The American Scripture

Chapter 915: Win a prize of 1 million USD

Thank you for the reward of "Forgetting, Depression". This is a brother who firmly supports me, and it is the support of brothers like him that allows me to continue to code. \\\\Thanks to everyone who supports me and subscribes to my book!

The clerk pointed at Zhen Fan and yelled, but the policeman put the gun away, then looked at the clerk a little strangely and frowned. It was obvious that he was inexplicable about the clerk's behavior. And he looked at Zhen Fan carefully again, and then cautiously said: "Are you Fan? Mr. Zhen? I seem to have seen you!"

"I am, I am Fan Zhen!" Zhen Fan put his hand down, then looked at the police officer and said, "It is the police who reported by my female companion. I hope to be treated fairly, you know, I There will be a team of lawyers who will accompany you to the end, and...I suggest you extract the video here and the lottery ticket, because there are fingerprints of me and my female partner. This clerk... is purely a criminal!"

"Well, we will arrest him in accordance with relevant laws. Now... all we have to do is get the lottery ticket. Is this this one?" The officer walked in and saw a piece that seemed to be stuffed into a drawer. So I picked up the lottery ticket, looked at the computer, and then got the lottery ticket right again, my mouth opened wide. The complexion is constantly changing.

"No, no, it's my fault, sorry, I apologize to you, it's just a misunderstanding!" The clerk turned pale when he saw that the lottery ticket was obtained by the police officer. He faced Zhen Fan and the police officer. I stopped saying sorry, "I was just confused for a while, yes. I was confused, I have never seen such a big prize, so... I was a little dizzy, said the wrong thing, and then I did something Wrong thing..."

"Well, I accept your apology!" The officer finally put down the lottery ticket, and then said to Zhen Fan, "Mr. Zhen, I know this one million dollar lottery ticket is just a trivial matter to you, so... …You may have to postpone the time for redemption. Because this is our You understand me!"

"Of course, I will understand!" Zhen Fan nodded, then looked at the policeman and said, "Do I need me to go to the police station? I will cooperate well with your work!"

"Uh..." The officer looked at Zhen Fan hesitantly. Looked at the other police officers. Some hesitation. Because the eyes of the other three police officers were shot on him, waiting for him to make a decision, "Well, let's go to the police station together!" He seemed to have made up his mind. Then he glanced at the other three people, all of them expressionless.

"God, for God's sake, you treat me as rubbish, just throw me away, I don't want to go to jail, God...who will help me..." The clerk suddenly rushed towards Fei Bingbing. He knew that Fei Bingbing was the kind of woman who calmed down, and must be a sympathetic, bad guy, so he tried to plead.

"Enough, performance time is over!" The police officer twisted the guy's arm to his back, then handcuffed him, pushed him out, and turned his head to Zhen Fan and said, "Mr. Zhen, please come with me. One trip."

"Of course, this is my responsibility!" Zhen Fan nodded to the police officer, and then when the three police officers in front pressed the clerk to leave the shop, he whispered to the police officer who was following him. Said, "You made the right decision this time, I know what you are going to do, but...I can tell you that if you really do that, you will definitely die very miserably!" Zhen Fan said with a grin. Bingbing walked out of the store together.

The policeman suddenly sweated on his forehead, and he subconsciously wiped it with his hand. Now he understood it well. Fortunately, I didn't do that. At that moment, he wanted to take the lottery ticket with the clerk, and planned to split the one million dollars of the lottery with these people. Everyone can split up to two hundred thousand dollars. This is a huge sum of money, very tempting, but in the end he resisted it, not because of anything else, but because Zhen Fan is a celebrity and a celebrity with great energy, which he knew.

So he made the right decision, he had the money to take it, and finally he didn't spend his life. This is the key. So he decided to arrest the clerk and return the lottery ticket to Zhen Fan. And Zhen Fan's words made him feel like he was left behind. Yes, as long as Zhen Fan is willing, a small police officer like him can kill him anytime and anywhere.

A car accident, an accidental suffocation, or a heart attack may have cost him his life. Therefore, he became more cautious about Zhen Fan. He seemed more attentive throughout the process, and even accompanied Zhen. Everyone called the head of the hairstyling company of this lottery along the way.

The other police officers originally had the same thoughts as the police officer, but at the same time they knew that the money was not easy to get. It was very hot. If Zhen Fan is not a powerful celebrity, even if he is purely rich People, they all plan to hack the money and divide it privately. They have done such things a long time ago, privately dividing the stolen money of the gang, which is often done by the patrolling police. And such things are generally not reconciled.

So when the police officer made a decision, they were also relieved. Because they are one, since the police officer made a decision, whether it was right or wrong, difficult or not, he would participate in it.

The process went smoothly. After extracting the live video, plus the fingerprints on the lottery ticket, and the final record of the lottery ticket at that time, all showed evidence that was very beneficial to Zhen Fan. The clerk will face charges from the prosecutor in this district. The result will be decided by the court. Of course, even if it is to sell Zhen Fan's face, the court will sentence this guy a heavy sentence, after all, one million dollars is involved.

The lottery issuing company sent a middle-aged man named Ridley Lapace. He also took a lawyer with him. He completed the certification of Zhenfan lottery at the police station and gave Zhenfan immediately. Where to pay a cash check of one million dollars. After doing all this, he shook hands with Zhen Fan and said, "I'm really sorry, this is a mistake in our work. But...may I take a photo with you? And take this check!"

Zhen Fan understood what he meant, and stood together very cooperatively. He didn't let Fei Bingbing take a photo together, mainly because he was afraid that Fei Bingbing would have some scandal with himself during this period, which would be a little detrimental to her new drama. Hollywood is no better than the domestic entertainment industry, whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, as long as you are famous, someone will dare to invite you, and people seem to be more interested in women with bad reputations.

But in Hollywood, this rule does not work. As long as you have a bad reputation, your future is basically ruined. No one will invite you to film, and no one can dare to invite you to film. Facts have also proved that this is correct. Many of the stars who are involved in scandals, cheating and other news, their latest movies are all broken.

After leaving the police station, Zhen Fan smiled at Fei Bingbing: "This is not the first time I have come to the police station. I have worked in Los Angeles before, when Sarah was the person in charge there. Sarah... Do you know her?"

"I don't know, I don't know every woman around you!" Fei Bingbing gave him a white look, but it was obvious that this sentence betrayed her. Since I don't know, how did I know that she is the woman next to Zhen Fan? of?

When Zhen Fan heard this, she smiled awkwardly, and changed the subject and said, "I know, you must have entered the US police station for the first time. Am I right?"

"Of course it's right, China, I haven't entered the police station." Fei Bingbing gave him another look, and then walked out of the police station, but she still took his hand naturally.

"Wait, Mr. Zhen—" At this moment, a voice came from behind, and then he saw the police officer who arrested the shop assistant coming over. He said to Zhen Fan, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, first of all I feel for you I'm very sorry, you didn't drive out, I will take you away, where to go?

"Forget it, I forgive you, but... I still want to warn you, don't get any bad thoughts." Zhen Fan said to him, "Do you believe in God?"

"Yes, sir, I believe in my Lord!" The officer did not know why Zhen Fan asked, so he subconsciously answered, and then shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry, I am still sorry for what happened just now!"

"Since you believe in God, that's fine, you remember, God is watching everything you do!" Zhen Fan patted his chest, "Well, I should go now, so should you Do your own thing, goodbye, police officer!"

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Zhen, and...a beautiful lady!" Zhen Fan gave up the pursuit, which made the police officer take a long sigh of relief, and then relaxed, making him unable to help but speak easily A lot.

After leaving the police station, the two of them walked for a while, and then Zhen Fan stopped, looked left and right, and then smiled at Fei Bingbing: "Now...where should we go? For the streets of Los Angeles, I am not Very familiar, should I ask a taxi to take you to the studio?"

" I'll call a car myself." Fei Bingbing smiled, "At this time tomorrow, we will see you, right here...right here, anyway, we all know this place. And...for For me, this is a very impressive experience, so...I want to commemorate it!"

"Haha, that's right, see you here tomorrow!" Zhen Fan said, waved, stopped a taxi, and watched Fei Bingbing get on the car. She waved to Zhen Fan in the car. Only then did he relax and watch the taxi disappear into the bustling street. I looked around, and a taxi drove towards him.

Zhen Fan doesn't care if a taxi is coming towards him, but he wonders why the taxi stopped next to him and opened the door. Does this guy know he needs a taxi? The point is, I didn't wave my hand? Have you reached the height where your mind controls everything?

"Hey, Zhen, I knew it was you and needed a taxi? Get in the car. I will send you. This time I can send you for free. Damn those bastards, I said I know you and you are still friends, but they I don’t believe it, saying I’m bragging, okay, okay, now I can prove it to them!” At this time, a black man’s head came over from the car, and Zhen Fan saw that it was the black driver. Eddie. (To be continued...)

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