The American Scripture

Chapter 919: 1 go to the villa

Zhen Fan’s words made Linda stunned, and then she hesitated to take Zhen Fan’s business card, looked at it, and walked out, but she did not go far, but stayed in the lounge and saw her Entering, the other two women looked at the expressions on her face, and they could tell from the expressions whether she was admitted. ○ top ○ point ○ small ○ say, w※↖om

"Wait for the result!" Linda who was already out of the job at this job shrugged her shoulders to them blankly, "Don't look at me, I'm out!" She threw her body on the sofa. on.

There was a faint smile on Jin Xiumin's face, but Christina Weiden's face was expressionless, as if this matter had nothing to do with her, but she was still faintly relieved. Yes, she needs this job very much, even if it is 200,000 dollars a year, for those partners of the archaeological team, it is the driving force that can be sustained. She needs this job more desperately than anyone.

While these women were thinking about each other, Zhen Fan was also discussing with Melissa in the office. Obviously, Melissa and Zhen Fan had different opinions.

"I am optimistic about Jin Xiumin, she is a very good girl." Melissa bluntly said to Zhen Fan, "Although you let Linda out, but if you choose one of the two, I think Jin is better than the archaeological one. Too many. Are you afraid that one day her offspring will dig out your grave with a spade?"

"We don't argue about this, just talk about something with practical significance. Why don't you like archaeology?" Zhen Fan said to Melissa, "I think there is absolutely no problem with such a professional as an assistant."

"I know. But you see, she won't stay long. Her purpose is different." Melissa insisted on her opinion, "I don't want you to change your assistant often."

"Because of this?" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, what do you think it is because of? This is very important!" Melissa dazzled when she looked at Zhen Fan, "Then tell me, why is Jin not working?"

"Because this woman has ambitions. She is a person who is unwilling to be lonely! So... I can see clearly what she wants in the future, so I decided not to give her this opportunity." Zhen Fan smiled, "It's not me. The main reason for choosing her. I don't like the unstable factors in my family in the future."

"Oh, my god, why do you have such thoughts? Are you prejudice?" Melissa shook her head helplessly at Zhen Fan. "Okay. I won't argue with you about this, in the end it's up to you to decide!"

"My opinion is always correct, always, right?" Zhen Fan smiled at Melissa. Then stand up. Go outside. "You will announce the result. I am waiting for you outside." As he said, he walked out and walked directly to another office. This office is reserved for Zhen Fan, but he has not opened it.

A very large office, next to Melissa's, and the area is almost two the size of Melissa's office. Zhen Fan can see the beautiful scenery of Los Angeles from here. The office layout is simple, but it looks magnificent. Zhen Fan likes this layout very much, but his own boss is very incompetent and has never officially worked here.

Sitting on the boss chair, turning around, and then picked up the pen to write something, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was gently pushed open, and a slender and beautiful woman stood at the door and owed him slightly He leaned forward and said, "Boss, I am very happy to serve you. I will cherish this job, and...I assure you that unless you fire me, will be difficult for me to resign myself!"

This is indeed a bit abrupt when spoken by a newly appointed assistant, but Zhen Fan is not an ordinary person after all, he thinks this is normal. Only in this way can he easily communicate with his assistant, and there is no need to be so serious. Presumably Melissa and Christina have already exchanged experiences.

Once Zhen Fan’s assistant is identified, Melissa will no longer speak to Christina as a manager, and the dialogue between them will become equal. So she also shared some of Zhen Fan's preferences and rules to Christina, so there was just this scene.

"Oh, hello, Christina, do you know why I insisted on choosing you? It's because of your archaeology major. To be honest, you were not admitted just now, so I won't tell you anything. But now you are mine. Assistant, I can tell you. Tell me, what is your archaeological team doing? Is it a great discovery?" Zhen Fan nodded and motioned for Christina to come over and sat in front of his desk.

"Yes, on the African continent, we have discovered ancient civilizations that are more advanced than our existing known civilizations. That is to say, human wisdom has actually been remarkable five thousand years ago. We always Lianghe Civilization, as the earliest cradle of human civilization..."

"No, I don't agree with this. I prefer Asia... the Yellow River Basin in Asia. Please forgive me for interrupting you like this. Even some scholars in our country don't think so, but I insist on my opinion. Maybe it is Because I believe in the inheritance of our Taoism, of course...Don't argue with me, I'm just expounding my views and don't intend to form an academic report, so... you can choose to believe it or not to believe it!" Zhen Fan Seeing Christina wanted to argue with herself, she immediately shook her head to stop her.

"Well, I can forgive this kind of people who started fabricating the history of human civilization without evidence, but... can we put aside this argument and start our current work?" Christina felt that arguing with Zhen Fan about this has no practical meaning , So the topic changed.

"Of course, of course there is work!" Zhen Fan hurriedly nodded, "You can talk to Melissa for the latest work arrangements. I don't know much about writing work, but my main job now is to make movies. . Everything else is secondary."

"Well, this is our main job, I remember it!" Christina took out an ipad from behind her as if conjure, and began to make notes on it. This is specially prepared by Melissa for Zhen Fan's assistant. Now that Christina is Zhen Fan's assistant, she is naturally the one to use it.

"And... tomorrow I will have two arrangements. One is that I will pick up a friend named Bingbing on time in the morning and take her to my villa. The other is to take a Japanese actor called From Hashimoto Garden, I went to Bit’s studio, but the time overlapped. You can adjust it for me. I will see Hashimoto Garden in the afternoon. Remember to call me and I will give you her phone number." Said to her.

"Okay, change the the Mr. Bit Johnson..." Christina recorded these on the iPad, and then smiled, "Is this a problem because there is no assistant?"

"Yes, you are right, so you are standing here. So...all the faults, you will help me make up for it, right?" Zhen Fan looked at Christina and smiled, "Oh, and... …Because your working hours may be twenty-four hours, you now have two choices about where you live. One is that you can live in Los Angeles, but it’s better to stay closer to my home, because I might I will call you anytime."

"This is really a bit difficult. If you work here, I can guarantee that I will arrive at the office early every day, but... I heard from Ms. Brock, you won't work here at all, but your office is There are several, including Temecula’s clinic, Billy Foshanzhuang clinic, Temecula’s winery, and even here, but you’ve never sat in these offices before... One day's time... I'm sorry, I think it's better for me to speak straight!" Christina shrugged to Zhen Fan.

"As far as I know, if I want to live near your house, I have to rent a house nearby, but... this is Billy Foshan Village. If I can rent here, then... I Don’t worry about the funding of the archaeological team. It’s terrible, it seems I have no choice... Well, I live in your villa, I hope you still have the room for Melissa, I can live in her In my room." Christina smiled, "I can now imagine my future work situation."

"Of course, you can!" Zhen Fan smiled, "You have no choice, so... I will give you a day off. Tomorrow morning, come to my Let's set off together to pick you up. My friend! Of course... there is one more thing to help me fix the other two candidates." Zhen Fan nodded and smiled at her, "This is your first job, don't mess it up!"

It's impossible for Christina to mess up such a simple thing. When Zhen Fan came out, there were only Christina and Linda in the lounge. Jin Xiumin has left, but from the faces of the two women, it can be seen that they don't like that woman.

"Uh...Mr. Zhen, I can be with Christina now. You said there is a half-day vacation, so I decided to use this half-day to deal with my personal affairs. Then I will be with Christina, Tomorrow morning, go to your villa." Linda said to him when she saw Zhen Fan coming.

"No problem, you can handle it by yourself today. Goodbye, I hope you will be early tomorrow!" Zhen Fan said, and stopped staying with them, but went to talk to Melissa.

"It's off work now. I really don't want to get off work early like this, but...I don't want to fight against those **** in the union. Let's go, let's go together!" Melissa said, she went out with Zhen Fan. The two are going to Zhen Fan's villa together. The personal belongings that Melissa put in the room had to be dealt with. By the way, take a look at Xiaopeng and the friends there. (To be continued...)

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