The American Scripture

Chapter 933: confrontation

A steady stream of military vehicles drove over and quickly pulled the cordon. At this time, there was no news interview vehicle. It is estimated that people in the media would not know, but it is estimated that people from the news media will come over in a day and a half. It’s impossible not to disturb those media people with a more sensitive sense of smell. -∝, ..

The entrance to the town is blocked, only entry is allowed, and those **** have even set up checkpoints on the periphery of the town. The scope is expanding. Not only this town, but nearby towns also have troops stationed, but they don’t. It is serious here, but all the pastures are closed, and large vehicles come in to prepare to seal all the farmers’ agricultural and animal husbandry products, and then sell them, immediately trace the source.

The huge military tents outside the town have been set up, and some people in white protective clothing are going in and out of some tents. Someone started spraying some medicine with a sterilizer. Zhen Fan accompanied Alan Frank to the town square. The residents of the town have been controlled by soldiers with weapons. Some medical staff are checking their bodies, and some are doing They draw blood.

Those who were having a fever were quickly gathered together, and medical staff were diagnosing them. The square is full of various instruments. It is estimated that the temporary medical room has not been set up yet, so a simple inspection will be carried out here. The residents were a little dissatisfied, some were cursing loudly, and some raised their middle fingers at the soldiers.

"Stop it, **** it! What's the matter?" Suddenly a voice appeared above the square like a thunder, and everyone couldn't help but look over there, only to see a burly old man. Holding a shotgun in his hand, the muzzle was facing the sky. Shout loudly to them.

"Let down, put down the weapon! Damn it. Put down the **** gun!" The soldiers who were in charge of the guard in the square reacted immediately, raising their guns at the man and shouting loudly.

"Dad—" Rachel in the square immediately rushed towards the soldiers, then stopped in front of the soldiers and shouted loudly, "He is my father, he has no malice, let you go He’s a resident here. Dad. Put the gun down!" Rachel said this to his father Jack.

Old Jack hesitated, put the gun down, but did not throw it on the ground, still holding it in his hand. He had just recovered a lot from his illness, but his footsteps were a little vain and unstable. But the soldiers quit. He still had a gun in his hand. One of the lieutenants shouted at the old Jack: "Damn it. Put down your gun or blow your head. Hurry up, right now! "Speaking of his rifle, he aimed directly at Old Jack.

"Put down the gun. Otherwise, you will die!" Old Jack was not to be outdone. When the lieutenant raised the gun, his shotgun was pointed at the lieutenant's head. "No one ever told me to put down my gun. The enemy can't. You can't, boy. When I was fighting in Vietnam, you were still eating shit!"

The two gangs stared at each other, and Rachel's anxious tears came out. At exactly this time, Zhen Fan and Alan Frankl came over from the intersection of the town. Seeing this scene, Zhen Fan immediately rushed over and shouted at the lieutenant: "Damn, how can you Point the gun at a respected local old man? Are you crazy?"

"No, we are just executing the military order!" The lieutenant glanced at Zhen Fan coldly, "I know you, you are a celebrity, but now there is no difference between a celebrity and an ordinary person, you better be honest!" He said As soon as he fell, he suddenly felt that his gun was in Zhen Fan's hand, and he strangled the lieutenant's throat. The lieutenant was unable to resist and struggled weakly.

"Listen, Lieutenant, I don't care what **** orders are. Now you are aiming your guns at ordinary American people. They were supposed to be the objects of your protection, but now you are aiming your guns at them. What do you want to do? Do you want to show your bravery? Or show the authority of your lieutenant? Lieutenant, I can tell you that I can make you go around without eating. You can either order these **** to put down their guns or let me squeeze them to death. After you, I will let them put down their guns, put down the guns aimed at these ordinary people, you bastard." Zhen Fan was not so polite.

"No, I'm carrying out the order." Although the lieutenant's tone was still a bit tough, his attitude was loosened, but in front of the soldiers, he felt a little faceless, so he would not give orders lightly.

"Who, who is arguing here? You are-Zhen?" Suddenly a jeep drove from the entrance of the town, and then stopped here. A man with the rank of major general jumped out of the car and walked towards this side. Coming over, I saw the scene here and yelled loudly. When I saw Zhen, I was suddenly taken aback.

"Zhen, how could it be you?" The major general saw Zhen Fan and called out his name directly. Yes, this major general knew Zhen Fan and General Feng Kasai who had also dealt with Zhen Fan several times. So when he saw Zhen Fan, he was obviously taken aback, and then he understood.

The Ministry of National Defense has relatively complete information on Zhen Fan. When the 51st District was involved last time, the results of Zhen Fancha have been revealed. Now that Zhen Fan is here, it is not surprising, because Zhen Fan is here. I bought a ranch here. So he randomly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Zhen Fan.

General von Kasser was wearing a mask and protective clothing. Zhen Fan recognized him at a glance, then let go of the lieutenant, frowned and said to General von Kasser: "Your soldiers are not against the residents here. Too friendly, they were originally threatened by the virus, but now they are still threatened by what you think!" Even so, he shook hands with General von Kaser, "Why are you here?"

"I have been transferred, and now I am responsible for dealing with sudden crises. I can't go back!" Von Kaser seemed to be sighing, but he saw that Zhen Fan did not have any protective measures, so he too The mask was lifted. When the person next to him tried to dissuade him, he waved his hand.

"How are you doing now?" These words were asking Zhen Fan, von Kaser knew Zhen Fan's abilities, so he didn't need to be so cowardly in front of Zhen Fan. Because of the previous things, he was not very satisfied with his performance. The attack on the 51st District was his responsibility, and the failure of the X-47 project seemed to have something to do with him. Perhaps this was the reason why he was transferred.

"Release this lieutenant, this is my problem!" Feng Kasai said to Zhen Fan, "I will stay with you until the crisis is resolved!"

Zhen Fan saw that General von Casser still had some responsibility, so he let go of the lieutenant. The lieutenant covered his neck and panted quickly, but he did not dare to take off the mask like von Casser, and preferred to pull it in the mask. Panting like a bellows: "General...they..."

"Enough, let your people be in the outer realm. You don't need you here. You only need medical staff. Go and do what you should do. Right away—" General von Kaser shouted at the lieutenant. With.

The lieutenant dared not make a sound immediately, and led the soldiers to evacuate from the square quickly, and then there was warm cheers and applause from the crowd, and some people were whistling. Old Jack also came over and shook hands with Zhen Fan and smiled: "I haven't thanked you for your life-saving. I have to say that your medical treatment can solve this crisis. General, my suggestion is to take your people Withdraw all, Zhen is already able to deal with this situation!"

"You are—" General von Casser looked at old Jack and said hesitantly.

"I used to be a navy, served fifteen years and participated in many operations!" Old Jack said, spreading his hands. "Because I beat a colonel, I was deprived of my military status. I should have been a major, but Now that a lieutenant is pointing a gun at it, this world is really crazy!"

"Sorry, sorry, this is my problem!" General von Kasser gave him a military salute, "I will handle things here, you can keep your weapons, I know you want to defend the people here, we The purpose is the same...I want to take off this **** thing!"

General von Kasser tore his own protective clothing while saying to Zhen Fan: "Let’s talk about it, how do you plan to deal with things here? I know you have a way, say it, the people here also trust you. , We will deal with it better and easier! This is a very good thing for here...I can’t help myself!” He was referring to here The current situation.

"Yeah, if we can't control it, we will probably get stuck here!" Old Jack looked at Zhen Fan and said expectantly, "If you can cure me, you will definitely be able to cure the people here. , The people here are all your friends, the Anthony family, and the Wills and their children you invited...the alcoholics..."

Seeing old Jack’s finger pointing over, Anthony and Will both waved to Zhen Fan and expressed their kindness. They wanted to come over, but looked at the medical staff and General von Kaser, hesitated. After thinking about it, I didn't come over, but continued to stay with the residents of the town.

"I have thought of a way. I am doing prevention, but it can only be prevention. I don't even understand those viruses. I am just temporarily strengthening everyone's own immunity so that they will not be infected. I also use acupuncture. Kill those viruses, because in acupuncture, there is a special method that can directly kill the viruses you want to kill, so... I can’t make a vaccine for you, I can only make people heal and produce antibodies . What you have to do is to use these antibodies to research vaccines!" Zhen Fan looked at General von Kasser, "I can only do this step." (To be continued...)

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