The American Scripture

Chapter 932: Be surrounded




The night in the small town looks a bit unstable, and the shadows of the trees can be seen through the glass. Old Jack is much better. He can sit on the bed and drink the soup that Rachel gave him. He drank so fast that Rachel also felt a kind of relaxation that he had never had before. Smiled and said: "Slow down, no one will fight you."

"I know, but I still can't help it. I swear, this is the most delicious soup I've ever had in my life. If there are a few pieces of bread, that would be great!" Old Jack handed it over with Rachel Wiping his mouth with the towel, he leaned his back against the back of the bed very satisfied and looked at Rachel.

"Have you figured it out?" When Old Jack said this, his brows jumped. He didn't want to ask this question, but now he knows. If he doesn't ask, Rachel may not have one. answer.

"What do you think?" Rachel was taken aback, then reacted, shaking his head and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, I don't know what to say, but...I have already made a decision in my heart, you don't have to persuade me, I Knowing what he should do, this **** bastard, he shouldn't be here, back then!"

"Back then Bruce, now Fan Zhen, haha, forget it, you can't hide your mind from others, I have nothing against it, this is your own idea, I just need to know that if this **** bullied you, I would use it The shotgun blasted his black heart, but...sometimes I think he is really good, but...the real shouldn't be engaged. Maybe I can help you kill the movie actor."

"Okay. Don't talk about it, you should rest for a while, I'll wait for him to come back!" Rachel said and let old Jack lie down. Help him cover the cup and prepare to go to the living room.

"Hey, my little baby, you can go to bed too, maybe when he will come back, I know he is very special, but this time. It takes time, if you don’t rest. Who will help him during the day Also... inform those in the town as soon as possible that if you have a fever, you can come to my house tomorrow. If it is severe, you can come tonight. As long as Zhen comes back, everything will be fine." Old Jack looked at Rachel Said, "After all this, you can go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a very difficult day. Keep going!"

Rachel did. She notified all the people in the town. There were not many people. She spent an hour and then came back by herself. He lay in his clothes and slept for about three or four hours when he woke up. It was already dark, and she found herself in her bed instead of on the sofa last night.

"Zhen—" She got out of bed and went to the living room, yelling, but no one was seen. She rushed into Old Jack's room again, and saw Old Jack sitting on the bed with his eyes closed. His face was very ruddy, his appearance was very good, and his spirits were good. It seemed that he was no longer in danger and everything was back to normal.

"Jack, where is Zhen?" Rachel said, looking at the old Jack on the bed.

"I've been out a long time ago. The people in the town are queuing. I guess they were drinking the Chinese medicine he made. I drank a bowl of it. It was very bitter. But he said it was useful, so I drank it. How?" Old Jack shook his head at Rachel, swaying left and right, looking very energetic.

"Okay, what do you want to eat? I will do it for you, and then...I plan to help him!" Rachel said and looked outside, but did not see Zhen Fan.

"He's on the square in the town. You have to go there. Don't be too busy doing anything for me. He has already prepared breakfast. I have eaten the soup he cooked for me and left you with toast. Get it by yourself, in the restaurant." Old Jack said, pulling the quilt over his chest, and said to Rachel: "Okay, I'm going to bed, you can help him when you finish eating, right? …Your medicine, the medicine that Zhen Fan boiled for you is already in the incubator, you can drink it yourself, don’t suffer this torture like me for no reason!” As he lay on the bed, Stop talking.

Rachel made sure that he was all right, so he walked to the restaurant with confidence, took out the medicine from the thermostat, and drank it. It was really bitter, but she didn't feel bad at all, the bitterness lingered on the tongue instead. Then, there is a feeling of getting sweeter and sweeter. After eating another piece of bread, he hurriedly walked towards the square.

Zhen Fan was busy on the other side of the square alone, everyone got a cup of Chinese medicine, and then some people with fever were carried over by their families, placed on the side of the square, and gathered.

"I'll help you!" A voice came from behind Zhen Fan. You don't need to guess that it is Rachel. Zhen Fan turned his head and smiled, "Are you here? Did you sleep well? Looks good!"

"I'll give you medicine. Go and treat those patients!" Rachel smiled at Zhen Fan, "I can help. I can do this. They are the ones who need treatment urgently!" When he said that, he pointed to the seven unlucky guys lying on the other side of the square, they seemed to be a little bit wrong.

"Well, you post it, remember, no one can only have a cup, this kind of cup, no more, no less!" Zhen Fan told Rachel, and then he was going to give those feverish people there Cure. At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the distance and said loudly: "Someone is here, there is a brigade!"

"Oh, oh, someone is going to intervene!" When Zhen Fan pierced a patient's body with a silver needle, she stood up and looked at the team that looked a bit murderous. It was not an ordinary team, but Military vehicles and police vehicles lead the way. Obviously this will become a place of martial law.

The arrival of the motorcade caused a commotion in the town. Obviously they felt threatened, because these people didn't look very kind.

"Zhen, we are in trouble!" Anthony Hughes walked to Zhen Fan's side. He had just notified the residents of these small towns one by one to come here to collect medicine. The people in the small town trust Zhen Fan very much. As soon as they heard about it, they rushed over. Everyone had a cup of Chinese medicine, although it was difficult to drink, but when Zhen Fan said it was preventive, they didn’t hesitate to drink it. Up.

After distributing the Chinese medicine, the feared residents calmed down a bit, but unexpectedly, such a situation suddenly appeared, causing them to commotion. Some people began to curse, picking up stones and preparing to throw them at the military vehicles. But it was stopped by Rachel.

"What should we do?" At this time, the first thing Rachel thought of was Zhen Fan. The town has gone through several crises, and every time a crisis occurs, Zhen Fan is here to resolve it for everyone, whether it is those who conspired to take the town, or the tornado, or the threat of the current virus. Zhen always gives people confidence, and they can't help but look towards Zhen Fan.

"Let me come, after all, I am a public figure, they will treat me very politely!" As Zhen Fan said, he pulled out the silver needle from the patient and walked towards the entrance of the town calmly. Everyone was surrounded by him, following him.

Soon the convoy saw that the entrance to the town was blocked. A group of soldiers in chemical protective suits jumped out of the car. The leader was a lieutenant colonel. He saw Zhen Fan and the townspeople at the intersection of the town and turned towards Walked over, and then looked at Zhen Fan and frowned: "Are you a resident of this small town?"

"After all, I should be. I bought a house and a ranch here." Zhen Fan nodded at him, and then said, "I want to figure out what is going on? Why is this place surrounded? Get up?” Because while talking, some soldiers began to set up roadblocks at the intersection of the town, and soon the same equipment was set up all around the town. A team of medical personnel wearing white protective clothing came over, standing behind the lieutenant colonel, ready to enter the town at any time.

"I know you, Zhen, you are a celebrity, but now you are quarantined here, no one can go out, you are no exception!" The lieutenant colonel said coldly to Zhen Fan, "We are performing official duties, I believe you already know Now, there has been a very contagious virus here. It is an unknown virus. So... until we confirm safety, you all have to stay here and you can’t go anywhere!"

"Okay, okay, I see, why don't you let your medical staff in? See what kind of help they need!" Zhen Fan said and gave way, and the townspeople also gave way. , Let the medical staff in white protective clothing come in. When a medical staff from the back left came in, he saw Zhen Fan.

"Hey, Dr. Zhen, it's you, my God, why are you here?" That person seems to know Zhen Fan, but he is wearing a headgear, and Zhen Fan hasn't recognized who this person is for a while.

"The car accident on the 95th Highway to I am the doctor-Alan Frankl, do you remember?" The man saw Zhen Fan a little confused Looks like he quickly grabbed his shoulder and said loudly, "We have treated the wounded there together!"

It turned out that it was him. Zhen Fan remembered it and couldn't help but nodded and laughed: "I didn't expect you to come here, aren't you a surgeon? How come here?" Zhen Fan smiled and shook hands with him. It's just that Allen is wearing protective clothing and has no real contact.

"Surgery is just a part of me. My main focus is on infectious diseases. I graduated from Hopkins University. I am now engaged in this work. God, why are you here?" Alan Frankle seemed to I was a little surprised that Zhen Fan appeared here, "Are you infected?"

"No, no, I am treating them. This is a very rare infectious disease. It is indeed very contagious. I am using some therapies in Chinese medicine. Some of them have worked and they have also been prevented. You It can be used as a reference. There are seven patients over there who have already started fever!" Zhen Fan pointed to the square, "Let’s talk over there. They may not be able to wait. This disease may occur in four or five days at the earliest. Kills."

Alan Frankl was taken aback, and while walking, he looked at Zhen Fan and said, "Have you already done research on the virus?" Obviously, Zhen Fan's knowledge is the same as theirs. (To be continued)








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