The American Scripture

Chapter 831: let me help you

Garnett Kelly shook the pistol in his hand and said to the woman: "Give me the hard drive, or I will blow your head. Hurry up!" He reached out to take the hard drive in the woman's hand, but the woman With a light turn, he moved his body aside, just when Garnett Kelly's hand fell through.

"Don't challenge my patience, I will count three, if you give me, I will blow your head!" Garnett Kelly became a little impatient, "Well, I will start counting now, one !"

"I'm not an idiot, even if I give you, you will shoot, so why should I give you?" The woman said, holding the hard drive in her hand, and then smiled at Garnett Kelly, "But... …You like to shoot so much, why don’t you give it a shot? Anyway, it’s relatively remote here, even if you shoot, no one will hear it, one cares, right? There is no one in New York. Tube zone!"

"You're right, but a pity...After you die, no one will take care of you. Your corpse will be chewed off by wild dogs or mice. Goodbye, bitch, just blame you for finding the wrong place!" Nate Kelly pressed his teeth and said fiercely, then shot the woman in the head.

"Bang!" The bullet passed through the woman's head, and then penetrated the chair behind the woman. The chair suddenly fell to the ground, but the woman was still standing there and smiling at Garnett? Kelly, what is she Nothing happened. The bullet seemed to never hit her.

Garnett Kelly burst into a panic and shot continuously. But every time the bullet passed through the woman's body, and then hit the thing behind her, even the fluff on the sofa was flying everywhere. It's just... that woman still looks at him with a smile. It's like watching a clown perform.

The sound of the pistol emptying came out, and the bullet was over. He looked at the woman in a little amazement, and couldn't help taking a step back. Now the woman's smile didn't look so beautiful anymore. He even panicked and tried to support his body, but when one hand was empty, he fell to the ground.

" are... the devil. You are the devil!" Garnett Kelly yelled, waving his hands again and again, trying to drive the woman away. But... the woman smiled and approached Garnett Kelly step by step.

"So...sell your soul to the devil!" The woman said, shaking the hard drive in her hand, "If you don't promise me. I will let the police know the contents of this hard drive right away. And...I It will soon make you worse off living in prison, or humiliating to die. Which one do you choose?"

"I... God, please, God, let me clear up!" Garnett Kelly couldn't help but drew a cross on his chest. He really felt terrified at this woman's increasingly evil smile. Yes, in front of death. Few people can remain sober and calm before the devil.

"God won't come to save a dirty criminal. If someone really comes to save you. It's Satan in hell. Maybe you should have gone to **** long ago, Garnett, you killed that guy, and you still Among the seven people killed was a woman and her three-year-old child, so... what can you do except go to hell?" The woman smiled disdainfully at Garnett Kelly.

"Oh, my God, what do you want to do? Oh, woo...what do you want to do?" Garnett Kelly said, suddenly crying like an emotional breakdown, and burst into tears. .

"It's really worthless. Didn't I tell you just now? I fell in love with the necklace of the cross that you came to hit. If you can bring that necklace to me, I will let you go, don't cry Yes, you know?" The woman smiled slightly, then squatted down and touched the big tearful Garnett Kelly who was lying on the ground and supporting her upper body.

"Just... only these?" Garnett Kelly stopped crying suddenly, then stared at the woman with wide eyes, "So simple?"

"Of course, how difficult do you think it is?" The woman smiled slightly, then stood up, "If you do, I will hold you as the boss here, you know what I am, so... I can sit down easily As the boss, if you helped me. Think about it... If you replace Diego Farrell, what kind of glorious life will it be? The whole of New York will be under your feet !"

"I...I can think about it!" Garnett Kelly will scream, then look at the woman, sitting fiercely ideologically, while the woman sits aside in time, looking at her fingers carelessly, It seems to be as careful as appreciating a piece of art

"You must give me a guarantee, you swear..." Garnett Kelly finally made up his mind. Who doesn't want to take the position of boss? If this woman really helps herself, it's not impossible to sit in the position of boss, because this woman is so powerful that she can't even do anything with bullets. But in this way, oneself is equivalent to dealing with the devil, but so what? As long as one can rule a prosperous big city like New York, it will not be a problem to rule the entire New York gang. So soon he made a decision.

"You have to believe what I say. And even if I swear, will you believe the devil's oath?" The woman laughed, and her laugh told Garnett Kelly that this is a bargain that cannot be refused, only to believe She, do it well, and she might really become the boss.

And he must also know that the cross is very important to this woman, and it is very likely to subdue this woman. If you get it and use that cross to coerce women to do things for yourself, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

As I was thinking, I heard a voice suddenly, as if someone was sighing. This voice appeared inadvertently, Ungarnett Kelly couldn't help being taken aback, even the woman suddenly raised her head and looked around. Obviously, someone broke into this without her noticing it. The house, then this person must be his own rival.

"Who!" The woman turned abruptly, and saw a young man, or a boy. He was tall and thin, wearing a black suit, sitting on a chair, his eyes were looking at the two of them, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

"Nancy? Vergara, I know your name, and I also know why you did it!" The man shook his head gently, looking at Garnett Kelly who was trying to get up and running behind her, "Don't try Flee, if you dare to take another step, I can’t guarantee that you will take another step. Because the dead will never walk again.”

Sure enough, Garnett Kelly was frightened, and a foot that had already stepped back quietly retracted. He knew that he was far from the opponent of these two men, so he shrank there again very smartly, hoping that the two men would treat themselves as air and leave after talking.

"How do you know my name?" The woman was finally moved. She stared at the man tightly, feeling the huge gap between herself and him. Obviously, the pressure this man put on her was very great, so she was on guard. As long as the man made a move, she had to run away quickly, without any hesitation.

"Of course, I know that you stole Mr. Zhen’s brewing recipe during a previous theft, but... unfortunately, you died because of that, and the reason why you still exist, It’s because of the energy that Mr. Zhen gives you, so...what should I call you? A ghost or a devil? Or Miss Vergara?" The man shook his head and said, "But...I can tell you my name My name is Miles Simon, but this is my current name, you won’t know it, before my name was Shia Presskin."

"Shia Presskin?" Nancy Vergara exclaimed suddenly, she was too familiar with the name, because she knew that the man and woman that day was sent by Shia Presskin , She naturally knew who he was, "You... why are you here?"

"It's very simple, because you haven't found a way to deal with Diego Farrell, so I came, Mr. Zhen asked me to come!" Miles Simon stood up, "Do you think I'm too young? I can tell you, because Mr. Zhen changed my appearance, so I am like this now.” Miles Simon looked at Nancy Vergara’s puzzled gaze and couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t worry about me. Not true, because I came this time to solve your problem."

"I don't need your help!" Nancy Vergara figured it The big boy in front of him——yes, I can only say that he is the big boy, even though he was more calm, and His young face did not match, but she still wanted to think of him as a big boy.

"No, you really need it, because of this... you actually negotiated a deal with such a scumbag. This is really unbearable. A person like him is not worthy to negotiate a deal or live here." Meyer Si Simon shook his head and said, "This person is up to you. Don't think about helping him to come to power and uniting the gangs in New York. Mr. Zhen doesn't like this, so... don't do this."

"Okay, I see, but what to do with him?" Nancy Vergara looked at Miles Simon.

"You know, don’t you have his surveillance video hard drive in your hand? Give it to the police and let them do this. Do it a little bit more neatly. I will wait for you here these two days. I will leave here!" Miles Simon said, suddenly the whole person was like a gust of wind, whistling, driving the window to "hula" and the person disappeared.

"Don't, don't do this to me!" Apparently Garnett Kelly also heard Miles Simon's words, shaking his hands in panic and yelling at Nancy Vergara. (To be continued...) R1292

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