The American Scripture

Chapter 846: Blunt Tessa

"You mean to go camping with Zhen? Just the two of you? God, it's incredible. How long did you go to hook him up? How much is he going to give you?" Tessa Coppola's jaw was almost shocked After falling to the ground, she stuffed a piece of pizza in her hand into her mouth and chewed hard.

"Oh, my god, what are you thinking? It's not what you think. The relationship between Zhen and I is normal. The relationship between employers and employees is nothing special. It is not because he is a star or a rich man. , Of course... The salary is relatively good, and there is a car, I am quite satisfied with this!" Elsa curled her lips disdainfully at Tessa Coppola.

"Well, what do you think? Are you two?" Tessa? Coppola said to Elsa, "I am worried about this. You'd better not trust these rich people lightly. They just Just play with you. In the end you will get nothing, you will be sad, and you will even want to die!"

"No, including you, and all of them, everyone who lives in that villa, and two children. If you want, you can come with us. Mr. Zhen asked me to bring you. With a message. Don’t you really want to go camping there again? Giant Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park, where you have good memories!"

"Oh, come on, that's a good memory? That **** wanted to try a difficult maneuver and got me in the water. Damn it. When I think about it, I can't wait to come to his egg. Feet! By the way...If it is free, I will go, do they still provide us with free cannabis?" Tessa Coppola looked at Elsa looking forward to it and said, "I like pure cannabis!"

"Don't even think about it. They never use marijuana. In short... it's amazing. The environment there is very different from the environment we are in now. I don't know how it is. Even without marijuana, you can I feel a lot of energy and a relaxed mood. To tell the truth... I now hope that Maria will never grow up. It’s just fine for her to grow up until after I retire, so I can Stay there for a lifetime. Look. My skin now feels a lot more delicate?" Elsa smiled and looked at the mirror in the living room.

Tessa Coppola took a look, then nodded and said, "I noticed it a long time ago. Why is your skin so good? Introduce cosmetics to me? At least let me be more delicate, maybe I There will be boyfriends dating, **** it, last seems like the last time...I don’t know that time anyway. There is a **** guy. He just said that my skin is faulty and it is not delicate enough!"

"That's because I stayed in Zhen's house!" Elsa smiled, "It's weird, isn't it? I feel incredible myself. Even my insomnia has not been reported for a long time, but you can feel To that unique and unique feeling, very comfortable, the most obvious the first time!"

"Well, I want to see it!" Tessa Coppola nodded indifferently. She didn't believe there would be such a place, so she held an indifferent attitude. But she still cares about going to the Grand Canyon. While walking to her room, she said to Elsa, "Remember to explain to me, I have to go too. By the way, what kind of clothes should I wear? Help me. Take a look!" She walked into the room as she said.

After a while, he walked out again, already changing into a tight dress with arms, shoulders, and cleavage. The figure was curvy, exquisite and clear, and he posed, then cast a wink at Elsa and said, "This dress how?"

"You just wear a bikini, I believe it will attract attention!" Elsa shrugged helplessly at Tessa Coppola, "Don't think about who you want to seduce, you know, the person next to Zhen Women are very beautiful women, and their figures are not comparable to you. If... you want to show it, then... you will be met by Waterloo!"

"Well, I get it!" Tessa Coppola shrugged.

When Elsa was about to go to Zhen Fan’s villa the next morning, Tessa Coppola followed her and smiled: "Take me to see it."

"I have to make a call first!" Elsa nodded, "If Zhen agrees, I'll take you there. You know, he is the boss, and I am just an employee!"

Tessa Coppola shrugged, then watched Elsa call and said to her: "Zhen agreed, have to listen to me, don’t be like in our own home, I’m very Cherish this job, don't let it be ruined this time, okay? Tessa, promise me, I will take you there!"

"Well, you are always right, trust your old friend!" Tessa Coppola said, holding Elsa's hand affectionately, "I promise, I won't cause you trouble, okay ?"

At Billy Foshan Village Mid-Levels Villa, several women have already left. They went to the clinic and Zoe went to supervise the construction of the research room. Then the preparation work was left to Zhen Fan. I wanted to call Melissa, but considering that she is very busy now, I chose to do it myself.

He took out the phone, and when he was about to call Elsa, he saw her car approaching, so he stopped, took Maria, watched Elsa get out of the car, and saw another A girl. Needless to say, I knew it was Elsa’s friend, so he walked over and stretched out his hand and smiled: “I’m Fan Zhen, uh, Maria’s father, this is Maria!” Zhen Fan said and pointed. Refers to Maria beside her,

Maria was saying hello to Elsa. After hearing Zhen Fan's introduction, she paused: "Hello, I am Maria and I am also a student of Teacher Elsa!"

"I know you, Elsa always praises you, you are a very smart kid!" Tessa said with a smile, and then smiled with Zhen Fan, "My name is Tessa? Coppola, uh... …Thank you very much for inviting me to the Giant Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. To be honest, this means a lot to me!"

"I'm glad you accepted my invitation. You are Elsa's friend, and naturally my friend too, uh... Elsa, we may not teach Maria today because we are going out together tomorrow, so ...Today we are going to buy some things, such as tents. We are still short of tents. We used to have a few tents, but now it seems that there are too many people. We have to buy a few more. And... fishing gear, you like fishing ?"

"No, I'm not very interested in this. I like to have barbecues there. Of course we need to make a list. Is there enough insect repellent and of course sleeping bags?" Elsa is obviously better at this.

"Well, I finally found someone who can be proficient. Can I move the teaching outside today? By the way, ask Maria to learn these things too? At least...when camping in the future, there will be a more sober one!" Zhen Fan looked at Elsa and said with a smile, "Can we leave now?"

"Of course, hey, Tessa, let's go together!" Elsa said to Tessa, "We have a car, I know where to buy these things, you just follow me!"

"Well, I have no opinion!" Zhen Fan said and drove in the garage, and soon he drove out his Volvo. He was going to drive the Escalade, but Mia drove out.

The cars left the villa one after another. As soon as the cars hit the road, Tessa smiled at Elsa, "Sure enough, it looks like a very comfortable look, you know, when I just came in, I felt like I was just as comfortable. No wonder you want to stay here for a lifetime, tm is really a good place!"

"I just said, it's great here!" Elsa said proudly.

"Okay, okay, you are really lucky!" Tessa suddenly "pushed" and laughed, "You don't have any idea when you see such a handsome guy? I can hear you groaning in the living room. Oh, I really bought you a vibrator. By the way, is the object of your fantasy the male host in this villa?" She said, she blinked at Elsa who was driving. A proud look.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this topic anymore. To be honest, he is really handsome, but... I won't report any fantasies about people I can't get, even if it's fantasies, I won't have any! "Elsa said indifferently, "Well, we are going to buy camping things now, don't think about those... okay?"

"Well, you are right, but there is one thing I must tell you!" Tessa said seriously, "and also has a certain relationship with your employer."

"What can money be?" Elsa looked at Tessa strangely.

"I had a fantasy just now, so I decided to let him appear in my fantasy from now on, and then replace the big **** black guy! I just looked at it secretly, his is definitely not small! Oh~www., I'm excited to think about it!" Tessa smiled, a bit lustful.

"Oh, God, you shouldn't have thought that way!" Elsa couldn't help but smile. She knew that this friend of hers was a straight-tempered person, and she said whatever she thought of, so she often used ridiculous language, but she still felt that she should warn her friend, "Hey, Tessa, don't talk like this in front of Zhen. Okay?"

"Of course, I'm not an idiot. I want my free trip to Kings Canyon National Park. Of course... If he is generous enough, he might give me a little gift or something." Tessa continued to smile, obviously, she is really good at fantasy.

Zhen Fan naturally did not know what the two of them were talking about. Maria was sitting in the child seat in the back seat, a little uncomfortable, complaining to Zhen Fan: "Dad-why do I have to sit here? On the gadget? I don’t want to use this anymore. It makes me uncomfortable and reminds me of the reality that I’m only four years old!"

"My God, Maria, you are four years old now, don't you think you are fourteen?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but patted his head, and smiled bitterly. The little girl's words became more and more adult. (To be continued...)


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