The American Scripture

Chapter 900: deep feeling

There are three rooms in the old house. One of them is half open. Obviously it is Ben and Shasta’s room. There are two other rooms opposite to that. Myers suddenly smiled and pointed to it. A room near the back lawn said: "This one, I think this one is pretty good.—.{}]."

Ben was stunned and seemed a little unwilling. When she was thinking about it, she saw Shasta coming out of the kitchen. She wiped her hands with her apron, and then smiled and said, "Where did you go? Now, someone is trying to catch a kite floating on the top of our house with a fishing rod? I knew... it was a group of naughty ghosts!"

The old man smiled, did not answer Shasta, and asked Shasta to open the door of the house. Saying that it was the house, Shasta was visibly stunned, and then stood up reluctantly, opened the door, and smiled at Zhen Fan and Miles: "Please come in, here was my son. s room."

It turns out that the couple also has a son. Zhen Fan nodded and expressed his gratitude to Shasta. Then when Shasta opened the door, he walked to the door. He walked in without any hesitation. The house is very clean and it seems that there are people every day. The same as cleaning.

"Thank you very much, Shasta, it is really not easy for us to have such a clean place to sleep. We promise that we will stay well and will not damage anything inside." Zhen Fan faced. Shasta said with a smile, "I like this room and the bed very much."

"If you like it, I often clean this room. Okay, now this is your territory, enjoy it. I'll go now!" Shasta smiled, then touched the things here. When I went out, I felt a little reluctant.

Zhen Fan's feeling is right. Shasta was a little reluctant to leave here, she backed out, then walked into the living room, and sat beside Ben silently. He sighed softly. Slowly leaned down and leaned his face on Ben's thigh, like a child.

After a long time. Shasta suddenly said, "Why promise them? That know, it's our son's room. These two people are a bit strange, don't you worry they live there?" She said something strange. But I didn't think it was at all. Because he understood what Shasta meant.

"I don't know, maybe I subconsciously hope that these two people can really help us. Shasta, after so long, are we only friends and neighbors lost? We have lost too much Things, including our entire life. Now that we are dying, should we take this secret to the grave? If we die...and those secrets are discovered again, I think...only I am afraid that even God will not forgive us at that time, let alone go to heaven after death." Ben seemed to be talking to himself. His tone was full of exhaustion.

Shasta was silent, she did not speak. But Ben felt that her knees were a little wet, Shasta was crying, she was crying silently, yes, the two of them sacrificed so much to keep this secret, so that their lives are about to When I reached the end, I couldn't bear the weight of that great weight.

"Then... can these two people really help us?" Shasta was silent for a while, stabilized his emotions, and then said, "We have been for so long, once the secrets of more than ten years are solved Open, I can't stand it a bit, let alone the result I will face."

Ben smiled, then touched Shasta's hair, and touched Shasta's half-white hair as intimately and affectionately as a young couple and said: "Whether we can help or not, we are still okay. Naturally, I feel that the two of them are good people.

Wait until the sky gradually darkens. The street lights outside came on, and the dim light shrouded the town. There were basically no people on the street. People seemed to be swallowed by the darkness directly from the street. Occasionally, wild cats sprang out from the street, then let out a scream and disappeared into the darkness.

The house looked lonely in the dark, and it was at least two hundred meters away from Ben's house. So the house became a little darker and darker, as if a cloud of cold breath enveloped the whole house. Ben and Shasta were sitting in the room with the lights on. But their eyes are always looking out the window.

Outside this window is the back lawn of the house, on which a cross is erected, which looks like a tombstone of purpose. The white cross looked a little eye-catching under the faint light in the dark night. The couple just looked there, and then they felt an increasingly cold breath.

"I feel that today is a bit colder than usual!" Shasta said tightly against Ben, "I don't know if this will affect the rest of the guests. They are all good people."

"Probably not, the lights in their rooms are all off. It's time for us to see our children!" Ben's voice looked very old, but soon, there was a little expectation in this old voice.

"Mom—" Ruoyouruowu's voice seemed to come from outside the window, and then fell into the couple's ears. Shasta suddenly sat up, she sat upright, and then her eyes were tight. Staring out of the window, the voice got closer and clearer, as if it were a sigh in the wind.

"Mom—" When I heard this voice again, I was already in the room. There were tears in Shasta's eyes. In the tears, she saw the shadow of a person who slowly condensed like mist. The shadow of a young boy in his twenties.

"Robin, Robin..." Shasta cried with excitement, and then wanted to reach out to touch the shadow, but her hand passed through the shadow without touching anything. But Shasta still felt that he was touching the child's face, and his heart could not be restrained.

"It's me, it's me, Mom, I'm coming to see you and Dad!" The shadow seemed to be smiling, and the voice was still so ethereal, but it was able to make Shasta hear clearly.

"Robin... I'm sorry!" Shasta uttered these words without knowing what happened.

"Why do you want to say that?" Robin looked at Shasta puzzledly, "Mom... did you do something? Isn't it... you don't plan to want me?" Obviously this shadow is very sensitive inside. Hearing that Shasta's tone was a little wrong, he couldn't help saying, "Tell me, Mom."

Shasta was speechless, but looked at Robin and was speechless. At this time, Ben on the side spoke. He looked at Robin and said, "I'll do this. To be honest, Robin, when you buried you in the back of the house, we really wanted to keep one for ourselves. Think about it. But now... more than ten years have passed, and we are getting old. You can see that your mother and I are... unable to do some things. Maybe in a few years, I will die on my own On the bed, then...who will look after you?"

"Dad-I'm sorry, I have not let you enjoy yourself in more than ten years. You are very lonely, I know, but...every time I always want to stay away from you, I can't help being lonely, I I want to be with you. You are my family. I always wander alone at night, sometimes avoiding the invasion of wild cats... Only here... I feel a little warmth." Robin said , Made a sound like weeping, but unfortunately, he had no tears, his tears were just the mist that was like water vapor.

"Yes, yes, we understand that we are the same... But... Robin, it's time for us to make up our minds to separate. Otherwise, when we die, this house will be auctioned by the government, and then... No matter who becomes the new owner of this room, you will no longer exist. So..." Ben sighed and shook his head.

Robin was silent, he really didn't want to leave here. But what my father said was also right. In the future, no matter who becomes the owner of this place, the first thing to clean up is himself, so he was a little hesitant for a while. He didn't know what to do, and looked at Ben and Sas helplessly. tower.

This vision almost broke Shasta's heart. But she still tentatively said: "A new guest has arrived in your room. This is the first time we have received guests here for the night in more than ten years. Robin, I'm sorry... they live in your room, and ...They said they could help us!"

"Can they help us?" Robin laughed suddenly, so bitterly, "Is it just like the exorcist that the neighbors invited ten years ago? The priest was chanting secretly there. Wen, but it doesn’t feel any sense to Instead, I accidentally showed up and scared him to piss. That **** bastard, he said he could make me go to heaven, until then ...I got nothing."

As he spoke, Robin seemed a little anxious, and his speech was quicker. Finally, seeing the apologetic gaze of his parents, he slowly calmed down, sighed and said, "Mom, what you think makes sense, now... can I go and see those two people? If they don’t If you are scared off by me!"

"Zhen, Fan Zhen and Miles Simon." Ben replied in a calm voice.

"Okay, let me meet these two people first!" Robin's tone was playful. Then it slowly disappeared in the room.

Seeing Robin disappearing in the room, Ben suddenly looked at Shasta and said, "Shall we... let Robin pass? I can see that those two are good people. I don't want Robin to scare them out of trouble. Come. Or, let's go over and have a look together, I am very worried about them!"

"Okay, let's go over, I hope... Forget it, when I didn't say it!" Shasta nodded and stopped talking, but still took a coat and put it on her body and followed Ben. Door. At the door of Robin's original room, she hesitated for a while, then knocked gently on the door. (To be continued...)

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