The American Scripture

Chapter 878: Illusion

On New Year’s Day, I wish my brothers and sisters a happy opening!

Regarding the issue of endorsement, Zhen Fan does not want to think about it for the time being, mainly because his first child is about to be born, and he does not want to be distracted by other things. These days it is time to see the child. He has to prepare some tools for the child's birth, such as setting up Mia's clinic.

Zhen Fan plans to welcome the child's birth at Mia's clinic, and Zhen Fan's clinic can also do this, and can also issue a birth certificate for the child. He even wanted to deliver the baby in person, but Mia refused. Mia believes that giving birth to a child should be something she has to do. For this reason, she has also checked a lot of information about the delivery of a child by Chinese medicine. But there is still one thing that has not been achieved, that is, doctors must have a gynecologist's license, if not, then it is illegal. In addition, there must be complete equipment. If not, the clinic will be disqualified from operating and the doctor’s license will be revoked. So Mia didn't dare to do this easily.

So Zhen Fan decided to call Mr. Derek Jenner, a professor of medicine at the Los Angeles Public Hospital. Unexpectedly, Derek Jenner warned Zhen Fan not to act privately and must wait for him to come.

The next day, Dr. Derek Jenner went to Zhen Fan's clinic. Zhen Fan also went to the clinic. He was going to have an interview with Mr. Derek, and he saw Derek Jenner from afar. Because Professor Derek Jenner also had an internship here for a year, his understanding of Chinese medicine has been greatly improved, and he admired Mia very much, even to the dean Latif Varley It is recommended that a relatively large branch of Chinese medicine be established in the Los Angeles Public Hospital.

But this is temporarily impossible to achieve, after all, the conditions are not yet ripe. This is something that Derek Jenner regrets very much. So he hopes to build Zhen Fan’s clinic into a Chinese medicine hospital to realize his wish. He is very fascinated by Chinese medicine.

So as soon as Zhen Fan called, he rushed over early in the morning. She waited in the clinic very early, and when she saw Zhen Fan coming, she stood up and greeted him. Stretched out his hand and smiled: "I admire you very much. Unfortunately, I can only see you on TV. I really want to ask you in the clinic!"

"Doctor Jenner, I'm very sorry to let you over. I hope you can find a way. I want to deliver my baby in person, but... I know that if it is not legal, I may lose this qualification. So... you Can you help me with this?"

Jenner laughed loudly: "Mr. Zhen, I know how you feel. We can provide your wife with a professional obstetrician and gynecologist, and we can also provide you with a midwife nurse and a full set of professional equipment. , Let your clinic be qualified to deliver babies..."

"Don't say these useless, how can I be able to deliver the baby in person?" Zhen Fan smiled and said directly, "What I need is the result. Can you do it? I ask you for help, not let me give up. !"

"Okay, okay. I have already figured out a way. You will enter the delivery room as an auxiliary doctor. You will be in charge of the work after you come in. Of course, our goal is to be able to observe the birth completely. Process." Derek Jenner said. "This is a very good teaching process!"

"Forget it, Derek. According to Chinese habits, apart from doctors and midwives and assisting doctors. Video recording is not allowed. Of course, I will also video, but only to commemorate the birth of my little one. . It’s not publicly used for teaching. But if someone produces here in the future and is willing to be observed, then... I have no objection! But... My wife, I don’t want this!"

"Well, we have a chance next time!" Derek Jenner shrugged helplessly. It shouldn't be difficult to ask for a pregnant woman who is willing to give birth here and is willing to let people watch the video, so he had to give up Took this opportunity. But the idea he proposed is still good.

Helping Zhen Fan to solve this problem also made Zhen Fan very happy. And discussed how to establish a maternity clinic here. Derek Jenner is very interested in such cooperation. He also wants to take this opportunity to establish such a clinic, and then try a combination of Chinese and Western production methods.

At this moment, in a dilapidated house outside Los Angeles, several people were arguing about something, three men and one woman. One of the men was yelling angrily: "Meghan, did you let that woman go like this? You know where she puts the money, and where she puts the jewelry, you just took a string of necklaces. Why humiliate you like this?"

"Enough, I have decided, we will do it tonight, not for anything else, just for the humiliation of this woman to me, I worked hard for her for half a year, but because of this thing, she was like this Humiliation.” Megan’s voice came out, “but...we have to be careful, we can’t hurt her.

"Yes, it's okay, but... I heard that the woman is pretty good, very beautiful!" Another smiled hehe, "I promise not to hurt her, but I will make her very happy, haha..." The man smiled very wretchedly, obviously he had very dirty ideas.

"Shut up, okay, get the necessary things ready, I'm leaving, and gather here at nine o'clock in the evening. We only took one thing, her necklace, I know where to put it, if she put it back If it’s not there, we’ll get her cash!" Megan gritted her teeth and said, "I know her safe."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, Megan, we caught the woman, and then forced her to tell her where to put every valuable thing. I prefer the direct way!" Another tall muscular black man frowned and said. "I will have a hundred ways for this woman to tell where she was before."

"Let's talk about it last, if we are found, we will use a more direct method!" Megan thought for a while, then nodded, then walked out of the ruined house, looked at the wasteland outside, and then left.

"I like to rob celebrities, especially female celebrities." A thin man with a tattoo on his arm smiled at the **** man, "Damn, I knew there was such a good thing, so I should have notified me sooner! "

Emma did not strengthen the security of her villa like Zhen Fan. She didn't expect that someone she once trusted would attack her. So when a few dark shadows opened her door easily, she was still playing music in her fitness room and doing yoga.

"Damn it, you went inside the camera." The thin man cursed in a low voice at the **** man, then pulled out the chewing gum from his mouth and stuck the camera in front of the iron gate.

"Don't make any noise, we are here to steal, not to steal!" A short white man yelled at the two guys in a low voice, "Of course...If the stealing is not possible, then we should steal it! "

"Shut up, you three idiots!" Megan said fiercely, pointing to the electronic security door of the villa next to him, and then reached out and pressed a few codes, the door suddenly opened. Obviously Emma didn't change her password to open the door, which made Megan ecstatic, which meant that Emma's necklace might also be left in place.

Megan wanted to step in the door. Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she stepped into a desert like a scorching sun. She was taken aback and immediately took a step back. Retiring from the scorching desert sun, there was still darkness and a little light in front of him.

"God!" Megan yelled in her heart. She looked back at the other three people, but they all seemed to be clay-carved and wood-plastic, and they didn't move. Did they step into a strange place like themselves?

Megan suspected that everything just now was her own illusion, so she took a step forward again and stepped into the door of the house. Suddenly the sky darkened, and a gust of wind blew her face, like a knife cutting meat. Then she found that her whole body was immersed in the water, and the huge waves were one after another, and she wanted to swallow herself at any time.

"Help—" Megan called out loudly, but no one heard her. Thunder and lightning flashed above her head, and bitter sea water was constantly poured into her mouth. Now she knew she was in the sea. She is like a leaf in the sea, involuntarily involuntarily, although she struggles hard, she may be drowned at any time.

"God, help me--" Megan yelled loudly. She still didn't understand why she was in such an environment. She kept screaming and struggling, but it was dark I can't see all around, even the stars. Her cry was hidden in the darkness and the sound of the sea.

Like Megan, the three people stepped into the illusion. This is a Feng Shui layout of Zhen Fan, so these four people are trapped in the Feng Shui Bureau. Each enters its own illusion. Just like Megan, they all fell into a situation that called every day should not, and called the earth not working.

In the vast sea, cliffs, volcanoes, and ice lakes. There was only despair, no way out. In despair, four people trembled, and two of them urinated their pants. It's just that they don't realize it, but they never know why they have entered such a desperate situation.

Isn't it just stealing a necklace? Why are you doing this? The four people were lamenting in their hearts, why they stole a loud voice and stole themselves like this, I am afraid that these four people are the most sad thieves in the world.

In the night, the lights of the villa are on. In the gym, one can see a figure doing exercise from the window, and at the door downstairs, four people are standing there as if they are mud-carved wood and plastic. Move...Then the lights in the gym went out, and then a figure walked into the hall. The lights in the hall were turned on, and she saw the open door, and the four people behind the door who were motionless A scream... (to be continued) R655

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