The American Scripture

Chapter 911: Don't want to miss

Japanese women call themselves? Zhen Fan's first reaction was Hashimoto Garden. ~ But when I think about it, Hashimoto Garden has already called myself, so I shouldn't call here again. Then there is another Japanese woman, Miike Kikuko. It's just... how does Miike Kikuko have her own phone number?

Actually, Zhen Fan is a little bit different. The call was indeed made by a Japanese woman, but it was not from these two women who were related to Zhen Fan, but from the entertainment company of Hashimoto Garden I met when I was in Japan. Mr. Nagaoka Tano's secretary called. The specific thing is to discuss cooperation.

Because Hashimoto Park hadn’t seen Zhen Fan in Los Angeles for several days, and there was no promise of a good pick-up. This Japanese woman forbeared for several days, but she didn’t talk to the company, but her agent. I couldn't help it, and I called the head office in Japan with Hashimoto Garden behind my back. Because Hashimoto Garden is the daughter of a big figure in the company, the company's first reaction was whether Zhen Fan got the benefits and broke the contract. So this is the call.

"Japanese woman? If a Japanese woman called me, it should have called me a long time ago instead of calling my home phone." Zhen Fan shrugged and smiled, "Well, if If you are united because of this, then... you will definitely put me in a scapegoat."

"Okay, ladies, I'm going upstairs to sleep, who wants to be together?" Zhen Fan smiled happily, and then walked upstairs. Since this is not to be seen here, I go to bed by myself. Continue to stay here and be criticized by these women.

"Go. No one will be with you!" Zoe gave Zhen Fan a blank look, then blinked at Zhen Fan again. This woman knows her best. The meaning was obvious, and it blocked some people's plans to stay with Zhen Fan. And his blinking hint to Zhen Fan indicated that he might sneak up and linger with him.

Zhen Fan deliberately looked at the women in the hall, and none of them responded to him. So he shrugged his shoulders awkwardly and walked upstairs.

"Dad-I'll sleep with you, but... you want to tell me the story, you haven't told me the story for a long time!" Suddenly Maria stood at the top of the stairs, looking at Zhen Fan with eyesight. His eyes blinked, "Please, Dad — don't refuse me. Just this time, okay?"

"And me!" Claire also jumped out and stood with Maria, the two little girls akimbo. They all looked at Zhen Fan. Waiting for his decision, it seemed that they really liked mixing with Zhen Fan.

"Okay, come up!" Zhen Fan blinked at Claire and Maria, then shook her head, "But it can't be in my room, it must be in Maria's room. After the story is finished, You have to go to bed obediently. No one is allowed to make other requests, you know?"

"Got it!" the two little girls exclaimed immediately. He squeezed and ran upstairs, "Let's take a bath first!" Claire yelled loudly, and the two little girls shrieked and laughed along the way, and disappeared into the stairs.

Zhen Fan turned around, opened his hands with some regret at Zoe, ignored Zoe's murderous vision, and quickly went upstairs to his room.

"Let's do it like this, this man is spoiled!" Christine said to a few women shaking his head, "There must be an effective management system, like making a movie, there must be a director, deputy director, and There are scene affair, photographers, lighting engineers, etc., each taking responsibility, why don't we follow suit?

"Imitate making a movie?" Zoe shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't treat Zhen as something that can be managed. People like him need freedom, so we give him freedom so that we can stay with him for a long time. As you all know, he is not an ordinary person, so...we can gather here with him to form such a comparison...weird? Absurd? Or a family that violates common sense, but even so, we can still It's a miracle to live in harmony, I think, this is also his peculiar place!"

"Well, you're right!" Christine said to Zoe, "I'm going to bed too, good night!" So he went upstairs.

"Am I wrong?" Zoe looked at the women around and spread his hands.

Annie smiled and nodded and said: "You are right, because you are right, so... Christine is embarrassed to stay here, I think you'd better communicate with her, after all... now she It's still Zhen's unmarried wife." This means obviously that Christine is Zhen Fan's genuine wife, and you have to respect her.

It's really been a long time since I told the two children a story. Zhen Fan sat on the edge of the bed. The two children lay side by side, listening to the story while squinting their eyes. Soon they fell asleep. This is the best woman to coax her. Zhen Fan smiled, and then lovingly covered them with blankets, and adjusted the air-conditioning problem slightly higher so that she would not wake up from the cold at night.

After finishing all this, Zhen Fan turned around and saw Anne standing at the door. Watching Zhen Fan finish all of this, Anne felt warm and warm again. She liked watching Zhen Fan do this. Everything, this is the role of a father, and the role of a father that children and wives like.

"The kids love you very much and care about you!" Annie leaned at the door and said to Zhen Fan, "Thank you, Zhen, for so many years, you can take care of Claire in every possible way, and I... "When Annie wanted to say something, suddenly her lips were blocked by something, very soft and mellow, causing her heart to be hit by something suddenly, and hurriedly wanted to move back, but behind her was the door. , Can't retreat anymore, so I have to meet the hot lips.

"God--this way...this way can't work!" Annie wanted to say something to Zhen Fan. After she got out of her lips, she panted quickly, and her chest couldn't help but fluctuate.

"Spoken!" Zhen Fan raised a finger and placed it on Annie's lips, feeling the soft touch, then lowered his head, and sucked the gentle lips into his lips, with the tip of his tongue gently When she picked her, she got into Annie's mouth. Annie felt that her whole body was soft and wanted to struggle, but the whole person fell down involuntarily, so his hand supported her buttocks and moved towards herself He held it in his arms.

Annie was forced to hook Zhen Fan’s neck with her hands. With Zhen Fan’s turn, her soft and firm chest squeezed against Zhen Fan’s chest. This touch made Annie almost fascinated and lost her judgment. force.

"Mom—" Suddenly Claire's voice seemed to be heard in her ears, Annie let go of her hand in a panic, Zhen Fan also let go of Annie at the same time, and the two stood side by side, looking as if nothing happened. .

"Hey, baby, what's the matter?" Annie walked towards Claire on the bed and asked softly.

"I want to sleep in my own room, I can't sleep here!" Claire started, rubbing her eyes, "Hey, Uncle Zhen, are you going to hold me over? Go to my own room!"

"Of course, of course! I'm coming!" Zhen Fan smiled at Annie, then picked Claire up, and no matter how beautiful Annie was red, he smiled and said, "Claire is so heavy. I'm about to become a big girl!"

"Of course, I've grown up!" Claire smiled and hugged Zhen Fan's face, and then kissed his nose. "If it wasn't Maria today, I wouldn't want to hear you tell stories, you The story of is already very old-fashioned, I've heard it many times!" Claire said with a grin.

"Okay, okay!" Zhen Fan nodded, took Claire to her room, arranged for her to sleep, and kissed her on the forehead. Annie watched all this. Knowing that Zhen Fan stood up, walked out the door, and gently closed the door, she walked with Zhen Fan a few steps.

"Hey, Annie... I figured it out clearly. Life is so short. Why don’t I pursue what I like? I don’t care about anyone’s opinion. I don’t care about this. Promise me to live with me forever. Care about those thoughts, since Christine, Zoe and Yifei can stay with me like this, why can't you? I like Claire, and I love you too!" Zhen Fan said, holding Anne’s one hand.

Annie felt that her heart was She just shook her head, and finally under Zhen Fan’s gaze, she pursed her mouth and said to Zhen Fan: "Sorry, Zhen, I know, I love you too , But... now the situation is very complicated. Sooner or later we will be exposed, and then... how do we face our friends and family?"

"Don't mind those thoughts. Since we decided to be together, I will naturally think of ways to deal with these things. The key is, are you willing?" Zhen Fan kissed her forehead, "I don't want to miss anything."

"Well... I promise you that I can consider this question, but... definitely not tonight, I won't give you an answer, and... tonight... I won't sleep with you, don't use it Look at me like that, damn...Don't you know how attractive you are?" Annie pushed Zhen Fan's chest in embarrassment.

"I know, I will give you time and space, but... Am I so unattractive?" Zhen Fan deliberately pretended to be innocent and looked at Annie, "Why refused to sleep with me? My body is not good enough. ?"

"No, no, I think I don't want to do this before I make a decision..." Annie pushed Zhen Fan's chest again, "Well, good night, Zhen, I'm going to bed!" Running towards his room, he never looked back at Zhen Fan. (To be continued...)

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