The American Scripture

Chapter 828: High difficulty

Although because of the big shark, there was a large area on the ground. Although anyone splashed on the ground, the owner of the bar was not angry. Instead, he felt excited. He stood on the second floor of the bar. You can see the whole bar from top to bottom. @.@ When he saw Zhen Fan coming out, his hands shook. Obviously, Zhen Fan is the biggest attraction. In his opinion, it is a more mysterious existence than Copperfield.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t need a red cloth like a matador. Of course, I don’t have a problem with a matador’s red turban. I’m just telling everyone that I won’t use any cover. Let everyone see the most amazing place. Only in this way can I speak to our Jolie Martinez, then turn to the people behind the scenes and say, "Trouble, can you give me a hair wand, like Is Harry Potter's stick that can perform magic? "

"Of course, I'll bring it for you!" Jamie Brown was a little excited, and was finally able to see Zhen Fan performing on stage with his own eyes, so he immediately went to the backstage and found a magic wand for a magic show. This is magic. One of the things that teachers prepare most often, so they all have!

Zhen Fan took the magic wand from Jamie Brown, then nodded a few times in the air, nodded and said: "Very good magic wand, this is for Jamie Brown, I like it very much! And I think it's on top Comes with magical magic... well, don’t tell Jamie, I don’t plan to return this and the thing!"

"Haha--" There was a burst of laughter in the audience, and more and more people came around. This seems to be Zhen Fan's first performance in the entertainment industry. No one wants to miss it, and they all know Zhen Fan's magical performances. So they are all very eager to see Zhen Fan perform an incredible miracle again!

"Okay, I'm going to start! The first step is to restore these broken glass cylinders. This is a technical task!" Zhen Fan said, suddenly waving the magic wand in the air.

"Have you seen any changes?" Zhen Fan asked, "I have waved the magic wand just now, don't you think that a little unusual change has occurred?"

Everyone looked at me looking at each other. I looked at you, and then looked at the stage carefully, revealing a puzzled look. Nothing has changed, how can this change? Everything is still the same. So many people looked at Zhen Fan suspiciously, hoping to get answers from him.

"There has been a change, but you didn't wipe it carefully. Take a look." The last piece of the glass jar left on the stage suddenly rolled. Then it landed accurately on the ground with a crisp "pop", and then fell apart again.

Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "This is change, but your reaction is so fast, faster than change... You know that Christine and I often have such misunderstandings. Sometimes I say ...Hey, be careful of the cup next to your table. When she looked around, she would knock it off and break it. That's it..."

"Haha—" finally someone in the crowd couldn't help laughing, and then there was a round of applause.

"No. Wait, applause again. Because I haven't started the formal performance yet, and I have to perform as soon as possible, otherwise... This shark brother will protest because it is not as good as dead now, if we say more In a few words, it may never be able to open its mouth, so... we have to give it a glass jar first. Of course, it is not the state it was broken, but the state it was before it was broken."

Speaking, Zhen Fan waved the magic wand again. I heard some "creaking" sounds in the air, and the broken glass cylinder on the ground slowly floated into the air with Zhen Fan's dancing magic wand. It is amazing to appear in the air, but the most amazing thing is that these casually seem to have found a stop, gathered in one place, and then slowly, as if you are doing permutation and combination, slowly in the air Fragments of shards are slowly splicing together.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one believes that magic can do this. The broken things were reorganized and spliced ​​again. This change made everyone stare. Jamie Brown felt that his chest was ups and downs sharply. He felt that his breathing was tighter. Yes, this is not magic, it is magic. If using any cover to accomplish this magic, he thinks it is still possible to steal the beam and change the pillar, but now it is in full view, and the broken things are floating, it is not as simple as stealing the beam and replacing the pillar.

"Oh, God, he... I knew he could surprise everyone!" Jolie Martinez said proudly. Although she still covered her mouth, she still had to express her thoughts. "I knew that as soon as he stood up, nothing was important, because he was the focus... God, what should I do?" The woman thought of herself. What should I do? The more dazzling Zhen Fan is, she feels a little further away from herself.

It’s like there is an invisible big hand in the air, controlling all of this, the glass jar is quickly completed with the help of it, and then following the wave of Zhen Fan’s magic wand, it slowly moves in the air, steady On the stage where Jolie Martinez performed before.

With the perfect glass fiber reinforced plastic, Zhen Fan stopped the magic wand, then took both hands, the magic wand disappeared from his hand, and then he hooked his fingers to the top and said: "Lighter, can you shoot the light toward the glass jar? On the other hand, if... I said that if there is a crack, I would pay one for ten."

This is a typical advertising slogan, which caused everyone to laugh. At this time, Zhen Fan hooked his finger to the audience again: "Which one of you will come to the stage to take a look. Of course, only two or three people are needed. Our shark brother is still waiting dryly. This is its bedroom. , We can't visit for too long."

At this time, three people climbed onto the stage. Then, under Zhen Fan's sign, they looked around the glass fiber reinforced plastic, then raised their hands, and said with some excitement: "Perfect, perfect, without any gap."

Suddenly the audience remembered the applause like a storm and rain. It was a magical performance, just like watching a magic show. Many people still don't believe their eyes at this time, just exclaiming over and over again, and then some people take out their mobile phones to shoot videos on the stage, and there are people who are always recording. They were doing this when Zhen Fan played. Including the boss here, he asked people to record the entire performance with a high-definition high-speed camera.

"Okay, guys, we visited Shark's bedroom, but it hasn’t moved in yet. This is wrong. Besides, we demolished his house earlier. This is our fault. We must return the house. Give it!" As Zhen Fan stretched out his hand, the magic wand appeared in his hand again, and then he pointed the magic wand at the shark and waved it gently. The shark on the ground was already weak. With Zhen Fan's wave, its huge body suddenly floated up in the air, and then with the wave of the magic wand, it swayed two times in the air, as if it was a curtain call, and finally flew to the glass cylinder. Fell into the glass jar.

With the sound of "bang", a shark was installed in the glass fiber reinforced plastic. The poor shark had already fallen to pieces by this time. Those who were onlookers saw the sharks flying in front of their eyes and then fell into them. Into the glass jar. People's applause was given to Zhen Fan without hesitation.

Yes, although it is not comparable to the restoration of a broken glass jar, this hand is also very rare. This is also a difficult magic trick, at least Jamie Brown thinks so. But now everyone knows what is the most difficult. That is the water that has been poured out.

Overwhelming water is hard to harvest, which is already explained in Chinese idioms. Is there still a day that can be changed? Everyone is faintly looking forward to it, yes, they are all looking forward to whether Zhen Fan can also refill the water poured on the ground into the glass jar.

Although it seemed impossible, they waited with their breath. After Zhen Fan threw the shark into the glass tank, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Unfortunately...there is always water in the glass tank. So...we have to recover the spilled water."

"Take it back, take it back!" Suddenly a forty-year-old man shouted loudly, shaking his fist at Zhen Fan, "Zhen, quickly cast your magic and take the water back. We know you can do it!"

"Take it back, take it back!" At the same time, the crowd's neat shouts sounded almost at the same time. The voices changed from small to large, and the evacuation became neat, and then it resounded throughout the bar, even outside the bar. Can hear clearly.

"This is the most glorious time God has bestowed on him!" Jamie couldn't help saying, waving his fist, and shouting unscrupulously in the background, "Take it back, take it back!"

"To be honest, if he can do all of this, I declare that my idol is him, no other people can be accommodated, nor can David Copperfield, I just looked for him!" Has always been relatively stable Dunn couldn't help but drew a cross on his chest and murmured.

"Of course, I made a choice a long time ago. He will always be, there is no second one!" Jolie Martinez sighed and said, "Do you know what I am thinking now? At a magical moment, on this stage, in front of everyone, he was given to him, so that the hatred can be relieved!"

As soon as she said this, everyone looked at her dumbfounded. Jolie Martinez snorted, then raised her head and said proudly: "What are you looking at? I should reward him like this." Everyone suddenly shed cold sweat.

At this moment, Zhen Fan suddenly moved. His magic wand was slowly waving in the air. His whole person was like dancing gently on the stage, in a slow and dynamic and elegant posture. At the moment he reacted, the air seemed to condense into water vapor... (to be continued...) u

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