The American Scripture

Chapter 920: Really won

"Hey, look what I brought you? Cookies, I made them by myself. They are very delicious. I wanted to bring you here. Maria, this is yours, and this one is Clay My child!" As soon as she entered the door, Melissa gave the two children a box of biscuits, and then the children rushed out to use their own biscuits.

"Hey, Melissa, the number of times you come here is the same as the number of times I have menstruation." The first person to greet Melissa was Susan. She just came out of the villa and was on the lawn, ready to go to the garage. Drive back in your own car. She came to clean this afternoon, just in time Zhen Fan came back, she was leaving.

"Well, if you still have that thing, I'm indeed like yours, I do come a lot less often! But... I still like it here as always!" Melissa smiled slightly. Just kidding, "Take me to say hello to your daughters, Susan!"

"Yes, I will!" Susan said with a smile, and then drove her car away.

"I like her!" Melissa watched the car leave, turned her head and said to Zhen Fan, and then entered the hall. There were a few women sitting in the hall, all Melissa knew. Christine was chatting with Helena there, and Mia was still busy in the kitchen. This was almost a fixed thing for her. No one would rob her. Even if it was robbed, it would not be as delicious as she did. Zoe was watching TV. While biting an apple, she was talking to Annie and Yi Fei sitting next to the stroller.

"I think these are almost done, and finally our equipment...Hey, Melissa, I'm just about to talk about you!" When Zoe turned his head. Seeing Melissa coming in, she stood up with a smile, and gave Melissa a light hug, "I'm talking about the research room with Annie. It seems that our equipment is coming in..."

"I know...I have plans for these. But you give me your plan and purchase list, and then...we will send someone to talk together!" Melissa nodded, and then nodded and laughed with Annie , "What did I see... A more confident Annie, has she been in a good mood recently?"

"I always keep a good mood!" Annie smiled, then nodded and sat down. "There is no better compliment than this. I like it, but...there are a few over there. Don't be repeated. I'll just listen here!" She was joking.

"Of course!" Melissa blinked at Annie, then went to greet Christine and Helena. The whole family is very affectionate. After all, they have all been together, day and night, like a family. So there is no sense of strangeness at all. Melissa went to the kitchen to help Mia, and greeted Mia by the way.

"Your secretary is done?" Seeing Zhen Fan, Christine looked at him with a smile, "I also feel that your situation is a bit messy these days. But... Fortunately, you have to focus on shooting now. It’s your own movie. By the way... honey, when will you go to the clinic? We now have a lot of trained nurses and doctors. They want to see you, you have a high status in their hearts, Bimia Still high!"

"I have time. I will definitely go back, but not now!" Zhen Fan shrugged helplessly, "I have to be busy making a movie now, by the way... Hey, Zoe, adjust the TV channel. I bought it. Lottery ticket, I plan to redeem it!" Zhen Fan counted with a smile. Take out a lottery ticket from his pocket.

"Oh, my God. When did you believe this?" Christine couldn't help but patted his head, shaking his head and looking at Zhen Fan, "Well, I hope there is a surprise today. If we win a thousand dollars, we will be together Go to a movie!"

"I bet, there is nothing!" Helena smiled and took the lottery ticket from Zhen Fan's hand, and then walked to the TV. It was also time for the lottery to draw. This is the time for the lottery company to buy out the air, "Who wants to bet, ten dollars, I bet nothing."

"I bet, a thousand dollars, this is the highest award!" Kristen was a face to Zhen Fan.

"Can I bet? I bet you can plant a huge prize, a special prize!" At this time, Mia walked out of the restaurant. She put down the dishes in her hand, wiped her hands, walked into the hall, and took a look. Kristen smiled, "Don't you know him? If you can't win the prize, he will never buy this one."

"Well, I agree with you, but I don't agree with your result!" Zoe glanced at Mia with a grin, "Ten dollars, I have nothing to bet! Yifei, why not take a gamble?"

"I...well, count me, but I bet I can win the big prize, I agree with Mia!" Yi Fei smiled and looked at Zhen Fan, then smiled at Mia, "I believe your judgment, I think so!"

"Okay, okay, we now have three opinions, which is great!" Christine laughed. She liked the harmonious atmosphere. "Now it's draw time, everyone pays attention!"

Even Melissa came out of the kitchen. Zhen Fan ignored their gossip feelings and walked into the yard by herself, and then went to play with the two children. Although the women are now in harmony with each other, they can't find a common topic with them. If it is a private conversation, they will have to talk about it when they are alone together. This can be regarded as self-inflicted!

"Wow----" Suddenly there was a huge cheer from the hall, and then a group of women rushed out of the hall, and then came over in the spirit of Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was playing with two little guys. , Seeing Christine running in the front, couldn't help but stand up. The two children didn't know why, but they couldn't help but smirk happily when they saw the adults. He slapped his hands and pulled Zhen Fan's skirt.

"Dad-why... was the little monster I drew yesterday was discovered by them..."

"Perhaps, I can't think of it, except that they were so excited when they discovered the little monster, I really can't think of anything else that makes them so crazy!" Zhen Fan squeezed Maria's face carefully.

"Oh, my god, it's true..." Christine hugged Zhen Fan, then held his face, kissed his cheek vigorously, and laughed, "I really didn't expect that we won the prize. Yes, we lost to Mia and Yifei for ten dollars each, haha... God, this is the best time I have ever lost! I'm so happy, oh my god, kill me, I feel my own Not enough brains! Three hundred and sixty million dollars!"

Christine talked and held Zhen Fan's face and kissed hard. This time the kiss was very powerful, and Maria was very envied. She raised her face and said eagerly to Christine: "I want too!

"Of course, sweetheart, why not give it to you?" Christine laughed, then hugged Maria and kissed her hard.

"Have you discovered the monster of my painting?" This little girl is really obsessed, not only obsessed with painting monsters, but also obsessed with asking a result.

"Of course, of course, it has always been a big monster!" Christine put down Maria, then kissed Zhen Fan on the forehead and raised the lottery ticket. "My dear, how are you going to spend this money?"

"You can buy better instruments and equipment." Zoe said loudly at this time, "We can build a better laboratory. Can I divide the money?"

", this is too funny, it should be invested in the construction of the hospital." Christine immediately objected, "Now training manpower and preparing for the construction of the hospital is the time when money is most needed."

"Don't talk about it, I believe Zhen Fan must have an arrangement. Since he bought this lottery ticket, he will definitely have his own arrangement!" At this moment, Mia suddenly said, and everyone looked at Zhen together. Fan, "Go ahead, Zhen, what do you plan to do with this wealth? This windfall!"

"Okay, okay, this **** money, I do have plans, because...this lottery ticket was bought by Miss Fei Bingbing and I. At that time, I told her that if this lottery ticket can win Big prize, then... I will use this money to invest her in the best director and best actor to make her the film she wants to make the most. Of course... Yi Fei will also join in this filming Come in!" Zhen Fan opened his hands to the women, "That's how it is, don't make the idea of ​​this **** money, this matter has been decided, I don't want to go back!"

"Well, this matter is decided like this, I support you!" The first person who raised her hand in agreement was Christine, and she agreed very simply, "Well, ladies, now it is to show our heart and tolerance. It's time, sometimes... we are not worse than men, we are also generous... just... this kind of generosity is enough to do this once, and again, I don't know if I will breathe ~He had a heart attack!"

"Haha, I knew it was like this..." Zoe also laughed, then patted Christine on the shoulder, "You do better than me, Christine... well, I agree, since it's already Don’t break this promise if you decide something, but... Zhen, can you buy another one tomorrow?"

"I will try my best!" Zhen Fan also said jokingly. He knew that Zoe was just joking, so he agreed casually, "If you win the prize every time, ladies, go home and stay. What does it mean to run around in the clinic or for the research room? Let's travel around the world!"

"When our business is on the right track, we will go." Kristin suddenly made a big determination, "Zhen, we will travel around the world together, in the true sense of the world, we will drive our own yacht. Arrived. Every corner of the world, this is my wish!"

"Of course, I remembered!" Zhen Fan smiled happily, "Let's go have a drink together, for our global trip together, a toast!" (to be continued) r655

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