, who was in the backstage in front of him, walked around a little uneasy, including Anita and others. They are all a little nervous. It seems that the atmosphere is not very good.

"Yes, this performance is very important to us. We can get sponsorship, and we can make better props to complete more exciting magic! Then... we won't be performing on the street all the time. Qiao Li? Martinez looked at Zhen Fan and shrugged her shoulders a little helplessly, "Although you have helped us hold the line. But we have to be perfect to be able to deal with each other." She said and looked deeply. Zhen Fan glanced.

"So... I wish you success first!" Zhen Fan said, shook hands with Jamie Brown and smiled, "Relax later. You are great, I always thought so!" A flick of a finger on his forehead.

Jamie was astonished as to why Zhen Fan made such a movement, he felt a cool breath from the place where his forehead was bounced straight through his forehead, and then his body's self-consciousness began to relax. Both can keep a clear head. There was a quick heart to calm down.

"It's magical! This is also magic?" Jamie Brown felt that this was an extraordinary method very sensitively, and couldn't help looking at Zhen Fan with shining eyes, "Thank you very much, this...this is very important to me !"

"This is the method of acupoint massage in traditional Chinese medicine, which can keep people clear and relieve tension. Of course... if any of you still want my help, come over!" Zhen Fan said to the rest. I just laugh.

Jolie Martinez walked over immediately. Then she said to Zhen Fan: "I'm here, even if you get a headshot. I will be the first to try!" She stood in front of Zhen Fan with her head held high, with a provocative look in her eyes. , In fact, she was very relieved, but with this look, she wanted to draw Zhen Fan's different attention to her.

After Zhen Fan used a little spell for them one by one, the six of them all smiled. Yes, the effect was very obvious, and it made them full of confidence. Diego also exaggeratedly provoked a tap dance in the background. Obviously, this can affect their mood and mood and make them more confident.

Their performance was very successful, that is, they proceeded step by step according to their arrangements, and there was no mistake. Whether it was Jamie Brown or Diego, they all showed a high level. Only at the last moment, Jolie Martinez suddenly said to Jamie: "This is not enough, Jamie, we have to use our last resort! If it ends like this, it would be too mediocre. Think about it. , What we perform, others have performed before!"

"What do you want to do?" Jamie frowned, then looked at Jolie Martinez seriously, "No, we already have enough capital now, it's not worth taking risks anymore, we definitely don't want to perform that show again , The show is without Zhen, there is no other way. Now...I don’t want anyone to take risks for this!"

"Jamie, this is an opportunity. Do you still want to have Zhen to support you in the future? This is impossible. Just like him, we must have our own characteristics and we must first conquer those audiences. !" Jolie Martinez was a little excited.

"Let's call the curtain call first, and then discuss it backstage, don't let the audience wait for a long time!" Jamie Brown decided to turn this topic off first, "Also...we can ask Zhen's opinion, I think it should be."

"No, I've decided, I'm going to do it, you guys cooperate with me!" said Jolie? Martinez suddenly picked up the microphone and said loudly to the people in the bar, "Hey, guys, there is more today More exciting things are waiting for you!" He turned around and said loudly to the back: "Water tank, lower the water tank!"

At this time, on the huge performance stage, a huge glass water tank was slowly lowered from the sky. The water tank was filled with water, and everything inside could be seen clearly from the outside. Suddenly someone whistled because they saw a shark in the water tank. Yes, an aggressive tiger shark, although not very big, was enough to kill any creatures in the water tank, including people!

At this time, Jolie Martinez retreated behind the scenes, and then came out from behind the scenes. Her hands had been tied behind her back. It was obvious that she was going to perform a trick of escape from the water. This trick was beyond the scope of magic. It is the calmness and wit of the performer, so the shouts of people around are louder. More people whistled. Beauty, shark, escape, these elements add up enough to make everyone's adrenal glands soar.

"It seems we can't stop her, what the hell!" Jamie Brown was beside the stage, could not help cursing, violently swearing, "What does she want to do? Want to show off? Or she wants Take control of our team?"

"She shouldn't have done this, God!" Although Anita and Joly Martinez would often tell you not to let me and I not to let you, but at critical moments, she still doesn't want Joly Martinez. What happened.

"We have to help her keep an eye on it. If... I mean, if the shark gets into Qiao Li's water tank, then we must smash that water tank and save Qiao Li Martinez." Dunn The method they thought was simple and rude, but it was definitely useful, but if they did so, their efforts today would be in vain.

Weighing the pros and cons, Jamie Brown had to agree to Dunn’s idea. In contrast, Jolie Martinez’s life was more important than her own opportunity. So he can only agree. Just after nodding, he vigorously waved his arm in the air, and cursed a little unwillingly: "Damn it, **** it!"

The game of escaping in the water tank once appeared in the movie. This time it is even more thrilling, because there is a shark in the huge glass tank, and Jolie Martinez will be bound with her hands behind her back. Fighting against sharks in the glass tank for time, race against time, looks very exciting, but with the stimulation is also the highest degree of danger.

The FRP water tank is divided into two layers. The first layer is relatively high. It is the place where Jolie Martinez will stay. The bottom is where the sharks will stay. If the water in the upper tank is full, then Jolie Martinez will stay. The rope in my hand has not been untied, then she will be pushed into the water tank below by the pressure of the full tank. Then the water tank below, waiting for her is the shark's big mouth full of sharp teeth. It is estimated that the possibility of escape is very small.

"She's playing with fire!" Jamie walked to Zhen Fan's side and looked at Zhen Fan and shook her head. "If you persuade her, maybe she will listen. She is showing you that she can do it, she She is a stubborn woman!"

"I know, she is also an adventurer!" Zhen Fan was a little speechless about this woman's madness, but he still admired her courage. Yes, if their team today does not have the courage to challenge such difficult magic, it will be in their own shelter. You may be able to get the sponsorship of others, but... it is unknown whether they will improve in the Brown is more than conservative, but not aggressive enough.

"Adventurer?" Jamie Brown couldn't help but stunned, then his face became a little ugly. He understands the meaning of Zhen Fan's words. In the magic world, adventurers are often synonymous with effective magicians. Because magic is an art that requires adventure.

"Let's take a look, maybe she will succeed!" Zhen Fan said to Jamie, "because she has no retreat now, and there is no retreat for you, so instead of being at a loss here, it is better to think about how to help. Get her. You are a team, don't get into trouble because of this!"

"I know, I know how to do it!" Jamie Brown nodded, and then stopped talking, yes, what he has to do now is to ensure the success of Jolie Martinez's magic show. So he quietly stood on the side of the glass water tank, and he wanted to try to use some methods to attract the shark's attention, so as to buy time for Jolie Martinez.

"If she succeeds, this will be a model of your magic cooperation." Zhen Fan looked at them and seemed to be ready, so Jamie nodded in half, stopped talking, and looked at Jolly Martine. I was slowly hoisted up, and then made a few elegant moves, then his hands were tied back by the iron chain, and the iron chain was locked with a lock, and the key was thrown into the water tank. (To be continued...) u

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