The American Scripture

Chapter 899: secret

This couple is really very enthusiastic. They greeted Zhen Fan and Miles to enter. Miles Simon entered the room and introduced to the old couple: "Hello, uh, sorry to disturb you. This is Miles Simon. This teacher Mr. Van Zhen. "

"Excuse us? Who cares? We haven't had a visitor for many years!" The old woman smiled and said to Miles Simon, "Please come in, see you in such an embarrassed manner, I definitely didn’t have dinner. By the way... Are you Zhen? Teacher?"

"Actually... I am a doctor. Of course I am also his teacher!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, and reached out and shook the old woman's hand. "You can call me Dr. Zhen, of course it's better to call me Zhen."

"I'm glad you came here as a guest to accompany us!" The old woman hurriedly asked Zhen Fan to come in, "My craftsmanship is very good, especially the pork chops. If you are more patient, I will prepare it for you immediately. Okay, come and sit down, hey... old man... Ben, come over and chat with the two lads. I will prepare coffee first." She turned her head and said to the old man who was following.

"Hello, boy, you can teach me this, just like my old lady called me just now. You can also call her Shasta. We have lived here for more than 50 years. When we were young, there were some guests Come and visit us, at that time... Shasta was the most beautiful woman in town." Ben came to sit on the old sofa and talked to Zhen Fan and Miles. The old man is also very enthusiastic.

"Coffee is here, this is for you. Ben, dear, you do it yourself. I have to make dinner!" Shasta walked over with a smile, then touched Ben's hair and wiped his hands. Smiling at Zhen Fan and Miles, he walked into the kitchen, "Wait a moment, children!"

"Yes. I'm bothering you!" Miles felt sad, so he stood up and said to Shasta.

"Forget it, she likes this. It's like we haven't had a guest for more than ten years!" Ben smiled and waved for Miles to sit down. "You are the first group of guests in more than ten years, of course...except those who knock on the door to ask for water or ask questions, and...except for the neighbors who tried to cross my fence and cut down the trees in Qianping. . They don’t like old men. Especially people like us.”

"Like you? Are you not enthusiastic? God... These people must have taken the wrong medicine!" Miles couldn't help shrugging his shoulders. Somewhat puzzledly said, "You are one of the best people I have ever met. Before that, we asked a lot of people and they were unwilling to let us in. Only are good people! Ben, Really good person!" Miles said loudly, a little bit unevenly.

"Well, we think so too. But... we always feel that we are incompatible with the people in the town, if... we don't live here for many years. We might move. If... we are young, we will Get out of here and find a place that makes us feel very warm!" Ben smiled, "I went to prepare coffee by myself. Shasta always treats me like this, let me do everything myself, why... I want to marry A wife who let me do everything by myself? Aha" He hit a haha ​​and left.

"It's hard to imagine why the people in this town are so selfish?" Miles shrugged at Zhen Fan, "I really don't understand why no one would like to associate with such a good couple. Could it be that ...Is it because those people are very selfish and not generous?"

"Don't jump to conclusions casually, Miles, we are always confused by some remarks or illusions we see. Maybe we will find some clues, but not now, it is time to draw conclusions from time to time. But... I watched The couple’s Yintang is indeed a little abnormal, they must have encountered something." Zhen Fan looked at Miles and smiled, "We might as well stay, we will always know something."

"Okay, I hope so. But... I still feel sorry for the old couple." Miles said, sighing, and then saw Ben walking over with a cup of coffee.

"This is the only Nanshan coffee I have left, don't miss it!" As he sat in his seat, he raised the cup towards Zhen Fan and Miles, and took a sip for himself and put it down. , Looked at Miles and laughed, "You must be very strange, why do people like us have no friends, do you?"

"Yes, I did think so!" Miles spread out his hands and honestly said what he thought, "You are... very friendly, very enthusiastic, and even very kind, why have you been No friends? I really don't understand. can you endure such an environment?"

"There's nothing intolerable." Ben smiled, "Well, I can tell you why, but... I'm not sure if you want to leave immediately after listening, so... Let's talk about it after dinner. , This matter does have something to do with us, maybe it's our own reason!"

"This makes me even more curious!" Zhen Fan opened his hands and smiled, "I feel that your house is a bit cold, and it's not colder than the normal cold weather, but...a feeling. Also. …Now the weather is relatively hot, but your house is so cool. I didn’t see that you have air conditioning, and a nearby lake is far away from you. There is no geographical reason at all..."

"Do you feel it?" Ben smiled, but this smile is a bit bitter, not as warm and relaxed as before, but he still laughed, "Yes, your feeling is very correct. This is also the neighbors It’s one of the reasons, but...there is a reason, why is it so..."

"Okay, guests... dinner is ready!" Shasta's voice came from the dining room. She walked into the living room, wiped her hands on her apron, and said with a smile, "You can try it. Taste the taste of the dinner I made, come here, guests, don't be cautious." He shook his head at Zhen Fan and Miles.

"Thank you very much, Shasta, you are one of the best people I have ever met. After dinner, can I listen to your stories? You seem to have stories, and... I promise, I listen. After that, I will give you a gift. As for what it is, please allow me to sell it!" Zhen Fan said to Shasta with a smile.

"Gifts? No, no, no, Dr. Zhen, we don’t need any gifts. It’s a great honor for you to eat my dinner here. Come on, boys, sit down and **** pork chop. The smell!" Shasta laughed when he heard Zhen Fan's words, and waved at them.

"Well, let's go over, Miles, I feel that I am fascinated by the fragrance, and I feel a little impatient!" Zhen Fan said, and then shook his head towards Miles, and Miles quickly followed Zhen Fan over. , Sit down in the dining room. The pork chop is really well done, the color is good, and the taste is good.

When eating dinner, the old couple stopped talking. They lowered their heads and ate silently. After eating, Shasta went to clean the table. Ben, Zhen Fan and Miles went to the living room to talk. Ben made three more glasses. The coffee came, and the three of them were chatting with the coffee.

"Ben, there is something, I have to talk to you." Zhen Fan suddenly looked at Ben, and then said with a serious expression, "I think there is something wrong with your house."

"I can see it too!" Miles said to Zhen Fan, "It feels like there is something in it, in fact...maybe someone’s soul exists here. This is my feeling, but it doesn’t seem to be in the house. It's outside the lawn at the back of the house. Maybe we can help you!" The sentence behind him was speaking to Ben.

"No, no, no, you don’t understand anything, it’s great here, I don’t need your help!" Suddenly, Ben’s face became a little difficult to look at. His voice was loud and he was a little panicked, because the movements were too loud. The coffee was spilled on his hand, but he didn't know it.

"Relax, relax, Ben, you are a good person. I know you must have something difficult to tell. We are able to be together because this is what God destined us to have an experience. Say it, maybe we can help you. You know There is only one chance. Since we can perceive the strangeness here, I believe we can also help you handle this matter. Believe us, we are all good people!" Zhen Fan looked at the old man calmly.

Ben slowly calmed his mood, but he still shook his head firmly and said, "No, no, I don’t need help. If you want to stay here for one Then you guys Don't talk about it anymore. If you want to leave, will find the door to leave, right there!" He pointed to the door to go.

The meaning is obvious. Either you shut up, stay here for the night and leave tomorrow, or leave as early as possible now and don't cause any trouble. Seeing Ben's stubborn opinion, Zhen Fan had to shrug his shoulders and smiled: "Well, Ben, since you don't want to say it, we won't ask about this again. Okay, we decided to stay and don't Ask about this until we leave."

"It's best to do this, lads, it's not that I neglected the guests, it's really...this is my personal affair with Shasta, we are used to this,'s a kind of happiness to keep this here." His mood slowly calmed down, and he smiled bitterly at Zhen Fan, "This may be why those neighbors and friends are slowly alienating me. My temper is so weird!"

"Perhaps, I think when you were young, you must have a good temper. You are an enthusiastic person. Now!" Zhen Fan smiled and nodded to him, "Well, who are we in which room? I saw You have three rooms here." (To be continued...)



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