The American Scripture

Chapter 856: Kill the wolf

A young deer was looking west in the middle of the woods, occasionally lowering his head to eat a few mouthfuls of grass, and then looking around vigilantly. Maria made a silent gesture to Claire, and then slowly lowered her bow from her back. The crossbow, with a good arrow, slowly raise it to aim, and approach it lightly. ``;`

"Run away, little deer!" Suddenly a voice screamed, and then the little deer raised his head, and then quickly ran away on all fours, and went into the woods with a swish, and was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmph, Maria—" Maria called out to Claire angrily. She had already expressed her dissatisfaction, "Don't you know that this might be our lunch? We are here now. Speed ​​is impossible to get to the camp during lunch time, hum, you are a spoiler!" She was dissatisfied with Claire's performance.

"What a cute little deer, it's also mother's child, I don't want to shoot them like on the island, they are cute animals!" Claire said plausibly, she didn't care about Maria's accusation. , She smiled, even a little triumphant.

"Well, what you said makes sense, let's go ahead and follow me!" Maria decided not to talk nonsense with Claire and then continued to move forward, walking without letting down her guard. Holding the crossbow and scanning around, she was still in a very calm state. It's hard to tell that she is just a little girl.

Claire obviously couldn't walk anymore. She had already walked twice in a row, which was very rare. So she decided to rest for a while, so she decided to sit by the fallen tree on the side and said loudly to Maria: "Let's rest for a while before leaving!"

Maria looked at Claire helplessly. Then shook his head. She had to turn around again and walked to Claire’s side, but when she was about to sit down, her mouth suddenly grew. The first reaction was to quickly raise the crossbow arrow in her hand and aim it at Clay. Behind the child.

"What..." Claire was startled by Maria's reaction, and couldn't help turning around to take a look, and was stunned. She didn't scream, she had seen dangerous scenes, so she calmly said to Maria. "Yes... it's a wolf, don't panic, don't panic, be calm!"

Claire said so. In fact, I was a little flustered. But Maria was more calm than Claire. She raised her crossbow and stared coldly at the wolf. Obviously, this wolf may have followed the deer, but unexpectedly met Claire and Maria, so it changed its prey.

Fierce eyes, low roar, and sharp teeth. Slowly wandering around his prey, trying to fight with all his strength at the most suitable time. Then they threw their prey down, and then bit their throats, and they could enjoy the delicious food for a few days. Therefore, this wolf is determined to win, and appears extremely patient.

"Crossbow arrows, give me my crossbow arrows!" Claire was so nervous that she was a little incomplete, but she still reached out to Maria for the crossbow arrows. She felt safe only when she got that thing.

"Here you!" Maria slowly took off the crossbow arrow, then gently walked to Claire's side, and handed the crossbow and arrow to Claire. The whole process seemed extremely slow, and very careful, but his eyes were fixed on the wolf, without blinking, for fear that the wolf would suddenly jump at them.

Claire set up her crossbow and aimed at the wolf like Maria. She was very nervous. This was the first time she faced such a dangerous scene, so she held her hand on her. Crossbow Arrow, quietly holding the dagger on his belt with one hand, in fact, this was also what Zhen Fan prepared for the two little girls.

"Don't move, you will shoot again when I shoot. We only have one chance, you know?" Maria said softly to Claire. She would not wait for the wolf to attack them. She was never so passive. Accepted the attack, so she made a bold and surprising move and took two steps forward.

These two steps made the wolf who thought he had the chance to win and was about to eat a big meal startled. It took two steps back and stabilized. Its mind was disturbed and its attack rhythm was disrupted. , The beast is a beast after all, so if its rhythm is disrupted, the vicious spirit of ambition will be weakened.

As it retreated, it heard the sound of bowstrings, and the crossbow arrow shot out with a "swish". The wolf suddenly tilted its head back. The speed of the crossbow arrow made the wolf unable to hide. When I opened it, I heard a muffled sound of "poof", the arrow was deeply inserted into the wolf's head, and by the way, it shot it back and fell to the ground.

The power of this arrow has surpassed this crossbow itself. This crossbow is absolutely incapable of shooting such a powerful arrow. It is Maria’s most dangerous capital, and the tiny Taoist vitality in her body suddenly penetrates. After reaching her arm, she focused on the crossbow arrow through her arm. As the crossbow arrow was shot, the vitality was launched, so when it was shot out, the speed was much faster and the power was much greater.

The wolf was pierced by an arrow, but it was not dead. It rolled on the ground twice, got up after the meal, blood flowed down its head, roared in a low voice, and was about to rush towards Maria. In the past, no one knew that Maria had a back hand. Once she finished shooting her crossbow, she had an extra dagger in her hand.

As soon as the wolf turned over, she suddenly threw the dagger out. With a "swish", the dagger was inserted into the wolf's head, but the insertion was not deep, because Maria's Taoist vitality was exhausted, but the knife caused the wolf to retreat a bit. Lost the opportunity to prepare to move forward.

"Shoot, shoot him!" Maria said loudly to Claire. What happened just now has made Claire a little stunned. When she heard Maria's shout, she shot her crossbow arrows at the wolf who was about to pounce. After the arrow shot out, it plunged into the wolf's front leg.

Suddenly the legs of the wolf that was about to jump suddenly lost strength, the body did not leap up, and the direction was skewed. One head hit the tree trunk and heard a "boom" sound, and then the wolf stopped moving. .

The whole forest was quiet, Maria and Claire looked at each other, looking at each other, is this over? Is this all over? The wolf is dead?

The hearts of the two little girls were like this. They killed a wolf, yes, one of them was eleven years old, and no one would believe it. This is simply a fantasy.

Maria is a bit tired. Once her inner breath is used up, her whole person is very tired. The reaction just now really made Maria’s nerves tense, so she sat down beside Claire and said, “I have to rest for a while. You take the crossbow and look around. If you come again With a wolf, we are done!"

"No, definitely not!" Claire said quickly, but she didn't have a bottom in her heart. Obviously, she still obeyed Maria this time, holding the crossbow arrow, and reloading the crossbow arrow. Then he looked around nervously.

After resting for a while, Maria felt her body recover slightly, then stood up and said to Claire: "Let's go, let Dad come over later and peel off the wolf skin!"

"It's a cruel thing, I won't!" Claire snorted, "I want to tell you." She snorted, but still walked ahead to clear the way, and she was willing to go from time to time. I looked at the compass on her little watch, and the two of them walked forward slowly.

In the camping geography, Zhen Fan had already returned to the camp, Anne and Elsa hurriedly came around, looked at him and said, "Zhen, what about them? Why didn't they come back with you?"

"If you follow me back, is it still called field survival training? Don't worry, I have everything arranged, it should be fine!" Zhen Fan comforted Annie, "You have to believe me, when did I make mistakes? Judged?"

Annie nodded, relieved a little, but still looked a little uneasy towards the forest. Elsa felt a little disapproving in her heart, and judged the two that had never been wrong. So I decided to say something: "Mr. Zhen, I also have a say in this matter. I am Elsa’s teacher. You abandon the two little girls in the forest like this. This is absolutely incorrect, although I Knowing that Maria disagrees with ordinary children, she is smart, capable, and also learned some Chinese kung fu from you... But... if the police find out, they will deprive you of custody of Maria~www is the truth!"

The girl moved out even the police. Obviously, she was really worried about Claire and Maria's safety. To be honest, she likes Maria very much, this smart and cute little girl, and she has a very tough character, which even Elsa admires very much.

"I know that if I can't raise Maria properly and can't guarantee her safety, I might go to her custody right, right? Don't worry, Elsa, I bet it won’t take three hours. , They will appear in front of us." Zhen Fan looked at his watch, "Of course, from now on."

"I won't bet on the lives of the two little girls, this is wrong!" Elsa was a little angry, and she suddenly walked towards the woods, "I'm going to find them."

"No, no, we have to wait, wait three hours, I can't let you spoil their hunting time!" Zhen Fan smiled and shook his head, then looked at Annie and said, "We have a good show to watch! "

"Hunting? You said they went hunting?" Even Annie was calm this time. She immediately rushed to Zhen Fan, and said with a worried expression on her face, "I can go find them with Elsa Is it?" (To be continued...) u

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