The American Scripture

Chapter 910: Japanese woman on the phone

In fact, this gathering is the first time for Zhen Fan, but he doesn't want these old people to go to these women to vent. @After all, the woman in my own family is much more beautiful than the one here, and she has a good body. Why abandon the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds here? You can’t be like these old people. There are only wrinkled old women staying at home, right? No wonder, men are always such strange creatures. Even when he is old, he is full of interest in young and beautiful women.

Of course, Zhen Fan hugged a woman to drink, of course, just to express his attitude, saying that he can eat, drink and have fun just like these people. Since it is enough to show his attitude, there is no need to go to bed with such a woman, because he only needs one. When you get back to your own home, you can go to bed with Christine, Zoe or even Yifei. And a woman like Yi Fei who has given birth to a child always has a special charm in it, which is human enough.

People here can leave the gathering at will, knowing that the last guest is gone and only the host is left. Of course, you can also be drunk here, or you can roll the sheets with a woman until tomorrow, but Zhen Fan still wants to go back. Since going to Thailand, he hasn't returned home yet.

I don’t know if Miles is back. He seems to have a special feeling for Nancy. Zhen Fan especially left room for them. And... Zhen Fan felt that Miles might have a hard time for this woman. In addition to the so-called courage to admire her, there is a little bit of reluctance to let go of the feelings.

Giving the ring to Miles was meant to fulfill both of them. As for what it can develop into. It's all up to them. And there is another soul, Sasha Elba, who was also given to Miles, and now Miles has two rings in his hand. The ring in the left hand is the soul of Sasha Elba. The ring on the right contains Nancy Vergara's soul.

Sasha Elba is an admirer of Miles, she is even willing to sacrifice everything to help Miles Simon, and the other is Nancy Vergara, a woman whom Miles admires, and Miles still When I fell in love with Tessa, it is estimated that there is not much emotional thing about being with Tessa, it is more carnal. My first taste of this kind of things between men and women is still in the endless exploration.

"I have to go, baby. I hope we can see you next time!" Zhen Fan gently patted the buttocks of the two beautiful girls around him, then stood up and looked around. He was about to leave quietly, but he was still wrong. When Zhen Fan stood up and was about to leave, he saw Sean Norrington walking towards him.

"Hey. Zhen. Are you ready to leave?" Sean Norrington smiled at Zhen Fan, "I know, letting you accompany our group of old men is indeed a bit difficult, but...remember, this The group of old men is the most powerful person in the entertainment industry, so... you don’t have to meet with us, but you must attend our regular meetings. Specifically, I will let my assistant contact you."

"Of course, very happy!" Zhen Fan nodded. "It's an honor to join in. To be honest, I am not bored by your age, because I think you are not just the most powerful people in Hollywood, but also the most intelligent people, so I like to deal with smart people. ."

"Well, this... is my residence. It is lonely if I live alone. You know, my children will not stay with me here. I hope you can become a frequent visitor here." Sean Nou Linton smiled, then opened his arms and gave Zhen Fan a hug.

"Goodbye, Sean!" Zhen Fan said, turned and walked outside. When he first walked to the door, a waiter helped him open the door. Zhen Fan went out and stood at the door when he saw Bit Not far away, she shrugged at Zhen Fan.

"I didn't expect you to come out so soon!" Zhen Fan smiled at Bit, "Just in time, you can send me back!"

"Well, I originally dated a woman, but...Compared with women, you are obviously more important. I will send you back first, and then go home with that beautiful girl." Bit smiled awkwardly. Laugh, obviously he wanted to take his female companion out to be romantic, but he didn't expect to be met by Zhen Fan.

"Just so, where's your female companion?" Zhen Fan looked back, and the door opened again. A woman dressed in **** came out of the hall. She looked very refreshing, **** and slender, and like an angel. Face, Bit's vision is really not bad. So Zhen Fan winked at Bit.

"Hey, Zhen, hello!" The girl saw Zhen Fan and ran over to hug Zhen Fan. The plump meatballs squeezed Zhen Fan's chest, and she felt really good. Then Zhen Fan shrugged to Bit.

"Beautiful lady, please!" Zhen Fan made a please gesture.

"Thank you, you are such a gentleman!" The girl winked at Zhen Fan, and then got into the passenger seat of the car. Bit said to Zhen Fan, "Get in the car, count me back! "

Zhen Fan was not welcome, so she got into the car, sat in the seat behind Bit, and said, "Uh, by the way, didn't you say that the Japanese Hashimoto Garden has come to the United States? How did you arrange her? Originally, I wanted to pick up the airport, but something was delayed temporarily. She has not contacted me until now! Have you contacted you yet?"

"No, why did she contact me? It's the woman you provoke!" Bit said annoyedly, "Well, for this woman, we forcibly inserted the role of an Asian woman and added some plots, but It doesn’t matter, I won’t take care of people unless you take care of her yourself.”

"I will, of course I will!" Zhen Fan chuckled, then Bit drove. Who knew that as soon as Bit drove, Zhen Fan's phone number came. He picked up the phone and saw that it was a strange number, so he answered it. Come and listen.

"Mr. Zhen, it's me, I'm Hashimotoen! I'm sorry to disturb you. Is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?" Hashimotoen's voice is as gentle as ever. She did not feel sad or angry because of being forgotten by Zhen Fan, and even said in a sorry tone, "Sorry, I know you may not be so busy at this time, so I made this call, I hesitate It's been a long time..."

"Let's talk, I'm fine now!" What can Zhen Fan say when she meets such a woman? I sighed, why do men all over the world want to marry Japanese wives? If all such women can satisfy all your masculinistic requirements, what else do you want?

"It's like this. I have been from Japan for a few days and I have always wanted to call you, but I am afraid that you are very busy, so I waited for a few days. I know you know that I am in Los Angeles. If nothing happens, I will definitely contact you. Mine,'s presumptuous...if it's not convenient for you now..."

"No, I'm fine!" Zhen Fan thought for a while and said, "Forget it today, go to see Director Bit tomorrow with me, he may be very busy tonight!" He said, winking at Bit.

"Well, I'm very busy!" Bit whispered, shrugging his shoulders, and then drove Zhen Fan back. Tonight he has completed the task, he mainly introduced Zhen Fan into this circle. Speaking of it, there is indeed a need for someone like Zhen Fan in this circle.

When they returned home, the women were still at home. They had already ignored Zhen Fan's unscheduled outing and returning from time to time, so after simply saying hello, they were all busy.

"Why do I feel as if I have been ignored?" Zhen Fan squatted down and talked to the two little girls who came to greet him. "Why are you only two of you talking to me?" He deliberately said loudly, just to make those The women who were indifferent to him heard.

It's a pity that after the women took a look at him, they were all busy again. Zoe watched a fashion show on TV, while Annie was busy reading recipes. She now plans to become an excellent chef in this villa. And Christine and Helena were talking quietly.

Mia looked at Zhen Fan with a faint smile. Originally, she was playing with two little girls. Now she looked at Zhen Fan, talked with Yi Fei on the side, and teased the little girl in the cradle. Guy, the little guy is dancing, lively, and babbling from time to time. Also an unwilling lonely kid.

Only Yi Fei cast a somewhat apologetic look at Zhen Fan. It was obvious that the women here had reached an agreement. Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed bitterly. They were a little dissatisfied with Zhen Fan's frequent, ladies, I admit, I often do this, we are a big family, like me It is obviously wrong to do so, so I am very sorry about it! "This is Zhen Fan's decision to break the awkward opening remarks, "But... the reason for these problems is actually very simple. After Melissa is gone, I now lack an assistant. If one of you is willing to be my assistant. If you do, I think... all of this is not a problem. "

Is there anyone more shameless than him? Christine and Zoe cast contemptuous glances, and even Annie shook his head and smiled. It was obvious that this excuse was too childish. This also made Anne could not help but let out a knowing smile.

"I won't be angry with you, Dad—" Maria said to Zhen Fan on her tiptoe suddenly, "But... Dad, I want you to be with me often at home."

"Well, I promise, I will often stay with you at home in the future. Dad is too busy--"

"Stop, don't go any further, otherwise... we all think we will lose our appetite tomorrow morning!" Christine finally raised his hands and surrendered. "We intend to forgive you, but... can you explain. What's the matter with a Japanese woman calling you?" (To be continued...)

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