The American Scripture

Chapter 832: Miami caring

The comeback of the entertainment industry does not necessarily have to start immediately. At the very least, Bitt has to come up with the script. The three male protagonists, Zhen Fan, Johnny and Robles, can be the leader alone and support a Hollywood movie. Blockbuster, and there is a good box office appeal. Therefore, the roles of the three people cannot be favoritism, and everyone has to be brilliant, so such a script is really hard to find, unless a hodgepodge of awe-inspiring heroes like "Avengers" can make the three of them shine with each other, and It won't be overwhelming.

Since the script is still being worked on, Zhen Fan will not care about these things. These are all handled by him, and there is also a James Carmel who seems to have a good relationship with them. He actively asked to be a producer. In addition, the investment is a big deal, which represents the investment by Fox in the 20th century.

James Carmel and Twentieth Century Fox have a very good relationship and have had a good cooperation. So this time after 20th Century Fox heard that Zhen Fan was about to come back, and that it was directed by Bit, as well as the film with Johnny and Robles joining, it immediately became interested and immediately contacted James Carmel, because they knew Together, these three strongmen will definitely be a huge box office gimmick. They don't want to miss the opportunity to make money.

But this kind of benefit cannot be enjoyed exclusively. Warner, Bit’s old club, also intends to get a share. They have been practicing Bit for a long time, wanting to get the right to release the movie, while the new line movie is shooting again. Idea. Because they have been cooperating with Bit to shoot the "The Hobbit" series of movies.

As for some other people who are planning to participate, they have been visiting Bits in the past few days. Annoying him. Even the script of the movie has nothing to do with it, but it has already caused a scramble for all big and small studios in Hollywood, but it is obvious. The last with a smile must be those big companies.

The news about Zhen Fan’s comeback and the collaboration with Johnny, Robles and director Bit also made the headlines of Hollywood Reporter, which caused many female stars to call these people for inquiries. Obviously, who doesn't want to appear in such a combined lineup?

Even Angelina Jolie called. As soon as she opened her mouth, she said to Zhen Fan unceremoniously: "Why am I the last person to know about your contribution to the entertainment industry? Aren't we friends?"

"Yes, we are friends, but... I haven't officially announced it yet. So... you know, if I hold a press conference, I will be the first to tell you!" Zhen Fan swore.

"Little slippery. You have developed the conference, of course I will know! Is there any suitable role I can participate in? Time does not matter, even if it is only a minute or two of footage." Angelina faced Zhen Fan Said, "Don't forget me. And... I won't get a lot of pay. You can get the same friendly price as last time!"

"Thank you, really, it made me... I don't know what to say, you always help me like this!" Zhen Fan said to his heart, he knew Angelina did it to help herself Popularity. Generally, the effects of celebrities' comebacks are not very good, they were very hot before they came back, but after they really came back. But the effect is not good accounted for the vast majority.

"Definitely, I am looking forward to your joining. This is very important to me, Angie!" Zhen Fan said to the phone, "Your film is finished now? I know you are making a World War II movie, if you need me If you do, just say it! Maybe I can play a Japanese soldier in it, I will play very badly!"

"No, someone is worse than you, of course... Japanese!" Angelina giggled, "Okay, I'll just say here, remember, don't forget me, or I will find You settled the bill!" He hung up the phone.

Zhen Fan was very grateful to these friends. He hung up the phone. When he was about to put it in his pocket, the phone rang again. When he heard it, a coquettish voice came over: "Why don't you want me? Why don't you Me?" This tone is very resentful, making Zhen Fan think that where he has abandoned a resentful woman.

"Chloe Moritz?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but cried out in surprise, "What are you calling for? Because of the movie? God...well, what do you want to say?"

"I still want to film with you, why don't you tell me? If you don't let me film, I will spread rumors to you, and I will say...I am your secret lover, have **** with me, you cheat Now, buddy, you are stealing food with Christine on your back, and I want people all over the world to know that you are a man who likes to steal food!"

"God, you really are, okay, what do you want to do? Want to get a role in it? Ask Bit, he takes care of the script and the actors, don’t ask me, even if you say I’m an alien , I have to say the same. Kolo... I know what you are thinking... well, since he agrees, I don’t have any comments!" Zhen Fan hung up the phone helplessly, and Kolo Moritz seemed to do the same. This call was made to help, so he was embarrassed to refuse her kindness. Especially the last time I made a movie, although I was a supporting role, I spent so much time on that island with me. It was really touching. Her feelings are very sincere and can't be hurt!

"I'll consider it!" First agreed, Zhen Fan hurriedly, this little girl treated herself well, he couldn't bear to refuse, even though he knew that even if he didn't have so many people to praise him, he would get a lot of attention. Because of its strong combination is very eye-catching.

"Today is phone day!" Zhen Fan complained in the living room, but no one listened to him. Even Melissa went to her office, so only Maria and her tutor, Elsa, were at home. Up. And Elsa is teaching Maria how to use a computer to look up something.

This is still a four-year-old child, but she accepts far more than the same year. On the one hand, thanks to Maria's own intelligence, she was originally a very smart guy, and her long-term life in this aura-filled villa made the little girl who was talented more affected.

Therefore, the little girl's intellectual development, emotional quotient development, and physical development are far different from normal. Even if she is only four years old, she is only half a head of Claire. Of course, Claire has benefited a lot from growing up in such an environment. Even Elsa is the same. So if Elsa is asked to change a job now, she really doesn't want to, and her relationship with Maria is getting better and better, and the two get along very well.

When everyone came back in the afternoon, Zhen Fan looked at the women over the table and said, "I want to leave for a while. Don't ask why, I will tell you if there is a need!"

"Do you have any secrets?" Christine looked at Zhen Fan and said with some confusion. Zhen Fan is a little guilty in his eyes, but his strong psychological adaptability tells him that his face must be normal, so he said calmly, "Yes, there is a secret, but I can't tell you now. I will tell him at that time. Yours!"

"I know!" Christine nodded, and then looked at Zhen Fan, "I hope you can trust me, I know some things, I have to slowly adapt, including your Chinese traditions, I know Well, since I learned those Taoist things, I also have an understanding of those traditional Chinese customs!"

"What traditional customs?" Zhen Fan was taken aback, then looked at Christine.

"I heard that in China in the past, a man could marry several wives. Is that true?" Kristen looked at Zhen Fan with a smile, "Actually I think..."

"I know, these are dross!" Zhen Fan hurriedly closed the topic. Such a discussion is not conducive to the stability and unity of the family. Isn't this what Christine used to play?

"I think it's very interesting!" Christine said, and then began to stuff his mouth. Zhen Fan looked at her, she would never say anything anymore, just concentrating on the delicious food.

"Why do you have this topic?" Zhen Fan pretended to be calm and shrugged at the table full of women. "Did I do something wrong?" Zhen Fan turned to ask Mia.

"No, it's not that you did something wrong, but that we have no interest in discussing this topic at all!" Mia smiled, "But...if possible, help me clean up the kitchen later, yes Now... Annie, when will Claire go to middle school?"

"Next year will be fine, Claire... some vegetable salad!" Annie's words jumped quickly. She was a little dissatisfied with Claire's concentration on the meat, and Claire pouted. Li murmured, then reluctantly put a vegetable leaf on his plate.

"She has been spoiled!" Annie smiled apologetically at Zhen But... Zhen, do you really plan to let Xia Presskin participate in your plan. Come in? I mean, you want to train him as a Chinese medicine doctor? "

"It's not just that. Actually you can too!" Zhen Fan looked at Annie. Now the topic is a bit more normal, but he is still calculating the days. After today, he will go to Miami and have a look there. , Because there is still someone he cares about. And there was a child in that person's belly.

This is Zhen Fan's own child, his first child in the world. He is very caring, and he intends to spend some time with Liu Yifei there. During this time, he can take good care of her and prevent her from being in any danger when giving birth.

Early the next morning, the women all left, Maria’s tutor also came, and Susan, who was a babysitter, also came. She greeted Zhen Fan with a smile, and then began to work. Zhen Fan took a deep breath and said to Susan, "Susan, if I have time, of course I will give you another salary and send me to the airport?"

"Of course, why not? Who can't live with the dollar!" Susan smiled and agreed happily. Even if she didn't have any wages, she would do it. Since working at Zhen Fan, her family situation has improved greatly. Up. She has always been very grateful. (To be continued...)

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