The American Scripture

Chapter 845: Table meeting

Dinner is very lively, every day is so lively, everyone ate very happily, including the two little guys. They are still rushing for each other to eat vegetable salad. This is what Annie likes to see. Children only show competitiveness when they eat together. They will eat foods they usually even hate, such as salads.

Apart from Sarah Voge and Liu Yifei, all the women here are almost there. Sometimes they talk in a low voice, sometimes they talk loudly without the image of a lady, and sometimes they even come up with a few humorous words to make everyone laugh. And sometimes they talk about gossip. For example, Christine likes to expose the secret things of Hollywood stars, and then make people listen with gusto. In short, the atmosphere is very harmonious and very good.

Zhen Fan likes the atmosphere of all this very much, and he likes it, because it can make him feel like a big family. This is really commendable for him, a sad man who has lacked family warmth since he was a child. He wants to work hard to maintain such a very harmonious atmosphere, he even greedily thinks not to go to anyone.

"My dear, give me some pepper!" Christine beckoned to Zhen Fan, and there were two children, Maria and Claire, between them.

"Me too!" Claire handed the plate to Zhen Fan.

This time it was out of control. Maria also hurriedly put the plate in front of Zhen Fan, looking up at Zhen Fan with a small face, showing a cute smile, her small face flushed, her big eyes flickering: "I want too, Dad--" She could lengthen the ending sound at the back, making Zhen Fan suddenly dumbfounded. Really can't just take care of one. And Maria, the little girl, didn't seem to care much about anything else, she would never lag behind even if she competed with Claire in front of Zhen Fan. So she looked at Zhen Fan eagerly, for fear that Zhen Fan would refuse.

"Okay, okay. I'll give you a little bit, but the pepper kid don't eat too much." Zhen Fan took the pepper and sprinkled some on the steaks of the two children before handing it over. Blinked to Christine, "Children always have priority, but so do you. Among adults!"

When Kristen heard it, he couldn't help but "pushed" a laugh, and then drew more people's eyes, and the good atmosphere was almost destroyed. See you Christine. He quickly sprinkled pepper, and then smiled: "Do you know Emma? It's the heroine who made the movie with Zhen Fan last time."

This is why she wants to change the subject. At first, several women didn't care about her method, but when she heard that Emma who had filmed with Zhen Fan, she pricked her ears and listened to Christine. Say.

"I heard that she seems to have a new boyfriend recently!" When she said this, Christine's eyes also deliberately glanced at Zhen Fan, "Well. He is also a Hollywood filmmaker, but he is not An actor, but a photographer. They look pretty good. Someone photographed them eating together in a restaurant!"

"It's just eating?" Zoe looked at Kristen suspiciously, then shook his head and said, "What kind of boyfriend is this? I think it was something the reporters had nothing to provoke."

"I think it is these stars who are hyping up themselves, and from time to time to increase their popularity?" Helena said her own opinions and hummed. Then he looked at Kristen and smiled, "I'm not talking about you. The scandal between you and Zhen Fan confirms that you and him are real. This is a completely different thing!"

"I'm not angry!" Christine took a breath. Then she went on to say that she didn’t want Helena’s words to ruin the current atmosphere. Now she wants to establish her own authority, which is necessary, so she coughed twice, "Well, listen, let’s continue. This topic!"

Zhen Fan can't speak out. In such an occasion, it is better for him to remain silent, but still have to put a smile on his face, so the best way is to talk to two children, and the children like to talk to him. Say. Claire mainly talked about some things about her at school, and Maria curled her lips and told Claire about her and her tutor Elsa. Elsa was very good. She taught some things. The child doesn't know or understand at all.

So Maria formed a psychological advantage to Claire, always holding her chin up, like a proud little swan. Zhen Fan must also adjust the emotions of these two children. Let them eat more Sarah. In short, he will do a good job of babysitting and service, and he will definitely not cause trouble.

When the women's discussion came to an end, Zhen Fan coughed twice and said with a smile: "Uh, guys...girls, I have a plan now, do you want to listen to it?"

So everyone focused their eyes on him, then looked at him, and quietly waited for his next sentence. It was rare that their opinions reached agreement.

"'s like this, I think these two children should go for a walk now!" Zhen Fan considered the sentence, fearing that he might say something wrong, and then cause infighting. He said that he also glanced at Mary by the way. Ya.

Maria immediately stood on the chair with her hands on her hips and said: "Uh... I am very bored at home, so I want to go out for a walk, but... someone has to come with me, right? I'm a Little kid, I can’t complete such a long journey. Dad said, if you agree, we will go to the Grand Canyon!"

"What?" It was not the women who called out first, but Claire, "It's not fair. I'm going. I also stay at school or at home all day. There is no kid who is more troubled than me. You know. Is it? Children who don’t go out often have a worse mental development than children of the same age, and it will also narrow their horizons, and even can’t see farther...what is that? It’s the beach. Is it? I can't see clearly..."

"Pump!" Annie couldn't help but laughed when she heard Claire's words, and then all the women laughed. This little girl, the reason was really set, so Christine smiled at her. Said, "These are all the teachers taught you? Did they teach you this?"

"No, it's from my own reading!" Claire shrugged, "They always tell us to read books. I hate this, but now it's finally useful..."

"In other words, the big plan this time is to go to the canyon? We are going to Arizona? The Colorado Grand Canyon?" Annie said to Zhen Fan, "That place is very far away, and it's going to be several days, ours jobs……"

"Don't worry about work, we will fix it!" Mia said, "I've always been good at this. Okay, Zhen, tell me about your idea!" She cast her eyes on Zhen Fan, and then everyone else's eyes Voted over.

"I know, I'm just a plan, and we are not going to Arizona, what we are going to... Uh, it's the Giant Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park, not far from here, and we plan to be there Camping is about two or three days!" Zhen Fan explained quickly, "This is my plan. If you have a better one, then forget what I just said!"

"What's your opinion?" Christine looked at everyone.

"Our opinion?" Mia shook her head, "Am I also in the plan? Of course, if I am in the plan, I have no opinion. I will go where you decide where to go!" Mia Looking at Kristen and then at Zhen Fan, she shrugged her shoulders somehow!

"Well, skip you, Annie, your opinion!" Kristen looked at Annie, "What do you think about this camping? Of course you can say your own..."

"Well, guys, I don’t think we can form a unified opinion if we ask one by one. Let’s vote on Zhen’s proposal. If the majority agrees, we will go to that place. If there are only a few, we will continue. To put forward specific suggestions, we can think of a place for each person, and then vote by way of voting. This is a very simple matter, there is no need to be so complicated!" Zoe raised his hand and expressed his opinion at this time. Obviously, she was a little dissatisfied with Christine's approach.

"Well, I'm very democratic, just like the last time I went to sea!" Kristin raised his hand indifferently, and said, "I agree with Zhen's opinion, you can vote!"

Zoe also raised her hand, only Annie hesitated After raising her hand, the rest of the people passed, but Mia did not raise her hand, she looked at Zhen Fan and Christine , "Don't you need a person at home to look after it?"

"No, not at all, I have already said hello to Susan, she will help take care of our home!" Zhen Fan waved, "Now we are going to discuss how to go, and... Elsa also Will go. As Maria’s tutor, this is a very good teaching opportunity. We Chinese have a saying: Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles. In this sense, we not only relieve boredom, but also Go and learn! For children!"

"Of course, no problem!" Christine nodded in agreement.

"Also... Mia, I think you should go the most. Take a look at this beautiful world. Since I know you and you live here, I have never traveled far away. Of course, the island is not counted. Words!" Zhen Fan said seriously.

"Aha--you have a problem with this!" Helena smiled, and then looked at Zhen Fan, "So...Is Miles going? He is also your apprentice!"

"Of course, leave it to me to contact you. It's best if you forget his face, he is old enough to be your grandfather!" Zhen Fan pointed at them with a smile. (To be continued) R752

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