The American Scripture

Chapter 855: Survival training

Christine continued to fiddle with her camera, but she found something she liked. &&{}Mia, Helena and Zoe went hiking, while Annie followed Elsa to look after the two children. Zhen Fan is preparing for two children to survive in the wild.

It's not so much about survival in the wild as it is about training two children's ability to take care of themselves without being looked after. The time is not like those who engage in wild survival for days or months. It was just one afternoon, leaving the children in the woods. After all, Maria is still too young, and Kristen is not at ease, and tells Zhen Fan. However, after waiting for the children to grow up slowly, the difficulty of survival will be adjusted appropriately according to the specific situation, including solving the problems of eating and lodging by themselves.

After a while, Elsa and Annie came over. They came back with the two little girls. They were carrying net bags. The little girl's face was flushed and she looked a little excited. Then Elsa told Maria and Klay Well, how to support the specimens with butterflies is actually very simple, but the materials are not available here, so you can only use bottles to hold them. After you get to the villa, you can prepare things before you make them.

Now that the matter is over, the little girl’s interest in this matter has shifted, and it has shifted very quickly. In fact, what Maria has been thinking about is the survival training in the wild as mentioned by Zhen Fan, but she is only interested in catching butterflies. Claire is only, she is not very interested in survival in the wild.

"Dad, when do we start?" Maria looked at Zhen Fan anxiously.

"Prepare yourself first. Have you changed your clothes? Are your bows and arrows ready? And a knife. Have you forgotten the little watch with a compass?" Zhen Fan asked with a grin and took a picture. Maria said, "Go and prepare. Claire, let's prepare together!"

Maria went happily, while Claire pouted. Obviously, the two people had different thoughts in their hearts, but Zhen Fan didn't care about this and forced the two little girls to make preparations. He must be a little firm in this matter, because they must have some self-help ability. Especially Claire, she hasn't learned anything about Taoism, and Maria has already stepped in at a young age. In the future, as long as she continues to develop in this area, her cultivation level will be limitless, so Zhen Fan is very relieved of her.

The two little girls changed their outfits, and each of them brought the small crossbow arrows that Zhen Fan prepared for them. Ready to head towards the forest. Annie and Elsa looked at them with some worry. Knowing that Zhen Fan had repeatedly assured them that the two little girls would have nothing to do, Annie was slightly relieved.

As Zhen Fan took them towards the forest, Claire couldn't walk for about an hour. She had never walked this far. At first, I was not excited about some novel things in the forest, but later. Just a little tired, and a little tired. Dragging behind.

Because Maria had a trace of inner breath, although it was very small, it was enough to support her to go far, so although she was very young, she did not feel tired at all. She looked at Zhen Fan who was walking in front, and then took the hand of Zhen Fan and said, "Dad, take a rest!"

Zhen Fan looked at Claire and said, "Uncle Zhen, I'm so tired. Just take a rest!"

Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed. Claire is much worse than Maria in this respect, but he doesn't expect Claire to become a master in Taoism or fighting, as long as she has a certain ability to protect herself. That's it. As for Maria, Zhen Fan is not worried about this aspect of her. From now on, she will only bully others, and no one else can bully her.

"Okay, let's rest here, but... Maria, this is your separate survival training, so I will leave later. All you have to do is get out of the predicament here and don't try to follow along. When you come, you have to find a new way by yourself, a way back home that you found. Okay?" Zhen Fan squatted down and looked at Maria, who was slightly taller than himself, and said seriously.

"I know!" Maria nodded heavily, and she was a little eager to try.

"Well, I'm leaving now, and you are starting to look for it here. If you can't find the way, today's lunch can only be solved by yourself. Either you are hungry or find a solution yourself." Zhen Fan said. He stood up and said to Claire, "Remember what I said?"

"Well, it looks like I'm going to be hungry again at noon today!" Claire pouted and said with some dissatisfaction, but she still agreed. After all, this is what Zhen Fan asked her to do, no matter how reluctant, she was still willing to do what Zhen Fan said.

"Goodbye, Maria, take care of Claire!" Zhen Fan said and left. But he didn't walk back to the way he came. After he walked back, Claire immediately noticed a little difference. The way they came, suddenly the scenery seemed to change. It's different from the scenery along the way.

"It seems that we are really lost!" Claire curled his lips, almost crying.

This is actually a little manipulation made by Zhen Fan. He used his own Taoist magic to mobilize the power of nature, and slightly changed the surrounding scenery. The maintenance time will not be very long, which is enough to confuse Maria and Ke. Lay's. Because when he found Maria came on the road, he was carefully observing the surrounding scenery.

"It's nothing. Dad has been lost on the islands of the South Pacific for a long time, but he still managed to get out. What are we?" Maria said nonchalantly. She didn't care if she could still remember the way back. , And then looked at the watch on his wrist. It had a compass.

"Do you know where we are now?" Claire snorted. "In a forest of such a big tree, there are witches, dwarves, and elves who seduce children. They will grab us or use them. The candy house came to tempt us, you know?"

"Of course, Mama Christine told me." Maria shook her head, "But... how come those things exist? I have never seen them!"

"But...that doesn't mean there is no?" Claire wanted to retort.

"We are heading this way... this should be the direction we came from. By the way, we have to go out as soon as possible. There are no witches here, but there are snakes and many bugs!" Maria said to Claire Then, "You follow me behind, don't leave me too far, I'll open the road ahead, the grass here is not too deep."

"Okay, but... we didn't even drink any water..." Claire couldn't help but complained again, but the emotion of the two children getting along quickly made her forget, "If it's here If there is music, I can dance, look at the grassland there, I like it!"

"Dancing? Wait until you go out and then dance, otherwise you will soon lose strength!" Maria said to her very seriously, "By the way, put your crossbow arrows on the string, if you don't If so, leave it to me and I will keep it for you!" Maria turned and looked at Claire.

"Well, I don't like to carry this thing anyway!" Claire handed the crossbow to Maria, and Maria took two crossbows and opened the way in front, while walking, while holding the crossbow to aim around. Now, this is learning Zhen Fan's posture, really like an explorer.

A child’s attention is the easiest to be distracted. Claire was quickly attracted by the flowers on the side of the road. After a few steps, he couldn’t help picking flowers on the grass, and then grabbed it with one hand. Those who are still bouncing around, and when they see good-looking ones, throw away the ones that are not so good-looking, and pick those beautiful flowers.

Maria had no choice but to stop and go, looking at Claire angrily, and then holding her bow around and peering around, whispering "swish, swish" in her mouth. It seems that this crossbow arrow is being fired at the virtual enemies in her heart. This little guy always keeps himself in a fighting mood.

"Are you afraid of snakes?" Maria asked Claire who was picking wild flowers.

"Fear, who is not afraid of that thing!" Claire grinned, she didn't take much of it. In fact, Claire's heart is quite even in the face of those weird sights , She was able to overcome her own fears, she just didn't like these things about using swords and guns, what she liked was dancing.

"Well, if I told you that there is a snake at your feet and it is still big, how would you feel?" Maria said with a grin, watching Claire wink.

"Ah—" Claire screamed immediately, then jumped up and avoided aside. Obviously, talking about it is the same thing, but she still felt fear at her feet. When she jumped away, it was not a snake at all, but a branch, which looked like a snake.

"Okay, Maria, you are in trouble, I tell you, you are in big trouble!" Claire took a handful of flowers and sprinkled them on Maria’s head, Maria" Ah!" with a cry of exclamation, and then ran towards the front. The two little girls were chasing and catching up in the forest one after the other, laughing along the way, where there was a little bit of survival training in the wild. That feeling? It feels like this is an amusement park.

"I'm going to catch up with you!" Claire grinned at Maria, grabbed a handful of wildflowers, and tried to chase Maria on her head. But Maria in front suddenly stopped, stopped there, turned her head, and made a hissing gesture to Claire! (To be continued...) u

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