The American Scripture

Chapter 917: Knock on the door and you know it's you

After eating, talking to Yi Fei for a while, teasing her son for a while, Zhen Fan felt very satisfied. It's just that her son likes to toss and will change diapers and clothes soon. Yi Fei is the first mother to be a mother. Although she has been exercising for so long, she is still a little unskilled. Zhen Fan laughed when she saw her appearance.

"I should find a nanny for you!" Zhen Fan also came up to help, Maria just leaned to the side to watch, Elsa was not good at this, she couldn't help at all, she also watched from the side, "Children day by day It will only be more tossing when it gets older. Susan is just helping to clean up the house and wash the clothes. Someone needs to bring the children!"

Yi Fei shook her head quickly: "If there is someone else, what should I do? Doesn't it seem that I am useless? They all have things to do, I feel a little envious. If the little guy is too tossing, I want to participate. Even if you don’t make movies, it’s okay to learn Chinese medicine, and you will be able to help in the future."

"Uh, wait until the child is older, you can come out and do things. You can make movies or learn Chinese medicine according to your interests, but...our family also learns Chinese medicine too much, I think you Or go back to your old line and make movies. As an interest, I will invest for you and make movies that you like!" Zhen Fan patted her hands, "Actually...I also watch your movies. I just like you. I have always been that fairy sister in my mind!"

"Aha—" Yi Fei smiled, and then said with an annoyed expression, "Sister Shenxian was also fooled by you and gave birth to a child. What kind of fairy sister? You ruined it! "

"That's...I am guilty. I am going to apologize to the people of the whole country and defile the fairy sister, but...except for me. I don't allow others to hit your attention!" Zhen Fan smiled and made Yi Fei a shy face. a bit. Yi Fei blushed, she pushed him lightly with her hand, and glanced at Elsa next to her. It was obvious that her oriental implicit thinking made her a little embarrassed to be like this in front of outsiders. affectionate.

Zhen Fan stopped laughing. He said: "By the way, I just met Bingbing. She wants to come and see you and our son. The main thing is to see our son. I will cook by myself, so you can have a good chat."

"I haven't seen her for a long time. I saw her last time in Miami. But I still envy her. I can fight for such a better situation in Hollywood alone. I can't..." Liu Yifei Some feel self-satisfied, and it seems that the new mother stays at home all day, and her mind is full of messy things. This is very natural, everyone in the family has problems. Yi Fei felt that she was accepted by Zhen Fan because of her child, and it was not like being a useless person, so she was a bit urgent to work to prove herself.

"Don't think too much, I promised her that if the lottery ticket I bought wins a huge prize, I will use all of it to invest in her new movie, completely adopt the Hollywood production model, and invest my own money. And please the best The director and the best actor will play for her. If... you are interested, don’t let go and participate.” Zhen Fan suggested with a smile, “Anyway, there is not enough time. Her work will take a while to end. Let's finish work. You are just right, adjust your physical and mental state, so I can find you a nanny to take care of our son!"

"Really?" Liu Yifei yelled in surprise, then looked at Zhen Fan suspiciously. Think this thing is a bit unreliable, winning the lottery? You said that if you hit the jackpot, you hit the jackpot? Although you are great. I admit this, but... the lottery thing. The variables are so great that no one dares to be so sure.

"Of course it's true...Look, this is the lottery ticket I bought, now I'm giving it to you, and when I see it, I will redeem the prize and watch it carefully. Don't get excited by then!" Zhen Fan said with a grin.

"When did you buy the lottery ticket?" Yi Fei looked at Zhen Fan a little bit dumbfounded, "Well, I won the lottery, I will go to film, it seems... it is really an impossible task!" Put the lottery ticket in his pocket, then changed his son's diaper and put him in the bassinet again.

"I'll push!" Maria actively took Yi Fei's hand and pushed Xiaopeng onto the lawn. Elsa looked at Zhen Fan and nodded and smiled, "I'll go over and take a look." She was a little embarrassed in front of Zhen Fan and Yi Fei, mainly because the two of them had to make each other from time to time. This was the main reason for her embarrassment. At the very least, she has no boyfriend yet. Very sensitive to this!

Throwing the child to the one in the family, the one big and one young, Zhen Fan used Yi Fei to go in. To be honest, since the birth of the child, Yi Fei has rarely been with Zhen Fan. Now the two are alone. After slowly getting out of his emotions, he did not speak, and kissed all the way into the room.

Although Yi Fei is still the child’s mother, she was hit once, so she was emotional, but the movements were still a bit jerky and even a little bit helpless and shy. Zhen Fan was trained for a while until she couldn’t bear it. After living, the two of them rolled over the sheets.

After the work, the body of the young woman Yi Fei gave Zhen Fan a great enjoyment, while Yi Fei who had tasted the taste was flattering, with a bitter taste, and both of them were greatly satisfied. Only afterwards, Yi Fei felt that there was too much water on the bed and was a little embarrassed, so she immediately held the sheets and insisted on washing herself. When I went downstairs, I ran into Elsa coming in to pour water. In the broad day, at this time to wash the sheets? Or by doing it herself, Elsa can think of it at a glance even if she doesn’t understand this aspect. What's more, Western women’s **** education is relatively early, so she winked at Yi Fei. That meant it. I want to encourage and praise her.

Who knew that Yi Fei looked at Elsa's movements and immediately bowed her head in shame and left quickly, and walked into the laundry room. He closed heavily, leaning against the door for a long time before calming down. It's really life-threatening, and being so sneaky in my own home seems to be cheating.

Elsa stood there inexplicably, not understanding why Yi Fei would leave in a hurry, thinking that she had accidentally offended her, and then she saw Zhen Fan lazily coming downstairs with her t-shirt open. With two buttons, you can faintly see the outline of the chest muscles from the inside, which made Elsa breathe tightly. In order to hide her embarrassment, she also drank a sip of water and hurriedly left the hall.

"This is weird, what the hell?" Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then said loudly to Yi Fei, "I will go to Melissa's studio and see my secretary. Otherwise, my Things are always going to be a mess. Bring Bingbing over tomorrow, so you can’t take that Japanese woman to see Bit!"

"Go, go!" Yi Fei answered him in the laundry room flustered.

Zhen Fan kept going out and bid farewell to Maria and Elsa. Maria looked in a bad mood, she gently opened her hand and hugged Zhen Fan, and then kissed Zhen Fan on the cheek. Whispered: "Can I play games with you tonight?"

"Of course, but... is it still the "Motor Storm"? I didn't expect you to like motorcycles so much. When you become an adult, I will give you one as your adult gift!" Zhen Fan smiled and touched Mary Ya's little head, "Well, wait for me to come home at home, I will be soon!"

Zhen Fan drove away in the hopeful eyes of Maria. It was his Volvo. He liked the driving feeling of this car very much. What he didn’t expect was that the gift he gave Maria would be given to you in advance, and it was when she was fifteen years old. What’s more unexpected is that Maria later built a cool motorcycle by herself. And it has become the standard equipment for her heroes. The powerful engine and the speed of the wind make those police cars and sports cars dwarfed. This is also the image of a new generation of super-killing women, and has aroused the heroes that are welcomed by the people across the United States and the wanted criminals who make the **** hate incomparable saboteurs and make the police headache.

Zhen Fan has never been to this building since it opened last time, so when Zhen Fan appeared in the office building on this floor, he immediately remembered the warm applause. Regardless of men and women in the office, there is only one object they serve, and that is Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan waved and smiled at them. This team includes the planning of the European, American and Asian teams. The European and American teams are mainly responsible for the work of Zhen Fan's films, the Institute of Chinese Medicine, Wine, Clinics, and Zhen Fan's personal The Asian team's main energy It’s on the wine side. Of course there are movies and advertisements. The wine business is temporarily limited to China and Thailand. It is now planning to expand to Japan, South Korea and other economically developed countries. All business must pass here, even if it is the wine industry that Sampson is responsible for, his plan must first be submitted here, and then the team will make a scientific plan, develop a feasible plan, and then implement it. And this team is still in charge of Zhen Fan's huge funds.

Zhen Fan is a lazy person. He even handed over the management of the yacht to Melissa. Fortunately, Melissa is also familiar with yacht management, and it is managed by existing people, but he puts the name on the team. And because Zhen Fan usually uses less yachts, Captain Maguire Nixon suggested that Zhen Fan rent out the yachts when they are not in use, and make money for the maintenance costs of the yachts by the way. This plan has been approved, but if Zhen Fan wants to use a yacht, she has to put it forward one week in advance so that the yacht can be released.

"Truly", Zhen Fan glanced at the door of Melissa's office, and then heard a familiar voice inside: "Please come in, I know it's you, I'll know when you knock on the door, come in Come on, Zhen!" (to be continued) r655

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