The American Scripture

Chapter 879: Emma's decision

In the evening, Zhen Fan received a call from Emma. During the phone call, Emma explained the situation here, and then Zhen Fan advised her to call the police. He also quickly felt Emma’s home. The siren can already be heard here, and the officer in charge of this district is Officer Walter Bolton.

When Zhen Fan came in, he said to Zhen Fan, "Ms. Worster called you, right? She told me, it’s really strange that these **** were motionless and did not resist at all. It's like being locked up. This is a strange thing I have seen for so many years as a police officer!"

"Thank you, officer!" Zhen Fan shook hands with him, smiling.

"Walter Bolton!" Walter Bolton hurriedly reported his name, and then shook his hand and said, "But... now Miss Worster has to follow me to take the transcript. If you want, if you want, You can also go with us. Of course, Miss Worst agrees."

Zhen Fan frowned when he heard it, and then said, "That's right, Officer Bolton. Actually, I worked in Los Angeles for a while. I know the process of handling the case, but there are special circumstances that can be accommodated. Take a transcript of the scene? You see, Worster has been frightened, and she is a celebrity again. If she follows you to the police station, she is seen by those who care about it, or taken as a photo and circulated, it will also hurt her. , What do you think?"

Officer Bolton thought for a while, and it was indeed possible to do so, so he nodded and asked a female police officer to find Emma to make a transcript, and he called several police officers to take the four hapless men into the police car. . In addition to the live video here and the crime of breaking into the house, their sentence will not be less than five years.

After finishing the transcript, Officer Bolton came over to say goodbye to Zhen Fan and Emma, ​​and the police car left with the lights flashing. Zhen Fan saw Emma standing on the steps with her arms trembling, so she untied her jacket and put it on Emma's body, then stretched out her hand to hug her, and gently said to her, "It's okay. Now, everything is normal. But your security work here has been strengthened, and...I suggest you put the previous things in the bank safe."

Emma looked up at Zhen Fan gratefully, and then smiled: "Thank you, Zhen, I didn't know they would come today, I was frightened, but...fortunately there is you, isn't it? It's just them... …Why is it like that? It’s like being a sculpture, of course...if they are not wearing clothes..."

She is still in the mood to laugh, which shows that she is in a good mood, at least not the kind of chaotic and disorderly. Zhen Fan was relieved, hugged her, and walked into the hall with Emma. The two of them sat on the sofa. Emma nestled in Zhen Fan’s arms, bent her legs together, and hugged her head. It was on Zhen Fan's chest.

"Do you know? They..." Emma tilted her head back, and she could see Zhen Fan's chin and face from the bottom up, "They brought guns, I don't know if... they really crashed in. , What is waiting for me, beatings, juggling, imprisoning or even shooting? I don’t I don’t care anymore." Her tone was a bit firm, and her eyes were firm when she looked at Zhen Fan, she stretched out With both hands out, he touched Zhen Fan's face up.

"Don't care what?" Zhen Fan looked at Emma and smiled.

"I don’t care about my own reputation. You are a trustworthy man and a man worthy of trust, so... you will be my only one. Anyway, I don’t want to experience this again. I know why I was able to escape. It's all because of you. You make me feel safe." Emma touched Zhen Fan's face, put her arms on her shoulders, and looked forward.

"Aren't we together?" Zhen Fan said with a smile, "Have you ever thought of leaving me?"

Emma nodded and smiled: "Yeah, I thought about it this way, even when I was on the plane, there are too many women you have trouble with, so I don't want to get myself into trouble. I have to consider my own career and my future life. I cannot live in the waiting."

"So... now I figured it out?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Yes, it is normal for Emma to think this way, so he is not surprised at all, she has such thoughts.

"Yes, maybe only when you have experienced some special things can you feel a sense of sudden enlightenment. I am like this now. Think about it, if your life suddenly ends tonight, all reserved, ideals, Life and love are both empty, so... I can’t forgive myself for not seizing the opportunity in front of me to escape!” Emma smiled, “Besides, being with you really makes me addicted.”

"Well, we don't need to discuss this issue, now I will stay with you until tomorrow morning, and... if you want, you can move to me..."

"No, never!" Emma interrupted Zhen Fan suddenly. She knew what Zhen Fan was going to say, so she couldn't help shaking her head and smiling, "I won't move to you, the space I want, When I want us to be together, I won't always worry that other women will push in and provoke me." She refused cleanly.

"And... you really think you can convince those women by letting me into your villa? You've caused enough trouble, so... I don't believe you can do it! So what you say is just It's just forcing yourself!" Emma looked at Zhen Fan with a smile, as if she was watching his joke.

"Well, you did say what I thought. I can't guarantee that they will accept you. If Yi Fei can move over, it already gives me a headache. Christine is not a jealous person, she This is the limit of being a woman. She is constantly relaxing and I am relaxing myself. This process must be painful, so... I don't want her to be so painful. Of course... this is just my guess!"

"So you don't understand women's thoughts." Emma said, leaning down, resting her head on Zhen Fan's thigh, and then sighed, "This is also the wish that I can't move over. And... Ke Lo Moritz ran here very frequently the other day. This little girl also has some thoughts about you. Do you know what her public statement is?"

"Public declaration?" Zhen Fan was taken aback, then looked at her suspiciously.

"Give you the virgin body!" Emma laughed, "Do you know why she ran to me? Because she wants to get a role in the movie, and then use the time of filming to get close to you and create a She had a chance to go to bed. And I gave her a suggestion to ask her to find a bit. Guess what happened?"

"It's crazy, this little girl is crazy!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head.

"No, she's not young anymore. She has everything a woman should have, and it's pretty good. Cherish it!" Emma said with a grin, "She is determined."

"Come on, do you think I'm a playboy?" Zhen Fan replied disdainfully.

"Aren't you?" Emma burst out laughing. She felt that this sentence was really funny. How could a man who provoke so many women not be a playboy?

Zhen Fan was a little speechless, and he did think he was a playboy, and Emma smiled rightly. Just think about it, some things after I came to the United States, it seems that I can no longer control my future direction.

Two people chatted on the sofa without a word. Slowly Emma fell asleep, she was a little tired, Zhen Fan stroked her hair with some affection, just sat there quietly, and began to practice Taoist mental meditation. The two sat like this until dawn.

When Emma woke up, Zhen Fan was no longer here. She was still on the sofa, but with a pillow on her head and a thin blanket on her body. There is a note on the coffee table in front of the sofa: breakfast is ready, I guess you will wake up around seven o’clock, so... after you wake up, go straight to breakfast, I will prepare a bacon sandwich for you , Coffee and fresh milk.

Emma felt warm in her heart when she saw this note. To be honest, she had never seen such a considerate American man. Whether it is American or European, men are more arrogant. They rarely go to the kitchen. They always think that the kitchen is the territory of women. Men just sit and read the newspaper, drink coffee, or chat and watch TV.

Emma immediately followed the note and ran into the dining room barefoot, and then saw the breakfast prepared. It was indeed warm and just delicious. How does this guy know that he will wake up at seven o'clock? Emma sat down and suddenly felt a little wet in her eyes.

On the way back from Emma’s house, Zhen Fan received a call from Hashimoto Garden. She and her agent will fly over from Japan and will arrive in the afternoon of tomorrow. So I want to meet Zhen Fan and talk about it. The matter of cooperation between people. Hashimoto Garden’s voice is as gentle as ever, but once it comes to the deal, Zhen Fan feels that the original cute voice is not so cute anymore, but this transaction is beneficial to both parties, so Zhen Fan does not want to overdo it. I was cold, thought about it, and promised to pick me up tomorrow afternoon.

Liu Yifei stood up and watched Maria and Elsa swimming in the pool. She was envious of them because she wanted to swim, but now she couldn’t do anything. She just sat there, touching her belly, and gently facing each other. Talking to the baby inside, her mood has always been very happy, and she is looking forward to what her baby will look like every day.

"You must be like your dad, as capable as him. Well, it's best to attract girls like him. You don't have to worry about finding a girlfriend for you. Look at how capable your dad is. You must find a beautiful woman. You have to surpass Mom and Christine, do you know? And you have to learn all your father's skills!" R1152

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