The American Scripture

Chapter 905: Refuse

Miles didn't die as a result of falling head surgery as he thought, but lived a fresh life. &}And he almost died because of the destruction of the head drop technique. And the person who broke his head drop technique, needless to say, must be the young man in front of him. He was deeply jealous of Zhen Fan not only because he broke his own head-down technique, but also because the water dragon just now could not do this without any deep mana.

"You are Miles' rescuer? We have never celebrated. Just because of that woman, you are going to kill me all?" Bayu wanted to make peace first. When he had no chance of winning, peace was the first choice. Of course, if there is no reconciliation, the second option is to escape.

"Are you talking about her?" Zhen Fan suddenly pointed to his side. Beside him, a woman was standing tall, and Bayu saw that it was the soul he had imprisoned. He didn't expect that when his secret room was smashed and flooded by a water dragon, this woman's soul would have been rescued long ago. Now his only reliance is gone. His first thought is to escape. Yes, if he doesn't escape, he will be dead.

"I changed her to you, so... I'm leaving too, goodbye!" Bayu suddenly said loudly to Zhen Fan, his whole body flashed, his body was about to run into the woods, and now enter Only in the woods can he escape a ray of life, because this young man gave him a very powerful breath, so powerful that he is like a bird in his cage, a turtle in a urn, even though he feels like he can’t run. But he still wants to run. When you enter the woods, you will have a way.

"He is going to run away, Miles. Can you stop him?" Zhen Fan looked at him and smiled. "He was hit by you yesterday, and he has old injuries, and I broke his head-down technique. , Added a new injury, and tonight, I flooded his secret room again. This is the injury plus the injury, so... now his combat effectiveness is only one-third or less of that before the duel with you yesterday, even He is about to lose his life."

"Okay. Leave it to me easily. You are the one with difficulty!" Miles shrugged, "I like such an easy fight, goodbye, Master. I will definitely catch him back. Or kill him!" When he said that, he suddenly flew up, and under the moonlight, it shot at the distant woods like a sharp arrow.

Even if Bayu escaped into the woods, he was not worried, because when Bayu fled to the woods, a paper crane suddenly flew up from Zhen Fan's hand, and then flew towards Bayu in the woods. . This is Taoist tracking technique, Bayu didn't know. But Miles now knows.

"He... he can kill that bastard, can't he?" the woman suddenly behind Zhen Fan said. The voice was still trembling, "I want to know, can he kill that bastard!"

"Maybe!" Zhen Fan said indifferently, and then found a section of dead tree trunk that fell by the lake, sat down, looked up at the woman standing not far in front of him, "What do you think now Want to continue to find the mastermind behind the scenes? This is for you...maybe of great significance, have underestimated too many people. In this world, there are some people who are beyond ordinary people. And it exists, just like Miles!"

"I know!" The woman sighed and said, "I used to think it would be very powerful like me. It was easy to kill Aaron Cranston. With a small favor from Miles, it was easy. Killed the biggest gang leader in New York, Diego Farrell."

"Looking at the aloof and invincible people, ordinary people are shivering in front of them, but I can kill them easily, so... sometimes I stand on the top of the tallest building in New York. Looking down on the most prosperous place in the world, I always feel that I am the kind above everyone else. So... I was confused by these and lost my ability to judge..." the woman whispered. So, only in this way can she relax her more regretful mood.

"This is not your problem. Everyone will have a self-expanding heart fermenting when they reach a certain level." Zhen Fan smiled, "Well, Nancy, I said, don't worry about this problem. Now you can Tell me your choice?" He looked at the woman's face and asked seriously.

Because Nancy had rejected Zhen Fan once before, and now he was not sure what decision Nancy would make, so Zhen Fan looked at her and waited for her final answer. If she chooses to stay with herself, Zhen Fan will put her in the ring and let her practice in it. If she chooses to leave, Zhen Fan will not bother about this woman again. Zhen Fan will never force someone, because for these souls, if they are favored by themselves, then... it can only be their luck, because their souls are floating in the night sky, and sooner or later they will be illuminated and tortured by the sun. Lose the last energy. This is why many souls cannot stay in the world for long.

"I...I...I don't know... Zhen, well, I actually... I want to go to you, but... you know, after this matter, I know, a soul like me is There is no attribution, I want to find my attribution, maybe it is with you!" Nancy Vergara murmured, "Zhen... if you can still take me in, I hope you can let me stay with you Around."

"No, I reject your proposal!" Zhen Fan shook his head, then smiled, leaning his back against the trunk of a big tree, "It's late now, I won't agree to your request. ."

"What... I... I didn't understand... What does this mean?" Nancy Vergara looked at Zhen Fan, her expression started to become a little embarrassed. Just now Zhen Fan asked her, she thought it was Zhen Fan was ready to accept what he meant, but he did not expect to get such an answer.

"Yes, you heard me right. I made it very clear. I won't take you in!" Zhen Fan smiled. "You refused me once. Everyone has only one chance. Nancy, sometimes do The decision is not very difficult, but the difficulty is facing the confusion after making the decision."

Nancy Vergara didn't know how to answer Zhen Fan's question, but she could not leave, so she stood there, and found that she seemed to have no topic with Zhen Fan, and the atmosphere seemed embarrassing and embarrassing. At this time, I suddenly saw a paper crane flying out of the woods.

When Miles came back, Nancy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that Miles was fine. He walked very steadily, looking at him, there should be no injuries. So in order to get rid of that awkward atmosphere, she took the initiative to step forward and said to Miles: "Are you... all right? Where's that bastard?"

"It's already abolished!" Miles Simon said with a grin, "I abolished all his skills, which will make him worse than death, and...people like him will definitely have many enemies, so ...I don't worry that he will live for a long time, especially if I spread the thing that his skills were completely useless..."

"If I were him, I will hide as far as I can, and I will disappear as much as possible!" Zhen Fan laughed, then pointed at Miles and laughed, "It seems that you have also learned badly!" He smiled. Then he took out a jade ring from his pocket and handed it to Miles, "This is for you, wear it!"

Miles took it and couldn't help laughing: "Master, this is similar to the one in my hand. Are you buying jade? I know Chinese people like to play this!"

"If you don't learn or have no skill, what is playing this?" Zhen Fan cursed irritably, then laughed, "Jade has a very special place in Taoist culture. Wear it, don't think you have learned it. I look down on this with a little fur, look down on this, it's very useful for you!"

"Then there is no need for Master to send me away. If I have something that cannot be solved, Master can solve it for me from time to time?" Miles grinned, his mentality is getting better and better now. However, since it was given to him by Zhen Fan, he also took it, because he knew that the master would have his intentions.

"I'm sorry... Zhen, I want to ask, I... what should I do?" The two men were very happy to say here, they forgot that there was a woman beside them who was also the protagonist they were trying to rescue, but now this Two people actually forgot her, so she had to interrupt't ask me about this, I have already told you my decision! "Zhen Fan didn't look up, didn't even look at her.

"I'm sorry, Zhen, I know it was my fault!" Nancy Vergara whispered. She really regretted it this way. Who knew it would be so difficult to come in again.

"What are you talking about?" Miles said to Zhen Fan, "Why don't I understand at all?" Miles looked at Zhen Fan and Nancy Vergara, looking at this in a daze. Looking at that again, he finally couldn't help it, and asked, "What the **** is going on? Nancy?"

He ordered Zhen Fan not to move, even if he asked, Zhen Fan would definitely not tell him. So simply Miles threw the problem to Nancy. Nancy looked at Zhen Fan, as if she had no intention of opposing, and then recounted what had just happened. She looked at Zhen Fan with some worry. He was still closing his eyes and squeezing his mind. .

"I want to follow Zhen, you know, I know he has very good arrangements for souls like us, so after so many things, I still think I should stay with him." Nancy shrugged, "but ...I'm sorry, Miles, I was rejected by Mr. Zhen. I'm sorry...I...I shouldn't regret it, at the beginning!" (To be continued...)

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