The American Scripture

Chapter 844: Discuss boyfriend

Elsa was a little excited about her experience. It seemed that she was very impressed with that experience, so in her heart she very much hoped that Zhen Fan would go to the Giant Sequoia-National Canyon National Park again.

"Well, we can find a time, I can tell you tomorrow!" Zhen Fan smiled, "Hey, Susan, I know you are behind the door listening to our conversation, come out, if you want to join, I will be very welcome. We can form a team, a very good team!"

"Of course, I really want to go, if I don't have to spend money!" Susan walked out from behind the door with a smile, "Can I take my daughter with me? Oh, forget it, I do it every day People who can't see her."

"Why not? I still remember your daughter!" Zhen Fan said to her with a smile.

Susan smiled and shook her head and said, "Forget it, I'll stay at home. If you are going for a few days, I will take care of it here. By the way, I might find a place to sleep here, the sofa in the lobby. It’s just a nice bed!"

"Whatever you want!" Zhen Fan shrugged and looked at Elsa and said, "If you have someone in your heart who wants to invite to go with you, then... you'd better tell == me tomorrow, we can make one planning!"

"Is it really okay?" Elsa laughed, it was obvious that she really wanted to invite her friend Tessa Coppola, because Tessa is still in a low period, she has to pull her out to relax. .

"Uh...Okay, Mr. Zhen, actually...I do have a friend who is in a low ebb. She is unemployed and has done several jobs, but they are not very satisfactory. If I can, I Would you like to take her with you? Of course, if it's not convenient..." Elsa stammered a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay. Take her with you. The day after tomorrow is a day off. Let's go together! I have been planning this grand outing for a long time. The island last time... I'm sorry. I didn't bring you with you!" Zhen Fan said with a smile.

"Can I insert a sentence?" Susan smiled behind Zhen Fan at this time, "You didn't take me with me, but you didn't say sorry. But... if there is another island activity next time, remember Take me, I know where to buy good dahlia."

"Don't overdo it, Susan. That stuff is okay occasionally. But... it's not very good for your body!" Zhen Fan glanced at her and smiled, "Actually, I am not an opponent of Da Ma. But I won’t object to them smoking that stuff, oh, yes, don’t bring it here!"

"Oh, I knew you would say that. I shouldn't have mentioned dama. I think about lying on the terrace. I have a cup of Nanshan coffee and look at the sea and the beach at the foot of the mountain. There are those people who ran away in bikinis as if they were in estrus, and then took a few mouthfuls of numbness. That should be a pleasant thing. Now it's all ruined!" Susan smiled happily, and then waved at Zhen Fan. He waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll go back, remember to leave me a text message when I go, I will come over!"

"Thank you, Susan!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laugh. He knew that Susan was humorous, and that these were just jokes, and then turned to look at Elsa, "Then...Is it settled? "

"Of course, I know!" Elsa smiled and nodded, then looked at Maria next to Zhen Fan, "So... shall we go to the Giant Sequoia-National Canyon National Park together? It is a very beautiful place. !"

"Of course, I like—" Maria shrugged. "But... when can we go? The day after tomorrow? Only us or everyone else!"

"Of course everyone, and Claire!" Zhen Fan smiled and touched Maria's head, "But... do you remember what I taught you?" This is Zhen Fan. The way of teaching Maria’s qi training in idle time, Maria only finds it fun, meditating on those things in her heart, and also being able to give her warmth under her belly, which makes her very happy and likes to do it. These seem a bit boring things.

"I remember, I like the warm feeling, and there is something like a little mouse running around. It's very interesting, so every time I want to put that disobedient little The mouse caught it and wrapped it in the soft heating, hasn't succeeded yet!" Maria raised a small mouth and said to Zhen Fan as if she was acting like a baby.

Zhen Fan was taken aback and was a little surprised. He didn't expect Maria's progress to be so great. Originally, he just expected her to be able to practice Qi Tu, which was already a great thing, but he did not expect that she could go further, that is. The feeling of breaking through, the inner breath in the air mass is gradually rushing from the left to the right, and that is to continue to expand.

"Very good, well, you remember, try to catch those little mice, and then don't let them run out!" Zhen Fan said, touching her head and smiling.

In the evening, the family members also came back one after another. Elsa left and went home. Zhen Fan took Maria and Claire to play with her. Claire did a good job of dancing and liked it very much. Acting in front of Maria, and Maria also likes to watch her performance, but she behaves calmly and will not follow and imitate or whatever. I felt that mind was older than Claire.

Across the glass window, Mia and Annie, who were busy in the kitchen, watched Zhen Fan and the two little girls happily, even tumbling on the turf and couldn't help but smile.

"They are like two sisters!" Mia glanced at Annie and said with a smile, "What do you think about the matter that Zoe raised last time? The headquarters will live like this for a lifetime, right? This is for you. It's unfair to say. The point is that Christine doesn't mean much to oppose. I don't think she will give up Zhen, but she will not take the initiative to share all this with you. This is the selfishness of women!"

"I haven't thought about it,'s not fair to Christine, and...I don't know what I think in my heart, sorry, I'm a bit messed up, let's skip this topic!" Annie's The expression was obviously flustered, and she did have a natural dislike for this.

She hates Thomas' cheating, so even if she thinks about it in her heart, she won't do anything cheating. She has persisted in this way all the time, but... the situation is a bit out of control now, and she feels that she is gradually losing control of her own.

Should I hate myself scolding now? Annie couldn't help laughing wryly. Mia smiled, and said nothing. Anyway, the time is still long. Maybe when the woman with the child in Zhen Fan arrives, this delicate balance in the family will be broken, and there may be some contradictions.

Contradictions can't always be covered, this is not conducive to resolving contradictions, so from the bottom of her heart, Mia hopes that this contradiction can be resolved as soon as possible, even if there are some fluctuations for this reason, it is normal and acceptable. She understands that the reason why the women here are willing to stay in this villa and the reason why they are willing to live together, they all understand that they are not willing to give up Zhen. This is their bottom line.

Now that she has a common bottom line, she feels that everything will be under control, even if conflicts erupt, I believe Zhen Fan can control the situation. It's just that she never considered whether Zhen Fan could control this situation? She has really high expectations for Zhen Fan, and she believes in him.

God knows if she believes the wrong person. Just as Mia’s mind was moving, Annie’s heart was rolling. Yes, Mia was right. Even in the end, she would never give up, but there is no man who is willing to share her with others, Annie. I know this feeling too well.

As she thought about it, she was a little lost. The vegetables in her hand were washed under the faucet, but the whole person looked at the scene of Zhen Fan playing games with the two little girls outside, and her mind was a little confused.

And just in the hall, Christine was talking to Helena and Zoe, while Melissa was on the side, she didn't know what she was tapping on with her notebook, she seemed very absorbed. So Christine inserted a sentence and said: "Melissa, you can't take home work to do, don't break the rules at home! This is very disturbing!"

Melissa stopped, and then smiled: "I'm only five minutes away. I want to plan for this investment last night. Now Zhen does not have a lot of free money. Every investment needs to be carefully considered. And Zoe's The construction of the laboratory still needs a lot of investment, and I hope that every money will be used rationally."

"Well, let's not talk about money now, we can talk about coffee or clothes, or even gossip, such as your employees." Christine smiled, "By the way... Do you need me to introduce your boyfriend? I know a lot of handsome guys in Hollywood. To be honest, if you only look at their appearance is definitely the best boyfriend!"

"Hollywood men will always belong to the audience, not their own wives!" Melissa smiled as she wrote, "Also... do you know which man is most admirable and most worthy of being a boyfriend or a marriage partner?"

"Which one? Are you optimistic?" Christine said with a smile.

"Uh... the one outside is." Melissa said with a grin, and then looked at Christine and Zoe's stunned expression, she couldn't help laughing, "It seems, I said this. Frightened you. Haha, yes, he is the best man, but he is not my food!"

"You really scared me!" Kristen heard her last laugh, knowing that she was joking, and couldn't help but laughed, "I don't care if you are one more, why don't you think about it? We can Assemble a girlfriend team and work together to take care of our shared boyfriend!"

"No, now he is only yours. He is your fiancé. That is enough!" Melissa nodded and smiled, then raised her hand, "Well, don't discuss this, I have to The plan is completed, otherwise I don’t know how to tell them tomorrow. I now finally understand how tired the person in charge without a secretary is!" (To be continued...)

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