The American Scripture

Chapter 916: Unchanging Eddie

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   Seeing Eddie again, Zhen Fan is very happy. He and Eddie have really rarely seen each other. This is the first person he knows after coming to the United States, and he is also a very friendly and talkative guy. So Zhen Fan said to him: "Come out, let's take a picture together, let your friends take a look, I am your friend!"

"Of course, no problem." Eddie got out of the car and ran towards Zhen Fan, then he embraced Zhen Fan's shoulder affectionately, took out his phone, and said in a funny posture, "If I do, They would believe it more instead of saying that I ran to beg you to take a picture."

"Do you need this?" Zhen Fan clasped Eddie's neck tightly, and then made a pose to kiss him. "This pose will definitely make your friends think that we are very good friends. If it doesn't work, I You can put your finger in your nostril, they must believe it."

"Oh, why didn't my fingers stick into my nostrils?" Eddie smiled happily, but still let Zhen Fan hug him and continue to mess with his hair. Such selfies must only be between friends Only by playing around can have this effect, so I am not afraid that his friends will not believe it.

"Okay, enough, as long as you can prove it, hey, buddy, where are you going? Temecula or Billy Foshan? I will take you anywhere, and this time I can get it for free, just for those photos, Hehe...I know you want to give me money, but I don't really need it, because...I bet that **** bastard, if you can prove that you are my friend, then each of them will lose me twenty dollars! "

   " much can you get?" Zhen Fan said he wanted to give money, but when this guy said that, he stopped and looked at him with a smile.

"Uh... let me do the math, well, it should be... three hundred dollars!" Eddie smiled happily, "So...I will waive your fare, and I can get more than two hundred dollars. Dollars, really... I really want to bet with them again. This time I might bet that I can get you and Christine’s intimate photos or something.

"Haha, this... really not good, okay, stop talking nonsense, since you mentioned Temecula, then I want to take a look, I don’t think I’ve been there for a long time. I think I should take a look, but no Now, I still have things to do!" Zhen Fan decided to go back and see his son.

   The car was driving on the mountain road in Billy Foshan Village. Eddie was very excited. While driving, he kept twisting his body, and the whole person seemed to be dancing.

"Hey, buddy, this is a Maserati, hey, what's so great, don't think I can't catch up with you, I just don't want to embarrass you, man!" The last sentence is for the car that is galloping from his car. When the passing Maserati shouted, he angrily put his hand out the car window and raised his middle finger.

"I've seen too many luxury cars, what is this... Oh, yes, Zhen, you are now a celebrity, what car do you usually drive? Is it better than that?" Eddie suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhen. Fan glanced.

"No, I usually drive a Volvo CX90. I am very satisfied. Of course there is also a Lamborghini. But it was given to me by someone else. Do you know Howard of the Los Angeles Lakers? He gave it to me. I am not very Yes, I prefer **** cars, such as my first Escalade!" Zhen Fan tilted his mouth at him and smiled.

"Yes, yes, this is the car that a man drives. I think those sports cars are too damn. I like more powerful cars. If you have money, you should buy one. Even the Escalade is very good. Hey … Buddy, here’s really rich… God, what did I see… Lamborghini? Reventon, oh my dear, this is a global limited edition, I know, I just know, only 20 cars , I actually saw one here, **** it... There are too many rich people in this place..." Eddie was as rapturous as ever, and he shouted excitedly all the way.

"Okay, okay, I take back what I just said, this is the car that the man drives, Reventon, oh, forget about the muscular guys like Escalade, like our former governor, the muscular guys finally It can only be helpless to grow old. Reventon is like Channing Tatum. He has the toned figure of a stripper, and a beautiful face, and he is extremely handsome. I like this kind of scum. male!"

"Well, you are right, I totally agree with your evaluation of the car!" Zhen Fan was very happy when he looked at this guy's joy, so he also echoed a few words, "especially Channing's striptease. This male part!"

"I know that you and I have the same tastes. To be honest, I can't help but want to touch the pectoral muscles of that guy. You must think so too, right? It seems we I really have known an old friend for many years. I like you, Zhen, you are the best friend I have ever met. Of course... or my best customer. I know that someone once complained to me because I said too much. Is it something? I said to the **** on the letter of the complaint, "Go to hell," do you know that this is cool? Yes, it's cool. This is the third company I changed. But They can't let me shut my mouth, no one can, we always have to talk..."

   "Alright, Eddie, I'm here!" At the door of the villa, Zhen Fan finally spoke. If he still doesn't speak, the car will run by, and he can finally get his mouth in.

The car stopped suddenly, and Zhen Fan's suddenly couldn't help but rush forward. Fortunately, he stabilized, and then looked at Eddie with a smile, "Well, I admit this is my most memorable free trip, Ai Di, goodbye!"

   "Goodbye, buddy, I hope I can meet you again next time." Eddie said, turning the front of the car, and flew away with a "swish". His car drove as fast as ever. Just after Zhen Fan's words fell, his car was already far away. This guy thought he was excited by those sports cars!

   The meeting with Eddie made Zhen Fan very happy, so when he walked in, he was very happy. Just when he was about to pick up his increasingly chubby son from the cradle, the phone rang. Zhen Fan had no choice but to smile at Yi Fei, handed her son to her, and connected the phone by herself.

"Hey, boss, the assistant you want, we already have three candidates. If you have time, you'd better come over and we will fix the people. I wanted to make the decision for you, but... you know, Your taste is always so peculiar!" Melissa's grinning voice came over the phone.

"Of course, of course, you are also my peculiar taste!" Zhen Fan smiled, and suddenly stopped in a low voice. Obviously Melissa also knew that she had said something wrong, "Well, I just got home. Let me rest for a while... Oh, damn, I forgot about things again, I actually promised two people at the same time tomorrow."

"Well, you'd better come here as soon as possible. I'll make an appointment for you. How about four o'clock this afternoon? You can take a look, then make sure, and then... I will go back to the villa for dinner with you, to be honest, I miss Mia's dinner, although I have...moved out now!" Melissa sighed over there.

   "Well, I'll be there on time, don't sigh, come if you want!" Zhen Fan said and hung up the phone. It is true that Melissa hasn't come here for a long time. Since the establishment of the work team, she has always been busy going around. Although each project has a specific person in charge, she still needs her to adjust.

   For example, she needs to allocate funds and deploy staff for the preparation of a research laboratory for Chinese medicine, as well as the preparation of a Chinese medicine hospital and personnel training, which also needs her to plan and carry out. There is also the supervision of winemaking and the renewal and execution of the contract with the team. Obviously, this team has to continue to expand to meet Zhen Fan's growing team.

Putting down the phone, Zhen Fan smiled apologetically at Yi Fei: "Look at me, you can't help yourself. I never thought I was so busy. By the way, does it feel bored to stay here all day? "Zhen Fan gently hugged Yi Fei from behind, and Yi Fei put the child in the cradle. Just as she was about to speak, Maria flew down from upstairs. Elsa, her tutor, followed immediately.

   "Dad——" She flew over like a swallow and plunged into Zhen Fan's arms. Zhen Fan picked her up, turned around in the air, and then put her down.

"Can I hold my brother?" Maria raised her head and looked at Yi Her eyes flickered. Every day, she asked Yi Fei to give her brother Zhen Peng a hug. It is almost a compulsory course for her every day. Moreover, she is very careful, and her hug is very standard. There is no need to worry that she can't afford it. She has great strength.

   "She likes Xiaopeng very much." Yi Fei smiled softly. She has always been so gentle and amiable. Whether it is for Maria or her own children, Xiaopeng is her nickname for Zhen Peng.

"Of course, they are brothers and sisters. I hope they can stay in love with each other forever. This is my wish!" Zhen Fan held Yi Fei from behind again and looked at the two children affectionately. While teasing Xiaopeng with "Oh" and "Oh", but she didn't know how to tease, she kept making such "Oh" sounds. Make Zhen Fan want to laugh when she listens.

Looking at his watch, Zhen Fan decided to cook a lunch in person. It was a kind of compensation for not being able to stay with Yi Fei for a long time. The food that Zhen Fan made was better than Mia’s, so for a few days, Elsa I also had delicious blessings and had a great time to eat. By the way, I also told Zhen Fan about some magical performances of Maria.

For example, Maria can use mental calculations to calculate three-digit multiplication, can swim better than professional swimmers, and can also use a bow and arrow to shoot a bullseye that is 50 meters away, etc. All of this shows Maria It is indeed a child in a different family.

   Zhen Fan was very happy. After touching Maria's head, Maria immediately arched her head in Zhen Fan's arms like a pet dog loved by the owner. Of course, Zhen Fan would not tell Elsa that he taught Maria's Taoist mentality. R1152

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