The American Scripture

Chapter 829: crazy

The air is like condensed into water vapor, yes, everyone has a feeling like this, and then they see the water on the ground suddenly rise slowly into the air, following the wave of Zhen Fan’s magic wand, A column of water condensed from all directions, and then Zhen Fan suddenly waved the magic wand toward the glass jar.

The situation that everyone could not dream of was realized seriously by everyone. With this wave, all the water on the ground fell into the glass tank. Suddenly the glass steel was filled with water, and the shark that had dried up for too long, suddenly It was as if it had been beaten with chicken blood, and it thumped in the refilled glass tank, stirring up water splashing everywhere.

It was the sound of this splash of water that awakened the people around, and then they looked at their feet again. The water was gone, and the water stains on the ground seemed to have never appeared before, and it was very clean.

"My clothes are dry, my clothes are dry, my God, how did he do it?" Suddenly someone pulled his clothes and shouted loudly, then took it off desperately and waved in his hands, "My The clothes got wet when the water tank broke, but you see... it's dry!"

This exclamation made all those who got wet clothes look at their clothes. They were dry, as if they had never been wet before. Then there was one after another $().().() exclamation, and then there was a tornado-like applause and cheers. What is this? This is a miracle.

The atmosphere of the people is very warm, even a little crazy. They loudly cheered Zhen Fan's name, and others tried to rush to the stage and embrace Zhen Fan. But Zhen Fan just smiled, and then said, "My work is completed, thank you very much. If it weren't for Jolie Martinez's madness, maybe I would not have the chance to appear on stage. Thank you, everyone, goodbye!" He pushed him behind the scenes.

Just after Zhen Fan retreated behind the scenes, suddenly a person's body plunged into his arms. It was Jolie Martinez. She emotionally said to Zhen Fan, "I knew it. It must be you, it must be you. Yes, you broke the glass jar. Then you saved me, and I knew it was like that, God, you were sent by God. I love you. Zhen!" He said, his lips were printed on Zhen Fan’s face A bright red lip print.

Jamie Brown watched. They didn't interfere with Jolie Martinez. If they were themselves, they would probably be so crazy. The others were also stunned, not knowing what reaction they should have. They didn't think about this kind of magic, but they were limited to thinking about it. Because this is simply impossible to achieve, even with occlusion. Everyone knows this because it is difficult to harvest the water.

But Zhen Fan was able to collect the covered water under the eyes of everyone, and also took back the water without any impurities. What is this method? Who is David Copperfield? I'm afraid it is far inferior to Zhen Fan's hand. So several people were very excited. They saw the most amazing scene, so whether or not they could get sponsorship became unimportant. They even improved, thinking if they could follow him in the future. Isn’t there no regrets in life?

Of course these can only be thought about, they know that Zhen Fan will not agree to them. They also have self-knowledge, because they really feel that they can't really help Zhen Fan. So the entanglement in their hearts reacted to their faces, and their expressions became weird, making Zhen Fan feel whether they had something on their minds.

Zhen Fan stretched out his hand and shook hands with the six of them, and smiled: "My task is completed. As for the result, you can grasp it yourself, but... if it is overwhelming, I am sorry that this is not my intention. Okay, I hope we still have a chance to meet in the future." Zhen Fan waved his hand and left the backstage.

The whole bar was crazy. Someone jumped directly to the backstage. They wanted to find Zhen Fan just to talk to him, but they were destined to be disappointed. Zhen Fan was quick to see the opportunity and had already left. But some people also rushed to the stage to check the glass jars and the water and the shark, but everything told those people that this was true, not an illusion.

A man in a suit walked in. He saw Jamie Brown and Jolie Martinez, so he squeezed forward to them and said, "Is it Mr. Jamie Brown?"

"Yes, may I ask..." Jamie Brown couldn't restrain his inner excitement. He knew this must be from the investor, so he pursed his lips, adjusted his mood, and said to the man, " Excuse me... Are you..."

"I am entrusted by someone. Please go over there and talk about investment issues. If you have time now, we can go there and talk!" The man said to Jamie politely, and then watched again. I looked at Jolie Martinez, "Miss Martinez? Would you mind going over to talk together?"

"Of course, no problem!" Jolie Martinez nodded, she was also very excited, although Zhen Fan's performance today overshadowed everyone's limelight, but...she stayed here today. Her performance is also very impressive.

"Please come with me!" The man nodded at the two, and then led them out of the backstage.

Jamie Brown hugged Diago tightly, then laughed undisguisedly, and shook his fist at them, "We will succeed. Waiting for us to come back, we have always been an unbreakable group, no What can be us! Come on, guys, this is our era!".

"Come on!" Diago and Jamie Brown slapped each other. Then Jamie Brown pointed to Diago and the others, nodded at them, stepped back, and walked out.

"Great! Thank God!" After Jamie Brown left, Diago and the four others couldn't help but cheered. The four people cheered and hugged each other and kissed each other, even if they left a ball of saliva on each other's face, they just felt happy. Yes, their dream will come true.

Zhen Fan listened to the hustle and bustle behind him. He felt that he should leave. Staying here would only make the order here worse and worse. So he went out without hesitation. Just walking out from behind, he saw the two Two people dressed in black suits are bodyguards waiting there, and they seem to be waiting for themselves.

"Is it Mr. Zhen?" One of the bodyguards said to Zhen Fan, with a respectful attitude.

"Yes, I am!" Zhen Fan frowned and looked at him. Before he could say a second sentence, he said, "Let your boss come over and talk to me. What's the best thing to do as soon as possible? speak out!"

"This... our boss will be here soon. Can you wait a while?" The bodyguard said cautiously. "It was impolite to let you wait here and it was not a way of hospitality, but he is now talking to Your friend talks about investment cooperation, so... if you want, he will come right away!"

Zhen Fan was taken aback. He didn't expect that the boss of this man was the one who invested in Jamie Brown. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "Well, I will wait here for a while, ten minutes. If I don't come after ten minutes, I Will leave!"

"Yes, this is your right!" The bodyguard nodded, and then said to Zhen Fan, " go to the car interior light him over there first, it is our boss's car, if it is convenient for you ."

"Right here!" Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and didn't go over. He looked at the car. It was a Volvo cx90 that was not high-profile. It seemed that this person's taste was somewhat the same as his own, and he couldn't help it. Have some interest. He just leaned against the wall and waited for about five or six minutes before the back door opened again. Accompanied by two more bodyguards in black suits, a middle-aged man in casual clothes walked out. He was very fat. When he saw Zhen Fan, he couldn't help laughing and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Fan Zhen, I'm sorry. It’s my fault to let you wait here."

"It's okay, are you an investor?" Zhen Fan asked.

"Yes, just looking at them is not bad, so I have some interest, by the way, let them do some publicity for my bar. I am also the owner of this bar. I saw your performance today, very amazing, said To be honest, I have also seen the top magic performers perform here, is my most shocking."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Zhen Fan said coldly, "Do you want to work with me? I don't think we are interested in investing in bars for the time being!" Zhen Fan made a joke, which actually showed this person. My attitude, I will not interfere with his business, nor will I cooperate with him.

"I know, it's impossible for a master like you to perform in a bar like this. Your stage is world-class." This guy still knows He introduced himself, "I It’s Sam Fiennes. This is my business card. If you like it, keep it. And... this card is my free card. No matter how much you spend, just show this card. Free orders. Because you are the most distinguished guest!"

"This is my honour!" Since the other person's posture is low enough and very enthusiastic, Zhen Fan nodded and said, "Thank you very much for your...present, I should go now." !" He raised the card in his hand, turned and left.

Zhen Fan left. He didn’t make any difference to him because the other party was the owner of the bar or because he gave him a free card, but he was so excited about Sam Fiennes. He was originally It was with the idea that Zhen Fan would refuse, but she did not expect Zhen Fan to agree.

In fact, he still has more ideas, that is, can he get closer to Zhen Fan, and get more h?c?d wines from Zhen Fan. If there are often such high-end wines, there is definitely something for bars. Very big advantage. No rejection is the best way to start, and this is so for him.

The video of this performance was quickly posted on the Internet, and then attracted the attention of many media, including TV stations. The news channel also focused on the performance of this performance, and even experts participated! (To be continued...)

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