The American Scripture

Chapter 854: Original documentary

In fact, even if the voices of Elsa and Tessa are so small, Zhen Fan can hear their discussions, but Zhen Fan does not intend to interfere, because no one can intervene in matters of emotional life, even if it is herself. It is impossible to do better than Miles, he still has a lot of bad debts there!

"Do you know why you are stuck in the forest and can't help it?" Zhen Fan looked at Miles and smiled. "Many of the big trees in the forest are thousands of years old, some even thousands of years. As a masterpiece of nature, they have possessed a lot of spiritual power for thousands of years. If you can't be good at mobilizing those spiritual powers and just know how to use your own energy to fight against them, you can resist their aura for thousands of years. Are you gathering?"

"No!" Miles nodded honestly, and then looked at Zhen Fan, "Master, your energy is great, but compared with the thousands of years of trees here, their power is still relatively great. But you are not affected. Why is that?" This is something he didn't understand, so he was looking forward to Zhen Fan's explanation. ===

"Don’t go to the opposite of nature. You have to treat yourself as a part of nature, so what else can bother you? The power of nature will also be used by you. This is the supreme Taoism of Taoism, and we don’t just let it go. Nature, but also to become nature, I hope you can understand this point. If you understand it, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation!" Zhen Fan said to him sincerely, "Mia has reached the state of conforming to nature. I hope you can also reach that state soon, and then you will merge into nature. Finally become nature! At that are God!"

This sentence made Miles full of enthusiasm. He knew that he had chosen the right path, if not for Zhen Fan. Then everything will develop in the worst direction. Thinking of this, he wanted to thank Zhen Fan again. Zhen Fan just shook his head and smiled at him.

Then he waved his hand gently, motioning Miles to sit down, and the two of them sat down on the rock on the **** farther from the tent, looking at the dark sky in the distance, Zhen Fan suddenly said :"what do you think?"

"What?" Miles turned his head in surprise. Looking at Zhen Fan, he was puzzled.

"I mean, what do you think. The relationship with Tessa, I think you should be able to handle it, right?" Zhen Fan looked at Miles and said, "Taoism is not abstinence. So you look at me now. Just in the midst of a lot of trouble. Women’s troubles, so I can’t figure it out. What are you going to do?

Miles wanted to laugh, but when he thought of Tessa, he was a little embarrassed. He involuntarily reached out and touched the jade ring on his hand, looked at Zhen Fan, and shrugged: "I don't know what to do. What to do? Sasha? Elba I know what she wants. But... I don't know what to do, she... is just a soul. But I want to live a normal life, so... Me and Tessa are just like that Up!"

"It's not your fault, Miles!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. "It's just a prank made by these thousand-year-old fairies in these forests. No one here has ever died because of getting lost. It is visible, natural. Not all are malicious, as long as you are not malicious to them... By the way, where did we just say? Yes, it was the thing you and Tessa did, because of the aphrodisiac released by those trees It's just something."

"This is just a prank?" Miles couldn't help crying or laughing, then stared at Zhen Fan as if he was thinking of something, stammering, "Master...Father, you... shouldn't be just peeking around. Huh? Don’t tell me you’re there... Oh, my god, it’s too bad, how can you do this... You are the master!" After receiving Zhen Fan’s affirmative eyes and nodding, Miles couldn’t help but shoot Sucked his forehead.

"Well, I admit, your figure is very good, and Tessa's is also good, and the movements are also very creative. Really, I sincerely appreciate it, and... our Taoists also pay attention to yin and yang cultivation... but... I really didn't mean it, cough cough...well, I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow, Miles!" Zhen Fan said, quickly got up and walked to the tent. He is too embarrassed to stay here!

Seeing Zhen Fan fleeing in despair, Miles was a little bit dumbfounded, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt very flavorful. Isn't life like this? It makes you feel awkward, sweet, and a kind of forward momentum. So... Myers is more not angry, but a sense of life.

Early the next morning, Zhen Fan got up. He casually greeted Miles who was making a fire by the river. Miles responded with a slightly embarrassing response, and then went on with life. And Tessa was by his side, helping him to blow the flames a little bigger, and the two of them occasionally looked at each other and smiled.

This is a typical show of affection. Zhen Fan decided to turn a blind eye, while Elsa looked at the two of them with some concern. When she saw Zhen Fan walking towards her, after thinking about it, she decided to go forward and explain to him.

"Mr. Zhen...wait!" She walked up to Zhen Fan, and then tentatively said, "There is something...I think I have to tell you clearly, because...this involves my friend and Mr. Simon." When she spoke, she used her words carefully for fear that Zhen Fan would be unhappy.

"Are you talking about the relationship between the two of them?" Zhen Fan asked, "I know, do you think they are inappropriate?"

"No, I think, if this is the case, will it bother you and Miles, you know... I cherish my job now, I don't want to lose it!" Elsa told the truth. Facing Zhen Fan, he stretched out his hands helplessly, "I didn't want them to stop or something, just thinking... what should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything, continue to be your tutor. Didn't you say that you want to make butterfly specimens for them? Go ahead, after doing it earlier, I will take them to the wild survival training." Zhen Fan said and took pictures. A click on her shoulder, "Don't think about anything, I won't interfere with them, you can rest assured!"

"Well, thank you. Not enough... Since Mr. Simon can be your apprentice, he must be of good character, so... I am just happy for Tessa. Really! I'll call Claire and Mary Ah, goodbye, Mr. Zhen, you are a good person!" Elsa said, fled a little excited.

She is happy for her friend. The two little girls are still washing their faces by the water. The water in the morning is very cool, and they are doing well by themselves. It’s just that Elsa didn’t understand why Zhen Fan would take a girl as small as Maria to do some field survival training, maybe it’s the world of local tyrants. Ordinary people like myself don't understand it!

Breakfast is actually very simple. It is a pot of fish soup made by Zhen Fan and the bread and other things he brought. It is a combination of Chinese and Western. However, the deliciousness of the fish soup made everyone experience an unspeakable delicacy. It's really unique, Christine even smiled and said that he would change the breakfast to this in the future.

After breakfast, Elsa took the children to catch butterflies, while Miles was entangled by Tessa. The two of them didn’t know where to hide to play. They first tasted love and love between men and women. Miles couldn't stop a bit, especially after getting Zhen Fan's permission, some were too open.

Christine took his own camera to shoot everywhere. Said it was for his own documentary, no matter which one. All have to plug in, and then take pictures like no one else. For example, the situation where Aier Agency takes two little girls to capture butterfly specimens is the focus of her shooting. Of course, she didn't know where to find Miles and Tessa.

"Oh, damn, Christine... Mrs. Zhen, you can't do that..." Tessa wore her clothes in a panic, and Miles hurriedly covered her body with her clothes, curled up, and hurried towards Flashing behind the big tree. Then there is the sound of Christine's laughter.

"This is the most precious image. In this documentary, you are the highlight, Tessa, why don't you take your clothes away, just a little bit, so that it will look even more sexy." Kristen shouted. To Tessa suggested, "Uh, I suggest Miles also come out from behind the tree, I will only look at it with admiration!"

This was said with a grin, a bit unserious, but Tessa was originally a more open woman. Hearing Christine's words, she ripped off her covering clothes with a grin, and then generously treated her to Christine's Turning around in front of the camera, he made a chest movement from time to time, and blinked at Miles who was hiding behind the tree, hooked his fingers and smiled: "Hey, Miles, come out. , Nothing, really nothing. When I graduated from high school, I was naked, so don't act like a weird conservative guy!"

"Okay, okay!" Miles stood up frowning, but he held a few leaves in each of his hands, and then covered the point in front of him. This scene immediately made both Christine and Tessa I couldn't help laughing, Tessa especially laughed presumptuously, because she finally affirmed that this Miles is a baby to the relationship between the sexes.

This time Christine was She took her camera away triumphantly, Tessa watched Christine leave and turned around, ready to laugh at Miles. Yes, but when he saw Miles, he rushed towards her. Before she could react, she was full. He moaned and cursed: "Damn it. Do you need a camera? You? Do you need that? We have cell phones!"

"Go get your phone!" Myers said, holding Tessa's butt, and then walking towards the pile of clothes they took off. Tessa took out her phone and placed it on her clothes. Above, he and Miles stood far away and started sitting in a primitive movement.

In the whole process, they were actually connected together, not a little bit apart! On the screen of the mobile phone, the two people moved wildly. The shooting of the documentary just now really stimulated the two people.

Well, shooting a documentary can really stimulate people. Zoe was also shot by Christine chasing the camera. She was walking with Mia and the others in the woods and Zhen Fan had to go fishing alone.

Zoe and Christine are both women who have had a relationship with them, but the monk has too much water to drink, it is better to be like Miles, just find a place and start work. This is really sad for Zhen Fan. ! (To be continued...) u

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