The American Scripture

Chapter 827: cleaning job

Many people have played this magic, but those who have played it stayed at the difficulty of struggling in the water tank without being suffocated, but few people have raised the difficulty to the **** scene where people and sharks are together. But this time Jolie Martinez seemed to be fighting, so when the sound of the beginning rang, she fell into the water tank, and then in the water tank, she started constantly in the water that flooded her. Struggling.

This kind of suffocating struggle can make people's hearts suddenly tighten. Seeing a beautiful blonde woman dressed in **** clothes, struggling in the water, may die at any time, stimulated a kind of potential abnormal heart of many people. Just as some psychologists have analyzed, everyone has a perverted subconscious mind of killing or being killed. It's just that some people can control it, and some people can't control it.

Almost everyone was screaming wildly, Jolie Martinez in the water tank quickly touched the key still in the water tank, but it was not so easy to open the lock in her hand, after all, her hand It is tied back, even with the key, it is difficult to open the lock within a few minutes without being in the water.

The more difficult it is to breathe at the end, the less he will be able to let his hands call. Jolie Martinez repeatedly twisted her body in the water, like a mermaid rolling in the water, **** and coquettish, but also with a desperate beauty. This is what these are looking for here. Exciting people like to see things.

"Five minutes have passed!" Someone was reporting the time loudly. Actually, there is no need for them to report the time. There is a huge electronic clock on the stage showing that the time is passing by one minute by one. Many people don't at this time. Cheers. It was an unspeakable feeling of suffocation brewing in my heart, just like Jolie Martinez in the water tank as her body continued to roll in the water to fight for her life.

"Eight minutes, God, she can't hold it anymore!" Someone exclaimed, and then more loudly sighing. Because they saw Jolie Martinez in the water tank twitching violently, the movements went crazy, as if it were the last desperate struggle.

The water in the water tank was stirred by her, like a dying fish, struggling suddenly at the last moment. Someone had covered their mouth with a sad look in their eyes. Someone shouted loudly below: "Damn it, smash the water tank, she is going to die. You scumbags!"

But more people remained silent. They stared at Jolie Martinez in the water tank. Suddenly, Jolie Martinez in the water tank calmed down, only occasionally twitching in the water. After a while, the whole person floated, half-suspended in the water tank, motionless.

"Oh. God, she's dead!" Someone finally couldn't help but rushed to smash the water tank. There was deathly silence in the audience. Many people can't believe their eyes. A beautiful woman was drowned in the water tank right in front of her eyes. This was a **** and poignant death, which made people breathless.

"Wow!" There was a sound of water, and suddenly there was splashing in the water tank, and Qiao Li Martinez moved. Then she popped her head out of the water, and then raised her hands. The shackles of her hands have been opened, yes. She successfully escaped, and then sent her own kisses to the audience with a smile on her face.

"Great!" The mood of the people in the audience was as exciting as a roller coaster, which stimulated their adrenal glands and made them feel excited and happy. Yes, today's performance is really exciting. Some are cheering, others are whistling, and more people are clapping desperately. For this brave girl.

"Boom--" Suddenly a loud noise interrupted the cheering here. The upper glass water tank finally could not withstand the water pressure, and suddenly the bottom of the tank was opened. Just now, Jolie Martinez, who had just exposed her head and raised her hands and interacted with the crowd cheering, fell into the water suddenly with the water in the tank. Inside the water tank below.

There was a huge exclamation in the whole bar, and then there was a shout of "Ah--". The girl who had just escaped was suddenly placed in greater danger again, and now she had to face the ferocious tiger shark. People and sharks like this are in a small water tank. Obviously, there is almost no possibility of escape.

This incident immediately stunned all the audience.

"Oh, god, oh, god, oh..." A young woman couldn't stand the stimulus, and she fell to the ground and passed out. Then someone kicked her out, but her eyes widened more. , Looking straight at Jolie Martinez in the water tank, everyone's hearts were suspended by this girl.

"Go to smash the water tank, **** it, this is not in our plan, she has exceeded her time, don't you know the danger of this moment?" Jamie decisively issued an order to Dunn, nothing happened Jolie Martinez's life is more important. Dunn hardly heard Jamie Brown's words, he had already walked to the front desk. He held a sledge hammer in his hand, yes, all of this had to end it.

The shark suddenly felt that it had wiped the intruder in its own tank. It suddenly turned around and saw the prey in front of it. Yes, the girl who was still kicking two beautiful legs in the tank, this is its night. The night’s snack. It swam around, spotted the prey, and then opened its huge, hideous mouth, which was full of sharp teeth, as if it were a forest made of steel saw teeth.

This time, Jolie Martinez was really ashamed. She looked at the sharks swimming towards her in despair. She couldn't think about anything. In such a narrow place, there was almost no possibility of escape. The only thing is that the water tank can suddenly crack, but... this is absolutely impossible.

"God, get out of there quickly, my baby, hurry up, hurry up!" Some people thought it was a magic trick, and some even couldn't help but blow a whistle. Yes, they hope this is just a magic show. So when the shark opened its huge mouth and rushed towards Jolie Martinez, their mouths grew wide. When preparing to express the warmest cheers. Qiao Li was desperate.

"Ah—" she popped her head out, and couldn't help but let out a huge and sharp scream that seemed to be swept through, yes, she can only eliminate her fear through this , And unwilling to be swallowed by sharks. She knew that she had played on fire today. If she hadn't stopped the suffocating performance time, she would have crawled out of the water tank long ago. God knows that this situation will happen.

With this sudden exclamation, I suddenly heard the sound of "creaking", and then there was the sound of "crashing" suddenly rushing out of water. The water tank seemed to be screaming. It became fragmented, the sound of water was rushing, and the whole water tank was torn apart as if it had been blown up.

Suddenly, people all around avoided it, because the big shark rushed to the ground as the water tank broke. But the shark on the ground can no longer hurt people. It can only constantly twist its body to express its unwillingness. Not only does it fail to eat the delicious snacks, but it loses its freedom.

Everyone backed away one after another, knowing that they had left a big circle, watching the sharks fluttering on the ground, but they were helpless. It showed a deathly silence, and then suddenly burst into enthusiastic applause, yes. They all thought it was part of the magic, shattering the water tank with a sharp sound.

This logic seems to make sense, even if it is not an ultrasound, but such a sharp sound of decibels is really shocking, and then it is not difficult to smash the water tank. Because they did not hear the explosion. Or the sound of knocking, the glass of the water tank cannot be broken by breaking it. If you don't use blasting methods, they are torn apart. Even with a gun, this effect cannot be achieved.

Jolie Martinez stood there in a daze, hearing the cheers of the crowd, she woke up, then raised her hand, smiled to face the audience, and hurriedly stepped down. It's just the water in this place and the sharks on the ground that made the boss in the bar a bit of a headache.

"Good job, how did you do it?" Jamie saw Jolie? Martinez walked backstage, couldn't help but stretched out his arms to hug her tightly, and then said loudly to her "How did you do it? It's so exciting. We don't know beforehand!"

Yes, it's not just that they don't know at all, even Jolie Martinez doesn't know at all. She just looked at Zhen Fan who was smiling and couldn't help walking up to him and saying in a low voice: "Yes. You?"

Zhen Fan didn't say anything else, but smiled and said, "Next time you don't risk your life, it's not worth it. Okay?"

"I know, thank you!" Jolie Martinez nodded and looked at Zhen Fan deeply.

Zhen Fan couldn't bear her look and laughed and said, "Well, guys, your performance should be very good. You will know by listening to the outside audience, but now is my time, so...face Such a terrible I'd better come to be a cleaner." Then he walked towards the stage.

When the people in the audience were about to clean up, they suddenly heard cheers from the audience. After the cheers, they saw Zhen Fan slowly walking onto the stage.

"What did he say to be on stage?" Jamie Brown suddenly looked at Jolie Martinez and said, "Being a cleaner? Do you know what this means?"

"I don't know, but... he always makes people look forward to his performance, doesn't he?" Jolie Martinez looked at Zhen Fan on the stage, suddenly something else surged in her heart.

"Well, guys, and the staff in the audience, can you stop for a while, although I know it may take some courage to stand in the water and listen to me talking nonsense." Zhen Fan said to the audience. The staff member smiled, "Don't disturb the shark that is resting on the ground."

"Haha--" There was a burst of laughter from the crowd. Several staff members also smiled embarrassedly, and then stopped.

"Well, I did not perform today. I just do a little cleaning for everyone. I will apply for salary from the bar owner at that time!" (to be continued) R655

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