The American Scripture

Chapter 904: Water Dragon Yin

Zhen Fan handed the paper crane to Miles and said with a smile: "ride it, and you will fly with it. \\ .().\\ Hurry up, don’t worry about it, don’t worry about this... it I can carry you to fly!" Zhen Fan looked at Miles and looked at the little paper crane in his hand very suspiciously. This thing is not as big as a child's toy.

"I'll ride this?" Miles took the paper crane over, then made a gesture, looked at Zhen Fan, his eyes widened, as if he saw something funny, he suddenly burst into laughter, "Haha, Master, this is not funny, how can I ride on such a small paper crane, even if it can fly..."

Before his words fell, he suddenly felt that the paper crane seemed to be getting bigger, and it was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it was like a crane bigger than a real crane. When Zhen Fan shouted : "Ride on and drive you to follow, otherwise we will lose the shadow of the paper crane in front of us!"

Miles hesitated, but jumped on the back of the paper crane, and then the paper crane took him to fly, slowly flew up in the air, and followed the paper crane in front of him. Then he discovered an amazing fact, a fact that made him stunned and almost mad-looking at the surrounding scenery and the huge figure in front of him, he finally realized that it was not that the paper crane had become bigger. It's that I have become smaller, just like those villains in the Lilliputian Country.

After discovering this fact, he couldn't help it anymore, and screamed aloud, screaming hysterically like a woman, and then he saw a huge head and huge eyes. Zhen Fan who made a huge thunder-like voice.

"Shut up, Myers, if you still don't shut up. Those birds that are foraging in the sky will be served as dinner. In their eyes, you are just a delicious bug now!" Zhen Fan The voice of speaking seemed to be thunder, and it really made Miles close his mouth, no other reason, because the waterbirds were flying in the sky.

A huge waterfowl, looking like a giant waterfowl, passed by him. In addition, he flew around the paper crane purposely, making Miles so shocked that he didn't dare to come out, lying on the back of the paper crane. Finally the bird flew away. This was a long breath.

"Damn it. I thought I would be a dish, and it would still be a meat roll wrapped in cabbage!" Miles couldn't help complaining, but he looked around and didn't find Zhen Fan. This made him a little panicked. If Zhen Fan did not follow. Then I poured that place, in front of Bayu, wouldn't it be worth noting even a dish? At best, it was a bug that could be pinched to death at any time.

The whole lake was like the sea, especially after the sun went down, he felt the cold air pierced through his bones, making him shiver all over, but the paper cranes were still flying, flying over the center of the lake. I didn't move anymore, floating quietly above the lake.

"Hey. Master, come out, I'm almost frozen into Christmas ice cream, come out quickly and let me get back to my original state, God, I'm so fed up." Miles stood on the back of the paper crane, Shouting loudly, the surroundings were completely blank, and he didn't even know the direction, because the darkness of the lake came faster than the surroundings, and the lake was completely dark in less than five minutes after the sun went down.


"Stop calling, I'm right here!" Suddenly a voice came from the side, and Miles turned his head to look. Vaguely, another paper crane approached his paper crane with a person standing on it. Zhen Fan, the same size as him, made Miles feel a little balanced, and smiled.

"This is really an unforgettable experience. In the future... these things... I mean, I will learn how to make myself so small and still make paper cranes fly?" Miles looked at Zhen. Everyone laughed, like that, like a greedy hawker talking about business.

"Of course, but you have to be able to talk about it first!" Zhen Fan gave him an angry look, then looked down the lake and laughed, "I guess that Bayu's lair is here!"

"Here?" Myers said in surprise, "In this lake? When did he become a fish? Or a bug that lives in the water. I hope he is a bug, so I'll be fine. Pack him up!"

"Let's go down, maybe we still have some gains in this lake." Zhen Fan said, suddenly the figure flashed, and he came to Miles' forehead, then took his hand and jumped down. Myers yelled in surprise. He didn't need to panic, but Zhen Fan was unexpected every time.

"Puff through" and "Puff through" water splashed in all directions. The moment they entered the water, they recovered their life size and fell into the water. Miles immediately felt the change and immediately whistled with excitement, but He couldn't get excited right away, because he felt the yin around him very strong, gathering towards them.

"My God, how many people who died unjustly here!" Miles couldn't help but yelled. After he was restored to his true form, he was no longer afraid of these yin auras. After all, his abilities were there, it was nothing. A mortal who knows nothing, so he is not afraid, there are also some soul-like things in it.

It is said to be similar to souls because these seem to be souls, but in fact there is no conscious energy. Driven by a certain force, they are rapidly surrounding the two invaders.

Suddenly, Miles brought **** of his right hand together, and pinched a giant vajra wheel in his left hand. In the water, he could still use his true energy to use the Taoist method, and he shouted: "Those who are facing the battle will move forward in array!"

After reciting the Taoist nine-character mantra, I immediately felt a breath surging around it, just like a wave of air that exploded to the surrounding with Miles as the center, it spread out in an instant, gathering those who were trying to gather. The yin air was swept away, and the dark sky around him suddenly seemed to brighten up again.

When he finishes all this, he will look again. Zhen Fan has disappeared on the lake, and it seems that someone is swimming in the lake not far away. So he had no choice but to dive into the water. Looking around for Zhen Fan, but the water is too dark. He couldn't see it at all. After searching for a while, he didn't find it, so he had to surface himself first.

"Hey, I'm here. Follow me!" Suddenly, about five meters away from him, Zhen Fan's voice came over, and Miles hurriedly followed him. Not lost this time, the two dived into the bottom again, and Zhen Fan pointed to a place on the bottom. Then suddenly there was a wooden sword in his hand.

Zhen Fan pointed to his back and motioned to Miles to hide behind his blanket. Miles was a little indifferent, but he still had some abilities anyway. Now Zhen lets herself hide behind. Although somewhat reluctant, he still did. Then I saw the wooden sword in Zhen Fan's hand dancing gently.

With the dance of Zhen Fan’s wooden sword, the lake seemed to react, shaking, and then suddenly under the guidance of Zhen Fan’s wooden sword, a small water dragon was formed. The water dragon continued to follow Zhen Fan’s wooden sword. Shuttle in the lake, and it is getting bigger and bigger. It grew bigger and bigger, and in the end it was simply a dragon.

It's like a giant dragon in Chinese mythology. Walking under the water, the lake water set off huge waves. Under the stirring of the water dragon, it almost stirred the water of the lake like a river.

"This... how is this possible?" Miles hardly dared to open his eyes. The aura of the dragon was very strong. This is not a virtual dragon, not a phantom, but a real water composition. When the dragon was walking through the bottom of the lake, it actually made a sound like a dragon chant.

Miles also faintly heard the sound of wind and thunder outside the lake. He did not expect Zhen Fan to have such an ability. This is not the first time he has seen Zhen Fan mobilize the power of nature for his own use, but he can mobilize this His ability is indeed the first time he has seen it. The huge water dragon suddenly jumped out of the lake, following the dragon's jump out of the lake. Miles also emerged from the bottom of the lake, and then he saw the huge water dragon.

He felt his smallness again. The dragon leaped high under the moonlight, and it looked very transparent under the moonlight. As for the entire lake, after the yin was dissipated, moonlight also came in. After such a giant dragon flew a circle in the sky, it plunged into the lake.

This time it was silent. If someone filmed this scene, they would definitely feel that this is only a scene in the myth drama on TV. But now, Miles has actually seen it.

"Oh-I--God-ah -" Miles said word by word. He grew his mouth, looking at the water dragon in the sky in a daze, and then at it. Enter the water again. There was no big movement in the water this time, and it dived into the water silently, as if it merged with the water again.

But this water dragon was definitely not integrated with the lake water. It plunged into the water quickly from the air, and then slammed into the center of the lake with inertia and huge kinetic energy ~ ~ that place There was a huge dull sound, accompanied by a dragon chant. The water dragon crashed the bottom of the lake unexpectedly.

Yes, the bottom of the lake was crashed and the inside was empty, and then the water dragon poured into the empty place with huge pressure of lake water, and immediately submerged the inside, like a mouse hole.

A figure emerged from the bottom of the lake filled with water, and then suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the lake with the dragon's horns of the water dragon. With a loud noise, it rushed out of the water and then threw it high. .

"God damn--" The figure in the sky waved his hands and feet wildly, and after a loud curse, he quickly fell towards the ground. With a loud "bang", he landed on the ground. He landed on the shore of the lake and fell heavily to the ground, staring at gold stars.

Miles couldn't help yelling: "It's him, he is Bayu, that **** old man!" When he yelled, he felt his body lighten, and then he fell gently and skillfully on the lake. On the shore. Directly facing him was the Bayu, looking at Miles in embarrassment, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

" are not dead?" (To be continued...)

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