The American Scripture

Chapter 914: Buy lottery tickets

The two people were talking here, as if they had already won the first prize. After dinner, Zhen Fan took his coat. At this time, the autumn breeze was up. The weather in Los Angeles was not cold, but many men wore them. Put up coats, but the women still have skirts of different lengths. {This is a kind of scenery that will not be lost with the seasons.

Fei Bingbing wore a set of skirts, which showed a section of snow-white thighs, and her coloring was covered with a nice little jacket, which looked elegant and generous, and also looked very beautiful. Zhen Fan's eyes slid over her unscrupulously, and then he was about to leave her.

"Don't walk with me?" Fei Bingbing smiled, "I finally met a big man, how can I give up the opportunity to walk with him? Let's go, it's near the sea, we can talk while walking "Said she also stood up, carried her small bag in her hand, and then naturally rolled up Zhen Fan's arms.

Two people were walking along the street by the sea. Although many people along the way knew Zhen Fan, no one stopped to ask for an autograph or take a group photo. They just waved to them. Walking to a guardrail, Fei Bingbing suddenly opened his hands and took a deep breath.

"It's really relaxing. I always feel that there is too much work, too busy, and I don't have time to come out and enjoy my life. Do you think this is the price of being a star?" Fei Bingbing turned around, facing Zhen Fan, leaning on the iron cable with his back, just watched with a smile, "I suddenly envy Yi Fei, she is a very happy person now!"

"Actually... if you don't have to work so hard, you will also arrange your own life. Enjoy your life, you look at Bit, the great director. Although it was very hard when filming, he gave himself a plan to make For a movie, take a long break, go on vacation, and play everywhere!" Zhen Fan shook his head and said, "It's because of your hard work. Actually... it's not that more work will make your future achievements bigger!" "

"I am different from them. They are accomplished people. If I can achieve his high achievements, so can I. Who doesn't want to go to the beaches of Hawaii or the Sahara of Africa. Even in many famous tourist attractions in China I haven't been out. Sometimes I wonder if we really have time to do these things when we are old." At this time, Fei Bingbing said these words, which seemed more emotional.

"Okay, let's go, it's windy here!" Zhen Fan looked at Fei Bingbing whose skirt was blown up by the sea breeze, looking a little thin. He smiled at her, "Let's go. Tomorrow you have time to call me, I will pick you up!"

"Well, let's go!" Fei Bingbing walked back with Zhen Fan without talking nonsense.

Two people passed a shop selling lottery tickets. Zhen Fan walked in and bought a "Powerball" lottery ticket. Zhen Fan raised the lottery ticket and laughed: "If you win the lottery, I will fulfill your wish. To make a Hollywood movie, you will be the heroine. Find a handsome and famous Hollywood star to be the hero."

"Okay, okay, I hope you have such luck!" Fei Bingbing laughed, and then she held Zhen Fan to prevent him from leaving, and said, "Since you bought a lottery ticket, I will also buy one. I buy a'scratch card' and it will be done in a few minutes, and see how lucky I am!"

"Well, you have one too!" Zhen Fan smiled at Fei Bingbing, and then the two turned around again. The one who received them was a young man in his twenties, tall and thin, with chestnut hair. Pretty shrewd.

"Bring me a piece of squeegee!" Fei Bingbing watched the young man take out a piece of squeegee, she took it without caring, and put her hands together and put the piece of squeegee into her palm.

"You are very religious!" Zhen Fan smiled, and then said to her, "Open it and take a look, I believe it will be a big prize. Scratch it!"

Fei Bingbing nodded, then gently scratched the lottery ticket, looked at it, and then handed it to the clerk and said, "Check me the situation of winning, hope it is a big prize!"

"Of course, when I saw the lottery ticket, the fireworks on the computer screen flicked. It seems that this will happen only after winning the jackpot!" Zhen Fan comforted her and laughed.

"Yes, you won the lottery!" The clerk smiled at Fei Bingbing, "It's only ten dollars, not the grand prize. By the way, we will collect the winning lottery ticket. Do you want cash?" The clerk still smiled Charming, just smiled more brilliantly, looking at Fei Bingbing eagerly.

"Ten dollars? I really won the lottery, haha... my luck is really good! One dollar is exchanged for ten dollars!" Fei Bingbing laughed, and then seemed a little excited and gave Zhen Fan a kiss on his face. , Turned to the clerk and said, "Cash, of course I want cash, ten dollars, thank you!"

The clerk nodded, and then handed over ten dollars. When Fei Bingbing was about to pick up, she was suddenly held down by one of Zhen Fan's hands. Zhen Fan looked at the clerk and smiled: "You are lying, man, return the lottery ticket to me, otherwise I will call the police. Just give me my lottery ticket, thank you!"

"This... sir, this is not compliant. This is a new lottery with our new game method. The winning lottery tickets must be taken back and cannot be returned. We need to use this for reconciliation. Sorry, sir!" A little flustered, he said to Zhen Fan, "This...I can't help you!"

"No, I just want to see what kind of prize I have won. Please give it to me, sir. If you don't cooperate, I will call the police. I want you to promise!" Zhen Fan still looked at the clerk. Fei Bingbing talked about Zhen Fan quietly, which meant that she would let things go. She had a mentality of a disadvantaged group that she had always had.

When the Chinese are abroad, there will always be a mentality of disadvantaged groups. No matter which country they are in, they are always the target of blackmail and extortion, even the small famous people outside, such as Fei Bingbing. Stars will also have the mentality that more things are worse than less things.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter!" Zhen Fan looked at the shop, and then said to the clerk, "There is a camera here, and we can all hear the cheerful music from the computer and fireworks. The bomb exploded. This is the only scene when you win the jackpot. Now you tell me that you only won ten dollars, which makes me unacceptable. I want to see my lottery! And... I stick to my approach!" He is stubborn. Looking at the clerk.

"Sir, you are asking for trouble..." The clerk's face suddenly became blood red, and his hands trembled slightly, "What if I insist on not letting you see it? Get out, Yellow Pig, stay away. This is a hindrance, otherwise I will call the police, get out!" He suddenly became a little angry.

"Are you threatening me? I will complain to the lottery company right away. This is a kind of lottery they launched. You are also their clerk. If you commit fraud, they will definitely not let you go!" Zhen Fan Still smiling at the clerk, "Give me back, that lottery ticket, I still insist!"

"Go away, do you want me to call the police?" The clerk became more and more angry. He saw that Fei Bingbing seemed to be pulling Zhenfan, so he was very proud. As long as he insisted, the Chinese would leave. Yes, so he yelled more and more unscrupulously, "Fuck off, you are not welcome here, do you know where this is? This is the United States, the powerful United States, not your Asia, this is not the place where monkeys stay. Come here. ,immediately!"

"Asshole, this asshole--" Now, even Fei Bingbing was angry. Zhen Fan felt she was shaking when she held her hand, so he gently said to Fei Bingbing, "Call the police, there is no need to talk to this The guy is bothering!"

"Okay, okay, I'll call right away!" Fei Bingbing said, taking out his mobile phone to call the police. The clerk saw it and was excited, so he rushed out of the counter in the store and rushed towards Fei Bingbing, but was caught by Zhen Fan and pressed him onto the table.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I take back what I said, and I will return the lottery ticket to you!" The clerk was controlled by Zhen Fan and tried to struggle, but did not struggle, so he knew that this time he might meet a real person , It’s not the usual Chinese who like to keep things quiet. He was quick to see the opportunity and quickly begged for mercy.

"No, it's late. My friend has already called the police. Greed is a price. Now is when you pay the price." Zhen Fan said to him disdainfully, "Do you want to swallow my friend's prize? You are wrong, I swear, I will ruin you and spend a long time in prison."

Fei Bingbing had already called the police, and after hearing the clerk's words, she felt a little unbearable. Although she felt that she had been verbally insulted just now, she kept this person in jail for a few she felt unbearable. , I heard Zhen Fan say loudly: "Call the police, don't hesitate, otherwise, you will be bitten by him!"

After hearing Zhen Fan's words, Fei Bingbing no longer hesitated, and pulled out the alarm call. At this moment, someone wanted to come in and buy a lottery ticket. But seeing the scene in the store, he immediately retired, and some people were preparing to call the police. But you can hear the sound of police sirens.

After a while, I saw two police cars parked outside the door, and then several police officers rushed in from the outside. One of them held a gun and pointed at Zhen Fan and shouted loudly: "Let go of him, let go, put your hand on top of your head. , Don’t try to think about other things, I will shoot, now is a warning!"

"I called the police!" Fei Bingbing quickly raised his phone and said to the police. "He is my friend. We were in trouble, so he called the police. That person...want to steal our prize! "

"Really?" The policeman with the gun looked at Fei Bingbing, and then at the clerk.

"No, it's not like that. They want to rob our store, so..." After Zhen Fan was released, the clerk shouted immediately, pointed at Zhen Fan angrily and said, "He wants to rob our store. , Don't let this Asian man go!" (To be continued...) r527

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