The American Scripture

Chapter 931: Old Jack's Disease

Faced with Zhen Fan’s persistence, Rachel did not persist, turned off the light, closed the door, and then shook her head to Zhen Fan: "Let’s go, this time something may happen, I don’t know what it is. Things, but there is always a bad premonition. Not only your ranch, but also the ranch of the two families also have problems. This situation has occurred in both the Nick Pateway family and the David Pullman family. It seems... …From the rumors, they said it was a virus. Animal quarantine experts also came. They took the dead cattle and sheep. God knows what happened."


"Nick Patwi? The old man who is far away from your house, who likes to beat his wife when he gets drunk?" Zhen Fan asked, "I know David, when I was fighting against those bad guys, He gave me a pistol. It's Colt's revolver. He must remember me."


"Of course, everyone knows you, you are our savior!" Rachel rolled her eyes at Zhen Fan, and the two walked side by side. The road in the town was paved with tiny stones, but it was very It is flat and the street lights are relatively dark, but the road can be seen clearly. There is no monitoring of all sizes in the city, and it feels very comfortable.


"How long will you stay here?" Since Rachel saw Zhen Fan's abnormalities in the villa, after knowing his abilities, his face always appeared before her eyes. She wanted Zhen Fan to stay. Coming down, but... she also knew that this might be a luxury, but she didn't want to follow Zhen Fan and stay in his villa full of women. Although it was very comfortable, there was always a kind of restraint and suffocation in her heart. feel.


"I don't know. You know... I'm starting to make a new movie. I'm an actor. Sometimes I remember my profession... well. It's full of amateur professions, so... This movie is also my second movie. In so many years, God... I have been in the United States for several years..." Zhen Fan smiled pretentiously at Rachel. He didn't want the atmosphere Look very solemn.


"Yeah, you have been in the United States for several years, and it has been a long time since you left here. More than a year? More than two years? Time always slips away so quickly, just like the ball I used to play in the yard . One day it rolled into the grass and I couldn’t find it, but after another year, when the lawn was mowed. It appeared again, and then I would sigh, hey, my partner, you are hiding here, you I've been here all the time, but I can't find you..." Rachel said with a smile, "Do you understand what I said?" He raised his eyes and looked at Zhen Fan.


"I know, although time has passed. But I am still me, you or you, we are all here. Between each other!" Zhen Fan smiled, "I are here, so I am back, we It’s always a friend, isn’t it?" He said and blinked at Rachel.


  Rachel shrugged and said nothing. Instead, he walked a few steps and moved a little away from Zhen Fan. The two walked one after the other to the old Jack’s yard. Rachel skillfully took out the door key from under a pot of flowers at the door, then opened the door and said to Zhen Fan, "Come in. , If you don’t go to the villa tonight... your room is still there, it’s clean!"


  Rachel refers to the room where Zhen Fan once lived in Jack's house. Zhen Fan felt warm in his heart. Old Jack still kept his room, couldn't help but laugh, and blinked at Rachel.


"Don't do this to me, it's not what I want to keep. I originally wanted to use it as a utility room, but old Jack said, we have enough utility rooms, and... he believes this room is still in use. He's always so stubborn. It's useless to persuade him!" Rachel didn't buy his account, snorted, then went to the wine cabinet in the living room and took out a glass and poured a glass of wine. Pass it to Zhen Fan.


"Isn't it useful now? So... stubborn people always have foresight," Zhen Fan took over Rachel's wine, took a sip, and put it on the table. "Let’s go see Old Jack. , Let me see what my old friend has become now? Will old Jack get sick too?” He said that he walked towards old Jack’s room.


   "I advise you to wait..." Suddenly Rachel said, she hesitated, but she still stood firmly in front of Zhen Fan, "His condition is a bit special, we still need to wait!"


"Waiting? Why wait?" Zhen Fan frowned, and then looked at Rachel. He suddenly understood something, "Is it because of the dead cattle and sheep in the town?" Old Jack was very enthusiastic. He must have participated in the investigation when the cattle and sheep died.


"I don't know, but... I can only do this for these two days. He has no problem. He just has a fever. I will give him something to eat and drink. I try to persuade him to come out. But he just doesn't. Ken, said he would wait until the results of the quarantine came out!" Rachel's expression became very painful and helpless.


When Zhen Fan was about to talk, he suddenly heard the voice of Old Jack coming from the room, a little weak, but still yelling loudly: "I heard it, haha, whose voice did I hear? Zhen, when did you Here? With Rachel? Did you bring me wine?"


   "Haha, Jack, it's me, but I didn't bring you wine this time. You have to save your life to drink my wine!" Zhen Fan said, opened the door and went in. Rachel said "Ah--" and wanted to stop it, but it was too late and Zhen Fan had already walked in.


"Oh, God, it's really nice to see you, shouldn't be in such a situation!" Old Jack watched Zhen Fan push the door and walked straight towards the bed. He couldn't help it. Laugh, but a laugh makes him gasp in pain. A person who was originally a burly, now has lost weight, and his face flushed with fever. But seeing Zhen Fan coming in, he was still very happy, but worried.


"You shouldn't just come in like this, I don't know if this is a **** infectious disease!" Old Jack shook his head and looked at Zhen Fan, "I always nosy, but I always can't bear to see the town. The people here have suffered a loss. It's really miserable for me to be like this!" He said it was miserable, but he smiled haha, there was no gloomy look, but he was very happy.


"Okay, old friend, I'll help you see, I'm a doctor... Don't hide from my hand, or I will press your whole person with my hand, man, I know you want to avoid me, but You can’t avoid it. I’m a doctor. I have a way to deal with these things. Those quarantine personnel are all bastards, so they can’t take measures to deal with them earlier?” Zhen Fan held down Old Jack and wanted to retract. Hand, said with a smile, "Trust me, Jack, I am the best doctor. If I can't do anything, one can do it!"


"Dad, let Zhen have a try. Now that he has come in, why not try it?" Rachel, who was standing behind Zhen Fan at this time, also said to him, "I believe him, it has always been, I know He, I know him. If I choose, I will let him try. You are sure, right? Zhen, you say you are sure!"


"I'm sure, don't worry. Get out and wait for us outside!" Zhen Fan lightly patted Rachel on the cheek, then smiled, and walked her out, then closed the door, his hand A box of silver needles has been added out of thin air. Walked in front of Old Jack and put his fingers on his pulse.


   Old Jack looked at Zhen Fan, and to be honest, he was also a little worried. He didn't want to lie here all the time, besides, now that Zhen Fan was involved, if it was a severe infectious disease, it would only kill another person. So he expects that he is not that kind of infectious disease, just a common cold and fever.


"The situation is not so good, buddy, you are infected with a virus, mine strengthens your resistance, and... strengthens your body functions, allowing your body to produce more white blood cells to fight the infected bacteria. This is The most basic thing, but to think about it faster, I have to prescribe a Chinese medicine for you!" As Zhen Fan said, he removed his finger from Old Jack's pulse, and then began to give him a needle.


  Rachel is a little fidgeting in the living room. She is not worried about whether she is infected. She wants to know if Zhen can heal her father. If she loses old Jack, she doesn't know what to do. She wanted to push the door, but the door was already closed, so she could only walk around in the living room anxiously.


After more than an hour, the door opened and Zhen Fan walked out from inside. He saw Rachel’s anxious face, so he smiled and walked over and said to her: "Don’t worry, it will be fine. I got up. Tonight, I will go to the nearest city and buy some Chinese medicine. My condition has begun to improve and my fever is going down."


"Thank God!" Rachel drew a cross on his chest and then grasped Zhen Fan's hand, "I know, I know, everything will be fine, come here After that, I have this hunch. It's it an infectious disease?" She looked at Zhen Fan's eyes urgently.


"Yes, it is a contagious disease, and it is very contagious. Later, I will give you a few shots to strengthen your own resistance. For these two days... Fortunately you did not hide in contact with him, old Jack's The approach is right. Sometimes you have to respect his choice." Zhen Fan touched Rachel's face lightly.


   "Thank you!" Rachel lowered her head shyly.


"It's okay, you can go and see Old Jack. If he is cured, this virus will have no effect on him. I will be back before dawn, don't worry, everything will be fine!" Zhen Fan said and filmed. He patted Rachel's face, and then walked out the door, "By the way, I will make an announcement in the town, how many people have a fever? Collect them, and I will treat them during the day!"


As Zhen Fan said, he opened the door and walked out. The night in the town was a bit cold, and the autumn breeze was already up, blowing Zhen Fan’s clothes and the leaves rustling, as if he was conscious. This small town is going through uneasy days. (To be continued)

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